Lukefahr School Community Information

Excerpts From the Diary of
Madeline Sewell Magness
Lukefahr School Teacher 1935 - 1938

Diary & picture of Madeline
courtesy of Betty Hudson

Sewell Family History




This Book Belongs


Madeline Sewell Magness

Hasima, Texas

Matagorda, County


Madeline Magness taught at Lukefahr school from the fall of 1934  through May, 1938. She lived in Sweeney, Texas, but boarded during the school year with a Mrs. Bittner somewhere in the Lukefahr area. She loved sports, sewing, needlework, and art. She also played several instruments and sang.  During the summers she took courses and/or attended college. As the diary begins she was dating her soon to be husband Alvis Magness.


January 1, 1935

Came back to Lukefahr.  Spent about three hours alone.  Made New Years resolutions and budget plans


January 2, 1935

Taught school today.  Made candy this evening and embroidered some for Mrs. Bittner.  Wrote Alvis a letter.


January 3, 1935

Received a letter from Alvis and was overjoyed.  Taught school.  Practiced playing the accordion.


January 4, 1935

Taught school today.  Came home.


January 5, 1935

Went to Bay City this morning.  Spent most of the evening sewing.  


January 6, 1935

Today was Sunday.  Spent most of the day in the house.  Finished my first quilt-top today.  Wrote Alvis and Sears about radio.


January 7, 1935

Came back to Lukefahr.  Taught school.  Graded  notebooks.  Ordered work books for first grade.  Finished one end of scarf.


January 8, 1935

Taught school today.  Made arrangements for faster work.  Received a sweet letter from Alvis.


January 9, 1935

Taught school.  Posted a letter to Alvis.  Graded  notebooks and made out test questions.


January 10, 1935

Taught school.  Made out mid-term examination questions.  Read story of Joshua to the pupils.


January 11, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Went to see Bay City and Sweeny play basketball.  Bay City boys won. 


January 12, 1935

Went to Bay City.  Bought two print dresses.  Went to show and ball game.  Bay city boys won.


January 13, 1835

Even though today was Sunday I made my dress.  Lucille and Morris took dinner with us.  Wrote Alvis a letter.


January 14, 1935

Taught school today.  Kept John in.  Gave second grade mid-terms.  Finished grading notebooks.  Took physical exercise.


January 15, 1935

Taught school.  Gave mid-term test.  Received letter from Alvis.  Answered his letter.  Took physical exercise.


January 16, 1935

Taught school.  Gave test and was discouraged at the low grades.  Took my physical exercise.


January 17, 1935

Taught school.  Gave out report cards.  Finished my dresser scarf.  Cleaned up my dresser.  Took physical exercise.


January 18, 1935

Taught school.  Went to the show and ball game.  Bay City won.  Decided I wouldn't go to Victoria until later.


January 19, 1935

Went to town this evening.  Went to the show tonight.  Saw Joe C. Brown in "Six Day Bike Rider".


January 20, 1935

Stayed at home and cooked dinner for mother.  Washed dishes after dinner.  Morris and I went to Aunt Vades'.  Washed my hair.  Came a flood.


January 21, 1935

Came back to Lukefahr.  Missed a day out of school.  The weather is still freezing.  Posted Alvis a letter.


January 22, 1935

Taught school until about 10:30.  Had only one pupil, Richard.  Lined a coat for Mrs. Bittner.  Embroidered some and wrote Alvis a letter.


January 23, 1935

Taught school today.  Finished copying my examination questions.  Took my physical exercise.


January 24, 1935

Taught school today.  Embroidered some.  Gave myself a manicure.  Took physical exercise.


January 25, 1935
Taught school today. Did not go home this weekend.  Started my robe this evening.  Took exercise.


January 26, 1935
Went to Bay City this morning.  Finished my robe this afternoon.  Went to the show this evening.


January 27, 1935
Spent the day in Lukefahr.  We went to visit Mrs. Wooley.  Winifred came over this evening.


January 28, 1835
Taught school today.  Received a letter from Alvis.  Posted a letter to Alvis.  Finished my slip and slippers.


January 29, 1935
Received another letter from Alvis.  Taught school.  Went to the show tonight and saw "Helldorado".


January 30, 1935
Taught school today.  Wrote Alvis and Richie a letter.  Took my exercise and beauty preparations.


January 31, 1935
Made out my reports.  Taught school.  Took physical exercise.  Posted letters to Alvis and Richie


February 1, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Went to see "David Copperfield" and the ball game.  Bay City won.


February 2, 1935

Paid Grannie $20.  Went to Bay City this morning.  Alvis came about 8:00.  Spent the evening with C. Smith and Myrtle.  Went to midnight show.


February 3, 1935

Went to Sunday School this morning.  Mr. B. and family took dinner with us.  I slept most of the evening.


February 4, 1935

Taught school today.  Mrs. Bittner visited all afternoon.  Cut out my blue dress.  Wrote Alvis a letter.


February 5, 1935
Taught school.  Wrote to Morris and Ruby.  Received a letter from Ruby.  Went to the show.


February 6, 1935

Taught school today.  Caught John copying.  Worked on my new dress.  Went skating.  Took physical exercise.


February 7, 1935

Taught school.  Packed to go to Victoria.  Manicured my nails.  Hope the weather is good tomorrow.


February 8, 1935

Taught school.  Came to Victoria.  Alvis and Eddie met me at El Campo;  we spent the evening there.


February 9, 1935

Spent the day in Victoria.  Went out to Alvis' and went skating.  Talked to Earl.  Had a "flop" and met two "common" girls.


February 10, 1935

Spent the day out at the Magness brothers'.  We played cards and had a swell time.  Came home.  Dad ran in the ditch.


February 11, 1935

Taught school about an hour.  Slept this evening.  Wrote Alvis a letter.


February 12, 1935

Taught school today.  Had only six pupils.  Went to the show.  Posted a letter to Alvis.  Everything is covered with water.


February 13, 1935

Taught school today.  Received a letter from Richie. 


February 14, 1935

Taught school.  Had a Valentine party.  Got a letter from Alvis.  Received lots of pretty Valentines.  Wrote Alvis a letter.  Finished my dress.


February 15, 1935

Taught school today.  Had a pretty day.  Came home.  Went to a party at Bernice's.  Danced with Mr. Smith and Mr. Wooley.  Lucille spent the night with us. 


February 16, 1935

Went to Bay City.  Bought buttons for my dress.  Got Richie's dress.  Went to midnight show.  Boy is it cold.


February 17, 1935

Spent most of the morning writing to Alvis and practicing with George.  Slept most of the evening.  Hixie, George and I played after dinner.


February 18, 1935

Came back to Lukefahr today.  Taught school.  Finished another cross-stitch scarf.  Posted a letter to Alvis.  Paid B.  one weeks board.


February 19, 1935

Taught school.  Received a letter from Alvis.  He is coming Friday to stay all week-end.  Played and sang for Bittners.


February 20, 1935

Taught school.  Practiced on guitar.  Started school garden.  Wrote some poetry.  Sewed some on another blouse.


February 21, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Went to Briten's;  he has the "flu".  Came home and took lots of medicine for flu.


February 22, 1935

Went to Bay City.  Alvis came down.  Went to the show.  Played cards and forty-two.  Spent a lovely evening together.


February 23, 1935

Had roast for lunch.  Alvis picked me up and slung me around and I did yell.  Played cards and had spades as trumps except once.


February 24, 1935

Freeze is reported, hope we don't get one.  Played all morning.  Had cherry pie for dinner and I did eat.  Alvis went back to Victoria.  I came back to Lukefahr.  Found piece of glass in my foot.


February 25, 1935
Mr. Hale, Co. Supt. came out today. Taught school. Had only four pupils. The wind is blowing so it rocks the house. Hope it doesn't get any colder.  Wrote Alvis.



February 26, 1935
Taught school. Graded notebooks. Gave test. The storm is over but it is still cold.



February 27, 1935
Received letter from Alvis.  He is ill;  hope his recovery is rapid.  Taught school.  Gave test and graded notebooks until I am "batty".


February 28, 1935
Taught school.  Gave test.  Made out report cards.  Wrote Alvis a letter.


March 1, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Mailed Alvis a letter.  Made out an order to Sears and wrote Alvis another letter.


March 2, 1935

Went to Bay City.  Received my pay.  Posted letter to Alvis.  Had a piece of glass taken out of my foot.  Paid Grannie $20.  Went to B's party.


March 3, 1935

Went to Sunday School.  Slept most of the evening.  Wrote three letters.


March 4, 1935

Taught school today.  Had only two grades.  Paid board.  Drew some this evening.  Sent for S.M.U. Catalogue.  Posted letter to Alvis.


March 5, 1935

Taught school today.  Gave some more tests.  Visited Mrs. Andrews this evening.  Received two letters from Alvis and a card from Richie.


March 6, 1935

Taught school.  Visited Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Urtell.  Learned how to crochet.  Started a tea set.  The wind is howling.


March 7, 1935

Taught school.  Crocheted some this evening.  Helped Mrs. Bittner fix supper.  Wrote to Alvis.


March 8, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Spent the evening playing the guitar and singing.


March 9, 1935

Went to Sweeny.  Went to Bay City this afternoon.  Shipped radio to Sears.  Went to a wiener  roast and to midnight show.


March 10, 1935

Went to Sunday School.  Spent most of the evening sleeping.  Copied my part in play.  Wrote to Alvis.  Have a severe headache.


March 11, 1935

Taught school  Graded notebooks, drew a cross-stitch design, crocheted some and wrote Alvis a letter.


March 12, 1935

Taught school.  Went to the show.  Received a letter from Joe and Alvis. 


March 13, 1935

Taught school.  Ordered two dresses.  Helped Mrs. B. with supper.  Drew some on my cross-stitch design.


March 14, 1935

Taught school.  Wrote Joe and Alvis a letter.  We finished our school garden.  Received card from Richie.


March 15, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Went to the show and saw "After Office Hours".  I regret I went;  wish I could recall the time.


March 16, 1935

Went to track meet.  George took first in high jump.  Went on a Wiener roast with the gang.


March 17, 1935

Went to Sunday School.  Taught Senior class.


March 18, 1935

Posted a letter to Alvis.  Taught school.  Received a letter from Alvis. 


March 19, 1935

Taught school.  Mr. Hale visited this evening and I really feel like I know him now.  Received letter from Alvis.


March 20, 1935

Taught school.   Went to Mrs. John Bates' this evening.  Stopped by Mr. M. Bates and played for them.  Wrote Alvis and Joe.


March 21, 1935

Taught school.  Crocheted some this evening.    My head and eyes are hurting.


March 22, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  We practiced Negro Minstrel show.


March 23, 1935

Went fishing.  Didn't catch anything.  Went to Bay City Saturday evening.  Practiced Saturday night.


March 24, 1935

Went to Sunday School.  Led singing;  taught the Senior class.  Was sick most of the evening.  Practiced tonight.


March 25, 1935
Came back to Lukefahr. Taught school.  Wrote Sears about my mandolin.  Wrote to Alvis.


March 26, 1935
Went fishing; caught a big one.  Received my dresses and a note from Alvis. 


March 27, 1935
Taught school.  Started me a tam.  Wrote to Alvis.  Weather looks like rain. 


March 28, 1935
Taught school.  Crocheted some on my tam.  Helped mow the lawn.  Received a letter from Alvis.


March 29, 1935
Taught school.  Came home.  Practiced then played forty-two.  Then George, Morris and I went frogging.


March 30, 1935
Had frog legs for breakfast.  Went to Bay City.  Ordered George a suit.  Bought some shoes, hat and a dress.  Practiced.

March 31, 1935
Spent the day at home.  We had an electric storm about 12 last night and it came a flood.  Went to the river.  Wrote to Alvis.


April 1, 1935

Came back to Lukefahr.  Taught school;  had 100% attendance.  Heard from my mandolin.  Paid Mrs. Bittner board up to May 10.


April 2, 1935

Taught school.  Received a letter from Alvis.  Wrote him one.  Mounted 3 butterflies, and crocheted some.


April 3, 1935

Taught school.  Remodeled maps and map case.  Helped Mrs. Bittner with supper.  Studied some.


April 4, 1935

Taught school.  Baked two pies.  Gave myself a good manicure.  Packed to go to Victoria tomorrow.


April 5, 1935

Taught school.  Came to Victoria.  Alvis and I went to the show.  Had a lovely evening together.


April 6, 1935
Went to District meet.  Lee took first place in 100 yd. dash.  Alvis, Richie, George and I went to the midnight show.


April 7, 1935
Played dominoes this morning.  Went out to see Mrs. Stubbs.  Went to the show and came home on the 2:30 bus.  Got home at 5:30.


April 8, 1935
Taught school.  Only had two grades.  Reordered mandolin.  Slept about 2 hours this evening.  Wrote to Alvis.


April 9, 1935
Taught school.  Posted letter to Alvis.  Gave exams today and had several failures. 


April 10, 1935
Taught school.  Gave exams and had several failures.  Wrote Alvis, Myrtle and Dysart.


April 11, 1935
Taught school.  The air was full of dust today;  I suppose it is part of those horrid dust storms.  Got a letter from Alvis.


April 12, 1935
Taught school.  Came home and went to football game.  George played swell.  Went to midnight  matinee.


April 13, 1935
Went to Bay City.  Bought me a white crepe suit.  Practiced our play until twelve.  Wrote Sears and their agency.


April 14, 1935
Went to Sunday School.  Led singing and taught the Junior class.  Ironed this evening.  Went to the show.


April 15, 1935
Taught school.  Crocheted some on my tam.  Wrote Alvis a long letter.  Put in an order for my ring.


April 16, 1935
Taught school.  Received my dress and a letter from Alvis.  Crocheted some on my tam.  Finished the top.


April 17, 1935
Taught school.  Wrote Alvis and George.  Received card about the radio.


April 18, 1935
Taught school.  Crocheted some on my tam.  Made a banana pudding for Mrs. B.


April 19, 1935
Taught school.  Came home.  We practiced until ten.  Had a nice shower.


April 20, 1935
Went to Bay City and helped George select a suit.  Sent the radio back to Sears.  Practiced and danced.


April 21, 1935

Went to Sunday School at Sweeny and Van Vleck.  Taught a class.  Attended Wilmath's wedding.


April 22, 1935
Taught school today.  Had to jace up my boys.  Wrote Alvis and received a letter from him.


April 23, 1935
Taught school.  Made some lemon pies.  Crocheted some on the purse.  Posted letter to Alvis.


April 24, 1935
Taught school.  Crocheted.  Received letter from Alvis.  Wrote to him.  Made some new regulations in school work.


April 25, 1935
Taught school.  Gave John tests.  Hope I get my ring tomorrow.


April 26, 1935
Taught school.  Came home.  Practiced and danced some.  Got a letter from Sears.


April 27, 1935
Went to Bay City.  Got my pay.  Bought some blue and white dress shoes.  Practiced.


April 28, 1935
Went to Sunday School.  Led singing and taught Junior class.  Lucille spent the day with us.


April 29, 1935
Taught school.  We had a terrible rain and wind.  Got a letter from Alvis.  Received my ring with the picture.


April 30, 1935
Taught school.  Enrolled for extension course in accounting.  May my efforts not be in vain dear Father.


May 1, 1935

Taught school.  Mailed my first lesson in personal analysis.  Wrote a letter to Alvis.


May 2, 1935

Taught school.  Received package from Montgomery.  Posted letter to Alvis.


May 3, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Went to see "White Scandals of 1935"  and to the Jr.-Sr. dance.


May 4, 1935

Sewed and embroidered most of the morning.  Went to Bay City and got a permanent.  Hope Alvis likes it.


May 5, 1935

Gee, it's raining again.  Hope it stops soon.  Spent most of the day embroidering and crocheting.


May 6, 1935

Wrote to Alvis.  Came back to Lukefahr.  Taught school.  Averaged grades and found two complete failures.


May 7, 1935

Taught school.  Received bookkeeping set.  Please let me be a success.


May 8, 1935

Taught school.  Painted turtle shell.  Wrote Alvis.  Received a picture and letter from him.  Made some sheets.


May 9, 1935

Taught school.  Planned to go to show but it rained.


May 10, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Practiced.  Remade a dress.


May 11, 1935

Went to Bay City.  Bought some sandals and ordered my evening dress.  Practiced in costumes for minstrel show.


May 12, 1935

Went to church.  Led singing.  Taught the advanced class.  Had gobs of company Sunday evening.


May 13, 1935

Taught school.  Wrote to Alvis.  Received a letter from him and prizes for pupils.  Helped can beans.


May 14, 1935

Taught school.  Cut out my summer coat.  Posted letter to Alvis.  Mr. Hale,  and and Sears.


May 15, 1935

Taught school.  Went home and put on Negro minstrel show.  Had a grand crowd.  Am I tired.


May 16, 1935

Taught school.  Put on Negro minstrel at Lukefahr.  Wrote to Alvis.  Am I tired.


May 17, 1935

Taught school.  Came home.  Took Benjamin to Bay City to get his diploma.  Went to show.


May 18, 19356

Sewed most of the day.  Went to Bay City.  Finished my evening dress and slip.  Am I tired.


May 19, 1935

Went to Sunday School.  Briten and Eleanor came.  Made my evening wrap and packed.


May 20, 1935

Taught school.  Heard from A.W.I. Wrote to Alvis and Morris.   Will give all tests tomorrow.


May 21, 1935

Taught school.  Gave Standard tests.  Most of them made good.  Wrote Alvis.  Finished Mrs. B's coat.


May 22, 1935

Taught school.  This has been the longest day I ever saw.  Received a letter from Richie and Alvis.  Went to Bay City.


May 23, 1935

Taught school.  Finished making coat for Mrs. Bittner  Taught the last day of my first school.


May 24, 1935

Came to Victoria and saw Alvis graduate.  Met his parents and cousin. 


May 27, 1935
Went to register but could not get P.E. so am going to take Education under Mr. Howell.  Went to show.


May 28, 1935
Went to school.  Earl brought me home.  Met his mother.  Alvis and I went to Manhattan for dinner and then to show.


May 29, 1935
Went to school.  Came home and went to town.  Went to Y.  Practiced baseball.  Visited Mrs. Dick.


May 30, 1935
Went to school.  Wrote Alvis.  Played baseball.  Decided not to play baseball anymore.


June 23, 19035
Today was a year.  Alvis and I have been engaged.  Went to the show this evening.


June 27, 1935
Went to school.  Studied education for test tomorrow.  We only have five more days of school.  Am I glad.


July 3, 1935
Took my test.  Finished packing.  Went to Houston.  We went to the "Heights" to see a show.  Had a nice time.


July 29, 1935
Went to Bay City.  Talked to Mr. Hale about my contract.  Wrote to Alvis.  Crocheted some.  Spent the afternoon alone.


August 17, 1935
Slept most of the morning.  Went to Bay City.  Mr. Gibson's wife is very ill.  Signed my contract.  A group played 42 tonight.


September 7, 1935

Went to show at Bay City.  Saw Mrs. Bittner.  Went to Institute.  Had short session.  Saw Mr. Walker.  Met Coleman Gibbs.  Paid down on a swell dress.


September 8, 1935

Went to Sunday School and church.  Went to the river, but did not go in.  Going to bed about six.


September 9, 1935

Came to Lukefahr.  It rained all day.  Issued books.  Have 26 pupils so far.  received a letter from Alvis.  Wrote to him.


September 10, 1935

Had a very busy day.  Have three more pupils making 29 in all.  My, my, I am going to be very busy.  Mailed a letter to Alvis.


September 11, 1935

Had a very busy day.  Received a letter from Alvis.  Wrote to him.  Got my health chart and books.


September 12, 1935

Received a letter from Alvis.  Spent a very busy day.  Started giving demerits.  Mailed a letter to Alvis.


September 13, 1935

Taught today.  Had a very busy day.  Came home about six.  Went to Aunt Alma's.  It rained on our road.


September 14, 1935

Arose early and went to Bay City.  Turned in my credit slip and registration card.  Saw Mr. Walker and ordered notebooks.


September 15, 1935

Wrote to Alvis.  Went to Sunday School.  Ate dinner with Aunt Vades.  Went to Columbia to see deacons ordained.  Ran a wheel off car.


September 16, 1935

Taught school.  Pupils as a whole have improved greatly.  Received two letters from Alvis.  Made charts.


September 17, 1935

Taught school.  Wrote to Alvis.  Went to the show.


September 18, 1935
Had a pretty day.  Taught school. Made Hectograph copies for primary grades.


September 19, 1935
Taught school.  Mailed letter to Alvis.  Went to Bay City to ball game.  Bay City and Schulenburg tied 0 & 0.  Came home


September 20, 1935
Washed.  Went to Bay City this evening.  Bought some books.  Saw the Misses Stevens.  Made arrangements for new motor.


September 21, 1935
Went to Sunday School.  Decided to drive the bus next week.  Wrote to Alvis.  Eleanor and Briten spent the day with us.


September 22, 1935
Drove to school.  It rained nearly all day.  Had to wait until dark for the boys.  Mailed a letter to Alvis.


September 23, 1935
Started a rock garden.  Drove the bus.  It came another big rain.  Coach keeps the boys till dark everyday.  Made some hectograph copies.


December 16, 1935
Taught. Made costumes.


January 25, 1936

Went to Bay City to a special session of institute.


January 29, 1935 [36?]

Taught. It is still cold and raining. Had a pretty easy day.


February 25, 1936

Taught. Had a pretty hard day. Gave six week tests. Had several failures.


February 26, 1936

Taught. Gave remainder of my six weeks tests. Had quite a few complete failures. I surely was disappointed in some of them.


March 20, 1936

Taught. Had a pretty easy day.


March 21, 1936

Spent the day at County meet. Mr. Walker's track boys aren't going so well. Hope our spellers do better.


March 24, 1936

Taught. Had an easy day.


March 25, 1936

Taught. Had an easy day.


April 19, 1936

Taught school. Came home.


April 20, 1936

Taught. Had a hard day. Don't get a holiday tomorrow.


May 4, 1936

Taught. Mailed an order for some school things.


May 19, 1936

Taught. Gave my 2nd grade tests. They didn't do very well. Hope my others do lots better.


May 20, 1936

Taught. Gave the third grade tests. All of them made good. I am well pleased with them.


September 7, 1936

Arose early. Dad and Alvis went to school with me. I had 12 pupils to-day.


September 19, 1936

Boy oh boy! did I work to day. I burned about 20 lbs. of old papers and rubbish. I am surely tired.


October 5, 1936

Began use of water colors in school. All the children are doing fine. Hope I can keep up the good work.


December 7, 1936

Began work on the Christmas costumes. Mr. Walker is depending on me for all the costumes.


December 8, 1936

Mr. Walker very kindly offered to split the expenses on the Christmas program and curtains.


December 15, 1936

Mr. Hale visited to-day and gave all the kids a test. I am anxious to fins out what they made.


December 16, 1936

Finished all my costumes and am very glad. We also put up the curtains. Mr. Walker is very proud of them.


December 21, 1936

Finished up all the costumes and stage equipment. Hope the program goes off nicely. I have worked on it so hard.


December 22, 1936

We practiced this afternoon. The kids were punk. If they are not better Wednesday, I am going to be terribly disappointed.


February 25, 1937

Applied for my school to-day. Mr. Matthews said he would do all he could to keep me.


February 26, 1937

I am glad to-day is the last one this week. I am through with all my tests. The pupils did fair. I am glad.


March 25, 1937

To-morrow is the big day for the kids. They are overly anxious for to-morrow to come


May 4, 1937

Mr. Hale says we are going to have a trustee meeting May 15. We are wondering why they are in such a rush.


May 20, 1937

We had a very long program tonight. My boys did fine and I am proud of them.


September 6, 1937

School started and I had 14 pupils. I think I will have about 19 this year. I am glad. I can get more work done.


September 18, 1937

I went to Bay City and talked with Mr. Hale. He said "We are going to standardize."


December 7, 1937

Mr. Hale & Mr. Patton visited us to-day. We have a very good chance to Standardize. I hope we can.


December 8, 1937

I had a very easy day. Most of my pupils were absent and I had lots of time to practice. I hope our plays are good.


December 16, 1937

It almost came a flood last night. I had to drive one of the cars for Mr. Myrick. I didn't have but 5 pupils.


December 21, 1937

Mr. Myrick is so very kind. He went and got a tree for us to-day. I don't know what we would have done.


December 22, 1937

It came a big rain and we had to call off our play. I am so disappointed I don't know what to do.


January 24, 1938

The trustees & Mr. Hale came out. They were very nice and approved of all we are doing. I really appreciated it.


January 28, 1938

Mr. Hale brought out our work tables to-day and we are very proud of them.


January 29, 1938

We went to a business meeting of the T. S. T. A. today. I think the organization is a fine thing.


April 19, 1938

I went with Miss Stevens to see Mr. Smith about getting my position. ...I may as well help Miss Stevens.


April 20, 1938

Had a busy day.


May 19, 1938

Mr. and Mrs. Myrick gave me a farewell party at the Gables. I really had a good time.


May 20, 1938

We had a very large crowd at our wiener roast and everyone seemed to have had a good time.



Copyright 2009 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Mar. 22, 2009
Nov. 25, 2009