Central Baptist Church
Palacios, Texas


Central Baptist Church

Morning:--Sunday School at 10:00 - Preaching at 11 o'clock; Subject:--"A Worthy Christian Goal."

Night:--B. Y. P. U.'s at 7:15. Evangelistic Service at 8 o'clock; Subject:--"Beholding Jesus on the Cross."
Special Music

Wednesday night: Praise and Prayer Service at 8.

The public is cordially invited to all of our services. Come, and "Give thanks unto Jehovah,. . . Sing praises unto Him . . . For the world of God is right and all His work is done in faithfulness."

Herbert Haywood.

Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1927

Central Baptist Church

Morning: Sunday School at 10; preaching at 11 o'clock. Subject: The Joy of Paul as a Christian-Prisoner.

Night: B. Y. P. U.'s at 7:15; evangelistic services at 8 o'clock.

Wednesday nights: Prayer and praise service at eight.

The public is cordially invited to all of our services. "Blessed is the man that feareth Jehovah. . . Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness;" for God "is gracious, merciful, and righteous."

Herbert Haywood, Pastor.

Pastor H. Haywood Resigns; Reviews Work; And Thanks Public

A little more than a year ago we came to Palacios, and in a conciliatory spirit. On October 10th we led the Central Baptist Church in sending a letter to the First Church, suggesting the "taking of steps toward the convening of an Advisory Council," with a view to adjusting differences and to "making more harmonious the local Baptist life." This overture was refused, we were told by good authority who claimed that the message was "unofficial."

On November 15th the erection of the Tabernacle commenced, and at its present stage of completion has been built for a little more than $3000 in cash and donated work. According to visitors from other States it is one of the neatest, most convenient and comfortable of church structures. The present indebtedness on it, represented in good pledges, is less than $200. Notwithstanding the unfriendly and even hostile environment in which the Central Church has had to carry on its work, more than twenty persons have been led into the Kingdom of God, and others have been benefitted and enlisted in the Master's service. Special work has been done in the Sunday School Normal Course and in the training of the younger members. The church has contributed liberally to all missions, including Hospital and Orphan's Home. We have sought earnestly to attend strictly to our own affairs, and we believe there are many manifestations of the approval of God upon the work.

We found a people whom, in the main, we considered quite spiritual. Some have wondered: Have the Central Baptists a right to a separate existence as a church? From a Baptist standpoint, they are properly organized--as far as the writer could learn, and are as good Baptists, taken as a whole, as the average Baptist church membership. These considerations, and the fact that their kindly overture to the First Church proved futile, give them a right to a separate existence. Morally, their right to function as a church is measured by the proportion and extent to which they live for truth, righteousness and justice, that is: their moral value to the community. The divine right for the existence of the Central Baptist Church is measured from within its own ranks: by willingness to do the will of God--set forth in His teachings and required in the heart of every individual member; and manifest, also, in evangelism and worldwide missions. These considerations determine the true status and the future of the Central Baptist Church.

We modestly state that we have stood for truth, for righteousness, and for justice; for evangelism and missions. We have labored faithfully for  God and for humanity with the most difficult and the most trying situation we have ever seen, some of the inspiration for which we derived from the public. In Palacios and community are as good people as are found anywhere, including many "diamonds in the rough"--always an asset. And I believe that Palacios has a larger percentage of church-goers and cultured people than very many towns of its size. These impressions cause us to be deeply grateful for the generous and cordial expressions of good will and other forms of encouragement that have come from many of the citizens of Palacios and community. We leave this goodly City-by-the-Sea with no malice in our hearts toward those who have made our path so hard to travel; and we pray God's richest blessings upon all.

Herbert Haywood

Palacios Beacon, September 15, 1927

Central Baptist Church

Rev. Haywood closed a successful year's work with the Central Baptist Church Wednesday night when he conducted a baptismal service at the B. Y. P. U. Pier at 6:15, followed by the mid-week prayer service at the Tabernacle.

The services for next Sunday are as follows:--
Morning: 10:00 Sunday School.
Night: B. Y. P. U.'s at 6:45

Wednesday night at 7:30, Prayer and Praise Service..

Thursday afternoon at 3:00 p. m. the W. M. U. business meeting at the church.

The public is cordially invited to all of our services. Come, Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.--Psalm 111:1.


Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1927

Farewell Social Held for Rev. and Mrs. Haywood

On Thursday evening, 22nd, the members of the Central Baptist Church gave a Farewell Social for Brother Haywood and Mrs. Haywood, who are leaving here after a year’s work in the church named. During this time, in addition to the purchase of a Sunday School building, a new and commodious church building has been built and furnished. During their residence here Brother Haywood and his good wife have endeared themselves to the citizens of Palacios as well as the members of their church by their courteous ways, their missionary zeal, and their interest in the welfare of the community. Rev. Haywood has given himself unsparingly to the work of his church. Mrs. Haywood, gifted with zeal for the Master; with much real teaching ability, and with a beautiful soprano voice, has at all times, both in her own church and outside it, laid all her gifts on the altar of sacrifice. Miss David gave a very interesting address on her work as a Missionary in Africa. Both Rev. Gillespie, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Coleman, Pastor of the Methodist Church made touching references to Brother Haywood’s work as a Pastor and friendship as a neighbor and co-worker, and expressed their regret at the removal of these two loyal Christian workers. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. I. C. Richards, and the program, which was given largely by the young people was quite interesting. After the program those present partook of a sumptuous helping of ice cream and cake. It is to be hoped that these good people will soon succeed in finding another Pastor.

The program is as follows:--
Scripture Reading—Mrs. Margerum.
Prayer—Rev. Coleman.
Reading—Bobby Helander.
Song—Lottie Kilgore, Ruth Hendrick, Esther Shaw.
Piano Solo—Jewel Lane.
Reading—Joe Ressler.
Address—Miss David.
Addresses—Revs. Gillespie and Coleman.
Prayer—Rev. Gillespie.

At the close of the meeting there were touching scenes as the members and friends said good-bye to Rev. and Mrs. Haywood. We understand that a number of useful presents have been given to Mr. and Mrs. Haywood as an expression of love and appreciation

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1927

Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Haywood left the latter part of last week for a short vacation trip before taking up their work in a new field. They made a host of friends in Palacios during the time they served the Central Baptist Church, who wish them well wherever they may find the Lord's work calls them.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1927

Revival Service At The Central Baptist Church

Rev. B. M. Coe, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Cleveland, Texas, began a series of Revival Services Tuesday evening, and the meetings will continue over next Sunday.

Mr. Coe is a forceful speaker, and everyone of his messages has in it a note of helpfulness and general uplift. Services are held twice each day, at 9:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings, and all are assured of a cordial greeting and a message of cheer and optimism.

Only a few days.--Come!

Palacios Beacon, October 27, 1927

Central Baptist Church

Sunday morning, 10:00 o'clock, Sunday School.
11:00 o'clock, Preaching by Rev. Hand.
Evening, 6:34 B. Y. P. U.'s.
7:30 Preaching by Rev. Hand.

The public is cordially invited to all services of the church.

Wednesday night 7:30, Prayer Service.

"O, come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms." Psalms 95:1-2.


Palacios Beacon, December 29, 1927

Farewell Party For Rev. and Mrs. Jno. R. Campbell

A farewell party was given Rev. and Mrs. Jno. R. Campbell at the Central Baptist Tabernacle on Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Campbell have been here less than a year but had endeared themselves to the members of their congregation, as well as many others of this city by their consecrated efforts in doing the work of the Master, in such a way that their going away is deeply regretted. They left early Tuesday for Bellville, their new home followed by the best wishes of all those with whom they had become acquainted.

Palacios Beacon, October 11, 1928

Central Baptist Church

Services which have been conducted at the Tabernacle by Rev. R. L. Durant, will be continued through the week. He will also preach Sunday morning at 11 a. m.

Sunday School at 10 a. m.
B. Y. P. U. at 7:15 p. m.
Preaching services at 8 p. m.
Everyone is cordially invited.

Palacios Beacon, April 25, 1929

Central Baptist Church
Lester Williams, Pastor

10:00 A. M.--Bible School
11:00 A.--Morning Service
Theme:--"He Arose"
7:00 P. M.--Young People Meet
No Evening Service

Romans, 1:16: "For I am ashamed o f the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

Are you ashamed of the Church, Prayer Meeting and Sunday School? If you are and stay away here, surely Heaven will be an out of place for you.

Come, you are welcome.

Palacios Beacon, April 17, 1930

Central Baptist Church

Sunday School--10 a. m.
Preaching Services--11 a. m. & 8 p. m.
B. Y. P. U.--7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting--Thursday, 8 p. m.

Palacios Beacon, August 10, 1933

30 Years Ago - 1936

The church building on Fourth Street, erected by the Central Baptist Church, was sold to the Church of God. The Nazarene Church had used it for some time as their place of worship.

Palacios Beacon, May 12, 1966

Tuesday, July 28
Lovely day, but so hot. – Lee took me to Palacios this forenoon to meet with the Central Baptist Church trustees. A first payment has been made on the tabernacle. We met to dispose of the money. The next payment is due in January. – The Central Church is no more. Mrs. Richards will keep the books for awhile. We hope to sell the communion service. --Diary of Nellie Webb

Church of God

The Church of God is now in the new location at the former Central Baptist Church, Maggie Hurley, pastor.

July 1936


Copyright 2016 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jul. 21, 2016
Jul. 21, 2016