J. C. Sewell making sugar cane syrup using reconstructed equipment





HArry        SImon        MArion


For Kids

Hasima Pictures

Hasima, Texas
By Mary B. Ingram

A townsite was laid off about five miles east of Allenhurst on the SLB&M in 1905, when the rail line was established. The townsite on the Matagorda-Brazoria county line was given the unusual name of Hasima. Ha for Harry, Si for Simon and Ma for Marion which were the names of the three sons of the contractor who cleared the townsite. The town never developed, but through the years a community developed along the road which today is called the "Hasima Road."

A post office was ordered established at Hasima on August 1, 1908, and Wesley Hunefelt appointed postmaster. the order, however, was rescinded September 2, 1908.

Seven grades were taught at the Hasima school in the 1920s. Families by the name of Richardson, Sewell and Norman live along the Hasima Road.

Typed for this page by Henry Hanson.


Rev. Gibson of Angleton was down last week and assisted in organizing a Sunday School. He will hold services here Friday evening, February 6, and at that time will arrange for services to be held later. This is the starting point and it is hoped that a church will be built later.

Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Waggoner of Woodward, Okla., came in Saturday and expect to make Hasima their future home.

Hasima is badly in need of a school, there being now 20 pupils tributary to Hasima. Mr. Linscott has advised that if a suitable place can be had that the board will take care of expenses of a teacher for four months.

Mrs. H. F. Meyers gave a farewell party to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, who left on Wednesday for Bay City. All present enjoyed a pleasant evening but Hasima will miss Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and family.

Mr. Cates, a brother of Mrs. B. S. Squires, is visiting here and a party was given in his honor last week by Mr. and Mrs. Squires.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 23, 1914

The Hasima Frogs.

October 3--It has been raining so much for the past few days that we have all begun to croak like frogs and to hop in the mud the best we can. School is doing fine. There are nine [eleven?] students enrolled. Seventh grade, Lulline Reeves; sixth grade, Madeline Sewell, Terrill Reeves, Vedia Blackwell; fifth grade, Allen Blackwell, Hixie Sewell; third grade, Morris Richardson; first grade, Wilburn Richardson, George Sewell, Ruby Richardson, Charlie Cloud.


One day we were called upon by our teacher to tell jokes. Hixie Sewell gave the one that caused the most fun: One day a large man weighing about 300 pounds went to a restaurant for dinner. He said, "Waiter, do you feed people here?" "Yes," said the waiter, "but we don't load trucks."


The Hasima school has adopted the following motto as their slogan for the coming school year: "Be not simply good, be good for something."


Mrs. G. L. Sewell has been on the sick list this week. We are glad to hear that she is improving from a threatened attack of pleurisy.


Bishop Clayton left Sunday for Roser, Texas.


Mr. Will Underwood spent the week-end in Hasima community.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 9, 1925


Hasima School News


Charlie Cloud was absent this week.


Vedia and Allen Blackwell have been absent on account of severe illness of their mother.


Mrs. J. M. Meadows is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Richardson.


W. C. Sewell and wife and J. S. Richardson and family visited in Pledger Sunday.


Mr. Tom Horn is camping in our neighborhood. We are proud to have him with us and hope he will soon be over the hay fever.


Mr. P. J. Reeves was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.


Mrs. Nancy Creel also visited in Bay City Tuesday.


On page 48 in the seventh English the seventh grade was to write a composition of "Who's Who in Our Community." Here is one written by Lulline Reeves:




Mr. George Thomas Lester Sewell, a farmer born in Summerville, Georgia, Chattanooga County, 25 miles from the Chickamauga battleground, in 1877. He came to Texas in 1893. He has been a member of the Baptist Church since the age of ___, married Mrs. Lemma Richardson in 1908.


Mr. Sewell's education is limited, he has been a great factor in our community life, especially in school work. He had many difficulties in getting a school here. He made three trips on horseback to see Mr. S. C. Patterson, J. D. Bagley and Will Sweeny, all of Brazoria County, to try to get help, but failed. Not discouraged he went to men in our county and this time succeeded. He succeeded in getting a deed for some land. Now we have a nice school term of nine months. Mr. Sewell is one of the school trustees. He had done all he could for the Sunday School.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 16, 1925


Hasima School News


November gone; Thanksgiving over. Oh! so many things the Hasima people are very thankful for. We are especially thankful for these children and their parents.


Thanksgiving was a very pleasant day for the Hasima people. The lessons began at eight-thirty. At noon the fathers and mothers began to gather with large baskets of good eats. In a short time lunch was spread. All the porch was covered with good things. After lunch spread Mr. G. L. Sewell gave thanks, then eating began. After lunch, baskets put away. All had a nice conversation; into the school house they came for the program given by the pupils. All went home and got ready for the party given by their teacher, Mrs. Vades Richardson.



(Madeline Sewell)


As I was going across the field I picked up something that a little bush yields. It could neither run nor play but everybody likes it with turkey on Thanksgiving day--

What is it?


We have received our first set of library books from our county superintendent. We are very proud of them. I am sure the children will spend many happy hours reading them.


Hasima school can boast of a small number of books contributed by the community.

A list of the books.

Alexander the Great.

Little Women.

The Ranger Boys Outwit the Timber Thieves.

To a Ranger Boy's Rescue.

The Ranger Boys and Their Reward.

Hans Brinker.

Silas Marner.

Chinese Fables and Stories.

A Boy Scout Chance.

The Heritage of the Desert.

The Deserted Village.

Thomas Gray's Writings.

The Girl Scout Triumph.

The Battle of Waterloo.

The Golden Apples.

The Great Carbuncle.

The Gray Champion.

My Dog, Rover.

Thomas Jackson Catches a Fish.

Through Missouri on a Mule.

The Call of the Wild.


A Bunch of Cherries.

The Adventures of Kathlyn.

The Back of the North Wind.

Polly and Eleanor.

The New Hudson.

Molly Brown's Freshman Days.

Uncle Tom's Cabin.

The Lady of the Lake.

The Campfire Girls on the Farm.

Treasure Island.

Life in Colonial Days.

Enoch Arden.

Snow Bound.

Two Great Southerners.

Marjorie's Vacation.

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

Popular Fiction.

The Malfactor.

The Tale of Sandy Musk Rat.

The Tale of Dicky Deer Mouse.

Robert Orr's Atonement.

The Girl in the Mirror.

Romance of Elnora.

Beyond Pardon.

Little Folks Friends.

Tales by Anderson.

Black Beauty.

The Night Before Xmas.



Miss Gracie Gibbs of Cameron is here for an extended visit in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Vades Richardson.


Miss Ruby Underwood, teacher of the Bernard School, spent Thanksgiving here.


Mr. Ryman of Houston was here Wednesday on business.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, December 4, 1925




Hello, everybody!


This is the first time this year we have attempted to send in our school news.


We are reading the book. "The Boy Wanted." All the pupils are enjoying verses great men wrote.


These pupils have just finished their mid-term examinations. All the pupils made the required average but two, who had just been here two weeks.


Wilburn Richardson, a pupil of the first grade, made 100 on his spelling examination and never missed a word during the month.


The pupils are doing some very pleasing work in Health. Many fine posters are being made. We are having quite a bit of interest taken in the "Milk Fairies." The ones that drink 28 glasses in four weeks gets a star on their milk bottles. The one that drinks the most until school is out gets a prize. I am sure there will be an increase in weight and in health among the children who are in the contest.


In the examination in the sixth grade there were 10 words to define in one question. Here are some of the definitions that caused laughter.


Homely: An old maid.

Homely: A person who has been away from home a long time and wants to get home.

Florist: A man that puts in a floor.


Madeline Sewell made the highest average on the mid-term examinations.


Allen and Vedia Blackwell, who have been absent all the first term, have entered school again.


The seventh grade has been doing fine work in history.


This grade has been studying and discussing "The Locarno" treaties. We want to say all schools that are not taking The World Review are missing something.


Locals and Personals.

Mr. B. R. Richardson and family of Pledger have moved back to our community.


Mr. G. L. Sewell, our trustee, has been "courting" in Bay City this week.


Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sewell spent the week-end in Bay City.


Mrs. R. G. Richardson and daughter, Ruby, visited in Bay City Monday.


Mr. P. J. Reeves gave a house covering Tuesday. All the men of the community were there. A splendid dinner was served, such as: Cakes, pies, chicken and dressing, salads and coffee.


Mrs. Cloud gave a party Saturday night. On account of bad roads, few were present but reported a pleasant time.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, January 22, 1926




The children of Hasima school, Mrs. Vades Richardson teacher, last week mailed to the pupils at Fullerton, North Dakota, letters descriptive of their school, their homes and their surroundings, also a box of native products, including Spanish moss, a large sweet potato, branches of cotton, etc. They are eagerly awaiting a return courtesy from Fullerton.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, November 5, 1926



Copyright 2006 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 1, 2006
Apr. 9, 2009