Lukefahr School Community News 1914

Lukefahr School Community


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile and little son, Frank, were Bay City visitors last Thursday.


Among those to visit Bay City Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith.


Editor C. E. Gilbert of the Matagorda County News was a pleasant visitor in our community Tuesday.


Mr. Foster Milner, our most worthy school teacher, went to Bay City, his home,

Monday afternoon after school, returning Tuesday morning in time for school.


Mr. Fred Blair of Lake Austin was out to singing Sunday evening. What's the "attraction," Fred?


Those from Caney to come to singing Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rainey and baby, Mrs. W. A. Matthews and children, Misses Madge and Gertie, John and Jim Matthews.


Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Yates were Bay City visitors Monday.


C. H. Lukefahr visited Bay City Wednesday.


Mr. Harold Smith was a Caney visitor Tuesday afternoon.


Messrs. Art and Roy Blake went to Bay City Saturday afternoon, returning Sunday afternoon.


J. H. Pile is through breaking land and is now "pushing" his levees, getting ready to plant rice.


Mr. Art Blake went to Bay City Wednesday morning.

Mr. M. C. Sansing, agent for the J. R. Watkins Co., was in our community Monday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, Bay City, Friday, March 6, 1914

Lukefahr School Community.

J. J. Pile was a Bay City visitor this week.

Messrs. J. Finley and R. E. Yates were in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. J. J. Smith and three little children visited in Bay City this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wylie of the Hotel Wylie.

C. H. Lukefahr visited in Bay City Friday and Monday.

Misses Nellie and Yolande Norman of Orangedale were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Speaker Sisk of Bay City visited in Orangedale Sunday.

Messrs. Will and Foster Milner and Will Culver of Bay City were at the singing Saturday evening at the Lukefahr schoolhouse.

Mr. E. A. Campbell visited in Bay City Sunday afternoon.

Several from Caney were at the singing Sunday evening.

Roy Pile visited near Buck's bayou Sunday evening.

J. F. Prine was in Bay City Monday.

Mr. Harold Smith and sister, Miss Clinton, visited in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. J. K. Seibold was in Bay City Saturday.

Rev. E. F. McDonald of Bay City filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon and preached a fine sermon, his subject being, "The World's Two Greatest Events," namely "The Flood" and "The Fall of Jerusalem."

J. J. Smith went to Bay City Tuesday.

Messrs. Roy and Charlie Pile were in Bay City Friday after a load of feed.

Miss Rella Blake was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, March 20, 1914

Lukefahr School Community.

Mr. J. K. Seibold visited Bay City Friday.

The Messrs. Patterson were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Messrs. J. H. Pile and J. J. Smith visited the county seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seibold were in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker of Coulterville passed through here Saturday on their way to Bay City.

C. H. Lukefahr had business in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. J. Finley went to Bay City Saturday.

There was no singing at the Lukefahr school house Sunday evening, as most of the crowd went to Caney church to hear Rev. Geo. Kemp, the Methodist pastor of that place preach. Two young men of the crowd were rather late getting to their "respective places of abode," because they had to pass judgment on a new piano and one of them had to walk part of the way home, because his bicycle gave out on him.

Misses Mary Love Bates, Madge and Gertie Matthews of Caney, presented the Lukefahr school community with one dozen of the "New Evangel" song books, to be used by the Sunday school and at singing. We certainly appreciate their gift and thank them very much.

J. H. Pile and son, Clarence, visited in Caney Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Seibold went to Bay City Monday morning.

Miss Rella Blake was in Bay City one day this week.

Mrs. J. H. Pile and two little ones were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

C. H. Lukefahr was in the "city" again Tuesday.

Corn planting is all the "go" again.

Two gray wolves were killed here in this neighborhood this past week, one by Mr. McLendon and the other by Mr. "Red" Harrison, both of Bay City. The wolves are getting rather bold, prowling around at night, catching the farmer's chickens and we hope that the good work of killing them will go on.

Mr. Haines of Bay City has his mules out here this week at work hauling the machinery from the old well which was on Mr. W. S. Edward's land and which proved a failure.


Mr. J. J. Seibold of the Lukefahr school community called in Saturday to say his family just must have the News-Farmer, so he paid for one year. Mr. Seibold is one of the substantial farmers of the Caney country. On our recent trip in that section we thought his home one of the most attractive, with its shade and comfortable, homelike surroundings.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, March 27, 1914

Lukefahr School Community.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Siebold visited Bay City Thursday.

J. H. Pile begun planting rice Monday. Others are ready to follow.

W. S. Edwards lost a nice horse a day or so since. They were breaking the horse to the saddle when it reared up, fell backward and broke its neck.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker of Coulterville passed through here Thursday enroute to Bay City, returning home Saturday.

Mr. J. T. Prine and daughter, Miss Laura, visited in Bay City on Saturday, and when they returned they were accompanied by the Misses Owen and Mrs. Crossen, of Bay City, as their guests over Sunday.

Mr. R. E. Yates had business in the county seat Saturday.

We think that hereafter when a young gentleman wants to take a young lady to church he should first ask his mother; for a certain young gent in this vicinity engaged to take a lady to church, and when the time came to go he did not show up. His excuse was afterwards "My mama would not let me."

Mrs. J. J. Siebold is on the sick list this week.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 3, 1914

Lukefahr School Community.

A crowd of young people gathered at the home of J. F. Prine Wednesday evening. Singing and games was the program, and a fine time was reported.  We did not learn the names of all who were there.

Messrs. Will and ?Foster Milner and will Culver of Bay city accompanied the Misses Matthews and Mrs. Franklin of Caney to singing Sunday evening at the Lukefahr school house.

A young daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Finley this week. We extend to the young lady a hearty welcome.

C. H. Lukefahr went to Bay City Monday after his daughter, Miss Minnie, who will spend this week at home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile and little sons, Lawrence and Frank, went to Bay City Monday, returning Tuesday morning.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 10, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seibold and J. J. Smith were in Bay City Thursday.

Misses Mary Love Bates and Jessie Bates, Madge and Gertie Matthews of Caney visited at S. J. Bates Thursday afternoon.

Misses Rella Blake and Laura Prine were shopping in Bay City Friday.

J. K. Seibold visited the county seat Wednesday.

Among those who visited Bay City Saturday were D. Jones, Franklin Prine, E. Wetherby, J. H. and Clarence Pile, Warren Patterson and Roy Blake.

Foster Milner spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City with homefolks.

Mr. Torrance of Bay City was in our midst Sunday.

Two egg hunts were enjoyed by the young people of this community Sunday afternoon; one at Mr. Will Morgan's and the other at the home of R. V. Matthews at Caney. A large crowd was at both places and fine times were reported.

Several of our young people went to the Negro baptizing at Liveoak Sunday afternoon.

Singing was not announced at Sunday school Sunday afternoon but a big crowd gathered at the home of J. H. Pile as a "sort of surprise" and singing was indulged in by most of those present. Mr. Foster Milner "performed" on the piano and did his part well. Those to enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Pile's hospitality were Mrs. Franklin of Louisiana, Misses Madge and Gertie Matthews of Caney, Edna Mae Parker of lower Caney, Louisa and Hannah Seibold, Geneva, Zula and Ola Fonden, Birdie Ham, Cora Hastings, Clinton and Lurline Smith; Messrs. Rodger Arnold of Alvin (a cousin of the Misses Matthews), Tom Matthews of Caney, Willie Parker of lower Caney, Foster Milner, John and Ben Seibold, Hastings, Harold and Jack Smith, Andy and Arthur Patterson.

C. H. Lukefahr visited Bay City twice this week.

Miss Minnie Lukefahr left Saturday for Pharr, Texas, where she has accepted a position with The _____ Canal Co., of that place.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 17, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Mrs. Katie Blake and daughter Miss Rella were shoppers in Bay City Thursday

Miss Nellie Norman has as her guest Miss Ponder of Waco, Tex.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith and C. H. Lukefahr were in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Foster Milner spent Saturday and Sunday in the "City."

Mrs. J. E. Partain and daughters, Misses Ermine and Louise of Palacios, visited her brother, J. J. Smith, a few days this week.

Miss Minnie Lukefahr is at home on a visit from Pharr, Tex.

Mrs. Norman and baby, and Misses Nellie Norman and Ponder visited Bay City, Monday.

Fred Blair of Lake Austin, was in our community Sunday.

Mr. Torrence of Bay City visited at the home of J. F. Prine Sunday.

A large crowd from here attended church at Caney Sunday.

(unavoidably crowded out last issue)

Mr. Will Culver of Bay City was in our midst Thursday and again Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile and son Frank were in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Seibold and Miss Rella Blake were Bay City visitors Friday.

Those to visit the county seat Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seibold and daughter Sarah, C. H. Lukefahr, E. A. Campbell, John and Joe Andrews, Misses Clinton and Vonne Smith and Harold Smith.

Rev. E. F. McDonald of Bay City filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Last time that he was here he announced that the next time he came he would give a nice book to the girl and boy who would repeat the stories of the "Good Samaritan" and the "Prodigal Son." So Sunday Sarah Seibold repeated the story of "The Good Samaritan" as it is in the Bible and Jack Smith the Prodigal Son. Both did fine and deserve the book that each will receive. Next month the 23rd psalm will be repeated by Merle Lee Smith.

A large crowd attended singing at the Lukefahr schoolhouse Sunday evening.

Roy Blake and Clarence Pile went to Bay City Sunday evening to get the war news.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jordan went to the City Saturday.

Mrs. C. H. Lukefahr is on the sick list this week.

Foster Milner spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City with home folks.

Miss Laura Prine was shopping in Bay City Monday.

Almost everyone from this part of the country attended the large barbecue at Caney Tuesday which was indeed a success.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 1, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Clarence Pile and Harold Smith visited Caney Tuesday.

C. H. Lukefahr and J. H. Pile and wife went to Bay City Wednesday.

Roy Blake and Warren Patterson were at the county seat one day this week.

The heavy rains will delay the farmer's work for a week or ten days. We hope for pretty weather now.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seibold had business in Bay City Friday.

Messrs. Norman, Ham and John Seibold visited the city Friday.

Those from here to vote at Caney Saturday were Messrs. Lukefahr, Campbell, Pile, Smith, Seibold, Jones, Ham, J. Seibold and Jordan.

J. Finley and Jep Prine went to Bay City Saturday.

There is a brand new "chicken coop" being built on a farm near Orangedale. Wonder who will occupy it.

Those from afar to come singing Sunday evening were Misses Madge and Gertie Matthews, Messrs. Tom and Jim Matthews of Caney, Mrs. Franklin and Willie Parker of lower Caney and Fred Blair of Lake Austin.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 8, 1914

Lukefahr School House

An ice cream supper will be given at the Lukefahr schoolhouse Friday evening May 15th, for the benefit of the school. Everyone is envited to come and bring someone with you and don't forget your money.

Miss Rella Blake visited the city Saturday.

A large crowd from here attended the supper given at the Caney school house Saturday evening. Everyone reported the finest of times, and such delicious things to eat. Miss Geneva Fondren and Andy Patterson surprised their many friends by appearing as Mr. and Mrs. Patterson having previously visited Squire W. A. Matthews who made them one. We wish them many, many years of happiness and prosperity.

Chopping cotton and corn and planting rice are the chief occupations of the farmers of this section at present.

Misses Madge and Gertie and John Matthews of Caney and Messrs. Will Culver and Will Milner of Bay City attended singing at the Lukefahr Schoolhouse Sunday evening.

Mr. J. M. Morgan of Hotel Bay City was down last week on a visit to his son's family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morgan enjoyed a visit of several days from Mrs. J. M. Morgan of Bay City, mother of Mr. W. H. Mrs. Morgan returned home Saturday.

J. K. Seibold had business in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lukefahr and daughter, Miss Minnie, were in Bay City Tuesday.

J. Pile went to Blessing Monday on business.

E. A. Campbell went to Bay City Monday afternoon.

Foster Milner and Harold Smith visited at Caney Monday evening.

J. J. Smith went to Bay City Sunday after seed rice.

Miss Gladys Fry of Bay City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lukefahr Thursday.

Tom Matthews of Caney was with us at Sunday school and singing Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jordan were city visitors Thursday.

Messrs. Lukefahr, Campbell and Smith spent Thursday and Friday working the public road just east of Orangedale.

Foster Milner spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City with homefolks.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 15, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Mr. and Mrs. Fate passed through here Friday from Bay City enroute to their home on Peyton's Creek.

Albert and Roy Blake and sister, Miss Rella, and Warren Patterson were in Bay City Friday.

Mr. R. E. Yates had business in Van Vleck Friday.

C. H. Lukefahr went to the City Friday after ice for the ice cream supper which was given at the Lukefahr Schoolhouse Friday evening.

Harold Smith spent Thursday in Bay City.

The ice cream supper given at the Lukefahr Schoolhouse Friday evening was a success, a large crowd attended and something over $9 was taken in, with which a large dictionary and stand will be bought for the school.

C. H. Lukefahr spent two days of this week dragging the public roads.

M. S. Sansing made his regular trip here last week in the interest of the Watkins Medical Co.

Harold Smith took the school census of the Buck's Bayou and Lukefahr School districts Friday and Saturday.

F. Prine and E. Weatherby went to Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith and three little children spent Saturday in Bay City guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wylie of Wylie Hotel.

J. H. Pile went to Caney Friday afternoon on business.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Walker returned to their home at Coulterville Saturday after a few days visit with relatives in Bay City.

E. E. Fry of Bay City was at C. H. Lukefahr Saturday on business.

Clarence and Charlie Pile and Harold Smith visited at Caney Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Switzer of Bay City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgan.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morgan were Bay City visitors Thursday.

Messrs. Rodney Matthews and Morris Bates attended preaching at the Lukefahr Schoolhouse Sunday afternoon.

Rev. E. F. McDonald of Bay City filled his regular appointment here Sunday. He preached a fine sermon, his subject being "Our Consciences." Merle Lee Smith repeated the 23rd Psalm for which she will receive a little book. Mr. Will Pile of Bay City brought Rev. McDonald out in his buggy.

Mr. Ham who has been suffering with an abcess on his tooth went to Bay City Friday to see a doctor.

Our school closed Friday May the 15 under the able management of Mr. Foster Milner of Bay City.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 22, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Messrs. John and Ben Seibold were in Bay City Tuesday.

Messrs. Kelsie Patterson, Albert and Roy Blake were Bay City visitors Monday.

Harold Smith returned home Wednesday after a few days visit in Bay City with relatives at Hotel Wylie.

J. K. Seibold had business in Bay City Thursday.

Among those from here to go to Bay City Friday were Messrs. E. A. Campbell, J. J. Smith, J. L. Finley, McDowel, Robert Loos and son Willie, V. A. Bethany and two sons, Roy and Bryan.

C. H. Lukefahr took Mrs. Sylvester Lukefahr and daughter Mamie back to Bay City Saturday. They visited at Mr. C. H.'s during the high water in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker of Coulterville passed through here on route to Bay City Saturday.

J. H. Pile was a City visitor Saturday.

J. F. Paine and daughter, Miss Laura, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patterson went to Bay City Saturday.

Miss Gertie J. Matthews and brother Jim of Caney were at Sunday School Sunday at the Lukefahr school house.

Messrs. Ben and David Seibold are on the sick list this week.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, June 12, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Mr. V. R. Norman and family and his son and family of Orangedale left Wednesday morning for Waco, Texas, their old home. They sold their crops to the Messrs. Patterson.

Mr. Arthur Blake is at home this week visiting his mother Mrs. Katie Blake.

C. H. Lukefahr and J. J. Smith went to Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile and Art Blake were in Bay City Saturday.

A crowd of young men from here went to Bernard Saturday evening to attend an ice cream supper given at the home of Mr. Will Henry, all reported a good time.

Messrs. Morris Bates and Tom Matthews of Caney were at the Lukefahr School house.

Messrs. E. E. and John Fry of Bay City were at C. H. Lukefahr's Wednesday evening.

Sunday School next Sunday June 21, at two o'clock p. m. and preaching at three by Rev. E. F. McDonald of Bay City, after next Sunday, Sunday School will be at 3:30 p. m. Every one is invited to come.

E. A. Campbell, J. J. Smith and Harold Smith went to the City Monday morning.

J. K. Seibold visited Bay City one day last week.

The hot winds we have had lately are making the farmers want for rain. The Irish potato crop in this part of the country is a failure, but lots of sweet potatoes.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, June 19, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Mr. John Seibold went to Alvin, Texas, Monday with Mr. McDowal's teams where he will work in the hay fields.

Messrs. Arthur and Roy Blake left Monday for San Antonio where they  have obtained work.

Mr. J. J. Seibold was a Bay City visitor last Monday.

Mrs. W. H. Morgan and Mrs. Kate Blake and daughter, Miss Rella, were shopping in the City Wednesday.

C. H. Lukefahr, J. H. Pile, J. L. Finley and son Charlie Warren and Thermon Patterson went to Bay City Saturday.

Charlie Patterson of Dripping Springs, Texas, came down Friday on a visit to his brothers.

Mr. Torrence of Bay City Sundayed at the home of J. F. Prine.

Mr. Tom Matthews of Caney was at Sunday School Sunday at the Lukefahr School house.

Mr. Russell Bell of Bay City was down Sunday seeing after his rice interests.

J. F. Prine and daughter visited the county seat one day this week.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, June 26, 1914

Lukefahr School House
Left over from last issue

Messrs. E. A. Campbell, J. J. and Harold Smith, J. K. Siebold and J. H. Pyle went to Bay City Monday.

Misses Mary L. Bates and Madge Matthews of Caney visited at the home of J. J. Smith Wednesday afternoon.

Clarence Pyle was a "City" visitor Monday.

Mr. Ed Pyle and family of Bay City came out Wednesday to begin work on our new schoolhouse for which he has the contract.

Harold Smith had business at the Caney store Friday afternoon.

Mr. Gus Kahbaum went to Bay City Sunday to meet his wife and child who have just arrived from Kansas City, Mo.

Preaching at Caney Sunday evening was enjoyed by the following young people from here. Misses Minnie Lukefahr, Birdie Ham, Latra Prine, Gladys Harris, Messrs. Albert Blake, Charlie Pile, Clarence Pile, Arthur Patterson, Therman Patterson, Fred Blair, Harold Smith, Ben Siebold and Jep Prine.

There has been a great deal of sickness around here lately, nothing very serious however. Chills and fever seem to be the complaint. Mr. J. F. Prine's family have all been sick, also Miss Louisa Siebold, Mrs. D. Jones, Mrs. J. J. Smith, and C. H. Lukefahr.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 10, 1914

Lukefahr School House

Sunday School was held in the new school house Sunday afternoon at 3:30. We are proud of our new house and want everyone to come to Sunday School and lets fill the house like we did the old one and make the Sunday School greater and better in every way.

The charbon is still very bad, only a few cases have gotten well, most of them dying in a few hours. We hope however that it will soon be over and no more stock lost.

E. A. Campbell and J. H. Pile were in Bay City Thursday.

J. J. Smith went to Bay City Thursday to meet his daughter, Miss Clinton, who has been attending the B. Y. P. U. Encampment at Palacios.

Messrs. Prine, J. J. Seibold and J. K. Seibold were city visitors Saturday.

Mr. Will Pile and son John of Bay City spent Sunday at J. H. Pile's.

Mr. John Seibold spent Sunday here with home folks.

Miss Minnie Lukefahr left Sunday for Eagle Lake where she has accepted a position as stenographer.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 31, 1914

Lukefahr School House

The farmers have begun to cut their rice and by the last of next week the binders all over the county will be in full swing. J. H. Pile and C, H. Lukefahr were the first around here to start cutting.

Mr. D. Jones and family have moved from the Tom Howard place on Liveoak creek to a place across the Colorado canal which J. H. Pile has rented this year. Mr. Jones will help Mr. Pile with his rice harvesting.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Edwards have rented the C. L. J. Sisk new brick hotel at Bay City and will take charge this week some time. The hotel was known as the Wylie House.

J. K. Seibold will take charge of Mr. Edwards' farm here and will move there as soon as Mr. Edwards moves to town.

J. J. Smith and E. A. Campbell were Bay City visitors Saturday afternoon.

We have had some very nice rains in the past few days and are truly thankful for them; but we would like to see some bright sunny weather now for the rice is ripe and needs cutting and the fields are muddy.

J. J. Smith and family had roasting ears from their June corn Sunday for dinner.

Miss Ruby Pile has been right sick for the past week, but is some better at this writing.

Miss Bessie Walker and sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed. Walker of Coulterville passed thro' here Sunday afternoon en route to Bay City.

The charbon seems to be "letting up," at least there are no new cases that we know of and we hope that it has run its course.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, August 14, 1914

Lukefahr School House

C. H. Lukefahr, J. J. Seibold, J. J. Smith, David Seibold and Jack Smith were Bay City visitors Monday.

E. E. Fry of Bay City was down Wednesday looking after his cattle.

Messrs. J. F. Finley and Jep Prine went to Bay City Tuesday with a load of water-melons.

E. A. Campbell and J. J. Smith began cutting their rice Wednesday afternoon.

Gene, the 17 months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones, stuck a rusty nail in his foot this week, and is suffering a great deal with it.

Messrs. John and Ben Seibold and Fred Blair came in Sunday afternoon from Liverpool, Texas, where they have been at work.

Mr. Torrence of Bay City visited at the Prine home Sunday.

Master Rue Pile went to the Caney store Saturday on business.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, August 21, 1914

Lukefahr School House

J. H. Pile was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Messrs. J. F. Prine and J. L. Finley left Tuesday for La. on a prospecting tour.

Mr. J. J. Seibold visited Bay City Tuesday and Saturday.

Mr. Rufus E. Yates' father and mother left Monday for Louisiana, where they will make their home.

C. H. Lukefahr had business in the "City" Monday.

Jep Prine was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. _____ Turner left Thursday for Ark. their future home.

Mrs. J. L. Finley and Miss Rella Blake were shopping in Bay City Tuesday.

Messrs. J. K. and John Seibold went to Bay City Tuesday.

E. A. Campbell and J. J. Smith were Bay City visitors Thursday.

Mr. Daniels of Austin came...

Dr. Byars was called down Sunday to see Mr. J. K. Seibold, who is very sick.

Several of our people "took in" Bay City Saturday among them were Misses Laura Prine and Clinton Smith, Messrs. R. E Yates, J. J. Smith, Franklin Prine, Leon Finley, Jack Smith, Albert and Roy Blake and Clarence Pile.

Mr. Art Blake came in Saturday on a visit to his mother Mrs. Katie Blake.

Harold Smith came up Saturday from Palacios and stayed until Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, August 28, 1914

Lukefahr School House

As this section has not been heard from in some time, will say that we are not dead yet; although we will have to get about in rubber boots for a few days, on account of the big rains we have had, the heaviest of the season.

Crops are about all gathered, except the sweet potatoes, and when we get them in we can sit back around our fire these cold winter evenings and eat hog and potatoes, war or no war.

A good many people are moving away to a better country (so they say). Well, may be so. But there will be a few of us left. So let's get together, brethren, and do our very best another year, and see if we cannot be not only better farmers but better men. And who knows, perhaps the fall will find us with smiling faces and good crops, and thankful hearts that we yet live in old Matagorda county.

A Farmer

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, October 30, 1914


Lukefahr School Community News 1929

Lukefahr News

Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Andrews
Assistant Editor, Caroline Matthews
Reporters: Gordon Crossland and Ellis Andrews

Mr. Pinkie Fondren of Van Vleck is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

Mrs. Henry Estill and small daughter, Vernie Lee, are visiting Mrs. R. V. Matthews

Mrs. H. H. Hunt is visiting her nephews, Messrs. J. H. and J. G. Matthews.

Mrs. W. A. Fondren visited in the home of Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

Mrs. R. G. Matthews is expecting hr brother and sister-in-law from Houston to spend the week-end with her.

Mr. Pierson spent last week-end in the home of J. H. Andrews.

Ellis Andrews spent last Sunday night at the home of William Estill.

Ruby Love Bates is back at school after being absent several days.

Ellis Andrews is back at school after being absent about a week.

We hope to have the debate "Men Make Better Drivers Than Women" Friday morning. Gordon and Ellis will take the affirmative side and Caroline and Elizabeth the negative.

The built-up bird posters arrived a few days ago. The second and third graders enjoy working with them. Some morning they intend to surprise the other grades by showing the completed bird posters and giving a short talk about each bird. Later on the posters will be placed on the wall.

Mr. Thompson, principal of Van Vleck school, was kind enough to allow the pupils of Lukefahr school to "listen in" Monday. We enjoyed the inaugural address and will not soon forget many things we learned.

Sidney Bates was bitten by a snake late Sunday afternoon. He has been able to attend school, though.

Cledy Mills made 100 on his arithmetic notebook last week. Keep up the good work, Cledy.

The third, fourth and seventh grades had rather an exciting time Friday afternoon. The two third grade pupils raced with the four fourth grade pupils in a geography contest. The fourth grade thought that the third grade was more accustomed to finding the places on the map so the seventh grade pupils were asked to help the fourth grade. The score was 16 to 12 in favor of the fourth grade.

The Daily Tribune, March 15, 1929

Lukefahr News

Editor--Elizabeth Andrews
Asst. Editor--Caroline Matthews
Reporters--Ellis Andrews, Gordon Crossland

 Life is a leaf of paper white
Where on each one of us may write
His word or two, and then comes night;
Greatly begin! Though thou hast time
But for a time, be that sublime!
Not failure, but low aim, is crime.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fondren, of Bay City, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Fondren, of Houston, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews Sunday.

Caroline Matthews went to Van Vleck to see the play "Deacon Dubbs." She says it was good.

The first grade pupils are enjoying coloring and sewing their straight line sewing cards.

Mr. Pearson, of Caney, spent Saturday night in the home of J. G. Andrews.

Mr. R. H. Hunt is at the home of J. G. Andrews, after spending a week in Bay City.

Nannie Bell and Mattie Lee, former pupils here, visited us a short time Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Andy Patterson and sons, of Boling, spent the weekend with Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

All the younger pupils are looking forward to the Easter Egg Hunt Friday afternoon.

The debate, "Men Make Better Drivers Than Women," was held Friday morning. Ellis and Gordon were on the affirmative side and Caroline and Elizabeth were on the negative. Hezzie, Winifred and James acted as judges. They decided the boys won.

Elizabeth wrote a play about an arithmetic problem last week. The fourth grade acted it out Friday at Language period. Before the class time they fixed a store at the front of the class room. It looked much like a real store in a town. They cut out cans of peaches, pineapple, beans, coffee and other things from magazines and mounted them on cardboard to use on the counter.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 29, 1929

Lukefahr News

Editor--Elizabeth Andrews
Asst. Editor--Caroline Matthews
Reporters--Ellis Andrews, Gordon Crossland

Elizabeth, Winifred and John Andrews are quitting school Friday.

Elizabeth Andrews is to leave for Fort Worth on May 2. We will miss Elizabeth in the fourth grade.

Lukefahr school has a new pupil, Allen Ham, from West Columbia. The members of the third grade are glad to have the new class mate.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews spent Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fondren.

Mrs. R. G. Matthews is expecting her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. E. Fondren, from Houston Sunday.

Morris Bates is back in school after being absent a week. We are glad to have him back again.

Mrs. Grimes is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bates.

Mrs. J. J. Holmes, of Ft. Worth, who has been in Blessing, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrews.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chamblee visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver Sunday.

Lukefahr school has a new pupil, Jimmie Ham, from West Columbia. Gordon will have a classmate now.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Downer and daughter, Mrs. C. L. Williams, visited in the home of Mrs. J. H. Andrews Tuesday.

The Daily Tribune, April 26, 1929


Lukefahr News

Editor--Caroline Matthews
Reporter--Gordon Crossland

 Think for yourself one good idea,
But known to be thy own.
Is better than a thousand gleaned
From fields by other sown.

Last Friday afternoon we debated on the question, "Is it better to have nine or twelve months of school?." The two boys who served as judges decided that the girls won this time, even though they stated that a twelve months school form was better than a nine months one.

Mrs. Pollard visited our school last Thursday afternoon. She gave the fourth, sixth and seventh grades Standard Achievement Tests.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. France and Mrs. W. W. Gordon are spending this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Crossland.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patterson and children of Newgulf, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews Sunday.

Mr. W. J. Ham is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coleman this week.

Morris Bates is ill again. We hope he will be able to come back to school again this term.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fondren of Bay City, visited Mrs. R. G. Matthews last Sunday.

Vernon Fondren spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. Oran Patterson were guests of Mrs. J. W. Bates Sunday.

We had an interesting baseball game Tuesday morning between the two strong teams, the Blue and Reds. Instead of a ball one of the multiplication facts was used. Most of the players "knocked flys" too. When time was called the score was 5-5. The tie will be played off later.

The Daily Tribune, May 10, 1929

Lukefahr News

We are beginning our second month of school with an enrollment of fifteen pupils which gives us nearly a room full.

We have with us this year a new student, little Steve Matthews.

Two new pupils, Jim and Allen Ham, have joined our ranks for the first time this week. We are glad to have you, boys.

We are sorry to say that Sidney Bates is on the sick list at this writing.

The revival meeting which has been conducted at the Lukefahr school house for the past two weeks, by Sister French, was brought to a close Sunday night. The attending crowd has been quite large.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Chambless, of Gulf, were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter, of Boling, accompanied by their son and daughter, have been visiting for a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ham.

Mrs. E. L. Williams, her daughter, Jessie, and her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. W. Downer, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrews.

Mrs. A. D. Thompson, of Van Vleck, spent Monday visiting the Lukefahr school.

Mrs. E. Morehead, of Bay City, has been visiting in the home of Mrs. C. L. Ham for the past week.

The Daily Tribune, Friday, October 11, 1929

Lukefahr News

The pupils of the Lukefahr school have taken over the writing of the Lukefahr news for the coming school year with Ellis Andrews acting as editor, and Caroline Matthews, Cledy Mills and James Weaver as reporters.

James Weaver, who has been a fourth grade scholar, is now being given a try in the fifth grade. It means just a little more hard work, James.

Several of our pupils were absent from school Monday in order that they might attend the circus at Bay City.

Sidney Bates, who has been on the sick list, is back in school again.

Elzy and James Weaver have been picking cotton at Cedar Lane the last few days.

William Ertell spent Sunday with Ellis Andrews.

Cledy Mills made a trip to Midfield Monday, stopping to visit his aunt at Markham on his way home.

Mr. W. F. Fondren and his two sons, Vernon and Ivory, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews Sunday.

Mr. R. E. Bittner has been quite busy the past week shipping cattle.

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, October 16, 1929

Lukefahr News

There is a look of relief on Cledy's face while Elizabeth is wearing her usual smile once more. Examinations are over again.

The first, second and third grades have decorated our room for Hallowe'en by making black cats and yellow pumpkins for the windows.

Our basket ball was unfortunately punctured by a tack last Thursday. We will be glad when it is fixed again.

Morris Bates was absent from school Monday because of illness.

This section received a fine rain Saturday and Sunday. Everyone was glad to see it.

It will be not be long till the duck season is open. There seems to be plenty of ducks around the ponds this year.

Mr. R. E. Bittner has been shipping cattle again this week.

Mr. W. S. Fondren and his two sons, Ivory and Vernon, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

The Daily Tribune, October 20, 1929

Lukefahr News

The pupils of Lukefahr school are the proud owners of a new basket ball. Everyone is enjoying it.

We have some new pictures in our school room this week, among which are Perry Prints of "Sheep, Spring," and "The Dance of the Nymphs."

Mrs. Pollard was a visitor of our school Friday. As always she made her stay very worth while and interesting to us. While she was here she took the fifth grade history class for an aeroplane trip to North Carolina. She also showed us a new way of checking arithmetic problems, told us a delightful story and gave us some good rules to use in playing with our new basket ball.

Caroline and Steve Matthews are the missing ones from school this week. They accompanied their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Matthews to Houston for a visit last Thursday and have not yet returned.

Mr. Carrol Sifferd is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrews of this neighborhood.

Mr. and Mrs. Hight of San Antonio visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mills Sunday.

The Daily Tribune, Friday, October 25, 1929

Lukefahr News

We had a Hallowe'en party at the school house Thursday, Oct. 30. First we bobbed for apples then we played games. All who were present had a good time.

Mrs. R. E. Bittner very kindly gave us two small flags, which we now have in our school room.

The rain of the past week has been reflected in our school attendance. Only six pupils were present Friday and seven Monday, but our customary fifteen were back in line Tuesday.

The rain made the road so bad that Miss Thompson could not go home for the week-end, so she spent Saturday and Sunday in Lukefahr.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews are the proud owners of a new radio.

Mr. E. W. Mills returned to San Augustine with Mr. and Mrs. Height who have been visiting Mr. H. M. Mills.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver and son, Elzy, spent the week-end in Gulf.

Mr. J. H. Andrews went to Galveston last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rogers accompanied by Mrs. Wiley and baby spent Wednesday in the home of Mrs. E. L. Ham.

Mr. J. H. Andrews is away from home this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, November 14, 1929


Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jun. 20, 2007
Jun. 20, 2007