Collegeport Articles


Donald Audrey Correu To Be Pastor Sunday At Collegeport Church

Donald Audrey Correu, senior student at the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 6.

Mr. Correu is a graduate of Martin High School in Laredo and Austin College in Sherman. He also attended Laredo Junior College. While in college he was a member of Phi Sigma Alpha fraternity, Westminster Fellowship, was senior senator, and a member of the Slimes and Ex-Slimes organization.

He served even months in the Air Force and is married to the former Miss Sandra Kay Peckham of Crowley, Louisiana.

Palacios Beacon, May 3, 1962

Collegeport Women Of The Church Meet

Mrs. A. A. Penland was hostess to the Women of the Presbyterian Church in her home on Shady Corners, Thursday afternoon, May 10th.

The president, Mrs. Dean Merck, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. John Merck gave a devotional entitled "Christ Like God." The Bible Study from James 4:13-5:6 was moderated by Mrs. R. L. Corporon. Emphasis was placed on prayer for forgiveness for times when God was left out of planning, and for forgiveness for thinking of material possessions as being so all-important.

The monthly emphasis, "Let's Learn Abut Church Extension" was given by Mrs. P. V. Corporon.

The next meeting will be held on June 21 at the home of Mrs. Earl Cockburn.

June 22 has been designated as Church Family night. A filmstrip on "G-Funds" will be shown following the supper.

Plans were made to get the manse ready for the John Massey family who will arrive in June. Mr. Massey will be the student pastor from Austin Theological Seminary who will serve the Collegeport congregation during the summer months.

The meeting closed with prayer and the Mizpah.

The hostess served sandwiches, cookies, mints, nuts, coffee and tea to the following:

Mesdames Duane Corporon, E. A. Mixon, John Merck, Jr., John Merck, Sr., Dean Merck, P. V. Corporon, Earl Cockburn, Fred Law, Gustave Franzen, George Hejtmanek, R. L. Wells and Gust Franzen, Sr.

Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1962

James H. Carter To Be At Collegeport Sunday

James H. Carter of Belleview, Tennessee, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 20. He is a senior student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Mr. Carter received a bachelor of arts degree from Southwestern College in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was a member of the varsity basketball team.

He is married to the former Miss Margaret Jones of Westlake, Louisiana. They have two children.

Mr. Carter has worked for Nutro Products, an oil field chemical firm, as a representative in most of Louisiana and parts of Mississippi. He has served as director of youth work in Lafayette Presbyterian Church in Lafayette, La.

Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Mrs. Hugo Kundinger, so fondly known to all as "Miss Hattie," had her open house Sunday with a large turn out of her many friends. Eighty-two guests registered. Attending from out of town were her niece Vedena De Wald, of Woodsboro, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton, Houston; Mrs. Alvin Johnson, Bill James, Louise; Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerman, Mrs. A. R. Matthes, Blessing; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. White, Tootsie Kerbow, Dorothy McKelvy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams and family, Bay City; Mrs. Jesse Derrick and children, Waco, and Mrs. Joe Lucas, El Maton.

"Miss Hattie, one of the old timers of Collegeport, came to this vicinity in 1918. In 1922 she married the late Hugo Kundinger and they ran the Collegeport Drug Store until September 11, 1961 when "Carla" paid us a very unwelcome visit. The drug store was a gathering place for young and old alike who stopped in for one of "Miss Hattie's" malts and to swap a few stories. Due to her age, "Miss Hattie" decided not to try to build back, so she has retired. This wonderful old drug store with the friendly atmosphere will be sadly missed.

Visitors at the First Baptist Church Sunday were Miss Debbie Ward of Port Arthur and Freddie Bieri of Ashby.

The devotional for the Young People of the Collegeport Baptist Church will be held at the Arbor on Wilson Creek, back of Ashby Cemetery at 8 p. m. Friday. Everyone is cordially invited.

The Jack Bullingtons spent a few days in Galveston this past week. Enroute home they visited the L. A. Reins. Mrs. Rein is now home from the hospital and is doing fairly well. She asked that we give her thanks to her many friends of this community for the lovely flowers, cards and prayers.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gustave Franzen, also visiting the Franzens were their niece and nephew, Judy and Jimmie Boeker of Channelview.

Dropping by the Bullington's Sunday evening were Tootsie Kerbow and Dorothy McKelvy of Bay City.

Miss Margaret Holsworth returned Wednesday to the hospital in Columbus for further surgery.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. and boys of League City visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Krohe of Beardstown, Illinois have been visiting her brother and family, the Gerald Wells. Also visiting in the Wells' home were Mr. Wells' and Mrs. Krohe's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy  Dunn of Big Spring, Texas.

Happy Birthday to Dick Corporon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Corporon and children of San Antonio are here for a few days to help celebrate the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Derrick and children of Waco are visiting her mother, Mrs. M. S. Holsworth.

Palacios Beacon, August 2, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ackerman spent the past week end in Baytown visiting the C. W. Wooster family.

Last week I reported Mrs. Kundinger came to this vicinity in 1918 when she really came in 1908.

My sister, Lyn, and I spent a week with our aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bullington, on the San Bernard. We had a very enjoyable stay.

Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mixon in the death of their cousin. Mrs. Mixon, her daughter and son-in-law, the Wayne Lairds, attended the funeral services in Gulfport, Mississippi on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck had as their guests last week end his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin of Houston

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keszler and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corporon and their children of Point Comfort were here last week end to help Dick Corporon celebrate his birthday.

Palacios Beacon, August 9, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Penland and children, Cindy 13 and Mary 7, of Santa Cruz, California, will be visiting Eugene’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Penland. They haven’t seen their son for five years and are looking forward to his visit.

Attending services at the First Baptist Church of Collegeport were Mrs. Earl Hill of Angleton and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis’ granddaughter of Houston.

Mrs. Glenn Penland and Mrs. Bo Bullington of Channelview visited Mr. and Mrs. Penland this past week.

Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Franzen Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boeker of Channelview and Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg. Jimmy and Judy Baker returned home with her parents after visiting relatives for six weeks.

Mrs. Dorothy Bullington, who is home after a few days stay in Wagner General Hospital, would like to thank all for the cards, flowers, etc. All were highly appreciated. Also thanks to the staff at the hospital for their tender loving care.

Jack, Lyn and Jackie Bullington fished some at Oyster Lake this past week but had no luck.

Two men from Houston (I failed to get names) had real good luck floundering at Coon Island. They came in with 30 nice flounders.

Miss Margaret Holsworth is expected home in a few days from the hospital in Columbus.

David Laird has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mixon.

Guests of the Fred Laws Sunday were their son, Frederick and children of Bay City and on Monday, Mrs. Fred Huitt and son, Jay of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corporon and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keszler and children of Point Comfort spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon and helped their mother celebrate her birthday.

Gerald Wells spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. and sons of League City are spending their vacation with their parents, the Dean Mercks, Sr. and the Robert Wells.

Palacios Beacon, August 16, 1962

Women Of The Church Meet

Mrs. E. A. Mixon and Mrs. R. L. Corporon were co-hostesses in the Mixon home for the August meeting of the Presbyterian Women of the Church in Collegeport.

Mrs. George Hejtmanek gave the devotional, “The Manner of Man’s Response to God.”

The Bible Study from James and other passages was moderated by Mrs. John Massey.

Mrs. P. V. Corporon and John Massey brought out the emphasis on Evangelism and Christian citizenship.

Seventeen members and two guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Massey, answered roll call with Scripture verses.

The White Cross chairman, Mrs. Gerald Wells reported that our quota would be filled.

Mrs. John Merck, Jr., Sunshine Chairman, brought get well cards which were signed by all present to be sent to Mrs. L. A. Rein, Miss Margaret Holsworth, Mrs. H. A. Clapp and a birthday card for Mrs. Mary Kopecky.

The meeting closed with the thought, “Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, and love that soul through me.” Mr. John Massey led the Closing Prayer.

Mrs. George Hejtmanek and Mrs. Duane Corporon will be co-hostesses for the September meeting which will be held in the Mixon home.

The hostesses served sandwiches, cookies, coffee and punch to the following; Mesdames Earl Cockburn, A. A. Penland, Fred Law, Duane Corporon, George Hejtmanek, P. V. Corporon, Dean Merck, John Merck, John Merck Jr., W. L. Ellis, Roy Nelson, Hugo Kundinger, Gust Franzen Sr., Gus Franzen Jr., R. L. Wells, Gerald Wells, John Massey and Mr. John Massey.

Palacios Beacon, August 16, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

Visiting the A. A. Penlands this week are their sons Ray Lee Penland of Houston and Eugene Penland and wife of Santa Cruz, Calif.

Mrs. Dorothy Bullington visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Skalla in Palacios Sunday.

Mrs. Adolph Genzer and children of Madisonville are visiting her sister, Mrs. Pat Jenkins and husband.

Spending the week end here with Mrs. M. S. Holsworth were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen Derrick and children of Waco.

“Miss Hattie” Kundinger was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. M. S. Holsworth.

Have any news of any interest, if so please call 824-2195.

Lamar and Kenneth Kay visited their grandmother, Mr. Kay’s mother, in Alice for several days.

The Rob Wells with their daughter, Virginia, are spending a few days in New Braunfels.

Mrs. Gus Franzen, Sr. celebrated her birthday Monday, august 20 and Mrs. Fred Law celebrated hers Tuesday, August 21.

Francis Johnson reported to the Veteran’s Hospital in Houston Thursday and returned home that evening with a good report on his condition.

Palacios Beacon, August 23, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ackerman this week are her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wooster of Baytown.

Harold Jenkins of Madisonville spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins.

Rev. Crofoot will conduct the Worship and Communion Services at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on September 9. At this time the members of the Communicant Class will join the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells and Lynda attended the commencement exercises at Southwest Texas State College, San Marcos Saturday night. Their son Gerald Wells was a member of the graduating class.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. and children of League City spent the week end in Collegeport.

Mrs. Ellen Bryan and children have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Gus Franzen.

Mrs. Roy C. Wilkerson of Needville visited in the home of her daughter and family, Mrs. Abel H. Pierce, Jr. Thursday and Friday of last week.

Palacios Beacon, August 30, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Visiting the Clyde Wares this past week were the Rev. and Mrs. James Slone. On Friday they traveled to Corpus Christi where Rev. Slone graduated from the University of Corpus Christi. Rev. Slone has been conducting revival services recently in Cuero.

Sunday visitors at the home of the Jack Bullingtons were Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Melton of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of Pasadena were down for the week end at their summer home. They fished at Oyster Lake and Half Moon Reef with a good catch of trout and red fish.

Mrs. Dorothy Bullington and daughters Lyn and Jackie were in Houston visiting friends and relatives and doing back to school shopping.

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesler over the Labor Day week end were Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Marshall of San Antonio.

Mrs. W. B. Williams, her son, Van, and Teddy Pennington left for Oroville, Calif. last week where they will make their home. Mr. Williams and their daughter, Mrs. Jeniece Cripps and two sons will join them later.

Mrs. Verner Bowers is spending her vacation with her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Flewellen and family in Houston. They all journeyed to Dallas where they saw the Six Flags Over Texas, and visited in Marble Falls and Buchanan Dam.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith have returned from a week's vacation visiting relatives in Baytown, Conroe and Houston.

Pat and Lillian Jenkins and son, Roland, had some very good luck fishing at Collegeport Slough. They brought in 26 reds, trout, drum. One 5-pound red was caught by Mr. Jenkins.

Jack Bullington and Willie Rapstain brought in a nice catch of Reds going from 3 to 5 pounds in Oyster Lake.

The Greshams of Cleveland, Texas have been visiting her brother and family, the W. L. Ellis family.

Spending Labor Day with the Roy Nelsons were their daughter and family, the Roy Williams of Bay City.

Home from the Navy for a few days visit with family and friends was Jessie Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis. He is stationed in California.

Gustave Franzen suffered the misfortune last week of breaking his left arm below the elbow. He will undergo surgery Wednesday.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gustave Franzen.

Lynda Wells spent a few days visiting her sister and family, the Eugene Fitzpatricks in Victoria.

Gerald Wells spent a few days in Collegeport relaxing after graduating from Southwest Texas State College.

Mrs. Charlie Williams' daughters and their children visited in her home last week.

Palacios Beacon, September 13, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Fishing is getting much better on our side of the bay. At Oyster Lake over the week end some good catches were reported. Walter Skutca of El Campo got 67 flounders some of them going around four pounds.

Dan and Elsie Williams of Pasadena had a nice bunch of trout to take home with them. They fished at Coon Island, Half Moon and up the head of Oyster Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Stancliff of El Campo caught trout, reds and some flounder off the point.

Jack and Dorothy Bullington got some good trout and a few reds, biggest red a five pounder, at “Ace in the hole.” That’s a long time good fishing spot above Oyster Lake bridge, in case any one wonders where it is.

Carl and Emily Ackerman got nine catches of reds at Collegeport Slough. Two of them weighing in at 5 ½ and six pounds.

Visiting the Carl Ackermans this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evens and children of Palacios. Shirley and Joyce Gunter accompanied them to help Martin Evens celebrate his 13th birthday.

Mrs. Grace Smith finally latched on to that red fish she’s been after so long. It was a real beauty, taken from Mrs. Clapp’s pier and weighed in at a little over 5 ½ pounds.

The Presbyterian Church extended a warm welcome to the members of the Communicant Class who joined the church last Sunday morning, they are Carolyn Corporon, Kenneth Corporon, Larry Corporon, Billy Hejtmanek and Lynda Wells, also to Bruce Kay who comes to this church by transfer of letter from the Presbyterian Church in Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Law have been in Bay City caring for their grandchildren while Frederick Law was in Houston consulting a neurosurgeon.

Gustave Franzen, who had surgery performed recently at the hospital in Bay City returned home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. and children of League City are visiting their parents, the Dean Mercks and the Rob Wells.

Mrs. F. P. Hejtmanek of Palacios attended services at the Presbyterian Church in Collegeport Sunday.

Charlie Chaplin, who is an engineer on a tow-boat, has been spending a few days at home.

Mrs. H. S. Holsworth has returned from Houston and Baytown where she visited Thomas Holsworth in Tevel Clinic, and the Hodge family.

Russell Law has been busy finishing a correspondence course in English before returning to Texas University.

Palacios Beacon, September 20, 1962

New Officers And Committees Of Collegeport Presbyterian Women Take Over At Meeting

The Collegeport Presbyterian Women of the Church held their September meeting in the home of Mrs. E. A. Mixon, Mesdames Duane Corporon and George Hejtmanek co-hostesses.

The president, Mrs. Dean Merck opened the meeting with a devotional on “How Do We Measure Up?” and Mrs. Mixon led the opening prayer.

The Bible Study, reviewing the Book of James, was moderated by Mrs. R. L. Corporon. The members expressed a desire “to bridle their tongues more often” as a result of the study.

Mrs. Gustave Franzen, Jr., led the emphasis on Christian Education. She presented information on Camp Aranama and days for visitation.

Sixteen members and one visitor answered roll call with memory verses from the Bible.

Plans were made to open a nursery during the worship hour at church.

The White Cross Chairman, Mrs. Gerald Wells, announced that the quota of baby dresses and cash had been filled.

Plans were made for some of the members to attend the Presbyterial Meeting to be held in Corpus Christi, October 10-11.

Get-well cards were signed by all present to be sent to Mrs. John Merck, Jr. Thomas Holsworth and Frederick Law.

Mrs. Merck expressed her appreciation for the cooperation giving during her two year term as president.

Mrs. R. L. Corporon, the new president, gave the following names of the new officers and chairman when the Work Books were filled out:

President, Mrs. R. L. Corporon
Vice-President, Mrs. Dean Merck
Secretary, Mrs. P. V. Corporon
Treasurer, Mrs. John Merck
Historian, Mrs. John Merck, Jr.
Chairman of Spiritual Growth, Mrs. Fred Law
Chairman Christian Education, Mrs. George Hejtmanek
Chairman Stewardship, Mrs. John Merck
Chairman Church Extension, Mrs. Bruce Kay
Chairman World Missions, Mrs. Gustave Franzen
Chairman Annuities and Relief, Mrs. E. A. Mixon
Chairman General Fund Agencies, Mrs. P. V. Corporon
Chairman Nominating, Mrs. W. L. Ellis
Chairman White Cross, Mrs. Gerald Wells
Chairman Social, Mrs. R. L. Wells
Chairman Sunshine, Mrs. Duane Corporon
Reporter, Mrs. Earl Cockburn
Flowers, Mrs. Dean Merck
Hostess, Mrs. Dean Merck
Church Bulletins, Mrs. C. A Chaplin and Mrs. Dean Merck.

Mrs. P. V. Corporon will be hostess for the October meeting the third Thursday in October.

Coffee, cold drinks, sandwiches, cakes, nuts and mints were served following the meeting to our guest Mrs. George Hejtmanek, Sr., and to Mesdames, Gerald Wells, Bruce Kay, A. A. Penland, C. J. Williams, Gustave Franzen, John Merck, Gust Franzen, Roy Nelson, P. V. Corporon, E. A. Mixon, Dean Merck, R. L. Corporon, Earl Cockburn and R. L. Wells. Also to Derril and G. W. Franzen, Kenneth and Lamar Kay, Cheryl Hejtmanek and Alan Corporon.

Palacios Beacon, September 20, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Mrs. Hattie Kundinger has returned home after spending a week in Woodsboro, Texas visiting her niece, Mrs. Burr DeWald. Mr. DeWald suffered a heart attack but was improved and able to leave the hospital.

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins were Mrs. Jenkins’ sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Genzer of Madisonville.

Fishing was not too good this week end or maybe I failed to get the reports, if there were any big catches.

Dan and Elsie Williams, of Pasadena, caught a few school trout at Oyster Lake. Jack Bullington picked up 7 nice flounder at Coon Island, weighing 2 ½ to 3 ½ pounds. Pat and Lillian Jenkins brought in a few nice reds from Collegeport Slough. Tides have been good and maybe with this cool weather come of the bigger reds will be moving into bay waters.

Stanford Ward and wife visited his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Roesler, this past week.

Visitors in the Jack Bullington home Sunday afternoon were his sisters, Mrs. Tootsie Kerbow of Bay City, Mrs. A. A. Brown and Mrs. Daisy Thompson of Blessing.

L. A. Rein, of League City, writes that Mrs. Rein is improving slowly and at present is at home.

Harold Jenkins, who is working in the oil fields at Madisonville, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins.

Mrs. Elizabeth Roesler is in Wager General Hospital where she was taken last Tuesday with a very painful slipped disc in her vertebra. She is in traction. Visiting her Sunday were her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hendrix of Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roesler of Houston and Buck Beard of Fort Worth.

Mrs. M. S. Holsworth has been under the care of her doctor in Houston this past week.

Mrs. A. A. Penland reports that James Penland is much improved after his accident and has left the hospital.

P. V. Corporon is resting comfortably following surgery Thursday in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Franzen, G. W. and Derril visited Clifford Franzen in Buffalo.

Lightning struck the Gerald Wells’ home last Monday, damaging their range.

Gerald Wells, Jr. has returned to SWTSC, San Marcos and Russell Law has entered his senior year at Texas University.

Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1962    

John O. Massey To Be Guest Pastor Sunday At Collegeport Church

John O. Massey, second-year student at the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, September 30, 1962.

Mr. Massey attended high school in Morrilton, Arkansas, where he was president of the student body, co-captain of both the football and basketball teams, and was awarded the Outstanding Senior Award upon graduation. He received a bachelor of science degree from the University of Arkansas.

Before his decision to enter the seminary, Mr. Massey was employed in insurance and public relations work. He is married to the former Virginia Reynolds of Conway, Arkansas. They have three children.

He has his church membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Morrilton, Arkansas.

Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1962

John B. Danhof To Be Guest Pastor Sunday At Collegeport Church

John B. Danhof, second-year student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 7.

Mr. Danhof, whose home is in Dallas, attended high school in Grand Rapids, Mich. He received a bachelor of science degree from Southern Methodist University in 1960 and has also attended Perkins School of Technology. He was named to Phi Beta Kappa, highest scholastic honorary fraternity in the field of arts and sciences, and was a member of Mu Pi Epsilon and Beta Kappa Gamma, honorary mathematics and literature fraternities.

Before entering the Seminary Mr. Danhof worked as project engineer for Tears Engineers.

His church membership is in the First Presbyterian Church of Dallas and he is under the care of the Northeast Texas Presbytery.

Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Sorry I missed last week but was hospitalized with "virus" bug. I would like at this time to give my thanks and deep appreciation to the staff, nurses, Pink Ladies and Dr. Sanford for the very good care that was given me during my stay at Wagner General. Your tender loving care and kindness will never be forgotten. May God bless each and everyone of you.

Mrs. Era Long, sister of Mrs. Jack Bullington from Salt Lake City, Utah, spent a few days here visiting while enroute to Gallup, New Mexico, where she is presently employed. She wanted to catch a good red fish while here so tried Oyster Lake and Red Bulff with no luck and then decided to give last try at Collegeport Slough. She was about ready to give up when she got a strike, and it was a red, weighing about four pounds. She left for New Mexico very happy.

Mrs. A. A. Brown and Mrs. Daisy Thompson of Blessing and Mrs. Tootsie Kerbow of Bay City have been visiting the Jack Bullingtons.

Butch Bowers was home from college this past week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers and friends.

Mrs. Verner Bowers and Mrs. Audrey Blackwell spent a few days in Houston last week.

Mrs. Alvena Laslie and Mrs. Emilie Ackerman were visiting in Baytown this week. Mrs. Mary Kopecky, their mother, returned with them and at present is staying in Blessing with Mrs. Laslie.

Spending the week on vacation at their summer place in Collegeport were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gates of Houston and their four grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Law have been visiting her sister in Uvalde.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ellis, who are the proud parents of a son born October 3.

Mrs. Gust Franzen accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Franzen and sons to Louisiana for a visit.

Lynette Jenkins celebrated another birthday October 5th but we forgot how many.

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Franzen and boys returned last week from a five-day trip to Buffalo, Lone Oak, and Houston where they visited friends and relatives.

Palacios Beacon, October 11, 1962

Guest Pastor

John O. Massey, second-year student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, will be guest pastor for the Collegeport Presbyterian Church the second and fourth Sundays of each month, beginning October 14.

Palacios Beacon, October 11, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Mrs. Victor Gallaher, who has been under the weather, has improved slightly. We hope she will be up and about soon.

Pat Lowry and son, Patrick, of Palacios visited his sister, Mrs. Hazel Merck and Mr. and Mrs. John Merck Jr. and family, also the Jack Bullingtons recently.

Mrs. Tootsie Kerbow of Bay City and Mrs. Daisy Thompson of Blessing visited the Jack Bullingtons on a return trip from Monahans, Texas where they visited Mrs. Thompson’s daughter and family, Dr. and Mrs. Teddy Whitmire, and her son, Tinker Thompson in Uvalde. Enroute home they stopped at Kerrville to visit their brother, Teen Bullington, who is a patient at the State Hospital there.

Adolph Genzer, brother-in-law of Mrs. Pat Jenkins, was injured on a drilling rig where he is employed at Madisonville, Texas, but is much improved and has gone back to work.

If you have any news, please give me a buzz at 824-2195.

Mesdames Fred Law, E. A. Mixon and Dean Merck attended the Presbyterial meeting in Corpus Christi last Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck attended the World-Wide Communion service at the Palacios Presbyterian Church.

Gustave Franzen was the representative of the Collegeport Presbyterian Church at the Presbytery in Port Lavaca, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. John Merck, Jr. who lost their premature twin sons October 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells and Lynda and Mrs. Gust Franzen are visiting Clifford Franzen in Buffalo, Texas.

Mrs. Robert Keszler and Roy Corporon, children of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon, celebrated their birthdays Monday.

Palacios Beacon, October 18, 1962

Donald M. McCune To Be Guest Pastor Sun. At Collegeport Church

Donald McKinley McCune, senior student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 21.

Mr. McCune received his bachelor of arts degree from Austin College in 1959. He was a member of the Phi Eta Sigma, national scholastic honorary, and Phi Sigma Alpha social fraternity.

He was a summer assistant pastor of Spring Branch Presbyterian Church in 1958, and has been a supply pastor for the First Presbyterian Church of Nacona, Texas.

Mr. McCune has his church membership in the Spring Branch Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas.

Palacios Beacon, October 18, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

Visiting the Clyde Ware family this past week end were her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn (Ann and Buddy) of San Antonio, also Duggar and Sharon Ware of Markham.

Robert Jenkins and Jimmy Ware were in Madisonville to visit the Adolph Genzer family and Harold Jenkins, who is employed there.

Teddy Pennington is home for a few days from Orville, Calif. where he has spent the past few weeks with the W. B. Williams family.

Margaret and Delton Tate of Pasadena are visiting friends and relatives here. They attended church services Sunday at the First Baptist Church of Collegeport.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith, Jr. and family of Highland were Sunday visitors of his parents, the L. C. Smith Sr. family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesler have returned from a two week’s vacation in Cincinnati, Ohio where they visited Mrs. Roesler’s son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward. They were accompanied on their trip by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall of San Antonio. Enroute home they visited the G. R. Hendrix family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown and granddaughter, Debbie Ward.

Mrs. Era Long, sister of Mrs. Jack Bullington, called Sunday from Gallup, N. M. to say she arrived okay. She also stated that she got there with the red fish caught in Collegeport Slough and packed in dry ice and the family said they never knew fish could taste so good.

L. A. Rein writes that Mrs. Rein is still doing as well as could be expected and is at home in League City.

Mrs. Vic Gallaher is still under the weather but is slightly improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers had all their children home this past week, Butch from Texas University, Austin, and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Flewellen and children from Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers were in Angleton Saturday to attend the funeral of Dave Spoor.

Congratulations to Pat Jenkins and wife who are the proud parents of a baby boy born Sunday at Galveston, He weighed 7 ½ pounds. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins, Sr. of Collegeport and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dyson of Galveston.

Della Mitchell of Baytown was a Sunday visitor of her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis.

Mrs. Duane Corporon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Jack) Ussery of Mississippi are visiting the Duane Corporons.

Mrs. Hattie Kundinger spent last Tuesday in Woodboro with her niece and while there celebrated her birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck are visiting relatives in Dallas.

Palacios Beacon, October 25, 1962

Collegeport Women Of The Church Hold First Meeting Of Church Year

The Collegeport Women of the Church held the first meeting of their new church year at the home of Mrs. Gustave Franzen, Thursday afternoon, October 18.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. R. L. Corporon, who gave a devotional on “Our Life Is Not What We Possess but What Possesses Us.”

The Bible Study based on the Gospel of Matthew was moderated by Mrs. Fred Law.

The Emphasis on Stewardship and reports from the Stewardship meeting and the Fall Presbyterial were given by members who attended these meetings: Mesdames R. L. Corporon, Fred Law, E. A. Mixon and Dean Merck. They stressed the meaning of “Unity in Christ” Unity might be defined as U-You, N-and, I-I, T-Together, Y-Yes (You and I Together, Yes).

A Book Mark, The Praying Hands, was presented to the out-going president, Mrs. Dean Merck.

The group sent a birthday card to Mrs. Hugo Kundinger, who observed her birthday on October 18.

Mrs. John Merck, Jr. will be hostess for the November meeting.

Cake and Coffee were served to the following members: Mesdames Gust Franzen, Dean Merck, George Hejtmanek, E. A. Mixon, Fred Law, A. A. Penland, Roy Nelson, P. V. Corporon, R. L. Corporon, Gerald Wells, Earl Cockburn and John Merck.

Mr. Don McCune filled the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church October 21. Mr. John Massey will fill the pulpit Sunday morning, October 28.

Palacios Beacon, October 25, 1962

Harold Joe Swafford To Be Guest Pastor At Collegeport Sunday

Harold Joe Swafford, second-year student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church, Sunday, November 4.

Mr. Swafford has attended Odessa College in Odessa Texas, and Austin College in Sherman, Texas. He has also served in the U S. Marine Corps. At Austin College he was vice-president and president of the Ministerial Student Association, and chaplain of Phi Sigma Alpha Fraternity.

He has his church membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Odessa, Texas.

Palacios Beacon, November 1, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

Sorry I missed last week but the old virus bug got me again and I was back in the hospital. Either this “Bug” likes me a lot or I like the very good treatment I got at the hospital. Anyway, I’d like at this time to say thanks to all the staff at Wagner General Hospital , my doctors, Dr. Sanford, Dr. Mark Youngblood and Dr. Matthes of Bay City for the very kind treatment you gave me during my stay there. All were most highly appreciated. May God bless each and everyone of you.

Well, these first little cool spells of the season have been nice. With it came the bringing out of heaters, digging the sweaters and coats out of the moth balls, also brought in some good red fish and the opening of the goose season.

Those getting the bag limit of geese the first day were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams, the Jay Gates and Chilie Saunders all of Houston; and Willie Rapstain of Oyster Lake. Numerous others also got their limit but names unavailable.

Some nice red fish were taken from Oyster Lake, some 6-7 pounders. Live bait was plentiful there. Tootsie Kerbow and Dorothy Bullington fished in the Intracoastal Canal and had very little luck. Dorothy hung one that got off with part of her tackle, but never checked him. Tootsie had some luck, she got her big red up to almost out of the water, he rolled over and was gone. They spooled up, decided it was not their day and came home. Well, as the saying goes, the big ones always get away.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins, Sr., Duggar and Sharon Ware were in Galveston Sunday visiting Pat and Sara Jenkins, Jr. and the new baby, the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins, Sr. he was named Patton Lee.

Don Fowler leaves this week for the U. S. Navy. Good luck Don on this venture from all your friends here.

Mrs. Charlie Williams and son Babe visited friends and relatives in Houston this past weekend.

Bee Williams and Teddy Pennington left this past week to join the Williams family in Orville, Calif., where they’ll make their home.

Mrs. John Merck has been visiting relatives in San Antonio, Dallas and Oklahoma.

Birthday wishes to Mrs. R. L. Wells and Weldon Corporon, who celebrated their birthdays last Sunday. Belated wishes to Jerry Chaplin, the W. L. Ellis’, Fred Law and Mrs. Percy Corporon.

Palacios Beacon, November 8, 1962

Everett H. Cain, Jr. To Be Guest Pastor At Collegeport Sunday

Everett Harrison Cain, Jr. senior student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church Sunday, November 18.

Mr. Cain attended Lamar Tech and Baylor University in Waco. He is married to the former Paula Marilyn Branch of Devers, Texas. They have one child.

He has his church membership in the Central Presbyterian Church in Waco, Texas.

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1962

Women of Collegeport Presbyterian Church Hold Monthly Meeting

Mrs. John Merck, Jr. was hostess to the Presbyterian Women of the Church of Collegeport, Thursday, November 8th, for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

The moderator, Mrs. Fred Law, led a lively and animated discussion of the “Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness,” as recorded by Matthew. It was brought out that the tests to which Jesus was subjected closely parallel those of the present day Christian.

Preceding the business meeting a program was given emphasizing the urgent need for the women of the church to consider together the money affairs of the family in order to be able to approach practically and realistically the money affairs of the whole church family.

Highlighting the activities of the afternoon, was a surprise shower by the assembled guests of “gifts to the house” of the hostess, Mrs. Merck, who has recently moved into her new home. Fronting Tres Palacios Bay, the John Merck, Jr. home is set in the midst of acres of rolling land, which slopes gently to the water’s edge. Contemporary in feeling it is spacious, and designed for modern living. This home is one of the several new homes, which has risen, Phoenix-like, from the havoc and fury of Carla, and of which Collegeport is so justly proud.

Coffee and pie were served during refreshment hour, from a table graced by an exquisite covering of cluny lace. A family heirloom, woven many years ago by convent nuns, into an intricate design of lacy blossoms and butterflies.

The Christmas meeting will be held the second Thursday in December, at the Cockburn ranch home.

Assisting the hostess were Mrs. John Merck, Sr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Those who enjoyed the afternoon hospitality were Mesdames Roy Nelson, Percy Corporon, C. A. Chaplin, R. L. Corporon, R. L. Wells, Gust Franzen, Gust Franzen, Jr., Duane Corporon, John Merck, Sr., Gerald Wells, Dean Merck, Sr., Fred Law, C. J. Williams, Bruce Kay, George Hejtmanek and guest, Mrs. Fred Huitt of Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

Hope everyone enjoyed this long Thanksgiving holiday week end. Some spent it away from home, others came home from colleges and other places to be with their families.

Jim Bob Murry was home from A. & M. College; Butch Bowers from the University of Texas; Gerald Wells, Jr. from San Marcos.

Citrus Grove held its 52nd Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday and over 100 guests and old timers attended. Some of the out of town visitors who came back to be with their old friends for this annual affair were, the D. R. Batchelder family of Baton Rouge, La.; Paul Braden, Houston; Lottie Mae Crone [Crane?] and children, Houston; Sanford Crabill and Fay Crabill Stringstead of Tomball; Herbert Price and the W. Calvert family of Lake Jackson; Mrs. Weikel and sons, Beaumont; Raymond Hunt, Rosharon; Mrs. Della Braden, Bay City. Mrs. Braden was the oldest of the old timers there, being some 92 years old.

Most of the deer hunters are back and think most everyone got their limit. The Pat Jenkins, Willie Rapstein, Dwayne Corporon, Chili Saunders and Percy Corporon all got theirs. Don’t think anyone came back without a deer.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keszler and children spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Corporon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Derrick and family of Waco visited her mother, Mrs. M. S. Holsworth and family during the holidays.

Tootsie Kerbow of Bay City and Daisy Thompson of Blessing were down Thanksgiving to visit the Jack Bullingtons. All fished at the Intracoastal Canal—no luck except for a few small sand trout.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fitzpatrick and family of Victoria were here for a week end visit with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells and Linda.

Visiting the Fred Roeslers were her son, Stan Ward of Houston and Buck Beard of Beaumont.

Mrs. Vic Gallagher is confined to Matagorda General Hospital where she underwent surgery last week. She is improving and we all hope to see her home soon.

Palacios had a good turnout for the ball game Saturday at Bay City. Even though it was a hard fought game, our boys lost. Better luck next year.

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers and the Billy Halfens spent last week end in Houston where they attended the Houston Oiler football game.

Mrs. Florence Ellis is home after a stay in the hospital in Wharton.

Mrs. Norene Murry is a patient in the Matagorda General Hospital in Bay City where she underwent surgery Monday.

We are glad to see the steeple on the Presbyterian Church which was damaged during Carla, repaired. Thanks to the men who replaced it Thanksgiving morning.

We are happy to hear that Roy Nelson is home and feeling better. He had been hospitalized in Wharton.

The Presbyterian Church is sending a New Testament to Jerry Ellis, who is now participating in Naval Training in San Diego, Calif.

Palacios Beacon, November 29, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Visitors this past Sunday in the Presbyterian Church were the J. F. Kilpatricks, Mrs. Jesse Derrick and children of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. of League City; Mrs. Eugene Fitzpatrick and children of Victoria and Tena and Tana Angelo of Houston.

Mrs. Charles Angelo and daughters, Tena and Tana, of Houston are visiting Mrs. Charlie Williams and family.

Those on sick list are Mrs. W. L. Ellis, Mrs. Vic Gallaher and Mrs. Norene Murry. We are glad all three are home from the hospital. Mrs. Vic and Norene having had surgery at Matagorda General in Bay City.

Bill Fitzgerald of Alvin was in Collegeport visiting old friends last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins, Jr. and son, Patton, were here visiting the Pat Jenkins Sr. family. Pat Jr. is employed on an off-shore drilling rig in Galveston Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brown are back from their deer lease at Rock Springs where both bagged two bucks each.

Just three weeks until the Christmas holidays begin. Hope everyone has a real good Christmas.

If you have any news please call 824-2195.

Palacios Beacon, December 6, 1962

Charles Russell Gibbs To Be Guest Pastor At Collegeport Sunday

Charles Russell Gibbs III, senior student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 16.

Mr. Gibbs has a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Texas. Before entering the Seminary he was employed as a soils analyst for the Texas Highway Department and as an electrical engineer for Shell Oil Company in Houston. He has served five years in the U. S. Army Signal Corps in the Far East.

He has his church membership in the First Southern Presbyterian Church in Austin.

Palacios Beacon, December 13, 1962

Collegeport News
By Jackie Bullington

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ackerman visited friends and relatives in Baytown this past week.

Home for the week end were Butch Bowers from the University of Texas and Jim Bob Murry from Texas A. & M.

We’re glad to have Mrs. Norene Murry home after having had major surgery at Matagorda General Hospital. Mrs. Victor Gallaher is also recuperating nicely at home. She also had major surgery. We hope to see them both up and about soon.

Mrs. S. R. Flewellen and children of Bellaire are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers.

Visiting for a few days in Houston last week was Mrs. Audrey Blackwell.

Mrs. Charles Wilson of Deutschburg is visiting her daughter and family, the Gus Franzens.

Jack and Dorothy Bullington, Pat, Lillian, Roland and Mike Jenkins fished in the surf at Matagorda Saturday afternoon but had little luck, but had better luck Saturday night with a good catch of flounder and reds weighing from 2 to 4 pounds.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wolf of Colby, Kansas are here for a month’s visit with Mrs. Wolf’s sister, Mrs. Hugo Kundinger. Mr. Wolf had not visited Collegeport since 1918.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Penland who became grandparents for their 27th time. Mr. and Mrs. James Penland are the proud parents of a baby girl, their first, born at Wagner General Hospital.

Miss Pearl Roland of Tucson, Ariz, has been visiting Miss Margaret Holsworth.

Sunday visitors of the Rob Wells family were Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Wells of Van Vleck.

Rev. Massey from Austin Seminary filled the pulpit at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday. He was a guest of the John Merck family.

The Women of the Church will meet with Mrs. Carl Cockburn Tuesday at noon. A covered dish Christmas dinner will be served and a Christmas program will follow.

Best wishes to all the FFA boys who showed projects in the Progress Show at Bay City, Saturday. They were Kenneth Chaplin, Larry Corporon, Weldon Corporon, Roland Fondon and Earl Halfen. I heard a Palacios boy, Robert Tanner, won best of the show. Congratulations Robert.

Last week’s visitors in the Presbyterian Church were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huitt and Jay and Mrs. A. G Hunt.

Mrs. Ola Williams from Raymondville is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Williams and family. They spent Sunday at Bullington’s Camp on the San Bernard River. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Williams.

If you have any news give me a ring, phone 824-2195.

Palacios Beacon, December 13, 1962

Collegeport News

By Jackie Bullington

We had our first severe cold spell of the season last week. There was lots of ice here. Hope everyone has thawed out all right without too much damage to property and fall gardens.

Mrs. Louise Waters, a former school teacher in Collegeport and Citrus Grove, is now teaching in South Wales, G. B. The Roy Nelsons received a lovely Christmas card from her and she sent greetings to her many friends here.

Happy Birthday to Uncle Vic Gallaher who celebrated his 83rd birthday on December 9th, also to my sister, Lyn, who was 15 years young Dec. 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesler were in Houston last Wednesday on business and did some last minute shopping. While there they visited Mr. Roesler’s mother, Mrs. Lilly Roesler and brothers, Paul and Johnny.

Week end guests in the Jack Bullington home were Pat Lowry and children, Sharon, Debbie and little Patrick, of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers and Mrs. Johnny Williams were shopping in Houston last week and visited the Bowers’ daughter, Mrs. S. R. Flewellen and family.

Filling the pulpit at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday was Mr. Gibbs from Austin. He and his family were guests in the R. L. Corporon home.

Miss Janice Schimek of Bay City, Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wells of Van Vleck, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolf of Colby, Kans. and Miss Pearl Rowland of Tucson, Ariz. were guests in the Presbyterian Church Sunday.

We would like to say many thanks to our Men of the Church for doing a real fine job of cleaning our city garbage dump.

The Christmas program and dinner held by the Women of the Church at the Earl Cockburn home last Thursday was attended by 23 women and five children.

Thirteen men of the Men’s Bible Class met at the Presbyterian manse Thursday night and enjoyed a fried oyster supper. Gustave Franzen was elected president and Mason Holsworth and Dick Corporon teachers for 1963.

Let’s not forget our Collegeport boy who is in the service, Jerry Ellis (Navy) Co. 613-687-20-38, San Diego 33, Calif.

We are glad to hear that Mrs. L. A. Rein is much improved after having surgery. She and Mr. Rein send Christmas greetings to their many friends here and hope to visit all after the holidays.

The First Presbyterian Church will hold its Christmas program Sunday at 7:30 p. m. all are invited to attend.

We hope ole Santa Claus will be real good to each and everyone and if you are on the highways during the holidays, do drive carefully. “The life you save may be your own.”

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1962

Collegeport Women Of The Church Hold Christmas Luncheon

The Presbyterian Women of the Church of Collegeport held their traditional Christmas luncheon party Thursday, Dec. 13, at the Cockburn ranch home.

A prancing reindeer on a gilded swag of palm leaves and golden bulbs hung on the front door of the old Victorian house, and welcomed the guests. The entrance hall repeated the gold motif with high table arrangements. Bells made of ruffled net hung at the windows.

Most unusual was the profuse use of tall cactus sprays which had been uprooted by Carla and left to bleach and skeletonize. These sprays gilded and glittering with sequins were fashioned in various arrangements and used throughout the first floor.

Century old brass candelabras with pink candles were used in gold and pink decorations on the stocking-hung living room mantle.

The point of interest in the dining room was a pink rose tree, satin-bowed and centered in a golden lace covered flower pot, which stood on the table. Other interesting decorations and arrangements included a tall antique pair of enamel and brass scales festooned with grapes in shapes of pink and purple.

In keeping with the Collegeport tradition of delectably prepared food which has long made Collegeport famous among those who appreciate gourmet dishes, this luncheon was provided by the individual Women of the Church members in the form of a covered dish party. The menu included baked turkey and ham, salads and various vegetable dishes, finished off with coffee and Napoleon bon-bons imported from Belgium.

The regular meeting was called to order about two o’clock  by the President, Mrs. R. L. Corporon. Much time and emphasis were given to the study and discussion of the Beatitudes as recorded in the fifth chapter of Matthew. Much stress and importance was placed on the topics “Blessedness” and “The abundant life,” by the moderator, Mrs. Fred Law.

Cards were signed by those present, to be sent to those who were absent because of illness.

A committee was appointed to purchase a love gift for one of the members and another for a forth-coming wedding anniversary.

The Christmas Story as recorded by Luke, was read and the meeting closed with the singing of the Christmas Carol.

The committee in charge of hospitality and decorations were Mrs. R. L. Wells, Mrs. John Merck, Sr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Among those present were Mesdames Dean Merck, Sr., Dovie Hejtmanek, John Merck, Sr., Gustave Franzen, Jr., P. V. Corporon, John M. Merck, Jr., Fred Law, Roy Nelson, Gustave Franzen, Sr., R. L. Wells, A. A. Penland, Gene Mixon, Gerald Wells, C. J. Williams M. S. Holsworth, Hattie Kundinger, Dorothy Corporon, Robert Keszler, and guests Mesdames Stanley Kubela, M. Woolf and Carl Ackerman.

Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1962

Harry Albert Osborne To Be Guest Pastor At Collegeport Sunday

Harry Albert Osborne, student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas, will be guest pastor at the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 30.

Mr. Osborne received a bachelor of arts degree from Duke University in 1959. He was commanding officer of the Salvation Army for Orange, Texas, for two years prior to entering the Seminary.

He is married to the former Karol Ann Howarth of Elsmere, New York. They have two children. Mr. Osborne has his church membership in the Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Palacios Beacon, December 27, 1962


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