Chalmers Newspaper Columns



F. R. Curtis of Bay City spent last Thursday and Friday here looking after his farm.

A fine set of lock boxes have been placed in the postoffice at this place.

Mrs. Horace fell has been quite ill for several days with bronchitis. Dr. Bat Smith of Bay City was called last Friday.

Sam Watkins was attending court last week at the county seat.

W. M. Brown, H. H. Fell and Mr. Harper were Bay City callers Thursday between trains.

Mr. King of Bay City who has rented one of C. T. Dye's farms was here the past week getting things in shape for spring work.

C. T. Dye and Mr. Halladay of Bay City were calling in our neighborhood Sunday, making the trip in the former's car.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Winger, Dr. Davis and Alvin Williams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fell Sunday afternoon.

Dr. Simons and family of Bay City called at the Kennedy home Sunday.

Mrs. Kennedy is on the sick list again.

Mrs. James Davis is numbered among the sick; Dr. Simons was called in Sunday to see her.

Our school opened Monday with 13 pupils. Miss Carrie May Stevens of Teague, Texas has been employed as teacher.

C. T. Dye of Bay City has had Mr. Halladay and his assistants out here this week surveying his land.

Mrs. W. H. Vaughn of Bay City was calling on Mrs. Sam Kennedy Tuesday afternoon.

The men folks of our neighborhood attended the good roads meeting at Bay City Monday. It is certainly a good thing. Push it along!

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 17, 1912


John A. Marshall returned from Houston Sunday.

Mrs. Sam Kennedy spent Monday of this week with Mrs. Davis.

The Fell, Hale & Laxton Threshing Company will commence threshing for S. R. Kennedy Wednesday. The heavy rain delayed the work for several days.

Mr. Warren Baker began threshing Tuesday afternoon.

Frank Hart and son, Paul, put in a...[paper damaged]

Dr. and Mrs. Simons were calling on the Kennedys Tuesday afternoon, and on their return home Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy accompanied them to Bay City.

Mrs. H. H. Fell has been confined to her bed since Monday, but is better at this writing.

Mr. Cookenboo and son were doing business with W. M. Brown Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 25, 1912


Dr. and Mrs. Simons, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Magill, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Saturday evening making the trip in the former's car.

Mr. M. Coulhurst was calling on his niece, Miss Lila Curtis, Saturday afternoon at the home of H. H. Fell.

W. M. Brown was in Bay City on business Monday morning.

Mrs. Geo. Bowers was called to Blessing to see her sister, who was going to Houston to the hospital.

The Fell-Hale threshing rig began threshing S. R. Kennedy's crop Monday morning.

Mrs. M. Boney and Mrs. Martin are calling on Mrs. W. M. Brown Monday afternoon.

Miss Lila Curtis was shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Supplies for the new postoffice have arrived. The office is to be conducted in W. M. Brown's grocery store.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 11, 1912


Mr. and Mrs. V. Harper and family of Bay City were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Davis Sunday evening.

Mrs. W. H. Vaughn and baby spent Friday and Saturday of last week with Mrs. Sam Kennedy. Mr. Vaughn being absent from home for a short time.

Donald Rimmer of Sweeny, Texas, was visiting with Brown Fells from Friday until Sunday.

Mr. Martin and family have moved from the Boney farm to a farm two miles north of Lane City.

Catherine Linn of Bay City spent Sunday with Marie Kennedy.

Mrs. Davis and daughter, Frances, spent Tuesday in Bay City with Mrs. Baker.

The Jap rice threshing is about a thing of the past. Just a small acreage remains unthreshed.

Judge Holman and guest, Col. A. W. Kaulbach, of New York City, visited the Fell, Hale & Lexton threshing outfit Monday evening. Mr. Kaulbach is greatly impressed with the rice industry. We certainly hope he will see his way clear to remain with us in Matagorda County.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 1, 1912


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy were Bay City callers Saturday.

Mrs. Marshal Boney is visiting for a short time at Wharton and Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. C. T. Dye and family from LaFayette passed through here Monday on their way to Bay City to spend the winter.

Miss Lila Curtis was in Bay City Friday looking after the interests of the new school building.

The Santa Fe Railway Company officials were here Tuesday looking for a boarding place for the men who are to build the new station at our place.

Mr. N. Coultburst spent Sunday evening at the home of H. H. Fell.

Dr. Simons and family and Miss Campbell of Bay City spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Kennedy.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 8, 1912


Mrs. Will Hale and family was visiting from Friday until Sunday with Mrs. Laxton, sister of Mrs. Hale.

Mrs. Marshall Boney came home Saturday from Wharton.

P. G. Secrest and Alvin Williams spent Sunday afternoon with H. H. Fell.

The lumber and cement blocks are on the ground ready for the new depot and freight house.

Miss Lila Curtis spent Friday and Saturday in Bay City calling on friends and shopping.

Mr. Warren Baker finished threshing Tuesday evening.

The Fell, Hale & Laxton Threshing Company will finish threshing for George Bowers Wednesday and that will end all their work for this year.

Miss Lois Griggs of El Campo, Texas, visited from Friday evening until Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Kennedy.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 15, 1912


Mr. F. R. Curtis and wife of Bluffton, Indiana, arrived here last Friday. They are visiting Mr. N. Coulthurst, brother of Mrs. Curtis.

Marshall Boney and family went to Houston last Friday evening to attend the carnival.

Mrs. James Davis spent last Thursday in Bay City visiting and shopping.

Mr. C. Laxton and family spent Saturday and Sunday with Will Hale and family.

A new baby boy came last Wednesday to make its home with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watkins. Mother and baby are getting along nicely.

W. M. Brown and wife are moving into their new house this week.

Hugh Bowers spent last week in Houston attending the carnival.

Hill Station is moving to Blessing this week. He farmed the past year for Hugh Bowers.

Mr. S. Randolph, one of the bridge carpenters for the Santa Fe railroad, had his left leg broken Wednesday morning. He with other working men was just starting to work on the hand car. Some cattle were on the track. Mr. Rudolph jumped off the car before it stopped and missed his footing and fell, the car running over him. The foreman carried him to Bay City for medical aid at once. Erwin Richardson also jumped at the same time spraining his ankle badly which will keep him from work for a few days.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 22, 1912


Mrs. W. M. Brown and Mrs. J. Davis was calling on Mrs. Sam Watkins last Thursday evening.

Donel Rimmers and Levi Hawkins of Sweeny, Texas, visited with Brown & Fell Friday and Saturday of last week.

W. O. Boney has rented his farm to Mr. Filmore Harper.

Fall plowing is now the order of the day in this section.

W. M. Brown is having his grocery store building made larger by adding a ware-room in the rear.

Ruth and Florence Head of Bay City spent Saturday and Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. W. M. Hale.

C. F. Laxton of Bay City was a caller in our city Monday. He is now fully recovered from his severe operation.

Prospects are good for a very large acreage of cotton and corn here this coming year and the rice crop will also be increased.

Marshall Boney has accepted a situation with Armour & Co. and will move to Bay City as soon as he can get a house.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown and H. H. Fell were in Bay City Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy were calling in Bay City Sunday.

It seems that a norther has struck us for Thanksgiving. All we need to make it "real" is some snow.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 29, 1912


Mrs. W. A. Baker of Bay City spent Thanksgiving with Jim Davis and family.

Dr. Simons and family and Miss Campbell of Bay City visited with Sam Kennedy and family Thanksgiving.

C. T. Dye with his family came out from Bay City Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Sunday in their cottage.

Mrs. Horace Fell and Mrs. W. M. Brown spent last Friday in Collegeport, making the trip in their auto.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaines and Mr. and Mrs. Ladd of Bay City were calling Sunday evening at the Kennedy home.

Mrs. Kennedy has been sick for several days, but is better at this writing.

Wm. Hale and Sam Kennedy are having their winter supply of wood sawed by a buzz saw this week.

C. F. Laxton was the guest of Wm. Hale and family Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 6, 1912


Dr. Davis of our vicinity, formerly of Bay City, had the misfortune of breaking his right arm last Saturday cranking his auto.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy were in Bay City Monday.

Master J. C. Davis has been confined to his bed for several days with La Grippe, but is better at this writing and able to sit up part of the time.

W. M. Brown was in Bay City Tuesday on business.

Mr. Dodd of Bay City is baling straw for Will Hale this week.

Mrs. W. M. Brown and Mrs. Fell spent Wednesday in Bay City Xmas shopping.

Work is progressing nicely on our new school building. Frank Hart of Lane City has the contract.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 13, 1912


1913 - 1916


Mr. and Mrs. Fell were Bay City callers Wednesday afternoon.

Mesdames Davis and Brown called on Mrs. J. H. Hardy and Mrs. McGraw Wednesday evening.

Mr. Evan Watkins and Mr. W. M. Hale spent Friday in Bay City .

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown spent Friday in Bay City .

Will Hale was a visitor at the county seat Saturday.

Miss Lovalia Toups of Bay City is visiting with Mrs. Fell.

Mr. Sam Watkins and Mrs. J. H. Davis were Bay City callers Monday.

Miss Tommie Woolsey has accepted the school at this place for the winter.

W. M. Brown was shopping in Bay City Wednesday.

Dr. and Mrs. Davis spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fell.

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 25, 1913  

Transcribed by Pat Nichols


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watkins visited Tuesday and Wednesday in Matagorda.

Mrs. Fell attended the Priscilla Club Wednesday at Mrs. Walter Magill's in Bay City.

Mrs. Will Hale and baby, Lucile, and Mrs. W. M. Brown are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rimmer at Sweeny, Texas.

W. M. Brown transacted business in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis and daughter, Francis, spent Friday in Bay City.

J. W. Delk and son, Jack, were Bay City callers Saturday.

Mr. J. W. Davis spent Saturday and Sunday at Wadsworth, visiting old friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sol Cleveland and daughter, Miss Norma, last week on a trip to Galveston and Houston in their handsome new greyhound car. A grand time was reported.

Chalmers was represented in Bay City Saturday by J. H. Davis, Wm. Hale, J. J. Delk, W. M. Brown and H. H. Fell.

Miss Alta Hale is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Laxton in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Freeman of Bay City spent Sunday at the J. W. Delk home.

Emmett Bonner returned home Sunday after spending several days with friends in and near Bay City.

The reason there were no Chalmers news last week "ye scribe was taking a vacation."

Matagorda County Tribune, August 8, 1913


W. M. Brown spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Will Hale, Sam Watkins and Emmett Bomier were callers at the county seat Thursday.

Mrs. J. H. Davis entertained last Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6 in honor of her daughter, Miss Francis' seventh birthday. Delicious refreshments were served consisting of ice cream, cake, grapes, bananas and candy. There were eighteen present. Little Miss Francis was remembered by quite a few pretty gifts.

Bill Moore of Bay City is spending the week end with Willie Davis.

Marjorie Davis is spending several days with Dorothy Brooks at Bay City.

C. T. Dye of LaFayette, Indiana, arrived here Friday to look after his rice crop.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis and daughter, Francis, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Bay City.

Mr. J. W. Delk spent Tuesday in Bay City.

Mr. George Bowers and family were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

H. H. Fell was a Bay City caller Tuesday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 29, 1913


Messrs. Wells, Harry Jamison, and W. H. Vaughn of Bay City called on C. T. Dye Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Sam Kennedy called on Mrs. Will Hale and Mrs. J. H. Davis Wednesday evening.

For a change, we had quite a rain Thursday.  It was received with scowls and frowns.

Mr. C. T. Dye and Mrs. F. R. Curtis went to Bay City Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Filmore spent Sunday in Bay City .

Messrs. Hugh and George Bowers and Mr. Kennedy spent Friday in Bay City .

Mr. Virgil Harper visited Saturday and Sunday with his family in Bay City .

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill of Palacios came here Sunday.  They are light-housekeeping.  Mr. Hill is going to run the cook shack for the Hale & Laxton threshing machine.

Mr. and Mrs. Filmore spent Sunday in Bay City .

Wm. Hale was a Bay City caller Monday.

Mr. F. R. Curtis of Bluffton , Ind. , left Tuesday for his Indiana home.  He came in the interest of his rice crop, but the weather being so bad, he saw no prospects of threshing.  If it clears up, he will return in a few weeks.

H. H. Fell was a caller at the county seat Tuesday.

W. M. Brown was in Bay City on business Wednesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 3, 1913

Transcribed by Pat Nichols


Mrs. Fell and her mother, Mrs. Brown were shopping in Bay City Monday.

A company composed of Sam Kennedy, H. H. Fell, Wm. Hale and G. A. Moore has constructed a telephone line from Bay City to Chalmers, which places us in touch with the world again.

“Who said rain.”  We have had sunshine at Chalmers since Saturday and it sure is very acceptable.

Messrs. Sam Watkins and J. W. Delk spent Thursday in Bay City .

Mrs. Fell was shopping in Bay City Thursday.

W. M. Brown called at the county seat Friday.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and his father was in Bay City Saturday between trains.

C. T. Dye went to Marlin, Texas , Saturday to the sanitarium for treatment.

Harper Bros. began threshing last Thursday morning.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 10, 1913

Transcribed by Pat Nichols


Mrs. Alvin Williams of Bay City spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Horace Fell.

Our city was invaded with a band of gypsy and fortune tellers Thursday-- some of them being Indians.

Rice buyers are circulating through this part of the country quite extensively the last few days.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and family and Miss Winnie Turner spent Thursday evening in Bay City with friends.

Wm. Hale was a caller at the county seat Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fell attended choir practice at the Methodist Church in Bay City Friday night.

Miss Winnie Turner went to Collegeport Saturday to stay until Monday with homefolks.

Several from this place attended services at the different churches in Bay City Sunday.

Mr. C. T. Dye returned from Marlin Sunday greatly improved in health.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and Mr. Sam Watkins started threshing Monday evening.

Miss Iszoria Toups of Bay City is visiting Mrs. Horace Fell from Monday till the close of the week.


School Report

Teacher – Miss Turner.

The following pupils have been neither absent nor tardy during the first month of school ending October 10:  Ardie Hale, Sexton Watkins, Francis Davis, Altie Hale, Joe Watkins, and Leander Watkins.

Those making a monthly average of 95 or above were:  Ray Bowers, Francis Davis, Leander Watkins, Marie Kennedy, Joe Watkins, Vastine Kennedy, Davis Watkins, Verner Bowers and Willie Davis.

Miss Iszoria Toups visited the school Tuesday afternoon.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 17, 1913


Rev. Jones, the evangelist of the Christian Church at Bay City and his singer, Mr. Martin, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy.

Wm. Brown spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Miss Gertrude O'Brien of Edna, Tex., is visiting Mrs. B. F. Curry.

C. T. Dye was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Miss Winnie Turner and Mrs. Horace Fell were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

J. W. Delk, Sam Watkins, Hugh Bowers, Dick Clements, J. C. Davis, Willis Davis and Arthur Hale spent Saturday in Bay City.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and children, Marie and Vastine, were at the county seat Saturday.

Mr. Hugh Bowers of Blessing spent Sunday with his brother, George.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown spent Sunday in Bay City.

Mr. Mrs. Filmore Harper visited friends at Bay City Sunday.

Messrs. A. B Head and John Head of Bay City and the latter's youngsters spent Sunday afternoon with Wm. Hale and family.

Mrs. Sol Cleveland and daughter, Miss Norma of Bay City spent Monday with Mrs. H. H. Fell.

Mrs. W. M. Hale was shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry and friend, Miss O'Brien spent Tuesday in Bay City.

Mr. J. R. Broyles of Victoria, Texas, is visiting with Wm. Hale and J. W. Delk.

Mr. F. R. Curtis of Bluffton, Ind. arrived here Wednesday afternoon to look after his rice crop.

Miss Winnie Turner went to Collegeport to spend Thanksgiving with homefolks.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 28, 1913


Mr. George Bowers of Blessing spent Wednesday here on business. He reports a fine new baby girl at their home.

Mr. C. T. Dye spent a few days in Bay City this week,

Mr. and Mrs. Lowe of Palacios are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Filmore Harper and family.

Among the voters who attended the election in Bay City Saturday were J. H. Davis, Sam Kennedy, F. Harper, Sam Watkins, W. M. Brown, Will Hale, H. Anderson, J. B. Delk and H. H. Fell.

Miss Winnie Turner visited her sister, Miss May, at Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. Horace Fell spent Saturday in Bay City.

Mrs. Norris and baby of Palacios arrived here Saturday afternoon to visit her sister, Mrs. F. Harper.

Mrs. Will Hale and children spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Anderson.

Mrs. F. Harper and sister, Mrs. Norris, visited friends in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Sam Kennedy spent Monday in Bay City.

Mr. Hugh Bowers of Blessing was here Tuesday looking after the rice he has in the warehouse.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 13, 1914


Mr. G. W. Nave of El Campo is visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry.

C. T. Dye spent Thursday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fell and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee, spent Saturday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown entertained with a dinner party Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of Logansport, Ind. Plates were laid for twelve.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of Logansport, Ind., resumed their trip to California Tuesday, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell.

Mr. J. W. Delk was a caller at the county seat Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Marvin Watkins, who is attending high school at Bay City, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 27, 1914


Sam Kennedy, Filmore Harper, C. T. Dye, F. R. Curtis, Will Hale, H. Anderson and W. M. Brown were Bay City callers Wednesday.

Mrs. M. F. Curry spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Mr. C. T. Dye left Thursday for his home at LaFayette, Ind.

Mrs. J. B. Delk spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Will Hale, who has been very sick for several days.

Mrs. J. H. Davis, Mrs. W. M. Brown and Miss Lila Curtis visited with Mrs. H. Anderson Friday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 13, 1914


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy and son, Vastine, spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown were Bay City visitors Thursday.

H. H. Fell spent Friday at the county seat.

Miss Winnie Turner visited her sister, Miss May, at Bay City Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Sam Kennedy attended W. O. Boney's funeral at Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Filmore Harper and children spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and two children of Bay City and Mrs. Alice Ellingston and little son of El Campo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown.

Judge and Mrs. Holman and two children of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and daughter, Lucile, from McCrosky spent Sunday afternoon with the Brown and Fell families.

Mrs. J. H. Davis visited Sunday at Bay City with Mrs. Fannie Baker.

Mr. W. L. Lankford of Palacios is visiting his son, Cleve, and family.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 27, 1914


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy spent Wednesday afternoon at Bay City.

Filmore Harper was at Bay City Wednesday.

W. M. Brown spent Thursday at the county seat.

Among the shoppers at Bay City Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fell, J. W. Davis, Will Hale, J. B. Delk.

Mrs. J. H. Davis visited Sunday at Bay City with Mrs. Fannie Baker, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Hale entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson and daughter, Coy, and Miss Winnie Turner at dinner Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 3, 1914


Mr. Geo. Nave of El Campo returned home Wednesday, after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry.

Mildred Vaughan, from near Van Vleck, spent the week-end with Marie Kennedy.

Dr. Bat Smith of Bay City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fell Wednesday and Thursday.

Chalmers seems to be very popular of late--the Santa Fe passenger train has been laying over here every day since the high water, and the bridge gang has been stationed here, and as a result quite a number of visitors has certainly helped to keep our city from being lonesome while water-bound.

Mrs. H. Anderson and daughter, Coy, are spending some time, visiting relatives at Lone Oak and Greenville.

Mr[s]. W. L. Lankford of Palacios is spending the week-end with her son, Cleve, and family.

Mr. Sam Kennedy spent Saturday in Bay City going in on the first passenger train, the first in thirteen days.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Delk spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hale.

Durard, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Harper, has been quite sick for the past week, but is improving at this writing.

Dr. Foote of Bay City was called to the Sam Watkins home Friday by the sickness of the little [fellow?].

J. H. Davis spent Monday in Bay City.

Marjorie Davis is visiting Marie Kennedy.

Mabel Kennedy returned Monday from Rice Institute in Houston to spend her summer vacation with homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Lankford and baby went to Palacios Monday to visit Mr. Lankford's parents until after the water goes down at their farm north of here.

Mrs. B. F. Curry was a Bay City shopper Monday.

Miss Letha Delk returned home Monday from Bay City, after a three-weeks sojourn with friends.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 12, 1914


J. E Grace of Bay City delivered a piano to J. H. Davis Thursday.

Sam Watkins and T. Harper spent the 4th at El Campo.

Ardie Hale and Will Davis spent the glorious 4th at Palacios.

A. B. Head and family of Bay City visited Sunday evening with H. Anderson and family.

T. L. Lewis and family were seen on our streets Sunday evening.

Quite a number of autos from Bay City passed through here Sunday. It seemed rather good to see them after so long a delay.

Crops are looking fine in this locality and farmers are to be of good cheer.

Mrs. W. M. Brown was shopping at Bay City Monday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry spent Monday at the county seat.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 17, 1914


Cay Anderson is spending a few days in Bay City, with Thelma Head, Mrs. Geo Nave of El Campo and Mrs. B. F. Curry and children spent the day with Mrs. Wm. Brown. Wm. Delk of Bay City was up on a visit to his brother, J. B. Delk, first of the week. Wm. Hale was a caller at the county seat Thursday.

F. Harper started cutting his rice on Thursday of last week.

Mr. Sam Kennedy was a Bay City visitor Thursday, on business Mr. Kennedy started to cutting his rice Monday.

Mrs. Norris and baby returned to her home in Collegeport after a visit to her sister, Mrs. F. Harper.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown visited friends at Bay City Sunday and Monday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, August 14, 1914


Mabel Kennedy spent the week end  at Bay City with friends.

Lois Griggs of Van Vleck spent Sunday with her auntie, Mrs. Sam Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Urban of Bay City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. Ack Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clark was calling on various friends here Sunday evening.

Alvin Williams and Jim Sisk of Bay City visited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fell Sunday evening.

Wm. Hale spent Thursday at the county seat.

Mrs. B. F. Curry was shopping at Bay City Friday.

Mrs. Horace Fell spent Friday at Bay City.

Mr. H. Anderson delivered a load of cotton to Bay City Friday.

J. B. Delk and F. Harper were callers at the county seat Friday.

J. H. Davis was a Bay City visitors Saturday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, September 25, 1914


Mr. Max Steck of Bellville and Miss Marguerite Griffith of Magnet took dinner Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell and Mrs. B. F. Curry attended the social given by the W. O. W. at the Woodmen Hall in Bay City Thursday evening.

Miss Marie Kennedy visited Saturday and Sunday with Miss Laughlin Foote at Bay City.

Miss Francis Davis spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Baker in Bay City.

Morris Davis left Saturday for Bay City, where he will be employed by the Harrison Meat Market.

W. M. Brown, Sam Kennedy, J. H. Davis, Will Davis, Ardie Hale and H. H. Fell were callers at the county seat Saturday.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and family and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and sister, Miss Emma Kuykendall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vaughn.

Mrs. Will Hale and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Paris Smith of Bay City were seen on our streets Sunday in the former's car.

Mrs. W. M. Brown and Mrs. B. F. Curry spent Monday evening with Mrs. Sam Watkins.

Mr. J. H. Davis moved his family to Bay City Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 19, 1915


A good motto: "Early to bed and early to rise, cut the weeds and swat the flies, mind your own business and tell no more lies; don't drink booze nor deceive your wives; pay your debts and advertise, buy from the men that have enterprise, keep your mouth shut but open your eyes and you'll be healthy, wealthy and wise."

Mrs. H. H. Fell entertained quite a number of friends from Bay City, Magnet and McCrosky at a St. Patrick day celebration, Tuesday, March 15th. A good time was enjoyed by all present.

Miss Mabel Kennedy and brother, Vastine, were shopping at Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. L. S. Dietrich and son are visiting Mrs. Dietrich's sister at Wharton.

Sam Kennedy and H. H. Fell were callers at the county seat Friday.

Thelma and Mildred Head of Bay City spent Saturday evening and Sunday with Coy Anderson and Alta Hale.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson were shopping at Bay City Saturday.

Miss Emma Schaedel spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks at Bay City.

Marie Kennedy spent Sunday at Bay City.

Waltham Simons of Bay City visited with Mr. Sam Kennedy and family last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown.

Mr. J. A. Williams of Bay City spent Sunday evening with H. H. Fell.

Mr. John Kirkpatrick of Collegeport visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry and daughter, Lucile, and Mrs. W. M. Brown spent Tuesday with Mrs. George Graham at Bay City.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 26, 1915


W. M. Brown was at Magnet Wednesday on business.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and Mr. Horace Fell were callers at the county seat Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Griffith and son, Lenton, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fell attended the picture shows at Bay City Friday evening, the trip being made in the former's car.

W. M. Brown was at Bay City Saturday.

Mr. H. C. King was called to Somerville Saturday by the death of his mother.

Will Hale is spending a few days here with his family, and nursing a very sore hand.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky entertained the following young people at Sunday dinner: Misses Bettie McLendon and Myrtle Darby and Messrs. Jim McCrosky, Joe Milner, Ed. McKelvy, all of Bay City and Miss Mabel Kennedy of Chalmers.

Miss Emma Schaedel spent Saturday and Sunday at Bay City.

Mr. L. S. Dietrich began shipping cream to Houston Tuesday from his dairy he is operating on the W. O. Boney farm.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 2, 1915


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and son Jim and Miss Emma Kuykendall attended the funeral of Mr. J. E. Pierce of Blessing last Thursday.

Will Hale moved his family Friday, near Blessing where he will rice farm on the newly opened territory.

Mrs. B. F. Curry was shopping at Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. Dr. Simons and children of Bay City spent Saturday with Mrs. Sam Kenedy.

Mr. and Mrs. W. .M. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell, were B. C. callers Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and son, Vastine, were at the county seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Griffith, son and daughter, Mr. Linton and Miss Marguerette, of Magnet, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Rev. Carter and wife spent Monday and Tuesday with Browns and Fells.

Mr. Grey, county superintendent, and Dr. Byers of Bay City, visited the school here Tuesday. morning.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 9, 1915


Mrs. B. F. Curry and daughter, Lucile and Mrs. Horace Fell were shopping at Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Geo. Nave of El Campo came Thursday to visit her daughter Mrs. B. F. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy spent Thursday afternoon at Bay City.

Mrs. W. M. Brown was shopping at Bay City Friday.

Mrs. L. S. Dietrich and little son visited from Friday until Sunday with friends at Bay City.

Mrs.. B. F. Curry and Mrs. Horace Fell attended the wedding of Miss Brown and Mr. McDonald at the M. E. church at Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. H. Anderson was called to Lone Oak Saturday by the death of her mother.

Mrs. Dr. Simons of Bay City called on Mrs. Sam Kennedy Saturday afternoon.;

Miss Lois Griggs of Van Vleck spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. Sam Kennedy.

Matagorda County and News and Midcoast Farmer, April 16, 1915


Mrs. B. F. Curry and Mrs. W. M. Brown were shopping at Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and sister, Miss Emma Kuykendall, were visitors at Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. L. S. Dietrich delivered cream to Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. (Dr.) Harris of New Willard and her mother, Mrs. Lee of Houston, and Mrs. T. K. McCrosky of Alice are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mr. Sam Kennedy and son were at the county seat Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell were among the callers at Bay City Thursday.

Miss Emma Schaedel spent Saturday and Sunday at Bay City.

Miss Lois Griggs of Van Vleck spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Kennedy.

Marie Kennedy visited Saturday and Sunday with friends at Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Griffith and son of Magnet and their daughter, Mrs. Nailor, and two children of Noble, Ark., visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fell Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Able and two children of Wharton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 7, 1915


W. L. Lankford spent Friday at Bay City.

Mrs. George Nave, who has been spending several weeks with her husband at Markham, came Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry.

Mrs. W. M. Brown and daughter, Mrs. Horace Fell spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mrs. B. F Curry and children visited at Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Head and children of Bay City called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson Sunday evening.

Dr. Simons and family of Bay City called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy Sunday afternoon.

W. M. Brown spent Monday at the county seat.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 14, 1915


Miss Mabel Kennedy visited at Bay City Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. George Nave of El Campo was a guest of Mrs. W. M. Brown and Mrs. Horace Fell from Wednesday until Saturday.

Marie Kennedy spent Friday with Marjorie Davis.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell were shopping at Bay City Friday evening.

Sidney Carr of Bay City is visiting Vastine Kennedy.

Mr. George Nave spent Saturday and Sunday with his wife and daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry, at the Curry home.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Griffith and son and daughter, Mr. Lenton and Miss Marguerite, of Magnet, Mr. Chas. Harris of St. Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell of Chalmers spent the week-end on the peninsula at Matagorda. The time was spent in surf bathing and fishing. A fine time was enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy were Bay City visitors Tuesday.

Mrs. H. Anderson and daughter, Coy, attended the funeral of Myrtle Bass at Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry and Mrs. George Nave were shopping at Bay City Tuesday evening.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 4, 1915


Mrs. B. F. Curry was shopping at Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. H. Anderson ad daughter, Coy, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. L. S. Dietrich.

J. C. Davis of Bay City spend Friday with Vastine Kennedy.

Mrs. Geo. Nave visited Friday with Mrs. Horace Fell.

W. M. Brown and Sam Kennedy were at the county seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Barnes of Bay City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fell.

Marie Kennedy went to Bay City Monday to visit with Lillie Linn.

Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Carter of Bay City spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, June 11, 1915


Mrs. Filmore Harper and daughter, Lucile, visited with Mrs. Brown Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. C. T. Dye of Lafayette, Indiana, arrived here Wednesday to look after his farm.

Sam Kennedy and W. M. Brown spent Thursday at the county seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Filmore Harper and children visited friends at Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. Horace Fell spent Saturday at Bay City.

Mrs. Wm. Hale and children spent Sunday with the Delk family.

Mrs. and Mrs. Abel Head and children of Bay City spent Sunday afternoon with H. Anderson and family.

Prof. Scott and wife of Bay City were seen on our streets Sunday evening.

Marie Kennedy visited with friends at Bay City Sunday.

H. H. Fell was a Bay City caller Monday and attended the good roads meeting.

Mr. Joe Simons of Flatonia spent Monday and Tuesday with Miss Winnie Turner.

J. H. Davis and W. M. Hale spent Thursday in Bay City.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 22, 1916




Mr. James Delk and daughter, Lena , left Tuesday for Austin . Mr. Delk is taking Lena back to school.

Mr. Graham Smith of Hillsboro has been visiting with Geoffrey Curry this week.

Mr. H. C. King has returned home from Somerville where he spent Xmas with his sister.

Mrs. James Delk and daughters, Misses Letha and Hula, were visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Geo. Nave of Markham has been visiting at the Curry home this week.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum and children were shopping in Bay City Wednesday.

J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here Wednesday.

Mrs. Chas. Isham and daughter, Miss Viola, of Beadle, spent the day Sunday with Mrs. Curry.

Mr. H. C. King visited at Pierce Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and children visited at Wharton Monday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky was in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Ben Kuykendall of Clemville is visiting his sister, Mrs. McCrosky.

Miss Bertha Mangum is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Jeff Mangum.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 11, 1918


Mrs. C. T. Dye and daughter, Miss Lucille, of La Fayette , Ind. , are here on a visit.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were shopping in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Huddler and family were in Wharton Saturday.

Mr. Dorsey was in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. H. C. King was a business visitor to Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Gill Mangum was in the county seat Wednesday.

There was a large barn belonging to the Pierce Estate burned Tuesday, this barn was filled with hay.

The Chalmers school is getting in some nice new desks this week. This is quite an improvement to our school.

Miss Emma Schaedel spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks in Bay City .

Mr. J. C. Willis of Wharton was here Wednesday.

Mr. Bert Carr of Bay City was here Wednesday.

Mr. Bill McKelvy was seen in Chalmers Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 8, 1918


Mrs. J. H. McCrosky is right sick this week with measles.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here Thursday.

Mrs. James Delk and daughters, Misses Letha and Hula, were visiting in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Horn are happy over the arrival of a nice baby girl at their home.

Mr. Jim Horn was in Bay City Thursday.

Geoffry Curry has been sick this week with measles.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mangum were visiting in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. B. F. Curry killed four large alligators Thursday in Davis Lake ; the largest one measured 14 feet.

Mr. Ben Kuykendall of Clemville is visiting his sister, Mr. J. H. McCrosky.

Mrs. R. F. Curry and children were in Bay City Thursday morning.

Dr. Livengood was here Thursday from Bay City .

Miss Nannie King of Bay City spent the week-end with her uncle, Mr. H. C. King.

Mr. Jim Carson visited homefolks in Bay City Tuesday.

Miss Lucile Dye was visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 22, 1918


Chalmers was visited Sunday and Sunday night by a nice rain. The rains we are having lately are making the farmers smile.

Mr. George Smith visited in Wharton Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Dorsey and children were in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. James Delk and daughters, Letha and Hula, spent the day Friday in Bay City .

Mr. Ed. King of Pierce spent Sunday with his brother, Teck King.

Mrs. B. F. Curry has been quite sick this week with measles.

Mr. J. H. McCrosky was in Pierce Monday on business.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum and baby were in Bay City Friday.

There are several of the school children sick with measles this week.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. James Delk was in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. B. F. Daugher, Miss Imogene, were in Bay City Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 1, 1918


Mrs. T. C. Dunn Jr. of Houston arrived Sunday to be at the bedside of her father, Wylie Kuykendall.

Messrs. Robert Brenaugn and Virgil Wheeler came in Friday afternoon from Bryan for a few days.

Mr. H. Wimmer and family have moved into the parsonage until school is out, Mr. Wimmer having rented his farm south of Blessing.

Miss Fern Dow came up from Palacios Friday and stayed until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dow.

Serg. R. E. Terry was home Friday and Saturday from Camp Bowie.

Mrs. J. H. Roach and Mrs. Paul Wallworth returned Saturday from Houston where Mrs. Roach underwent a minor operation.

Private Andrew Long arrived Thursday on a ten-days leave from Camp Bowie.

Those being called to BAy City for examination were Ernest Fleer and John Wise.

J. W. Holmes and Walter Williams of Bay City were in Blessing Sunday between trains.

Messrs. John Wallworth and Fletcher and Chas. Brazel came up from Robstown Saturday.

Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Morton of Bay City were in town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallworth and Chas. Wallworth went to Galveston Monday for a few days--from there Mr. Chas. Wallworth will return to his home in Wisconsin.

A. W. Augspurger of Houston was a business visitor a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McKinnon and children of Palacios spent Sunday at the W. P. Smith home.

Miss Mignon Doman of El Maton is the guest of the C. D. Wheeler home this week.

Corp. Henry Vaclavick, from Camp Travis, is spending the week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Vaclavick.

B. F. Lanham of Houston was in Blessing Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gallatin are the proud parents of a set of twins that arrived Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 1, 1918


Mr. J. B. Delk and family went to the gulf Sunday. They report plenty of oysters and fish.

Mrs. Hudler has been quite ill this week with measles.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dye and daughter, Miss Lucile, were in Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Nannie King of Bay City spent the week-end with her uncle, Mr. H. C. King.

Mr. Jim McCrosky of Velasco and Miss Bettie McLendon of Bay City were visiting at the McCrosky home Monday evening.

Mrs. Till Lee of Bay City spent the day Thursday with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Delk.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. George Smith was a Wharton visitor Sunday.

Mr. Heywood Long went to Collegeport Tuesday evening.

Mr. Bill McKelvy was in Chalmers Thursday.

Mr. Ben Kuykendall of Clemville is visiting at the McCrosky home this week.

Mr. Billie Gainer of Clemville was here Tuesday

Mr. Joe Mangum of Bay City was here Thursday.

Mesdames Jeff and Gill Mangum were visiting in Lane City Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 22, 1918


Mr. H. C. King has bought a new car.

Miss Lucile Dye was visiting in Bay City Monday with Miss Lottie Poole.

Miss Essie Lamb of Lane City is visiting with Mrs.. Jeff Mangum this week.

Mrs. James Delk was shopping in Bay City Thursday.

Miss Letha and Hula Delk were visiting in Bay City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and children spent the day Sunday at Markham.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were in Bay City last Thursday.

Mr. George Smith left this morning for Wharton where he was called for army duty.

Mr. B. F. Curry was a Lane City visitor Thursday.

Mr. H. C. King visited with his niece in Bay City Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudler and children were visiting at Matagorda Wednesday.

Miss Emma Schaedel visited with homefolks in Bay City Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Heywood Long was a Bay City visitor Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 15, 1918


Mrs. Fred Harris and daughter of El Campo have been visiting Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mr. Harvel was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Finkelstein of El Campo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mr. James Delk was in Bay City Monday and brought home a new Overland car.

Mr. H. C. King and niece, Miss Nannie King, visited at Pierce Wednesday.

Mrs. Boyd Nave and children of El Campo have been visiting at the home of B. F. Curry.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were visiting in Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. Bertha Find of Glen Flora visited Wednesday with Mrs. B. F. Curry.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and two daughters were visiting at Pierce Tuesday.

Miss Lucy Curry of Hurricane, W. Va. , has returned home after a visit to her brother, B. F. Curry.

Mr. John Morton from Wharton is visiting Mr. H. C. King.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 5, 1918


Mr. and Mrs. B. Wheeler of Sweeny visited Mrs. Wheeler's mother, Mrs. J. B Delk this week.

Miss Gladys Smith visited in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here Wednesday on business.

Mrs. J. B. Delk was visiting in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall spent Monday with Mrs. Matthews of Bay City.

Miss Letha Delk visited at Sweeny Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Frank Hurley was in Chalmers Tuesday.

Mrs. Hill and Miss Nannie King were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nave of Markham spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry.

Mrs. Lee of Bay City visited her sister, Mrs. Delk Sunday.

Mrs. Chas. Isham and daughter, Miss Viola, of Beadle visited at the Curry home Sunday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky of Velasco spent Sunday with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mr. C. T. Dye and Mr. Curtis were in Bay City Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 4, 1918

Chalmers News

Mr. Mangum is threshing rice this week.

Mrs. Dorsey and children were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum visited a sick brother at Wadsworth Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Nannie King was visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were in Bay City on Monday.

Mrs. Hill of Caldwell is visiting her daughter, Miss Nannie King.

Mrs. Chas. Isham and daughter, Miss Viola, of Beadle were visitors at the Curry home Sunday.

Miss Valeria Sweeney and Billie Gainer were visiting with Mrs. J. H. McCrosky Sunday.

Mr. C. T. Dye is here from Indiana.

Mrs. Geo. Nave of Markham spent the day Sunday at the Curry home.

Miss Eva Anderson spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Bay City.

Miss Bertie Long was visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 4, 1918


Mr. Jesse King has returned to his home from Somerville, after a visit to his brother, H. C. King.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden of Pierce were visiting here Monday.

Mr. Joe Mangum and Mr. John Bond of Bay City were here Wednesday after some cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum visited in Wharton Monday.

Mrs. Willie Gainer of Clemville visited Mrs. J. H. McCrosky this week.

Mrs. James Delk and daughter, Miss Letha, were shopping in Wharton Tuesday.

Mrs. Hudler and children were in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Joe Mangum and daughter, Miss Clara, were visiting in Chalmers Tuesday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky visited home folks Sunday.

Mr. Albert Rhodes of Markham is visiting here this week.

Mrs. M. P. Withers of Pierce was here Monday.

Mr. Horton was in Wharton Tuesday on business.

Mr. C. T. Dye was in Bay City Tuesday.

Miss Eva Anderson visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 13, 1918

Chalmers News

Mr. A. P. Borden of Pierce was here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will McSparren spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky.

Mr. H. C. King and Miss Nannie King were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum visited in Wadsworth Tuesday.

Mr. Ed Anderson was a caller in Chalmers Tuesday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky was here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bailey and children of Bay City visited the B. F. Curry home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borden of Pierce and visiting with friends here Sunday.

Mr. J. B. Delk was in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. T. J. Poole of Bay City were here Monday on business.

Mrs. Hudler and children were in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Harville has been very sick this week with influenza, but is reported some better at this writing.

Mr. W. F. Pack was visiting the Chalmers school Thursday.

The Pierce Estate shipped two cars of calves to New Orleans Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 22, 1918


Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dye were in Bay City Monday.

Mr. Geo. W. Nave of Markham was visiting at the Curry home Sunday.

Mr. James Delk was in Bay City Monday.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here Saturday.

Mr. Will McSparran of Bay City was here Tuesday.

Mr. Picket Withers of Kansas City was here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed King and daughter, Miss Effie of Pierce were visiting with Mr. H. C. King Sunday.

Miss Nannie King was shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry and children were in Markham Sunday.

Mr. Dorsey has commenced threshing rice again.

Mr. H. C. King was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

The Pierce Estate shipped two cars of cows to Fort Worth Monday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum was shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 20, 1918




Miss Nannie King has returned home after a pleasant visit with her aunt in Somerville .

Mr. J. B. Delk and family have moved to Bay City .

Mrs. Griffith of Magnet visited Mrs. Dye Wednesday.

Mr. E. W. Bailey shipped a car of calves to Fort Worth Monday.

Mr. Will McSparran of Bay City was here Monday.

Miss Imogene Curry spent the week-end with Miss Eva Anderson.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum visited in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. C. T. Dye visited Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky and Miss Emma Kuykendall were shopping in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. H. C. King was in Wharton Tuesday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky of Bay City spent Wednesday night at the McCrosky home.

Mr. Albert Rhodes went to Bay City on business Tuesday.

Messrs. B. F. Curry, J. H. McCrosky and A. L. Rhodes went to the Baer ranch with four hundred head of cattle Wednesday.

Mr. Joe Mangum was in Chalmers Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. McCrosky and son spent Sunday at the McCrosky home.

Mr. H. W. Hafer of Bay City made a business visit here on Monday.

Mr. L. A. Hudler has one to East Texas for his health.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dorsey were in Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. Harvill.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 17, 1919


Mr. C. L. Dorsey was attending court in Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. C. W. Toler and children of Ballinger are visiting at the Bailey home.

Mr. Ed. Harvel was visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum was in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here on business Tuesday.

Mr. Donald Poole of Bay City was visiting at the McCrosky home Wednesday.

Mr. Joe Mangum of Bay City was here Thursday.

Lieut. Walker of Pierce spent the day Tuesday at the McCrosky home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dye were visiting in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky was visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky, Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 24, 1919


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCrosky spent Saturday in Bay City .

Mr. C. T. Dye was visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mangum were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. C. Horn of Bay City was in Chalmers Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. McCrosky spent Sunday at the J. H. McCrosky home.

Miss Eva Anderson spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Bay City .

Mr. J. B. Delk was at Chalmers Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dorsey and son were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Hudler and children spent Monday in Bay City .

Messrs. B. F. Curry and A. L. Rhodes were at Pledger Monday.

Mr. H. C. King and Miss Nannine King were in Bay City Monday night.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 24, 1919


Mr. H. C. King and Miss Nannie King spent Saturday in Wharton.

Mr. Hudler has returned home after a pleasant visit in East Texas .

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mangum and family have moved to Bay City .

Mr. Harvil and son, Ed., were in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. E. W. Bailey and daughters, Misses Leta and Minnie, of Bay City were visiting at the Bailey home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Toller and Mrs. Bailey visited at Matagorda Tuesday.

Miss Bettie Hart of Bay City visited the Chalmers school Wednesday.

Mr. H. C. King was in Bay City Monday.

Miss Lottie Poole of Bay City was visiting here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dye visited in Magnet Sunday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky was shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dorsey were in Bay City Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 7, 1919


Mrs. C. L. Dorsey and children visited in Palacios Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins of Pierce was here Monday.

Mr. Ben Griffith and family of Magnet visited at the C. T. Dye home Wednesday.

Mr. Huddler left Monday for Oklahoma .

Mr. I. C. Roberts was in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Toller and children left Tuesday for their home in Ballinger, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Toller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey.

Mr. Joe Mangum of Bay City was here Monday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky spent Tuesday night at the McCrosky home.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky was shopping in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. H. C. King and Miss Nannie King were in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Louis Huddler and Miss Lela Huddler were visiting in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dye were in Bay City Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 7, 1919


Mr. L. A. Hudler has returned home after a pleasant visit in Oklahoma .

Miss Gertrude Jenkins has returned to her home in Houston after a pleasant visit at the I. C. Roberts home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dorsey were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Ed. Harvil was in Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. J. H. McCrosky was shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. C. T. Dye was in the county seat Tuesday.

Mr. George W. Nave of Markham was visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry, Wednesday.

Mr. A. L. Rhodes visited with his brother at Markham Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. H. C. King was in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. Joe Mangum was here last Monday.

Miss Eva Anderson visited home folks in Bay City Saturday and Sunday.

Misses Pearl Harvil and Imogene Curry were in Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Bettie McLendon was visiting at the McCrosky home Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 14, 1919


Mrs. L. A. Hudler is visiting her people in Yoakum.

Miss Lottie Poole of Bay City is visiting in the Dye home.

Mr. Jack Hutchins of Pierce was here Tuesday.

Mr. C. T. Dye was in Bay City Monday.

Miss Eva Anderson went to Houston Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry were in Wharton Friday.

Mr. Charles Lee of Logansport , Ind. , has been visiting Mr. B. F. Curry.

Mr. L. A. Hudler and daughter, Lela, were in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Pierce Withers was here Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. McCrosky visited the McCrosky home Sunday.

Mr. C. L. Dorsey was in Bay City Monday.

Miss Nannie King was in Bay City Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cameron were in Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. B. F. Curry was in Bay City Monday.

Mr. R. F. Anderson was in this city Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 7, 1919


Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and son, Jake, were shopping in Bay City last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McCrosky were in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Harvill were in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Dickert of Ashby is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dorsey.

Mrs. Ella Isham and daughter, Miss Viola, of Beadle visited at the Curry home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. King and daughter, Miss Hattie, of Pierce visited at the H. C. King home Sunday.

Mrs. Geo. Nave of Markham visited her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Curry, this week.

Mrs. C. L. Dorsey was in Bay City Monday.

Miss Nannie King was shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Miss Pearl Harvill was in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Albert Rhodes visited is brother Markham Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. C. T. Dye was in town Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 21, 1919


Mr. and Mrs. Harvill were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mr. C. L. Dorsey was in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay McSparran of Pierce were visiting at the McCrosky home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Curry and children were visiting in Markham Sunday.

Mr. George W. Nave was visiting the Curry home Monday.

Mesdames T. K. McCrosky and Williams were visiting at the McCrosky home Tuesday.

Mrs. Withers and son, Pierce, of Pierce, were visiting the McCrosky home Monday.

Mrs. Smith of Philadelphia was visiting McCrosky Monday.

Sargent Cates and Mrs. Crum of Bay City visited the Curry home Thursday.

Mrs. McCrosky ad Miss Emma Kuykendall were in Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Nannie King and Mr. H. C. King were in Bay City Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 28, 1919


Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Dye have returned from a visit to Houston and Galveston .

Dr. Reed made a professional visit to Chalmers Monday.

Mr. J. F. Hutchins and Mr. Pierce Withers of Pierce were here Wednesday.

Mr. Z. Dickert, who has just returned from France , visited his sister, Mrs. C. L. Dorsey, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dorsey visited in Palacios Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. I. Weaver of Indiana visited the C. T. Dye home this week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. McCrosky and son, Voss, visited the McCrosky home Thursday.

Prof. W. F. Pack was in Chalmers Monday and visited the school.

Mrs. L. A. Hudler and children were in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen were in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Jim Dye was in Bay City Tuesday.

Misses Imogene Curry and Eva Anderson visited in El Campo Sunday.

Mr. Geoffrey Curry was in Eagle Lake Friday.

Mr. Alber Rhodes has returned to Markham to make his home.

Dr. L. B. Livengood of Bay City made a professional visit to McCrosky Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvill gave their daughters an April fool party Tuesday night.

Mr. Nall Bailey was in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cameron were in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. Harvill has been on the sick list this week.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 11, 1919

Chalmers News

Mr. Jesse King has returned to his home from Somerville, after a visit to his brother, H. C. King.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden of Pierce were visiting here Monday.

Mr. Joe Mangum and Mr. John Bond of Bay City were here Wednesday after some cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Jeff Mangum visited in Wharton Monday.

Mrs. Willie Gainer of Clemville visited Mrs. J. H. McCrosky this week.

Mrs. James Delk and daughter, Miss Leatha, were shopping in Wharton Tuesday.

Mrs. Hudler and children were in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. Joe Mangum and daughter, Miss Clara, were visiting in Chalmers Tuesday.

Mr. Jim McCrosky visited home folks Sunday.

Mr. Albert Rhodes of Markham is visiting here this week.

Mrs. M. P. Withers of Pierce was here Monday.

Mr. Horton was in Wharton Tuesday on business.

Mr. C. T. Dye was in Bay City Tuesday.

Miss Eva Anderson visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 15, 1919



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