Culver School

Hello School Friends:

Even if we are the smallest school in the county (aren't we?), we are coming forward for our share of room in The Courier.

For the benefit of those who perhaps aren't acquainted with us we'll say this: Culver school is the little white school house on the south side of the Matagorda-Palacios road about three miles west of lower Colorado River bridge. Perhaps you have passed by and wondered if they really had school there? Well, we do. Ours is strictly a family affair, as the five pupils of the school are members of the same family. We aren't spending our time lamenting over the fewness of numbers; instead, we are trying to get just as much out of our school work as the pupils who attend a larger school. It isn't quantity, after all, that counts, you know; it's quality, so we are going to be the best one-teacher school in Matagorda County! There are many things we can not do because we are so few--but there are many things we can do. With the help of our capable, enthusiastic county superintendent, I'm sure we one-teacher schools can accomplish something worth-while.

Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 23, 1925


Copyright 2013 - Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Nov. 14, 2013
Nov. 14, 2013