Dr. Lyman Cronkrite



Dr. Lyman Cronkrite
Born November 26, 1804 in Steuben County, New York
Died August 8, 1864

Son of Henry Cronkrite (1768-1815)

Wives and children:

Eveline H. Cronkrite
    Daughter Tulla Cronkrite

Sarah Colver (1807-1838)
   Son Llewellyn R. Cronkrite
   Son Francis M. Cronkrite

Caroline Graves Cronkrite
Married in this village at the residence of L. J. Cooley, Esq, on Tuesday evening last by Rev. W. Van Zandt, Dr. Lyman Cronkrite of Tyrone, Steuben Co. NY, to Miss Caroline, daughter of Elisha Graves of Manfield, Tioga co. PA.--Elmira Gazette, Elmira, Chemung County, New York

Dr. Cronkrite's wife, Caroline, died of Cholera on March 24, 1849.

On the night of the 23d, a child [Ellen C. Cronkrite] of Dr. L. Cronkrite's was attacked with cholera; on the 24th, Mrs. Cronkrite was attacked, and died that night. Lavaca Journal, March 30, 1849

We regret to learn, from the Lavaca Journal of the 30th ult., that several cases of cholera had appeared at Lavaca during the week previous. Of those attacked, four or five had died; many of the attacks were slight. We notice that the wife and child of Dr. Cronkrite and Mr. G. S. Peacock and two Negroes of Mr. Troy, had fallen victims.--The Texas Democrat, Austin, Texas, April 7, 1849.

Samantha Banton (1826-1853)
   Son John Cronkrite

Colorado Tribune, June 1, 1848

Dr. Cronkrite was living in Matagorda in 1848 when he advertised in the Colorado Tribune. He was located in the Colorado House.

A notation in a letter dated January 19, 1832 indicated Dr. Cronkrite had relocated from Matagorda to San Felipe, so he must have lived in Matagorda at least twice.

Dr. L. Cronkrite

Office No. 54, Swenson's Building.
City of Austin, Texas.

No person will be expected to pay for teeth that are not worn with ease and comfort, and which do not answer all the purposes of natural teeth; not for work of any kind that is not faultless in its manner of execution.

Dr. C. will exhibit specimens of his work to all who may desire it, one of which is an entire new set of upper teeth, worn by himself, of a style of workmanship that no one will be disposed to find fault with--natural in appearance, worn with ease and comfort, and answering the purposes of mastication.

No charges will be made for work that is not equal to the specimens exhibited.

Dr. C. will promptly attend to any calls he may have for his professional services, from the surrounding counties.

Persons who contemplate having teeth inserted on gold plate are invited to call and have the preparatory operation of extracting the decayed teeth and fangs performed, free of charge, with the full understanding that they will be at liberty afterwards to select any other dentist to insert the teeth, if they choose to do so.

DENTISTRY.--We call attention to the card of Dr. L. Cronkrite, a dentist well known through many parts of Texas and who had for the present and perhaps permanently located in our city. We have occasionally fallen upon a specimens of Dr. C.'s work in Texas; and have universally found, that they gave satisfaction. We copy the testimonials of some other newspapers, printed where fair tests have been made if the Doctor's skill. And surely there is no art or profession which, if skillfully exercised so much alleviates the sufferings of the human family.--Southern Int.

Our former townsman, Dr. L. Cronkrite, has recently located in the city of Austin, where he intends to practice Dentistry. As a gentleman and as a dentist of superior skill, we commend him to the confidence and patronage of the Austin public. His work here, done some ten years ago, such as gold plugs, teeth set on pivots, remains perfect and permanent, and exhibits no signs of giving away. As a scientific and skillful dentist he has no superior in this country or probably in any other.--LaGrange True Issue.

We find decided testimonials, by the Pres. of his superior workmanship, there are, however, superfluous as we have his work among us, performed many years since, and the permanency of the insertions--no plug having fallen out or loosened--is the strongest evidence of the perfection of his skill in Dentistry. Therefore, we have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Cronkrite to those who need his services.--Chronicle of the Times, Matagorda, Texas.

We learn with regret that Dr. L. Cronkrite, who has been practicing in the Dental profession in our town and county with unparalleled success for the last fifteen months, is about to leave for the town of Minden, La. here is but one opinion here of Dr. C.'s skill as a Dentist. All award to him the name of a very superior operator. His plate work is perfect, and his plugging (to us new), superior to any we have ever witnessed. We take great pleasure in saying that the Doctor is a gentleman and a thorough Dentist. Those who need work have only to give him a trial, and they will not apply to another, when his services can be obtained. --Eldorado Union

THE DENTAL ART.--We know of no calling which so abounds in unskillful and faithless professors, and in which such numerous and gross impositions are practiced, as in Dentistry. To such an extent is this the case, that he who is so unfortunate as to need the services of a dentist, stands a very good chance of being imposed upon, however cautious he may be in making his selection. It is a matter of congratulation, therefore, when a dentist has by his skill and fidelity in his calling proven himself to be an honorable exception to this rather too general rule. It is in this connection that we think we subserve a useful purpose in attesting to the superior claims of Dr. L. Cronkrite, of this place, as a Dentist. We have employed him in our family, and know the general character of his operations. They are unsurpassable, of surprising beauty and finish, and uniformly exhibit the highest excellence of the art.

His manner of plugging teeth is the most perfect of anything of the sort we have ever seen, and is calculated to inspire one with superior notions as to the extreme delicacy of the operation, the perfection attainable, and the perfection required to ensure permanent success from the operation. The cause of failure also becomes obvious, from the contrast. It is not wonderful that this so often occurs, when the careless and unskillful manner in which this operation is usually performed, is considered.--Victoria Advocate.

We have seen some beautiful specimens of the dental art, executed by Dr. L. Cronkrite, of this village, which exceed, in point of elegance and beauty of finish, adaptation and durability, anything of the kind we have ever seen. We were not previously aware of the degree of perfection this branch of the art was susceptible of--the plate being adapted to all the little inequalities of the mouth with surprising accuracy, and the teeth so nicely fitted, and so natural in their appearance, as to defy the closest scrutiny. And what is of more importance, they are worn by the patients with the greatest comfort, and answer the purpose of mastication. We believe he excels also in the other departments of his profession--the testimony of those for whom he has operated being highly satisfactory.--Macon Republican.

The Southern Intelligencer, Austin, Texas,  April 21, 1858

Dr. Cronkrite's brother, John, was murdered in LaGrange in 1848 and Dr. Cronkrite spent much time and effort in trying to get a conviction for the murderers. He appealed to Texas Governor Bell for assistance.--Texas State Gazette, June 11, 1853


Dr. Llewellyn Cronkrite


Dr. Llewellyn Cronkrite
August 24, 1830 - February 23, 1889
Son of
Dr. Lyman Cronkrite

Racheal Guthrie Cronkrite


Marker photos courtesy of
Find A Grave volunteer
Judy Baker #47903253


More information about Lyman Cronkrite