Palacios Newspaper Columns and Articles

Stores to Close.

We the undersigned business men of Palacios agree to close our places of business all day on Thanksgiving, Nov. 24th, on Monday, Dec. 26th and Monday, Jan. 2nd:

Hayes Clothing Co.
L. A. McKinnon
Ebley Pts. Co.
M. E. Rogers
J. K. Paulk
Robinson and Huddleston
D. P. Moore Dry Goods Co.
Traylor Hdw. Co.

Stewart Furniture Co.
City Feed Store
Curtis-Sisson Gro. Co.
T. R. Brandon
Gulf Refg. Co.
J. L. Parker
G. H. Stanford
Green & Walker Garage

Jno. T. Price Lumber Co.
J. F. Grant Lumbr. Co.
H. C. Boyd Store
A. J. Tatum Gro. Co.
Palacios Auto Co. Inc.
Pickwick Bakery


Palacios Beacon, November 18, 1921

Special to The News

Palacios, Texas, June 17.—While the Collegeport and Palacios baseball teams were playing on the Palacios grounds, little Joe Rogers, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rogers, was seriously hurt. He was standing near the line watching the game and one of the boys, after hitting the ball, threw the bat and struck Joe on the head, breaking his skull. Hopes are still held that he may entirely recover.

Dallas Morning News, June 18, 1922

The Tourist Camp

The few preliminary efforts the city has made for the pleasure and convenience of the tourist and camper are surely appreciated as is attested by the great number of autoists who avail themselves of the shade afforded by the two small pavilions on the south bay. Especially on Sundays are these pavilions taxed beyond their capacity by those who come from up-country to enjoy the ever surprisingly cool, clean breeze from the Gulf.

Other less favored communication have large parks dedicated to the tourist, furnished with cook-stoves, burning either wood or electricity, free water, lights and fuel, and a large shed-like building used for kitchens and dining rooms. Palacios has made a start but she couldn't pat herself on the shoulder and say, "See me."

All who come to Palacios, whether for a few days or a few years are agreed that this is the ideal climate and if there were...

Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1922

Business Men

Don't forget the Business Men's Luncheon next Wednesday at the Palacios Hotel. 12 o'clock noon until exactly 1 o'clock. Platter 50 cents.


Mr. Russell Feather is another of out-of-town students, who is enjoying the delights of home life. Russell came home from Rice Tuesday night. This afternoon Miss Merle Bell is expected home from Baylor University and the Misses Vera Tanner and Cecile Grant form the San Marcos Normal. The old town is always gay at Christmas time when we celebrate Old Home week.

Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1922


Mr. and Mrs. John Bentler are spending the holidays at the Frank Hebert home in San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Balch and son of Newton, Kansas, are visiting at the home of her parents the Harshbarger home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller went to San Antonio for a week's visit at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, who are visiting with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crawford.

The Wednesday Club held their regular meeting at the library Wednesday afternoon and Miss Gertrude Wolf was elected president. Other officers will be appointed and elected at the next meeting.

Miss Huldah Elder, who is teaching school near Corpus Christi, Misses Clara Ifland, Anita Waters and Loretta Reynolds of Galveston, Carroll Kearnes of Houston, Miss Pearl Place...[paper torn]

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill went to ____ Monday to spend the week with her mother and sister, Mrs. Baxter Golightly, and daughter, Faye.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dismukes and children spent Christmas Day at the Jesse Campbell home in Francitas.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Flinn of Houston are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tollison.

Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Arnold have as their guests, his sister, Mr. and Mrs. __ Martino and son, Raphael, of El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lewis of Bloomington and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yeamans of Bay City arrived to spend their vacation with their relatives and parents at the S. T. Best, Dr. John's and Lewis homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feather and small daughter, Virginia Lee of Houston, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Feather.

Mrs. Benny Cates of Houston is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Keller.

Mrs. Tipton Grover and children of Aransas Pass are visiting her relatives at the S. J. McCoy home.

Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Belknap of Dallas arrived home Tuesday night for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Belknap.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bogard of Houston, with his father and sister, Miss Mary Bogard of Indiana, are spending the remainder of the holidays with friends here.

Mrs. L. A. McKinnon gave an elaborate 7 o'clock dinner at their home Tuesday. Following the dinner, the guests enjoyed playing "42" until a late hour.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 5, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Windle left Monday morning  for their home in Beaumont. They have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Bell.

Miss Hazel Hall, who has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall, left Monday morning for Dallas, where she will continue her civil service work.

Miss Lois Bullock and Miss Marjorie Berger returned to school at Baylor College, Belton, Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Martino and son, Raphael, drove from El Campo Monday afternoon to spend the week with the F. P. and O. C. Arnold and J. W. Sartwelle families.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feather and baby drove from Houston Sunday and spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Feather.

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Dimbrough have returned to their home in Houston after a several days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Billings.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Flinn left Friday for their home in Houston, after two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tollison.

Mesdames F. A. and R. F. Sisson spent a couple of days in Houston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. King of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Martin of Bay City and Leon Martin of San Antonio, who came home for a Christmas reunion and visit, have returned to their homes.

Mrs. Earl Grand accompanied her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Yeamans, and children, who have been visiting here for the past three weeks to their home in Houston Monday and returned Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray entertained with a forty-two party at their home New Year's night. After playing forty-two until a late hour, refreshments served in courses were enjoyed.

Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Elliott gave a forty-two party at their home Thursday night. All of the members were present and spent the evening playing forty-two. A delicious salad course was served.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 12, 1923


Mrs. Margaret Graham arrived Thursday afternoon from Ashton, Idaho, for an extended visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Grant.

Mrs. Myrtle Bristor, who has been visiting for the past six months in Breckenridge, returned home Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Meeker of Larned, Kan., who spent the winter here ten years ago, are here again this winter.

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Cobb of Citrus Grove spent Saturday in Palacios.

The Parent-Teachers' Association met in the high school library Tuesday afternoon. Important business was discussed and plans for further work were made.

The Mothers' Club of the Boy Scout Association gave a feed for the scouts at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Elliott Friday night. After playing forty-two until a late hour the boys enjoyed sandwiches, salad, cake and cocoa.

Choir leaders of the various churches and others interested members met at the Presbyterian Church Friday night to organize a Choral Club. It was decided to meet once a week for practice. Officers and a leader will be elected at the next meeting.

The Epworth League and the young people of the Methodist Church enjoyed a business and social meeting at the church Thursday night. All enjoyed the interesting business session as well as the games and refreshments that followed.

Mrs. Tansel gave an elaborate four-course dinner in honor of Mrs. Massenburg's birthday Monday evening at 6 o'clock. The guests present were Mesdames Massenberg, Bell, Tansil and the A. M. Stadig family. After dinner the guests enjoyed playing forty-two.

Mrs. Grace Scarborough and children of Runge arrived Thursday afternoon for an extended visit at the J. L. Pybus and John Pierce homes.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 19, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Arnold, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sisson spent Sunday and Monday in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Crawford returned Tuesday from a two weeks' motor trip and visit with children in Childress and Austin. They were accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. M. G. Atkinson of Austin, and her niece, Mrs. Ney Oldham of San Marcos.

Miss Ruth Dye of Francitas spent the first part of last week with her friend, Miss Jess Beck.

Mrs. J. W. Dismukes had as her guest Tuesday, Mrs. J. M. Young of Francitas.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coleman of Victoria arrived here Tuesday and will make their home here temporarily.

Mr. and Mrs. Bond of Lane City were among Tuesday visitors here.

Miss Eddie Fulford and Willy May Durham, sister and nieces of Mrs. H. G. Hester, returned to Dallas Friday after a two weeks' visit with Rev. and Mrs. Hester.

Miss Emily Ehlers, who has been visiting in Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco and Austin during the past few weeks, returned home the latter part of last week.

Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cairnes entertained the Eastern Star with a forty-two party at their home Tuesday night. The house was beautifully decorated in artistically arranged vases of cut flowers. Delicious refreshments were served.

The Wednesday Club was entertained at the home of Mr. Ben Ehlers Wednesday afternoon. The hostesses were Mesdames Ben Ehlers, C. W. Nester, A. R. Hillyer, L. A. McKinnon, R. J. Sisson and N. L. Hayes.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 26, 1923


Mrs. W. C. Sparks returned to her home in Sinton Wednesday after a ten days' visit with her sisters, Mrs. W. B. Ellis and Mrs. Liton Smith.

Miss Emily Ehlers returned home Wednesday after a several weeks visit in Houston, Llano, Austin and Gonzales.

Mrs. F. M. Hoad of Lecompton, Kan., is visiting with her nieces, Mrs. F. G. Berger.

Mrs. Bell Thompson of Midfield arrived Wednesday for a short visit with Mrs. W. R. Snodgrass.

Mrs. J. J. Coleman went to Victoria Monday for a short visit with relatives.

Mrs. Glenn Reaser and baby spent the latter part of last week visiting in Victoria.

Miss Alpha Bussel entertained several tables of young people with a forty-two party at her home Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price entertained the Forty-two Club at their home Monday night. The house was beautifully decorated with vases of cut flowers. The talley cards were very unique, with hand-painted designs, imitating the funny page characters. At a late hour a delicious salad course was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ruthven entertained friends with a forty-two social in their home Friday night. The refreshments consisted of a salad course, with cake and coffee.

Mrs. Duncan Ruthven, with her daughter, Miss Francis, gave a party for the music and school teachers, with their friends and the circle I of the Presbyterian Church at their home last Saturday afternoon. At 6:30 o'clock refreshments of salad, cheese chips, cake and hot chocolate were served.

Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cairnes gave a social for the Eastern Star members at their home Tuesday night. About sixty members were present. Refreshments consisted of sandwiches, English plum pudding, cake and coffee.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 2, 1923


Mrs. M. S. Russell and son, John Russell, left for an extended visit with their relatives in California. They were accompanied as far as San Antonio by Dr. Hazel Russell.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bentler, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Roy Wilkerson, and baby, drove to Houston last Saturday for a short visit at the home of their sons.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Curtis drove to Houston Wednesday to attend the concert given by Paderewski.

The adult class of the Christian Church gave a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill last Friday night. The evening was spent in playing games, making candy and popping corn.

Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Rauch moved into Dr. Dewess' home the first part of the week.

M. and Mrs. Wm. Harshbarger Jr. and children of Lincoln, Kan., are visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harshbarger.

Mrs. Clara Greenhill of Houston came in Tuesday for a week's visit with her friend Miss Izora Langford.

Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Trull of Midfield were Palacios visitors Thursday morning.

Miss Mary Louise Pybus, Lilla Mae Barnett and Nora Mae Boyd went to Houston Thursday for the concert given by Ignace Paderewski.

The Wayside Club met at the home of Mrs. McGlothlin Wednesday afternoon. A program on "Radio" was conducted, after which a contest was held. Mrs. Loren Craymer received a prize.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 9, 1923


Mrs. Baxter Golightly of Bay City arrived here Tuesday afternoon and is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hill.

Mrs. Howard Stapp spent last week with relatives in Galveston, returning home Saturday. She was accompanied by Mrs. C. W. Barfield and daughter, Mrs. Ida Barfield.

Mrs. A. R. Hillyer spent Wednesday in Bay City.

Mrs. George Hillyer returned to her home in Brownsville after spending the past ten days here at the home of A. R. Hillyer.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dixon came home from Kingfisher Friday, where they have been visiting relatives.

Mrs. John Boling is enjoying a visit from her brother, Mr. Jamison of Donna.

Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick, with her daughter, Miss Mable, of Los Angeles, Cal., arrived Tuesday to join her husband. They have purchased the L. P. Davis property and will make that their future home.

Mrs. A. L. McKinnon came home Friday from Houston, where she has been attending presbyterial.

Mrs. J. L. Parker and C. W. Nester gave a theater party for the Eastern Star Monday night.

Miss Jess Beck left Saturday for Houston, where she will accept a position.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wright Curtis spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Houston.

Mesdames Pierce, Duller and Lucas of Blessing were Palacios visitors Tuesday.

Mrs. Agnes Davidson of Jacksonville, Fla., who has been the guest of Mrs. L. A. McKinnon, returned home the first part of the week.

Mrs. L. Bruce and son, Max, were happily surprised with a birthday party at their home last Saturday night. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Benbow and children, Mr. and Mrs. Allen and children, Messrs. Hunt, Walter Dapron, Alton Wilcox and Clarence Haskins. Candy was served by the hostess at the close of the evening.

The Lutheran Ladies' Aid met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sherman. The evening was spent in quilting, after which Mrs. Chris. H. Johnson served delicious refreshments.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 2, 1923


Mrs. Coole came home from Houston Wednesday after spending the past two weeks visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coole.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Flinn of Houston were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tollison, during the past week.

Miss Bernice Youngsted of Jamestown, N. Y., who has been visiting relatives in McAllen and Freeport, arrived here last week and will spend the remainder of the winter at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson.

Mrs. Emmett Harris of Ganado came home last Saturday afternoon on account of the death of her father, Mr. Queen.

Mrs. Glenn Reaser and baby spent the week-end with her mother in Matagorda.

Mrs. Fred Berger visited last week with her brother in Thomaston.

Mrs. Clardy left Saturday for an extended visit with relatives in Harlingen.

Miss Bess Foley arrived Tuesday afternoon from Renwick, Iowa, where she has been living during the past few years. She came home for an extended visit with her parents.

Mrs. Holcomb of the De Witt, Ark., arrived here Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. W. C. Wrenfrow.

Dr. Mary Langdon, a returned missionary from India, lectured at the Christian Church Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Singley of Rotan, who have been visiting here the past week, left Tuesday morning for a short stay in the Rio Grande Valley.

Rev. and Mrs. Hester went to Yoakum Tuesday to attend the district conference.

Mrs. J. W. Beard of Dallas, who is connected with the Semi-Weekly Farm News, was here the first part of the week visiting at the H. W. Best home. Mrs. Best was awarded a prize for having the most convenient kitchen.

Miss Minda Barr spent Tuesday with her music class in Blessing.

Mrs. Haden of Los Angeles, Cal., has been visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford.

Mrs. J. B. Smith returned to her home in Memphis, Tenn., after a two month's visit at the home of Captain and Mrs. Tandy.

Mrs. Ben Berring of Houston was the guest of Mrs. L. A. McKinnon the first part of the past week.

Matagorda Country Tribune, March 9, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parks of Bay City visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parks, last Sunday.

Miss Louise Pybus went to Houston Monday and spent the remainder of the week with one of her college friends.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bogard left Thursday morning for an extended stay at their old home in Indiana.

Miss Ruth Skinner had as her guest last Sunday Miss Pearl Place of Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cole are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Terrill of San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fry of Springfield, Ill., who have been visiting here for the past three or four weeks, left Thursday morning for Big Springs.

Mrs. M. E. Reaser spent Thursday in Bay City.

The teachers and officers of the Presbyterian Sunday School held a conference at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Berger recently. After the business session, Mr. and Mrs. Berger were presented a dozen silver spoons, it being their wedding anniversary. After a short social hour, delicious refreshments were served.

The Music Club met at the home of Mrs. John Quincy Adams Wednesday afternoon. The subject of the lesson was "American Composers."

The Epworth League and Mrs. Kneberg's Sunday School class of the Methodist Church enjoyed a social at the church Tuesday night. Games and contests afforded entertainment.

The Wayside Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. A. M. Stadig Wednesday afternoon. Almost all of the members were present, and after a short business session Mrs. L. G. Craymer took charge of the social hour. Refreshments consisted of marshmallow salad, cake and coffee.

Matagorda Country Tribune, March 16, 1923


Mrs. C. A. Lucas, who is visiting with Mrs. Minich, spent Wednesday at her home in Blessing.

Misses Myrtle Williams and Emily Ehlers, with Erve Boyd, accompanied Walter Williams to the Longhorn band concert at the Bay City theater Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Doran Vick, Miss Minnie Viets and Maynard Green motored to Houston Saturday and returned Monday. They spent last Sunday in Galveston.

Miss Cora Potter spent Monday with friends in Bay City.

Mrs. R. L. McClennan, with her daughters, Misses Anrell and Bessie, of Eagle Lake, spent the past week with relatives here.

Mrs. Robert B. Hill returned home Saturday after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Baxter Golightly, in Bay City.

Miss Kathryn Bruer arrived last Saturday from Galveston to spend her vacation with her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Helmer of League City arrived last Saturday for a visit with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Bidgood, who have been visiting at the G. A. Salisbury home, left last Saturday for their home in Nebraska.

Mrs. M. E. Reaser came home Monday after a short visit with relatives in Victoria.

The Mother's club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Hall Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bogard returned to their home in Houston Friday. They have been spending the past two weeks with his uncle, Mrs. George Bogard.

Miss Berdine Crawford, accompanied by her father, left Friday for Beaumont, where they will visit relatives.

The Wednesday club met with Mrs. L. A. McKinnon Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. J. L. Parker gave her Sunday school class of boys a theater party Wednesday night.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 6, 1923


Mrs. Nina Gardner, who has been in West Virginia and Indianapolis visiting for the past nine months, has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haynes of Frost have purchased the Sam Primm home and will move in soon.

Mrs. Charles Luther left Monday for Lampasas for several days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Calloway.

Mrs. Clyde Parks came in from Bay City Wednesday and will spend the remainder of the week here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford and two sons returned to their home in Victoria Monday. A. L. Crawford of Fannett also returned home Monday.

Mrs. Vernon Wilkerson, who has been visiting with relatives at the J. C. Wilkerson home, went to Houston Monday.

Mrs. M. C. Kneberg went to Galveston Wednesday, where she spent the remainder of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ellis returned to their home in Victoria after an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Langford.

Mrs. Grace Landry of Yoakum is the guest of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Doran Vick.

Mrs. Ernest Smith, with her sister, Mrs. Edwin Traylor, went to Mineral Wells and Beeville, where they visited with their parents and other relatives.

Mrs. J. L. Pybus, with her daughter, Miss Mary Louise, went to Houston Wednesday for the grand opera and will visit with friends there.

Miss Vera Haskins of Galveston, who has been visiting at the R. E. Rogers home, returned home Thursday.

Miss Lena Corse of Blessing with her mother, Mrs. Corse of Collegeport, attended the Easter cantata, which was repeated at the Presbyterian Church Sunday night.

Mrs. Charles Hanson, with her daughter, Miss Clara Hanson, spent the first part of the week at the home of her son in Houston.

Mrs. N. L. Hayes gave a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Robert L. Price at her home Tuesday evening. Covers were set for sixteen. After dinner forty-two was enjoyed by all.

Miss Carolin Taylor entertained twenty of her friends with a picnic on the north bay shore. They were chaperoned by her mother, Mrs. Henry Taylor, and Miss Nora Mae Boyd.

The T. E. L. class of the Baptist Church gave a party honoring Mrs. J. R. Elliott at the home of Mrs. A. M. Stadig Monday afternoon. Refreshments consisted of marshmallow pudding and angel food cake with coffee.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 20, 1923


Mrs. J. H. Landry of Yoakum, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doran Vick, has returned home.

Mrs. C. H. McCoy went to Port Lavaca for a short visit with her husband, Dr. C. H. McCoy.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Spear, with their daughter-in-law, drove in Monday from Altus, Ok., to spend their vacation here. They are delighted with the climate and are already planning to spend next winter here.

Mrs. Bernice Heinroth returned to her home in Freeport, after several days' visit with her mother, Mrs. F. L. Crawford.

Mrs. U. P. Phant spent Tuesday with her parents in Blessing.

Mrs. L. A. McKinnn went to Bryan to attend the Presbyterial convention.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lucas of Blessing visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Minich.

Miss Beulah Price, who is teaching in Midfield, spent the week-end with her parents here.

Mrs. J. D. Greenwood went to Houston Monday to attend a convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moore at the Winona house, returned to their home in Plainview.

The Wednesday Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Grant. Their subject was "Thoreau." Mrs. J. Q. Adams gave a reading on "Spring."

The Epworth League of the Methodist Church gave a pageant entitled "The Modern Prodigal." A large crowd enjoyed the program.

The Fifth Circle of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met with Mrs. Earl Grant and daughter, Miss Johnnie. Fudge was made and they spent a very pleasant social hour.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 27, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Evans of Hobart, Ok., who spent the winter in Palacios fishing and otherwise enjoying themselves, left for their home Monday.

Mrs. Mercer has returned from a short stay in Oklahoma.

Mrs. H. A. Echols and Miss Caddie Wolf spent the week with Houston relatives.

Mrs. M. C. Ellis left for her son's home in Kansas Monday after having spent the winter in Palacios.

Mrs. J. B Moore returned Tuesday from a three weeks' visit with her daughter in Dobbin.

Mrs. J. J. Coleman, who has been visiting her parents in Goose Creek came home Tuesday.

Mrs. V. L. Wilkerson has returned from a visit with her parents in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams Paulk have moved their household effects from Port Lavaca and will make their home in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McFarland and daughters moved to Palacios the first of the week and will make this their home.

Misses Madge Clements and Nora Mae Boyd went to Pierce Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week with Mrs. Borden.

Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Miller, who had been visiting at the home of L. E. Strickland, returned to Francitas Wednesday.

Mrs. Doran Vick and Miss Emily Ehlers went to Houston to spend a week shopping and visiting.

Miss Louise Stapp was hostess Tuesday night to her Sunday School class in the Presbyterian church. The party was given in honor of Miss Flossie Ramige, a member of the class who leaves soon for Illinois. Forty-two furnished the diversion and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 4, 1923


Mrs. R. M. Luther has returned from a three week's visit with her mother and other relatives in Hill County.

Mrs. William Holliday and Miss Holiday visited in Galveston.

Mrs. W. J. H. Thompson went to Robstown Monday to visit her daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bryant entertained Mr. G. W. Wilson of Bay City over the week-end.

The R. N. A. Camp was entertained at the home of Mrs. Duncan Ruthven. A picnic is planned for the near future.

The congregation of the First Baptist Church gave its annual roll call in the church parlors. A pleasing program was given by the young folks of the congregation, who also served the ice cream and cake.

The Parent-Teachers Association gave a party for the teachers of the schools at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nester. Besides the teachers, the guests included the ministers and their wives and each teacher had the privilege of inviting one person. Several games of forty-two preceded the delicious lunch that the committee had prepared.

Mrs. F. G. Berger and children, Bruce and Ruth Berger; Mrs. Ellison and daughter, Miss Esther Ellison and Mrs. Pasal and daughters, Mabel and Nellie Mae Pasal, enjoyed an all-day picnic.

Miss Haynes of Frost, returned to her home Monday after having spent fifteen days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haynes.

Miss Beulah Price spent the week-end with the home folks, returning to Midfield Monday morning.

Miss Effie Crawford sent to Blessing Monday for a visit with relatives.

Miss Inez Horn of Blessing visited with Palacios friends.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shrader and children visited Victoria relatives.

Mrs. H. L. Moore came home from Midfield the first of the week.

Mrs. Guy Salisbury went to Beaumont Wednesday to attend the district Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Salisbury is the delegate from the Matagorda County Federation of Clubs.

Mr. and Mrs. Martino were over from El Campo the first of the week visiting their relatives, the F. P. and O. C. Arnold families.

Miss Dorothy Green celebrated her thirteenth birthday. To share the good time in store she had in fifteen of her little girl friends. Progressive jacks furnished lots of amusement the prizes going to Miss Virginia Wylie and Miss Beryl Forehand. Dainty refreshments were served.

Mrs. C. M. Bloss and sons, C. B., Jr., of Okemah, Ok., are the guests of Mrs. Bloss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck.

Miss Jess Beck of Houston spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright Curtis were in Houston last week.

Mrs. J. J. Burke returned from an extended stay in San Antonio Tuesday. She was accompanied by Miss Annie Rowan of Chicago.

Mrs. J. L. Waters visited Houston returning Tuesday. Her niece, Miss McGee, accompanied her for an extended visit.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dismukes and children drove to McAllen. They will visit several towns before returning.

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Claybourn drove to Victoria Thursday to visit a daughter. They will also visit relatives in San Antonio before returning.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson of El Campo were guests of Mr. Robinson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robinson, last Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 11, 1923


Mrs. J. T. Price and Miss Dora Prince went to San Antonio to spend the week with friends.

Mrs. R. M. Gladden and little daughter of Damon are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Koontz.

Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Stout left for their home in Beverly, Ark., after having spent the winter in the City-By-The-Sea.

Mrs. Robert Hill and children went to Bay City to spend two weeks at the country home of Mrs. A. F. Borden.

Mrs. H. C. White of Winters and Miss Effie Jones of Tuscola came Tuesday for a visit at the home of Mrs. Nina Gardner.

Mrs. L. L. Cowger &, Bob, left Wednesday morning for their home in Minneapolis, Kan. after having spent the winter with relatives at the C. W. Nester home. They were accompanied as far as Houston by Mrs. Cowger's mother, Mrs. M. B. Fitts, and niece, Miss Margaret Nester.

Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Roush spent the week in Houston with their daughter and her family.

Miss Belle Williamson of Houston Heights high school spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. G. Williamson.

The Parent - Teacher Association held the final meeting of the school year at the high school auditorium, when there was a good attendance and an extra good program. The present officers will hold over until the new ones are elected in December.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stewart of Enid, Okla., are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, and other relatives.

One of the most enjoyable parties of the season was given in the dining room of Hotel Palacios. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hillyer and Robert Hillyer entertained about 100 of their friends with forty-two. There was a profusion of cut flowers to brighten the room and add to the pleasure of the guests, ice cream, angel food and coffee were the refreshments.

Mrs. C. H. McCoy and daughter, Miss Wilma Grover, spent the week with relatives in Houston and Texas City.

Miss Mattie Clement went to Mariana Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. R. M. Marrow, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sisson were Houston visitors, returned home Thursday.

Mrs. Doran S. Vick accompanied her mother, Mrs. L F. Mohrmann, to her home and Hallettsville Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Newhouse of Hallettsville, who have been vacationing in Palacios, returned to their home Wednesday.

Miss Lilla Mae Burnett and Mrs. Grace Long of Rhode Island returned home from a several weeks' trip through the Southwest.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 18, 1923


The senior class of the high school enjoyed a fine sail and picnic Wednesday, going to Portsmouth for the bathing and picnic supper.

More than a hundred of the members of the Methodist Sunday school motored to East Carancahua for a day in the woods. A picnic dinner added to their pleasure.

Saturday afternoon the Junior Endeavors of the Presbyterian Church, under the chaperonage of Mrs. George Wright Curtis and Miss Madge Clement, had a picnic supper in the tourist park, roasting their wieners over a fire in the furnace and spreading their lunch on the tables under the pavilion.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hofhines of Houston spent several days in Palacios.

Mrs. R. H. Rhoades and small son of Blessing spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T .Blair.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pipes and two children went to Wharton last Sunday to spend a week.

Mrs. Louis Wolf of Markham spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rowles.

Mrs. A. Hasendeufel of Victoria was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tolleson, last week.

The Mothers Club of the Boy Scouts gave a banquet to the scouts and their fathers at the Hotel Palacios. More than a hundred covers were placed and the affair was a splendid success.

Miss Florence Moore was a passenger to Houston Tuesday, where she will visit with her brother and his family.

Miss Myrtle Williams went to Matagorda Tuesday to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Winnie Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wells of Edna spent Mothers' Day with their mother, Mrs. S. E. Bolling

At the annual meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star Tuesday the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Nester
Worth Patron, George Harrison
Associate Matron, Miss Claire Hansen
Conductress Miss Mabel Hayes
Associate Conductress, Miss Izora Langford
Secretary, Mrs. Feather
Treasurer, Mrs. Arnold

Mrs. J. C. Shusterite and small daughter, Nora Mae, went to Victoria Thursday to spend the remainder of the week with relatives.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 24, 1923


One of the most pleasing hospitalities of the season was the 8 o'clock dinner given by Mrs. Wagner, honoring Mrs. F. A. Sisson, Dr. Wagner and Mr. Wolf, whose birthdays were Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The wide hall was converted into dining room and was a bower of beauty, with the walls and ceiling hidden by leaves from the date palm and the row of electric lights subdued with pink shades. The flower used was the sweet pea and all the colors of the dinner and decorations were in the delicate shades of this daintily fragrant flower. In the middle of the long table was a miniature fish pond with its lively goldfish darting here and there and artificial ducks placidly floating on the surface. There were tiny trees and tiny birds and on a moss-draped pedestal that rose from the center of the fish pond was the beautiful three-tier birthday cake with its numerous pink tapers Midway between the ends of the table and the pond were masses of sweet peas flanked by Jordan almonds and preserved cumquats. The place cards were works of art and unique in design, each being a description in rhyme of one of the guests. At each place were tiny tinted baskets holding tinted mints and from the baskets were narrow ribbons in sweet pea colors that centered at the fish pond, where were hidden under its edge small packages. Those partaking of the hospitality were the honorees, Mrs. Sisson, Dr. Wagner and Dr. Wolf; Miss Wolf, Miss Price, Mrs. John Price, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Nester, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Price, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Bowden Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, F. A. Sisson and the hostess, Mrs. Warner.

Three members of the J. A. O. Club, Miss Frances Ruthven, Miss Myrtle Williams and Miss Muriel Johnson gave a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Ruthven, honoring one of their number, Miss Emily Ehlers, a bride of the month. Great masses of pink and white roses and pink hearts were used in decorating the double rooms. The hostesses and honoree wore gowns of pink and the little "shower girl," Elizabeth Ruthven, had a fluffy frock of pink. The gifts were placed in a huge pink heart that held cut glass, silver and linen. The contests, "The Honeymoon Express," and "Love Among the Roses," were exceptionally appropriate. The refreshments of brick ice cream and angel food also contributed the color scheme of pink and white.

An unusually large attendance greeted Mrs. Sarah G. McNiel, Brazoria, Tuesday night, when she, as the representative of the grand matron, made her official call on Palacios Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Flowers in Eastern Star colors were used everywhere and added to the pleasure of the eager and enthusiastic members, who were commended by Mrs. McNiel for their decorum, dignity and for the evident harmony that exists. The social committee consisted of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hillyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Shusterite gave a picnic and chicken barbecue Monday night on east bay shore, honoring Mrs. Shusterite's sister, Miss Greeson of Victoria, who is spending several weeks here. Other members of the party included Mr. and Mrs. Shrader, Miss Frances Ruthven, Miss Muriel Johnson, Mr. Redwine of El Campo, Mr. Kuykendall and W. H. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rives and children, Fresno, Cal., are the guests of Mr. Rives' sister, Mrs. Harry Hall, and family.

A number of former Palacios high school students have returned for the commencement exercises. The number includes Miss Leafa Green, Sugarland schools; Miss Mary Morrow, Corpus Christi schools; Miss Loretta Reynolds, Galveston; Miss Anita Waters, Ford Sales station, Galveston; Hugh Ruthven, Houston Dental College; Kenneth LaGue, Taft; Donald Ruthven, Houston Dental College; Robert Owens and bride, Houston.

Mrs. Goldston and children of Weatherford are guests at the home of Mrs. Goldston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Billings.

Miss Harriet Harris, Houston, is the guest of Miss Louise Pybus.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams Harshbarger are enjoying a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Stoner, and two sons from Kansas

Matagorda County Tribune, June 1, 1923


A pretty and simple home wedding took place when Miss Emily Ehlers was united in marriage with Erve H. Boyd. In the reception hall and double parlors, quantities of sweet peas, coral vine and ferns added charm and attractiveness. The opening between the parlors was converted in to a bridal arch by long, graceful leaves of the date palm. From the center hung the wedding bell. In the dining room, while [wild?] flowers and fern were used, and also the three-tier wedding cake, with the emblems attached to white satin ribbons, the whole being surmounted by a fluttering dove bearing in its beak two wedding rings. At the appointed hour Miss Boyd, sister of the bridegroom, took her place beside the piano and sang, "All for You." Miss Boyd was accompanied by Miss Ruthven at the piano, who, when the song was ended, played the bridal chorus from "Lohengrin." To the strains of this the briday party, Miss Murial Johnson, Carl Ehlers and the bride and bridegroom, entered, and took their stations beneath the wedding arch, where they were met by Rev. Mr. Gillespie. After the ceremony and the felicitations, the assemblage entered the dining room, where the bride cut the first slice from the lovely cake, and each in turn "cut" for luck." Mrs. Vick presided at the punch bowl. The bride, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ehlers, wore a coat suit of gray brocaded Roshanara crepe and small hat of gray chenille. She carried an arm bouquet of bride roses. The young bride is a college girl. Mr. Boyd is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyd, who gave his services to his country during the world war and who is now his fathers' partner in the jewelry business. Amid showers of rice and wishes for continued happiness, the young couple left in the afternoon for the honeymoon trip, which will include Houston, Galveston and New Orleans.

The P. H. S. alumni held their yearly banquet Thursday night in the dining room at the Baptist Young Peoples' Union grounds, where they enjoyed a four-course banquet, toasts and social intercourse.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Green and daughters have as their guests Mrs. Addison, Miss Audrey Horn and Emmett Addison, all of Sugarland.

Mrs. Holliday entertained four tables at forty-two, honoring Mrs. _. W. Ellison, who left recently for her home in Independence, Kan. An ice course was served at the close of the afternoon.

Miss Esther Wilson, who accompanied her parents to their home in Kansas, was the recipient of several farwell affairs. The Intermediates, of which she has been a faithful attendant all winter, gave a sunrise breakfast and bathing party on the Baptist Young People's Union grounds. Miss Margaret Rolling gave a bathing and slumber party in her honor.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 8, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reaser left on the Shriners' Special to attend the conclave in Washington.

The presiding elder of the Methodist Church, Rev. J. F. Simon of Cuero, spent the week-end here.

Mrs. E. C. Pasel is visiting her husband at Houston.

Miss Mollie Huddleston with a friend from Cuero, spent the week-end with her folks here.

Mrs. Addison of Sugarland, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Green, has returned home. She was accompanied by Misses Audrey Horn and Leafa Green. After spending the night with friends in Sugarland, Miss Green went to San Marcos, where she will finish her work there this summer.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bryant went to Houston before leaving for Pasadena, Cal., where she will spend the summer with relatives.

Miss Lily Cherry spent the week-end with her parents in Ganado.

Mrs. J. K. Kughn and children are visiting in Oklahoma.

Miss Belle M. Glothin [McGlothlin?] has returned to Austin where she will continue her university course.

Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Alderman are visiting relatives in Missouri.

Mrs. Adkins is enjoying a visit from her daughter and children of McAllen.

Mrs. Ed. Atzenhoffer of Victoria is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkerson.

Miss Rowena Clement is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marrow, at Marianna.

Miss Dorothy Douglas is spending the week with friends in at Bay City.

Mrs. C. F. Chilton and two daughters are spending their vacation here with Captain Chilton.

Miss Gladys Hillyer returned from Washington, where she has been studying music.

The Wednesday Club held its final party of the year at the home of Mrs. G. A. Salsbury. Forty-two was enjoyed, after which an elaborate two-course dinner was served. The committee in charge included Mesdames Ruthven, Salsbury, Rolling, Dismukes, Grey, Vick, Traylor, Sartwelle and Miss Gertrude Wolfe.

Mr. and Mrs. William Reisinger celebrated their fifteenth anniversary. The ladies of the Aid Society brought baskets and enjoyed a picnic.

The O. E. S. installed seventeen new officers. A large attendance was held.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Brandon left for a month's visit with his sister in Atlanta, Ca.

About thirty ladies from Palacios attended the Federation of Women's Clubs in Blessing.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 15, 1923


Mrs. R. L. Orr and children, Bob, Doreen and Billy, of Rockdale, are visiting friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blair and son, Hall Blair, of Houston, are the guests of Mr. Blair's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. T Blair.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clement of Houston are spending the week here.

Miss Daisy Vick of Houston is the charming house guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. Doran Vick.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hood left last week for an extended overland trip to points in the North.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hill have had as their guests Mrs. Hill's sister and nephew, Mrs. J. D. Hansen and C. S. Hansen and family of Brazoria.

Rev. Mr. Gillespie of the Presbyterian Church left Monday morning for Illinois to spend his vacation with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Brandon and son, Thomas Brandon, returned Saturday after spending a delightful month in Atlanta, Ga., with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dixon came home Tuesday from a short visit in San Antonio.

Mrs. H. H. Loos and two little daughters of Bay City are spending the week with Mrs. Loos' parents, Mayor and Mrs. P. F. Campbell.

Mr. W. C. Best and family of Groveton drove in Tuesday and will spend the next two weeks with their relatives.

Mr. George Walker and children of Kingsville are the guests of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Driskill of Kingsville, who have been visiting in Northeast Texas, are now the guests of their daughter, Mrs. A. R. Hillyer, and family.

Dr. and Mrs. R. L. McLellan and daughters, Misses Arrell and Bessie of Eagle Lake, are in their summer home on East Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nelson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson and two small sons of McAllen, drove in Sunday to spend the week with their relatives, the A. Nelson, J. Stainbrook and Dr. J. R. Wagner families.

Mrs. Bennie Cates and daughter, Miss Ardell Cates of Houston, are spending a two weeks' vacation with Palacios relatives.

Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Hanks, of Jewett, are here for a part of the summer months. Dr. Hanks was formerly the pastor of the Baptist Church here.

Mrs. G. M Orr, of Dallas, and her sister, Mrs. T. E. Kennedy of Port Arthur, are spending the summer on the encampment grounds.

Mrs. Stanley Jones and children of San Antonio are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Claybourn.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 13, 1923


Miss Reba Curtis, who has spent the past three months with relatives in Dayton and Houston, returned home Monday afternoon.

Mrs. B. F. Bryant returned home Monday after spending five weeks with relatives in California.

Mrs. Harold Stewart is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie, near Turtle Bay.

Mrs. S. E. Smith, of Bay City, and Mrs. J. F. Supmerian, of Houston, spent last week with their brother and uncle, Mr. Horace Yeamans.

Mrs. P. R. Dawdy spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rowles.

Mrs. H. P. Gillespie and daughter, Miss Thelma Gillespie, and Miss Jean Dyer, all of Austin, and Miss Alta Kissell of Houston composed a delightful camping party in Palacios last week.

Mrs. O. C. Rupe and two children of Alto and her brother, J. B. Richards of Waco, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Richards.

Miss Kate Douglas returned home Tuesday after spending two weeks with her grandparents at Caney.

Mrs. McDonald and children of Markham are here for an outing.

Miss Janel Yeatts, of Sanford, is the guest of her sister.

Miss Florence Griffin, of Dawson, is visiting the W. L. Langford, J. A. Griffin and D. W. Terry families.

Mrs. Ed. Traylor, who has been visiting relatives in Beeville for the past few weeks, returned home Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 20, 1923


Mrs. H. E. Buse and two children of Houston, who are spending the summer in Palacios, were over Sunday visitors at their Houston home.

Mrs. W. T. Nash, who spent several weeks at Hotel Palacios, departed for her home in Kaufman Saturday.

Miss Annie Beal and Miss Jewell York of El Campo are visiting Palacios friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yeamans of Bay City visited Mrs. Yeamans' father and brother, A. W. Lewis and H. C. Lewis.

Mrs. Raymond Graham and Miss Flora Belle Dunn of Fort Worth are guests at the home of Mrs. W. D. Underwood.

Rev. J. A. Calloway and daughter, Miss Josephine Calloway of Lampasas, are visiting Mr. Calloway's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Calloway.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Calloway, who have been visiting their daughter and family in Victoria, returned home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Abendroth and baby of Damon are guests at the C. W. Milan home.

Mrs. Carroll Greenwood and two small daughters of Corsicana arrived Tuesday for an extended visit at the home of Mrs. Greenwood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harshbarger.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wright Curtis spent part of last week in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whitney returned this week after a six months' sojourn in Oklahoma and California.

Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and sisters, Misses Thelma and Martin Moore, of Bay City, have taken a cottage for the remainder of the summer months.

Mrs. Lellia Bailey of San Antonio and Miss Mabel Hester of Edna are guests of their brother and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Hester.

Miss ___ Mallard? of Bay City is visiting friends here.

Mrs. Roscoe Moore of Baton Rouge, La., is visiting the J. B. Moore family.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Doran Vick have as their house guests Mrs. Vick's parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mohrmann and Miss Louise Rhea, Mohrmann of Hallettsville.

Miss Cora Potter spent Monday in Bay City.

Miss Eleanor Schicke went to Houston Tuesday.

Miss Georgia Patterson of Smiley is the guest of Miss Marjorie Berger.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 27, 1923


Mrs. H. A. Miller, who at one time taught in the high school here, arrived Thursday from Austin for a six weeks' visit with her many friends.

Dr. H. H. Loos and family of Bay City arrived Wednesday for the remainder of the week with Mrs. Loos' parents, Mayor and Mrs. P. F. Campbell.

Mrs. Covington and daughters, Misses Nina and Val, of Granger, are spending a few weeks in Palacios with Misses Wolf.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Price have as their house guests Mrs. Price's mother and brother and his wife, Mrs. W. D. Kight of Stamford and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. G. Harris of Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jack Cunningham and two children of Waco are spending two weeks at the Iuka House.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blair gave a sailing party on the White Wing Friday for their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Payne and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Griffin and son, all of Fort Worth. Several other guests were included in this charming hospitality.

Miss Lucile Duffy of Matagorda was the guest of her aunt and cousin, Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs. J. E. Anthony.

Mrs. W. E. Green and Mrs. J. J. Barr were hostesses to the Wayside Club Wednesday. After a delightful afternoon spent with fancy work a dainty salad course was served.

A small party of Mrs. C. L. Haynes' friends gave her a delightful surprise on her birthday Monday night. The evening was spent in games, followed by light refreshments.

Mrs. R. L. Price and Miss Wolf gave a bathing party and watermelon feast Monday evening honoring their friends, Mrs. Harris of Waco, Mrs. Covington and daughters of Granger and Miss Vivian Wolf of Houston.

The members of the Christian Sunday school gave a joint picnic and wiener roast on the East Bay beach Thursday evening.

Classes in the Methodist Sunday school taught by Mrs. Kneberg, Mrs. Frank Gillespie and Mrs. C. L. Haynes gave a picnic and sumptuous supper Tuesday evening on the B. Y. P. U. grounds.

Monday evening the senior and intermediate Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church took their lunches and went to the beach near the Charles Harriman home for a picnic and general good time. Hamburgers and coffee made over the coals of the camp first added to the delights of the feast.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 3, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Arnold and Mrs. F. P. Arnold visited El Campo relatives Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sisson and children drove to Damon Sunday, returning the same day.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Paulk returned home Sunday after having spent a month in North Texas with relatives.

Miss Claire Hansen left for the Colorado mountains Saturday.

Miss Gertrude Miles, who has been attending the summer normal, returned to her home in Houston Thursday.

Miss Muriel Johnson left for her month's vacation Saturday. She will visit relatives in Chicago and Minneapolis.

Miss Hazel Hall came home from Dallas Monday for a three weeks' vacation, which she will spend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall.

Miss Edith Clement of Galveston is vacationing with her home folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clement.

Miss Anita Waters came home Monday from Galveston for her short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Waters.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cole, who have been visiting their children in San Antonio, returned home Monday, accompanied by their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cole.

Miss Katherine Murl Laughter accompanied Miss Minnie Love to her home in Beeville the first of the week. Miss Love had been the guest of Miss Laughter for several weeks.

Miss Rae Montgomery of Bryan arrived Wednesday. She is accompanied by her niece, Miss Elizabeth Brogdon of Bryan.

Miss Hilda Marshall, who has spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Marshall, left Thursday morning for Battle Creek, Mich.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koerber and children are enjoying a stay at the Fort Worth house on the encampment grounds and are having a very jolly camping trip. They have as their guests Mrs. Koerber's parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perryman and Mr. Lee Perryman of Liberty and Miss Ruth Schley of Beaumont.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 17, 1923


Mrs. L. H. Buller is visiting relatives in Iago.

Miss Pearl Shuey is spending two weeks in Houston.

Miss Harriet Harris of Houston is the guest of Miss Louise Pybus.

Miss Gladys Howard of Houston spent last week with Miss Zallie Reaser.

Mrs. A. B. Cairnes is spending a week with Houston friends.

Mrs. N. B. Massenburg is visiting relatives in Houston.

Miss Beulah Price went to Danbury the first of last week, where she is the guest of Miss Lorena Walker.

Miss Annie Laurie Bond of Bay City spent last week in Palacios, the guest of Miss Anita Waters.

Mrs. Ledford of Fort Worth and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Jones of Monterey, Mexico, are visiting Palacios friends.

Mrs. Lanie Laney of Davis City, Iowa, is the guest of her brother, Mr. Meeks, and family.

Mrs. J. W. Dismukes and children left last week for Missouri, where they will spend several weeks with relatives.

Captain and Mrs. E. Adkins returned the first of last week from Refugio, where they visited a daughter.

Miss Vic Belknap returned from Cuero last week, where she had been for two weeks.

Miss Josephine Calloway of Lampasas, who spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Charles Luther, left for her home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson and daughter, Miss Lovey Jackson, returned Saturday after having spent several weeks with relatives in Kingfisher and Oklahoma City.

Mrs. J. W. Belknap and family are enjoying a visit from Mrs. Belknap's cousin, Hugh Campbell, from London, England.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Snodgrass and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Allen drove in from Port Arthur the first of last week for a visit with relatives.

Mrs. L. E. Twilligear and children of Houston arrived last week to spend several days with Mrs. Twilligear's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Frame and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Connor entertained a number of their friends last Friday night with a picnic supper on the Harriman beach.

Mrs. R. S. Starr and daughter, Miss Erie Starr, are spending several weeks with relatives and friends in Waller, Hempstead and Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barnett entertained with a picnic last week, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell of Breckenridge.

Mrs. L. C. Kimbrough and daughter of Houston and Mrs. Jack Phillips of Quannah left for their homes last week after a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Billings.

Misses Wolf loaned their spacious lawn to the normal faculty last week that the faculty might entertain the normal students. A program of games suitable for out of doors was enjoyed by the seventy guests who accepted their invitation. Delicious iced watermelon was served.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 24, 1923

What Some of the Palacios High School Graduates Will Be Doing

How many have stopped to consider how well the boys and girls who have graduated from our High school are doing in their chosen walks of life? While numbers of them are making successes whether in business or professions, the following list has to do only with those who are teaching or going to school. Some of the teachers mentioned are not graduates of the High school but make their home here. The list is as nearly correct as the reporter could determine, but if any are not mentioned she will be glad to make the corrections next week. At some future time it is hoped to make a list of all the Palacios young people who are working or living elsewhere, and the help of the parents will be required to make it all complete or accurate.

Laura Barnell, will teach at Weimar.

Alice Barr, San Antonio.

Minda Barr, will teach music in Palacios and Blessing.

Nellie Batchelder, will attend Teachers’ College in San Marcos.

Bessie Belknap, take a business course, probably in Houston.

Merle Bell, will attend William and Mary College in Virginia.

Marjorie Berger, teach in Collegeport.

Nora May Boyd, teach in Pierce.

Lois Bullock, teach in Markham.

John Carroll Cairnes, physical education and athletic director in San Francisco.

Frances Chilton, teach in one of the Houston High schools.

Madge Clement, attend college in Richmond, Virginia.

Audrey Clement, teach in Mackey.

Effie Crawford, teach in Waldrip near Brownwood.

Huldah Elder, teach in High school, Port Arthur.

Jane Elder, teach in Deutschburg.

Russell Feather, attend Rice Institute.

Cecile Grant, teach Lane City.

Leafa Grant, teach Sugarland.

Mary Laslie, teach Francitas.

James Luther, principal Bay City.

Nellie Luther, attend State University.

Emily Margerum, attend Rice Institute.

Robert Margerum, teach Carancahua.

Loren Margerum, teach Colorado.

Ailda Marshall, each in Battle Creek, Mich.

Maude Marshall, teach in Phoenix, Arizona.

Carroll Miller, attend State University.

Belle McGlothlin, will attend State University.

Florence Moore, not located.

L. W. Moore, will attend Rice Institute.

Beulah Price, teach in Collegeport.

Louise Pybus, teach music in Bishop.

Loretta Reynolds, not located.

Iva Lee Reynolds, not located.

Ruth Miller Rogers, student at State University.

Frances Ruthven, teach in Cuero.

Hugh Ruthven, attend Houston Dental College.

Donald Ruthven, attend Houston Dental College.

Clara Schley, teach in Midfield.

Jack Sisson, attend Rice Institute.

Nellie Slaikeu, attend Teachers’ College, San Marcos.

Erie Starr, teach Deutschburg.

Vera Tanner, teach Ohio Colony.

Maude Williamson, teach in the A. & M. College, Manhattan Kansas.

Belle Williamson, teach history in a Houston night school.

Viva Bell Windle, teach in Beaumont high school.

Ima Wolf, teach in Dallas.

Included in this list should be Mrs. Hattie Sam Best Lewis, who is the wife of a teacher. Of the thirteen teachers employed in the Palacios schools, ten of them live here and five of them are graduates of the High school. This list was given some weeks ago.

Palacios Beacon, September 7, 1923


M. Glaros and family motored to Kingsville Sunday to spend part of the week with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harriman are entertaining their daughter and grandson, Mrs. W. E. Harriman and Dr. W. F. Harriman of Amer. Iowa.

Mrs. C. A. Anderson and two children, who have been the guests of Mrs. Anderson's brother, G. H. Harrison, and family, left Monday morning for her home in Hennessey, Okla.

Mrs. G. P. Mimms of Spring, who had been the guest of friends, returned to her home last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sisson and two children spent the greater part of last week with Houston friends.

Misses Erie Starr and Jane Elder went to El Campo Sunday.

Miss Doris Phillips spent Sunday and Monday in Bay City with relatives.

Mrs. W. D. Sartwelle was a visitor to Bay City Saturday.

Miss Audrey Clement went to Pierce Saturday to spend a few days with Mrs. Borden.

Miss Rachel Cates, who has been the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Keller, returned to Houston Saturday.

Miss Leafa Green has gone to Sugarland, where she will teach in the schools.

Miss Elizabeth Stone left for Schulenburg for an extended visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wissinger and son, John Earl Wissinger, of Corpus Christi, returned to their home after a most delightful two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Watts.

Mrs. W. P. Bryan and daughter, Miss Lila Graham Bryan, of Bryan, who have been the charming guests of Miss Wright at the Iuka, returned to their home Monday.

Mrs. J. D. McGue and son, John Jr., of Taft, spent a part of the week with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ratliff and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mauldin of Leedy, Okla.., arrived Monday and are renewing their Palacios acquaintanceships.

The Rebekahs staged a jolly entertainment at their hall Friday night when a number of their members were honored with a birthday party. Rook and forty-two were played until a late hour when cakes and ice cream were served.

Nearly one hundred guests were entertained by the Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church at a social at the lovely home of Mrs. Ben Ehlers Thursday. The spacious rooms were made more beautiful by vases and baskets of summer blooms. The game of Pollyanna furnished a pleasing diversion. The committee in charge served a delicious ice course.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller and cousin, Miss Winchell, of Minnesota, are spending the week with relatives in San Antonio.

A very pretty quiet home wedding took place Saturday at noon when Miss Mary Vic Belknap was given in marriage to Mr. Clarence Henry Koontz, Rev. Hester reading the marriage vows. The ceremony, which was witnessed by the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends, was followed by a wedding breakfast. The bride, who was attired in a traveling gown of dark blue tricotine with hat and accessories in gray, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Belknap. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Koontz and has a business in Damon, where he will take his bride after their honeymoon trip of two weeks.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 14, 1923


Miss Frances Ruthven is spending the week with Cuero friends.

Miss Gladys Hillyer left Sunday for Washington, D. C., where she will spend the winter months.

Mrs. Dora Loftin of Wallis is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. M. Sanders and family.

Miss Ether Brewer, who has been the guest of her brother in San Antonio, came home the first of the week.

Misses Madge and Audrey Clement attended a district Christian Endeavor convention in Bay City Friday and Saturday of last week.

Mrs. D. C. Sansom and daughter, Miss Flora Lee Sansom of near Midfield, came Monday to make their home in Palacios.

Mrs. W. D. Sartwelle came home from Bay City Saturday after having spent a week with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Williamson and two small children of Angleton spent a part of last week with Mr. Williamson's mother, Mrs. George E. Williamson.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller, who have been visiting their son in San Antonio, returned home Wednesday.

Mr. W. C. Oliver and daughter, Mrs. S. L. Smith of Dallas, left for their homes Monday after spending three months here.

Mrs. T. W. Jones of Mexia is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Parks.

Miss Effie Crawford returned Tuesday from a two weeks' stay with Brownwood friends.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Westerfield of San Antonio spent two weeks here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Greene and daughters, returning to San Antonio Monday.

Mrs. G. H. Laughter and daughter, Miss Kathryn Murl, who spent the greater part of the summer with Mrs. Laughter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Powell, returned to their home the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wheeler and daughter, Miss Lucille Wheeler, motored to Brownwood the first of the week to place Miss Lucille in the Howard Payne College.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams, who spent the past three months with relatives in Kansas and Missouri, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. A. P. Linebarger and children, Alba and Beulah of San Marcos, returned to their home Monday after having spent two weeks with Mrs. Linneberger's sister, Mrs. T. S. Forehand and family.

Mr. R. J. Sisson entertained eight friends Tuesday, her birthday. The most decorative feature was the beautiful birthday cake with its favors and tapers. The guests included Mrs. C. E. Sisson, Mrs. Emily Burton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Arnold, Miss Elizabeth Sisson, Harry Sisson and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sisson.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 21, 1923


Miss Cecile Grant of Lane City spent the week-end with her parents.

Miss Marjorie Berger came over from Shreveport to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Berger.

Mrs. J. W. Dismukes and children returned home Wednesday after having spent the last six weeks with relatives in Missouri.

Miss Madge Clement left Saturday for Richmond, Va., where she will take a course of two years in a Presbyterian college.

Mrs. Dora Birt arrived from Illinois Saturday for a an extended visit with Mrs. J. Minich.

Miss Grace Huitt arrived Tuesday from Indiana to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Huitt, who have been here for several months.

Mrs. Irwin Cowger and small son, Bob Cowger, were among Tuesday's arrivals. They will spend the winter months with Mrs. Cowger's parents and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fitts and Mrs. C. W. Nester and family.

The Wednesday Club met last week at the charming home of Mrs. Nester. The large rooms were beautifully decorated with cut flowers. The committee planning the afternoon's entertainment was Mrs. Nester, Mrs. Traylor, Mrs. R. J. Sisson, Miss Wolf, Miss Gertrude Wolf, Mrs. Sartwelle, Mrs. Vick and Mrs. Salisbury.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 12, 1923


Mrs. Glen Stanford and two small sons of Orange Grove, Texas, are visiting at the J. W. Stanford home.

Mr. and Mrs. William Stubesand and small daughter, Jerry, of San Antonio, are the guests of R. J. Wylie and John Partain.

Mrs. Charles Morris returned home from Bay City Friday after having spent a week at the home of her brother.

Mrs. J. E. McCarthy and small daughter, Tamzy, spent Friday in Bay City.

Mrs. Minnie Franz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck, arrived Friday from Longmont, Colo., for an extended visit with her parents, Mrs. Franz has visited in Palacios frequently and has many friends here.

Mrs. Greenhill of Houston spent last week-end with Mrs. W. L. Langford.

Mrs. R. L. Price and daughter, Miss Maxine Price, visited in Bay City.

Mrs. F. G. Berger and daughters, Misses Marjorie and Ruth Berger, were Bay City visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harwell and small daughter have returned from Wyoming, where they had expected to make their home.

Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Hester went to Gonzales Monday to attend the Methodist conference in session at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Feather spent the first half of the week in Houston with their children.

Mrs. N. Glaros and children of Pittsburg, Pa.., arrived Sunday to spend the winter months with relatives.

Mrs. H. B. Farwell is the guest of Mrs. A. B. Pierce in Blessing.

Mrs. J. L. Koerber and children left Thursday morning for Liberty for a visit with Mrs. Koerber's parents.

Mrs. Walters, who spent the past three months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck, left for her home in Long Beach, Cal., Thursday morning.

Miss Effie Crawford left Thursday morning for Waldrip, where she will spend the winter months.

Mrs. D. E. Reaser, who spent the past three months with relatives in Temple and Vitoria, returned home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bussell came home Thursday after having spent the last five months in Colorado, Nebraska and Dallas.

Miss Caddie Wolf is in Dallas, the guest of her sister, Miss Ima Wolf.

Miss Alpha Bussell was hostess Friday night to the unmarried teachers and business girls. There were various games and delicious refreshments, featuring Hallowe'en ideas. The personnel of this delightful party was Misses Jennings, Traylor, Ifland, Victoria and Olivia Elder, Hansen, Johnson, Dye, Phillips, Nora and Mabel Hayes and Partain.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 2, 1923


Mrs. L. G. Sanders has returned from a long visit with her children in Houston.

Mrs. Carl Bishop and two children of Bishop spent part of the last week with her cousins, Mrs. George Reynolds.

Mrs. W. A. Whitney and daughter, Mrs. La Vail, spent Monday in Bay City.

Mrs. Glenn Reaser is spending the week in Houston with relatives.

Miss Nellie Mae Pasal and as her guests, the girls of the junior class in the high school. Candy-making was the principal diversion.

Mrs. Daggett of Forth Worth is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Willis, and Miss Lytton Smith

Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cairnes, Mrs. Henry and Miss Ora Henry spent Thursday with Bay City friends.

Miss Ruby Starr went to Hidalgo last week. She expects to spend the winter months there.

Mrs. L. Bruse celebrated her birthday by inviting a member of her friends in for the afternoon. At the close she served slices of the lovely birthday cake and hot chocolate.

Captain and Mrs. C. W. Tandy have as their guests their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tandy of Brownsville.

Mr. Frank Gillespie invited the members of the R. N. A. to her beautiful country home for an afternoon. This proved one of the most pleasant afternoons these ladies have enjoyed. The hostess served apple pie and whipped cream. There were also fruit cookies and hot coffee.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 16, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koerber and children and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Arnold enjoyed an Armistice Day picnic on the Navidad.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stainbrook drove to El Campo Monday, returning the same day.

Miss Leafa Green of Sugarland spent the last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Green, and other relatives. She was accompanied by Miss Ruth Crow and Miss Margaret Manning, both of Sugarland.

Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sissons and daughter, Mrs. N. L. Hayes, spent last weekend in Houston, remaining over for the Armistice Day festivities.

Miss Minda Barr left Wednesday afternoon for Peoria, Ill., where she will spend the winter months with relatives.

The Wednesday Club met at the home of Mrs. R. J. Sissons this week and enjoyed an afternoon with music. Some beautiful selections, both vocal and instrumental were offered and a splendid paper on "American Composers" was read.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 23, 1923

Mrs. Henry Barnett has organized a night school in which she teaches shorthand and typewriting and many of the young folks are taking advantage of it. Palacios business men are in need of more stenographic assistance than they have been able to find and this school will relieve the situation. The class meets twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday nights in the directors room of the Palacios State Bank thus supplying the necessary tables and chairs but there is a crying need for more typewriters and if anyone has a machine he will be willing to rent he will confer a favor on Mrs. Barnett by letting her know.

Palacios Beacon, July 3, 1924

First National Guard at Palacios
Officer Dodges Death

Lieutenant James M. Hutchinson, air service armament officer, had a narrow escape from death Monday morning when a Voight single-seater plane in which he was carrying out a reconnaissance mission developed engine trouble while at a low altitude and crashed to the ground in a rice field near Collegeport, five miles east of Camp Palacios.

Lieutenant Hutchinson was uninjured, but the plane landed nose down in a deep ditch and was destroyed. Other planes from the air went to his assistance after residents of the town of Collegeport reported the crash to division headquarters by telephone.

Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, April 12, 1927

From Palacios Beacon

D. P. Moore and Marvin Hale motored over from Bay City Wednesday to visit the story here, also Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moore.

Ralph Bussell was in  Bay City Tuesday, attending a managers' meeting of the Rice Belt District of the Central Power and Light Co., representing the Palacios end of the business.

H. S. Moseley and S. R. Bowman of the official staff of the Rice Belt District of the Central Power and Light Co., were over from Bay City Wednesday, looking after Palacios interests.

Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison left early Sunday morning for a trip to Nebraska and other Northern states and on up into Canada to be gone about six weeks. They were joined at Bay City by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown, of Gulf, who will make the trip with them.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 30, 1927

Koerber Moves Hardware Store To Hill Building

J. L. Koerber, who opened up a hardware store in the new Boyd building on Main Street a few weeks ago, moved his stock to the Hill Building at the corner of Pavilion and Commerce Streets, Monday.

Mr. Koerber and Mr. Kimball tell us their stock and trade just simply out grew their first location and they had to seek larger quarters. Here they have large windows which give more light as well as an ideal place for display of their goods, radios grace one while the other is given over to the Victrolas, records, etc. Shelf room and counters give ample display for other goods and altogether it makes a very attractive appearance as well as much more convenient for the customers as well as the clerks.

Mr. Koerber is adding new goods every day and is prepared to supply your wants in the line of sporting goods, radios, Victrolas, and many other things that will make very acceptable Christmas gifts.

Mr. H. C. Boyd informs us he will occupy his building vacated by Mr. Koerber, in the very near future.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1927

A meeting will be held at the Green Garage Building, (Elder Bldg.) on Monday night, at 8 p. m. The purpose of the meeting is to organize an American Legion Post. Civic Pride in your community and loyalty to your country demands a post especially where there is a National Guard Training Camp.

Collegeport has a Post and they are coming to this meeting so let's not be outdone by our Brothers across the Bay and respond to the call. We should have a 100% Legion Post.

Hamburgers, Coffee, and ?

Palacios Beacon, June 21, 1928

W. L. Ellis Opens New Cafe Here Saturday, Feb. 2

A new Cafe, owned by W. L. Ellis, opens Saturday, Feb. 2nd. The Cafe is located in the Anderson Building on Fifth and Commerce, fronting on Fifth Street.

The rooms have been freshly painted and made quite attractive with all new fixtures, including an Electric Coffee Urn and portable barbecue furnace. Mr. Ellis is well known in Palacios, having been in the restaurant business a number of times and he extends a cordial invitation to all.

Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1929

Court House At Bay City To Be Opened Friday
Day Will Be Turned Over To Visitors; Shrine Ball In Evening

Matagorda county's new court house will be formally turned over to the public next Friday, February 8th, according to a recent order of the commissioners' court.

The day will be set aside for all visitors who wish to see the new building and its many improvements from the inside. At night a public dance, sponsored by the Bay City Shriners, will be given in the district court room. Many visitors from neighboring towns are expected to attend the ball, as the county boasts of an exceptionally large number of Shriners.

The new court house looms up well from the outside, but the real improvement over the old conditions is to be found on the inside, where old dilapidated, "crampy" offices have been turned into roomy, airy and well-lighted working apartments for the officers.

New floors, new stairways, and new walls greet the eye of the visitor from all parts of the building, while the heating and sanitary conditions have been vastly improved. Incidentally, a gas line is now being run to the court house from the postoffice, 7th street line.

The contractors have been handicapped from the very outset by continued bad weather, the delay of material in arriving and many other vexations, but unavoidable things, but they hammered through and are now able to turn the new building over to the commissioners, who, in turn, will dedicate it to the people and the service of the county next Friday.

The Tribune has not received any formal program from a committee on arrangements and, at this time, is unable to say just what will be the order of the day. If a program has been formulated, it has not been given out for publication. Perhaps the committee will hand it out to the press later on in the week.--Bay City Tribune.

Palacios Beacon, February 7, 1929

Opening of New Queen Theatre Well Attended
Everyone Astonished At Attractiveness of New Play House

"Isn't it beautiful!"--Such comfortable seats!"-- "Don't the pictures show up fine!"--"Not another town in the state the size of Palacios has a theatre its equal," were among the complimentary remarks heard on the opening nights of the new Queen Theatre. Capacity houses greeted the showing of the opening program on both evenings and the managers inform us they consider it a success in the fullest sense of the word. The large screen with its clear vision gives a perfect reproduction of the scenes even to the minutest details.

The sound production was of splendid volume, making the music a pleasing feature. The carpeted aisles, noiseless seats, soft lights and beautiful drapes all add to the interior attractiveness and makes it an ideal place of amusement.

Ramon Novarro, beloved by screen fans the world over, in one of the most thrilling film plays of his career and one of the greatest successes of the year, "The Flying Fleet," was the feature picture, with a two-reel M. G. M. Comedy also the M. C. M. News reel, was the program for the opening nights, and proved highly pleasing to all.

The opening of the new Queen Theatre marks another step in the forward movement for Palacios and its managers, Messrs. Williams, Deutsch, and Goddin are to be congratulated on the realization of their fondest hopes in the completion of this beautiful play house and also for the presentation of the really good and up-to-date pictures they are bringing here each week.

Palacios Beacon, August 8, 1929

Traylor Hardware Co. To Move To New Location Sept. 1st.

The Traylor Hardware Company has leased the building just recently vacated by the Queen Theatre, and plans to move their stock there by the first of September.

Workmen are busy putting the room in a No.-1 condition, walls are all to be refinished, floor made as good as new and ample shelving, etc., arranged. This building at the corner of Main and Fifth Streets, on the Highway leading to Camp Palacios is considered one of the very best locations in the city and Mr. Traylor considers he is very fortunate in securing it.

The building being vacated by Traylor Hardware Co. is owned by W. C. Williams and he is having it extensively repaired. A new awning has been placed along the front, and the second story replastered and decorated, while the main store will be done over as soon as Mr. Traylor moves his stock. So far the building has not been rented but we feel sure it will not stay vacant very long.

Palacios Beacon, August 22, 1929

Theb Cafe Changes Ownership; Will be Called "Busy Bee"

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sullivan have purchased the Theb Cafe, which has been conducted by Thelbert Allen the past ten months. The Sullivans have had a hamburger stand on the bay shore at the entrance of the Pavilion the past three years and have the reputation of serving the very best of eats. They will change the name of the cafe to the "Busy Bee" and will make a specialty of clean wholesome food, good coffee, served at all times.

Palacios Beacon, May 26, 1930


Dr. and Mrs. Elliott made a trip to Houston Monday where Mr. Elliott went for examination and treatment. He is improving nicely from her recent illness.

Ms. Amy Hall is entertaining the Fortnightly Bridge Club with a dinner this evening.

Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Wagner accompanied by Sunshine Barnett autoed to Eagle Lake Saturday and made a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barnett who were spending a few weeks at that place. Ms. Sunshine reports a good time and that she saw some deer are and wild turkeys.

Quite a number from Palacios attended the bridge party given in Bay City Friday night, which was given by the World's Fair committee: Mrs. F. A. Sisson assisted by Mrs. C. L. Aubin is chairman of the Palacios district.

The second dance of the season was held at the pavilion Monday night with a goodly number in attendance.

Mrs. J. L. Koerber, Sr. returned from Houston where she had been visiting relatives for several weeks.

Mrs. Merle Burton, English teacher and sponsor to the senior class entertained the senior class to a seven o'clock dinner last Friday night.

Mr. C. F. Connors father who has been laid up with a broken limb and has been at the Loos Hospital in Bay City is at home now but is still in a critical condition.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 4, 1933

Old-Time Dance Is Hugh Success

The dance at the Pavilion Friday night was a huge success both for entertainment and financially. Mrs. H. V. Hall was in charge and is due untold credit for the manner in which it was conducted and success of it all.

As had been heralded, the dances of ye olden days were indulged in, with music accordingly, furnished by Floyd Maples and his orchestra, assisted by Mr. Ruthven. Modern music was also furnished and both young and old had an opportunity to dance.

A large crowd attended, many from nearby towns coming in and all had such a good time many requests have come for another one in the very near future.

Mrs. Hall, who is local chairman of the County Health Fund, sponsored the dance and as a result the neat sum of $45 was added to the Children’s Health Fund. This is to be used for children who need defects corrected and their parents are not financially able to have them cared for.

Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1934

College Students Home For Holidays

Palacios young folks who go away to school, generally came home for the holiday vacation and this year, we have with us
Naomi and Ruth Harrison, of Rice, at Houston
Bobby Louise and Nancy Price and Carolyn Slaikeu, of John Tarleton, Stephenville
Marion Nester, Mary Baldwin, Staunton, Va.
Charles Nester, State Medical, Galveston
Dessie Sullivan, North Texas State Teachers
Denton; Dorothy Lee Curtis, Kingsville
Ruby Redmon, Business College, Beaumont
Cecil Teller, Coleman Clement, Bob Trull, Billy Gray, State University, Austin
Norman Brotemarkle, San Marcos
John Barnett, Price Barnett, Glenn Harris, Jesse Dismukes and J. B. Littleton, A. & M., College Station
Helen Sanders, San Houston, Normal, Huntsville

Palacios Beacon, December 27, 1934

Golden Wedding is Celebrated by Palacios Couple
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Rittenhouse Lived 33 of 50 Years in Palacios

Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Rittenhouse who had been married 50 years on April 14th, celebrated the occasion Sunday and their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rittenhouse, of Huntsville, were here for the occasion. A twelve o’clock dinner was enjoyed by immediate members of the family. A large cake, beautifully decorated to further stress the theme and bearing the dates 1886 – 1936 graced the table and added festivity when it was cut and served.

Mr. and Mrs. Rittenhouse were married in Warsaw, Ind., but soon after located in Southern Missouri. After spending some years there they came South, and were among the early comers to Palacios. Some 33 years of their married life have been spent in this city, which they have seen grow, and can enumerate almost every important business transaction. Mr. Rittenhouse had a part in the early building of the town, and has been associated with many of the most important business enterprises. He made the first deposit in the Palacios State Bank and his name often headed the list for some worthwhile project. He was interested in all civic improvements and a ready helper for school and church activities.

During the past few years failing health has caused both of them to become less active in the work of the town, however, their home just west of the city is one of our best kept and most attractive places.

They are the parents of two sons, Wilbur of Huntsville and Orta of Bryan, and have three grandchildren and two great grand children.


Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1936

Chas. Luther to Build Modern Filling Station
Razing of Auto Inn Begun This Morning; Structure to be 85x90 Ft.

Work of razing the Auto Inn was begun this morning by Charles Luther who is preparing to build a modern filling station, on this location, corner of 4th and Main Streets. The Auto Inn was built about 15 years ago by Messrs. Donald Moffet and Mose Hall and was one of the first service stations in our city.

Palacios Beacon, May 27, 1937

Pete Graff Takes Charge of Pavilion


The partnership of Pete Graff and Jack Sisson as managers of the Palacios Pavilion was dissolved last week and Mr. and Mrs. Graff will be sole managers from now. They announce the pavilion will be conducted as heretofore, providing a place of pleasure for the general public. Some of this section’s very best orchestras will be secured for the big dances, and private parties will be given special attention.

The Palacios Pavilion was taken over by Messrs. Graff and Sisson in June of 1937, and during these eighteen months have given very satisfactory service to all concerned in the manner in which the different phases of entertainment have been conducted. Mr. Graff announces a Thanksgiving dance for Nov. 30. Johnnie Sullivan and his orchestra will furnish the music.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 1939


Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Eleanor Katherine White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. White, to Jack Gray Mathis of Kingsville, Texas. Eleanor is a former Palacios girl, having graduated from the Palacios High School and has a host of friends who extend congratulations and good wishes.

Mrs. G. A. Salsbury assisted by Mrs. J. T. Brooking and Mrs. G. L. Brooking gave a tea Friday, complimenting Mrs. M. L. Brooking and Mrs. R. S. Perry, wives of the new personnel of the new bank. These two ladies of Palacios were glad of this opportunity to meet them.

Obituary--James H. Logan

Mr. James Henderson Logan passed away Friday, Aug. 30, at his home in Blessing, aged 75-years.

Mr. Logan was one of the oldest settlers of Blessing and has done much for the betterment of the community in which he lived.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dana B. Logan, three daughters, Mrs. W. A. McKinney, Uvalde, Mrs. W. A. Sanford, Blessing, and Mrs. J. S. Montgomery, Brazoria, four sons, Bert Logan, Sweeny, Victor H. Logan, San Antonio, John W. and J. Verns Logan of Blessing.

Funeral services were conducted by G. F. Gillespie of Palacios from the Presbyterian Church in Blessing, and the body laid to rest in the Hawley Cemetery.


A pleasant reception was held for the Palacios school teachers, by the Parent Teachers' Association last Friday night. It was held in the High School Auditorium.


Mrs. J. W. Dismukes and children spent the week end in Harlingen visiting relatives there.


Mrs. Susie Harbison, who has been ill, is somewhat improved.


Students from Palacios and surrounding communities, who will attend Victoria Junior College, registered yesterday. The bus driven by Vernon Thomas will leave Palacios at 7:30 each morning.


Mrs. Price Barnett is working in Bowden Drug Store in the absence of Mrs. Murry Hart, who is taking her vacation.


Miss Lois Harbison and Miss Clara Schley of Palacios are the two teachers in the Carancahua district.


Dr. Duffy spent last Sunday in Victoria.


Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lewis are in Houston today.


Miss Alpha Bussell took her annual vacation last week from her duties at the Nester Drug Store.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen and daughter, Mary Ann of El Campo visited the parental Nester home over the week end.


Miss Victoria Elder will teach school in Boling again this year.


Palacios Beacon, September 12, 1940

Erick Petersen Purchases Tailor Shop From Fields

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fields disposed of their cleaning and pressing shop last week to Erick D. Petersen, who has taken possession and changed the name to Erick's Cleaners, announcement of which is being made this week through the columns of the Beacon.

Mr. Petersen served in World War II and was overseas in the ETO for some time. He was discharged on the point system a few months ago and decided to locate in his home town. He has the best wishes of a host of friends.

Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1946

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

Nine members of the Palacios Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Harold Baldwin, Jan. 3 for the first meeting of the year.

In spite of the cold and small group we had a peppy meeting.

Anyone wanting to send a box to an overseas family can get a name and address from Mrs. Ben Hilburn, 411 Morton Ave.

Three pressure cookers will be available for meat and vegetable canning this year. The general public can get one at Mrs. Ben Hilburn's, 411 Morton, or Mrs. J. J. Harbison's, 402 Perryman. There are also automatic sealers.

Mrs. Hale will give a demonstration on clothing for 1947 at Miss Minda Barr's home, Jan. 17 at 2 p. m.

We hope all members can be present--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, January 9, 1947

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

The Palacios Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. John C. Richards, Feb. 7, with Mrs. Glendale Claybourn as co-hostess. Thirty members and three visitors were present.

The project, "Short Cuts in Sewing" was expertly handled by Mrs. Arthur Wright. Patterns were compared and discussed, one being a 25 cent article and the other a $2.00 creation. A beginner would find the creation wanting in explanation of how to proceed. Buttonholes and ways to make that button "stay put," pleats, ruffles and innumerable other things to making a dress, suit or coat look "Chic" were discussed. All in all it was a meeting to warm the heart of any woman who loves to sew. Mrs. Claybourn demonstrated a wide belt made with three narrow ones, and Mrs. Craymer displayed some very attractive plastic material that has possibilities and promised more definite information as soon as possible. A collection for the hospital fund was taken and delicious refreshments featuring St. Valentine were served by the hostesses.

The next meeting will be with Mrs. Guy Claybourn, Feb. 21.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 13, 1947

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

Palacios Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Guy Claybourn Friday at 2 p. m.

Since the "World Day of Prayer" is being observed at the Methodist Church at 4 p. m. please come prepared to leave the Demonstration meeting and attend the meeting at the church.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, February 20, 1947

After Exactly 42 Years
Mrs. Nester Retires From Drug Business

Mrs. C. E. Nester, who recently sold her store building and stock to Henry Thompson, of Bay City, had completed exactly 42 years of association with the drug business when she closed the doors of the Nester Drug Store Saturday night, it being the date of her marriage to the late C. W. Nester, who was conducting a drug store in Kansas when she became his bride June 14, 1905.

During the early years of their married life she assisted in the store. When they came to Texas and located at Midfield she was at his side, and later when they moved to Palacios 26 years ago she continued with the work and did much toward making the Nester Drug Store one of the most popular places in our city.

Mrs. Nester has a large circle of friends who regret in a way to see her retire from our business circle, yet are pleased she can take the vacation she so much deserves.

Palacios Beacon, June 19, 1947

First Cotton Ginned Here Saturday

Leo Ledwig, World War II veteran, gained two honors this year by having first bales of cotton for the 1947 season. Last week he took a bale to Bay City which was recorded as the first bale in Matagorda County, and on Saturday July 19, he brought in the first bale for the Palacios Cooperative gin.

Mr. Ledwig stated he could have had two bales ready for ginning Saturday if it had not rained the day he planned to pick. The cotton he brought in Saturday was of fine quality and the bale weighed 547 pounds. His first bale weighed 408 pounds and was sold in Bay City last Thursday to Ad Manosky for 42 cents per pound.

Palacios Beacon, July 24, 1947

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

The Palacios Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. M. T. Brooking at 2 p. m. Friday. The afternoon will be spent making aluminum trays. All having patterns are requested to bring them and their aluminum to the meeting.

Anyone interested in reed work be sure to be present as orders for reed will be taken at this meeting.

Visitors are invited to attend our meetings and all members please note change in time, 2 p. m. instead of 2:30 p. m.

Palacios Beacon, June 4, 1953

Negro H. D. Club Sets Thanksgiving Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Negro Home Demonstration Club will be held in the home of Mrs. David Hebert Thursday, November 24, according to Mrs. D. L. Peters, reporter for the group.

Mrs. M. E. Roy, president, presided over the November 10 meeting of the organization. That meeting was held in the home of Mrs. R. D. Taylor.

Civil Defense, with Mrs. E. Davis serving as moderator, was discussed by the group.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1955

Palacios News

Mr. and Mrs. Wendle Mathews of Houston were at their bay cottage this last week end. Their place is located just across from the Little Shamrock.

"Doc" Stinson of Houston and formerly of Palacios was spending Sunday in Palacios and was extremely surprised at the growth of Palacios, since he was here 15 years ago. Doc had been an electrician at Camp Hulen, when they were building the camp. Stinson was staying at Leo Petersens in Bay City for the week-end.

Mrs. Lena Harrison had as her guests for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brown and family of Houston. Her grandchildren, Cynthia, Nancy, Carol and Fred, enjoyed their outing on the bay with their new boat and surf board. Their friend Fred Strange was with them.

Mrs. Harrison's son Billy and family, entertained his sister and family, Mrs. Marion Robinson of Alvin with a barbecue at their bay home on last Tuesday.

C. O. Waring was the May winner of the tournament sponsored monthly by the Y Sports Shop at Palacios. Waring weighed in a twenty-three and a half pound trout caught in Turtle Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frazier and niece, Catherine were visiting in Palacios Thursday and Friday. They stopped at Pauls Court. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowand while there. Don took them fishing on Friday morning. Frazier got a good bite, but the fish got away.

Mark Twain once said: "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

Jack Robertson and companion of Bay City, took home a lot of trout caught at Half Moon Sunday. Many of them weighed a pound and a half. They weighed them at Grassy Point Bait Camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Basford of Grassy Point spent a pleasant day Sunday June 3. It being their thirty third wedding anniversary, they let many of their visitors at the camp that day help them celebrate.

The May issue of The Salt Water Fisherman carried an article written by Ney Oldham, Jr., entitled "Fisherman-Wading Type." Ney relates many of his experiences fishing with J. G. Smith and H. C. Bolen on Carancahua Bay.

Mrs. Grace Barnett, Postmaster at Palacios, has volunteered to accept contributions to the Cancer fund. The National Cancer Drive is late getting started, and is far from their quota in Matagorda County. Mrs. Barnett said she would be glad for anyone to leave their donations with her to this important cause.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 7, 1956

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

The Palacios Home Demonstration Club met at 2 p. m. June 15 in the beautiful new home of Mrs. C. J. Venglar. Everyone enjoyed looking through the house, which was so well planned and beautifully decorated. The blue prints of which were drawn by Mrs. Venglar.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Brown read The Demonstration Way, and the council report was given by Mrs. Ramsey who also had charge of recreation. Mrs. Lois Dismukes won the prize.

A busy and interesting program was had with almost everyone working on either aluminum or wooden trays.

The hostess served refreshments of delicious sandwiches, olives, buttered nuts, cake and punch to nine members and five visitors, Mrs. Eugene Harvey, Mrs. Louis Hickl, Mrs. Edna Bachus, Mrs. J. C. Richards and Mrs. Pat Richman.

The next meeting will be Friday July 6 at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Wylie Milam. Everyone is asked to be present as there is some important business coming up. Plans for the council picnic to be held in LeTulle Park on July 10 will be made.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, July 5, 1956

Palacios News

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Koening announce the arrival of a daughter, Cynthia Denise, on July 9th. They have a son, Mark, just 16 months old. Mr. Koening's mother was in Palacios for a three week's visit with them but has returned to her home in Houston.

Chuck Arthur of KIOX Bay City was a welcome visitor at the Grassy Point Bait Camp, Friday afternoon. The breezes made fishing conditions not too encouraging to Chuck who is an ardent fisherman. The Tres-Palacios was clear. He tried his luck at Tin Top.

Palacios fishermen who wish to enter the Bay City Fishing Tournament, which begins July 20th, may buy their entrance fee ticket for $1.00 at Faktor's Phillips 66 Station in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wickham had their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steinhagen and Denise of Houston, spend several days with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Searcy Standley, and children have been in Nacogdoches for a few days visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Balltaire and children have gone to Denver, Colorado, to spend several weeks at their summer home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Basford have as their guests for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bies and son Allen, of Houston, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Quady of Minneapolis, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chambless have their nephew, Carl Johnson of Houston, for a week of his vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Arlla of Bayshore Drive are enjoying a visit from old friends that they knew when they lived in Indiana. They are Mrs. Lora McMillan and Miss Eleanor Gray of Terre Haute, and will be here for two weeks to enjoy our sea breezes and get in a little fishing.

Mayor and Mrs. A. H. Petersen spent the week-end in Bastrop on the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pruett of Baytown. A pleasant week-end was enjoyed by the two couples.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wynn are enjoying their grandson, Dennis Mike, this week. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wynn of Morgan City, La., will arrive here this week to spend a few days before returning home. Dennis has spent a lot of time fishing with his grandparents.

Mrs. Robert Blackwell of Collegeport is happy to report that her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Cheely are here from Eufaula, Okla. Mr. Cheely will be employed in Bay City, and they will make their home in the Gulf Coast area. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brinkley of Houston were week-end guests of Mrs. Blackwell.

A Latin American encampment for boys, girls, men and women will be July 23 through 27. One hundred and fifty are expected this year. The encampment will be followed by a women's missionary society of the Gulf Coast Association Retreat July 27 and 28.

The St. Anthony's Altar Society will receive Holy Communion at the 6 a. m. Mass next Sunday, July 22nd. The next Altar Society meeting will be Wednesday, August 1st at 7:30 p m. in the Parish Hall.

Miss Besse Belknap, City Secretary, will leave Wednesday evening for a much needed vacation. She will go by train to Tulsa, Okla. where she will be met by her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Belknap. They will go by automobile to Alberta, Canada, seeing the country on their way up. They will return by way of the Pacific Coast route, to Los Angeles, Calif., where they have a lot of relatives to visit. Miss Belknap expects to be gone for a month.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 20, 1956

Palacios News

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faktor were in Galveston on Friday evening to attend the wedding of his niece Miss Maria Hansen and Albert Victor Duytshaeve, both of Galveston. Miss Hansen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berriman Taylor. The wedding was at the Central Methodist Church and the reception was at home of the bride's parents.

Ray Sellens of the W & M Products Company of Houston entertained Charles Faktor, Charles Rowand, and Bill Waldroff with a fishing trip in his 22-foot inboard cruiser to Cotton Bayou, Matagorda Peninsula over the week-end. Sixteen flounder and one trout was their catch.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fitzmorris had as visitors on Sunday, Mrs. Fitzmorris' brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Davis returned to Deer Park to visit with them for a week.

Mrs. John E. Fitzmorris relieved at the City Beauty Shoppe last week while Miss Jo Ann Roach was on vacation.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 9, 1956

Palacios News

Mrs. L. A. Wilcox entertained with a Coke party for Mrs. A. B. Simpson, Jr., who is visiting in Palacios with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Crawford. The few close friends that were invited were: Mrs. Walter Kilgore, Mrs. Gay Harrison, Mrs. Nell Kimball, Mrs. Elizabeth Sisson, Mrs. Hugh Buffaloe, Mrs. John Hart and Mrs. Carlton Crawford. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed at Mrs. Wilcox home.

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Harrison were in Houston this week to see the show "Oklahoma."

Walter Glowka goes for tarpon fishing at the Turning basin in Palacios. He gets them by plugging and their size is around 18 to 20 inches long. Cash's Creek and Turtle Bay have also paid off with plenty small tarpon. One party caught 13, and they report that one bumped their boat. Maybe that's just  fish story, but that's what they said.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck Wiggington of El Campo fished around Oil Wells and came in with 20 speckled trout.

Sammy Tolleson of Palacios won the "Longest Trout Contest" of the Y Sport Shop of Palacios, for July. His winning fish measured 23 inches, and weighed three pounds and 4 ounces. Sammy caught the fish in the Tres Palacios River. His prize was $5.00 in fishing tackle. Sammy also won a prize in the Bay City Tournament with a four pound eleven ounce trout caught from Hay Meadows at Tres Palacios River.

Mrs. Elida Price and son were in Ingleside for a couple of days visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. J. W. Outlaw, and family.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 16, 1956

Palacios News

Miss Nell Ayers, County Health Nurse, and Mrs. Ruth Musselman have just returned from their two weeks vacation. They motored to Monterrey, Mexico, and visited Horsetail Walls and Lanares.

Miss Ethel Outlaw of Ingleside, has been visiting her grandmother Mrs. Elina Price here in Palacios this past week. Ethel was in the twirling class sponsored by the Band Boosters Club. She and Miss Johnson of Victoria, who is also taking twirling, will have a demonstration number together on Friday evening, when the class comes to an end.

The Wayside Club will hold election of officers at their next meeting which will be August 29 at the home of Mrs. I. E. Ramsey. Everyone is requested to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ressler announce the arrival of a son, Dennis Earl, who was born at the Rugeley-Blasingame Hospital in Wharton on Saturday, August 11th.

Mrs. Roy E. Wratislaw, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. V Wratislaw, to Victoria, left Wednesday by plane for Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Roy E. Wratislaw will fly from Seattle to Japan where she will join her husband. Lt. Roy E. Wratislaw, who is stationed in Japan

Matagorda County Tribune, August 23, 1956

Palacios News
By Mrs. John Basford

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fields announce the arrival of Kenneth Owen, on September 19, weighing seven pounds and two ounces. Kenneth has Alfred, 10; Carol Ann, 8; and Rodney, 6 to welcome him home from the hospital. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fields.

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown, Gaylon and Darla, formerly of Palacios, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown and old friends here. Bobby is the owner of a filling station, and just recently opened a night club, Club Black Magic, on Longpoint Road in Houston.

J. C. Tucker, who was injured in an automobile accident several weeks ago, is able to be up and around. He hopes to be back at work in another week or ten days.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. John Basford on Friday. Mr. Wallace is the publisher and editor of Fishing Squibs Magazine, and Mrs. Wallace is Associate Editor. They were spending a portion of their vacation traveling along the coast, fishing at the various locations which are mentioned in their magazine. Fishing Squibs cover the Gulf Coast area. This month's issue has several pictures and reports of catches by Palacios fisherman.

Mr. J. G. Smith, principal of Palacios Junior High School, who takes an active interest in Palacios Civil Defense program, was the guest speaker at the first meeting of the Palacios FHA Chapter. His subject was ways in which all citizens may help and cooperate in the civil defense program.

Mrs. E. O. Mason and sons, Edward, 12, and Billy, 9, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomas for ten days. The Masons have been living in Mexico City for four years, and the boys speak Spanish as well as English. Billy calls a shrimp boat a "pirate boat." When he was permitted to go aboard a big bay boat, he asked "Will it sink?"

The school year in Mexico City begins February 1 and ends Nov. 30. Two weeks in September during which time Mexico City celebrates its Independence Day is school vacation time.

Mr. Mason is with the Texas Gulf Sulphur Company of New Gulf and was unable to make the trip to Texas with his family at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn, Sr. have been enjoying visits from their children, Marshall and family and Captain Guy, Jr., and his lovely wife. Mrs. Claybourn, Jr. also spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tollison. Capt. and Mrs.. Claybourn have now left for New York and on October 4 will leave for Germany. Another son, Jimmy, will be well-occupied with studies for some time, as he has enrolled at Texas A. and I. College in Kingsville.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McPherson of Houston spent the weekend at the Joe Drastata home.

Mrs. Betty Smith and son George of Bandera spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Abel Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Arla were hosts to twenty neighbors and friends at a pot-luck barbecue at the Arla home Saturday.

Leon was the chef at the B-B-Q pit. He had a six-pound tripletail which he referred to as a Texas Croaker, beef and port sausage, and "cabrati" or barbecued goat which were seasoned to perfection. Potato salad, baked beans, garlic bread, with relishes of all kinds, cakes and drinks completed the menu. Singing of old and new tunes by the guests made the evening a perfect one.

Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1956

Palacios News
By Julia Rowand, Correspond.

Mr. and Mrs. Oris Dyer and Jim Koontz have gone to Harrison, Ark., to visit with Mrs. Dyer's and Jim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz, Sr. They will remain there for a few weeks.

Mrs. P. T. Sartwelle was in Edna Sunday attending the Deanery meeting of the National Council of Catholic Women. Others to go from St. Anthony's parish were Mrs. Thos. Claiborne, Mrs. Adam Price, Mrs. Rutillo Gonzales, Mrs. John Roach, and Mrs. C. A. Burke.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron King were guests of their son Byron, Jr. at the Texas Aggie-Villanova football game last Saturday, and they report Aggieland is apparently feeling a good season is ahead. Byron, Jr. is wearing the four diamonds of a Cadet Colonel, and is Commanding Officer of the First Wing of the Cadet Corps of the College.

Reports from the family indicate that Jack Maddox is doing as well as could be expected in the Methodist Hospital in Houston, following the accident on a trampoline Sunday which caused a fractured skull.

The Palacios Rainbows Girls gave a Kid Party on Tuesday evening at the Youth Center. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by the KIDS. Miss Gale King was in charge of refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal were sponsors.

Mrs. P. T. Sartwelle is enjoying a few days visit with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Calahan, Jr. of Austin. The Calahans came over for the funeral of their friend. Mr. Emil Peterson, which was held Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 4, 1956

Palacios News

Stork fills requests for a baby brother at the George Harrison and John Glen homes.

Sandra Holly, Janet and Shelly welcomed their new brother, Slone George Harrison, who arrived on September 28 at the Bay View hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slone and paternal grandmother is Mrs. G. A. Harrison.

John Darrell Glenn, Jr., was as happy as mother and daddy, when baby brother Robert Allen came to play with him on September 29. John Jr., promises to handle the baby very carefully until he is big enough to play boy games.

New grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wickham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Garza, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steinhagen of Houston announced the arrival of Jan Leigh on September 29. She is their second daughter. Mrs. Steinhagen was the former Jean Wickham.

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Guajardo, Jr., announce the arrival of James Edward on October 1. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Garza, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Dockery, daughter Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Corporon and son Gary left Saturday for a two weeks' trip through Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico.

...Harry Hulen was a guest of Rev. A. G. Maxted on his sailing craft Thursday evening on Palacios Bay. The men started out shortly before sunset, the bay a bit choppy and a good breeze blowing from the south west. For about a half hour their boat made a lovely scene sailing swiftly, but smoothly on the water. Suddenly the wind shifted to the north, black heavy clouds gathered, and the "crew" made swift headway toward home port, arriving just before the water became one white cap rolling in after another...

Matagorda County Tribune, October 11, 1956

Joy Corporon FFA Sweeheart

Joy Corporon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon, was selected last week as FFA Sweetheart for the 1956-57 year of the Palacios High School Chapter.

Joy, a senior, is also head cheer leader of the Sharkettes drill team and FHA secretary.

The attractive Palacios High School girl is a princess for the homecoming queen.

She will represent the Palacios FFA Chapter in the District III FFA Sweetheart Contest and Banquet in El Campo March 15.

Palacios Beacon, October 18, 1956

Palacios Home Demonstration Club

The Palacios Home Demonstration Club will meet Friday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. E. L. Chiles.

Eleven members and two visitors were present at the last meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. H. Petersen. A program on Mental Health was given by Mrs. J. J. Harbison.

Refreshments consisting of whole wheat sandwiches, pumpkin pie, coffee and mints were enjoyed.--Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 1, 1956

Palacios News

At a recent meeting of the Sea Scout court of honor, Tommy Griffin was awarded first class rank, star rank, Scout lifeguard and troop quartermaster badge. Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Griffin. Skipper Dr. John C. White presented the awards.

The Palacios Independent School election on Saturday had a small turn out at each of the voting locations, which were in Palacios, Collegeport, Deutschburg and Midway or La Ward. Two incumbents were seeking re-election with new opposition, were Jimmy Shearer and John Ressler, both of Palacios. Mr. Shearer received 65 in Palacios, nine in Collegeport and 13 from Deutschburg. Joe Ressler received 65 in Palacios, nine in Collegeport and 14 in Deutschburg. (This does not include the Midway report at this writing.) Write-in votes at Deutschburg were Mr. J. Shimek, 2; Edwin Sturhenberg, 1 and W. H. Wilson, 1 vote. Hold-over members of the school board are Dr. John Hart of Palacios, president; S. W. Wilson, Palacios, George Stubblefield, Palacios, Maynard Frankson, Carancahua, and Vernon Bowers, Collegeport.

The Prairie Center Home Demonstration Club met April 3 at the home of Mrs. Roland C. Florip. The president, Mrs. Frank Stallard, presided at the meeting. Plans for a chicken spaghetti supper to be held at the clubhouse on June 2 were discussed. There will also be a demonstration on first aid at the Prairie Center Clubhouse at 6 p. m. April 16, Anyone interested in learning first aid may attend. Bring a covered dish for the potluck supper. Delicious refreshments of coffee, cake and tea were served by the hostess. The meeting adjourned to meet on April 17 at the clubhouse with Mrs. W. R. Jaynes as hostess.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleddie Harvey last week were their daughter, Mrs. R. L. Middleton and her daughters, Debbie and Kathy of Dallas. They also spent several days in Kingsville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Middleton before returning to Dallas.

The Rev. L. D. Bonin of the Full Gospel Tabernacle invites the public to the young people's services at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Gus Chupe of Rockport, 16-year-old evangelist, will be in charge. The Rev. Mr. Chupe attended junior high and Sacred Heart Catholic School in Rockport.

Tommy Brandon, sophomore pre-medical major at Baylor University, has recently been initiated into the Beta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta, national pre-medical honor society. Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Brandon of Palacios.

Miss Ann Brandon is teaching physical education in Cunningham Junior High School in Corpus Christi. She has been made program chairman of the University of Corpus Christi Alumni Assn. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Brandon.

Corporate communion for all the members of Holy Name Society and Knights of Columbus will be given Sunday April 12 after the first and last masses at St. Anthony's Catholic Church.

The women of the Presbyterian Church will have circle meetings as follows: Thursday Circle No. 1 meets with Mrs. Norman Brotemarkle at __:30 a. m.; Mrs. C. W. Nester will be hostess for Circle 2 at 3:00 p. m. and Circle No. 3 will meet at 7?:30 at the church.

Elder R. B. Trull has been elected to represent the Palacios First Presbyterian Church at the synod to be held at Mt. Rance in May.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 9, 1959

Palacios News

Mrs. Elina Price will be honored as the Mother of the Year from St. Anthony's Catholic Parish in Palacios. She was chosen for her faithful work in her church. Mrs. Price was born in Franklin, La. and is the widow of Adam Price. Five years ago she moved to Palacios to be near her children, and to make her home with her son, Adam Price Jr. She has two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Claiborne, mother of two children, who lives in Palacios, and Mrs. Frank Outlaw, mother of five children, who resides in Ingleside.

A minor fire broke out in the Methodist Fellowship Hall at 10:30 Saturday morning, when the heater became too hot, catching the wall behind the heater on fire. The fire was quickly extinguished and the damage was slight.

Mrs. F. C. Florip and Mrs. Cleo Burke were given a surprise birthday party at the Florip home Saturday evening by their neighbors. Roast beef, baked ham and beans, salads, candied yams, hot rolls, and a lovely birthday cake with letters "Maizie" on one side and "Georgia" on the other was enjoyed. The guests were F. C. Florip, Cleo and Mary Ann Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tresselt and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Abel Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Arlla, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stallard.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ryman of Wadsworth was the scene of the first brother and sister re-union ever held by members of the LeCompte family. Fifty seven were present. The LeCompte brothers are A. W. and Paul of Bay City and J. M. LeCompte of Matagorda. The sisters are Mrs. N. P. Highberg of Palacios, Mrs. R. R. Ledbetter of Houston and the hostess, Mrs. Ryman. Three birthdays were celebrated on this occasion, Mrs. Ryman's, Mrs. Ledbetter's and Mrs. Margaret Gest of Danbury. Attending from Bay City were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark, and from Palacios Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Highberg. There were also guests from Big Springs, Houston, Port Lavaca, Brenham and Danbury. Many of these persons had not met in 30 years.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kunefke and family were week end visitors at the Leonard Kunefke home.

August Lewis and family of Needville visited at the F. M. Jackson home on Sunday.

The second meeting of the Den Mother's Training Course will be held on Thursday April 18 at Weimar Hall from 7:30 to 9 p. m. The course is under the direction of Norman Vick, Scout Executive of Matagorda County. Den Mothers, and anyone interested in the Palacios Scout program is invited to the meeting.

Mrs. Rex Cooper has been selected as director of the local 1957 Vacation Church School by the Session Committee on Christian Education of the First Presbyterian Church.

The City of Palacios gave a section of land on the bayfront near the storm flag tower to Matagorda County Commissioners' Court has granted the sum of $500 toward the building of the tower, and George Hunter, supervisor of the GOC in Palacios has been given some funds by interested business men.

Sgt. Donald Jordan, of the Houston Air Defense Filter Center, charged with the responsibility of organizing, training and maintaining the liaison with Ground Observe Posts in Matagorda, Lavaca, Wharton and Colorado counties, has been in Palacios to discuss to discuss the new tower with Mr. Hunter. Sgt. Jordan, his wife and daughter, Barbara, are from Austin, but have spent several days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher. The Jordans will move shortly to one of the cities located in the section mentioned possible in El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Friedman were in Houston a few days this week on business.

Joe Edge is in the Veteran's Hospital in Houston for a checkup. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jaynes of Houston are spending a few weeks at their summer home in Foley Village. Mr. Jaynes is recuperating from illness.

The Palacios Home Demonstration Club visited the Proebstle Orchid Farm in Brazoria, Monday. Mrs. Carl Ehlers, president of Tres Palacios Garden Club, was one of the guests on the tour. She reported that Mr. Probstle has thousands of orchids, and in every variety possible in his fabulous greenhouse. He keeps nothing but the perfect specimens, and sells only to florists who visit his greenhouse. Among those attending from Palacios were Mrs. E. I. Chiles, Mrs. Martha Brown, Mrs. Mildred Barr and Mrs. Ina Mae Koerber. Also Mesdames J. D. Munds, Carlton Crawford, Carl Ehlers, Fulton Lotheridge, Ike Ramsey, A. H. Petersen, W. Thomas, C. W. Nester, A. R. Hillyer, Carl Backen, and M. E. Rogers.

The Prairie Home Demonstration Club will meet April 18 at the home of Mrs. Joe Hurta. The program will be a demonstration on how to select patterns and fabrics. Visitors are always welcome.

There will be a chicken dinner to benefit the Pilgrim Rose Missionary Drive at the home of Mrs. Beno Haymes, April 19, beginning at 5:30 p. m. Tickets will be 75 cents per plate.

The Progressive Women's Club met Monday at the home of Mrs. B. Hebert, with 12 members present. The sick committee visited Mrs. Mary Coleman who has been a patient in Bay View Hospital for several days. Members acknowledged a card from Mrs. J. J. Harbison, local TB Chairman to assist in sponsoring a TB Drive at a later date. The project of sewing aprons and curtains is expected to be completed at the next meeting. The ladies would appreciate an exchange of cookie recipes. The next meeting will be May 6 at the home of Mrs. Robert Jenkins. Each member is asked to answer roll call with a suggestion of a game to be played during the recreational period.

The Tres-Palacios Garden Study Club will hold its Spring Flower and Hobby Show, April 27 in the St. John's Episcopal Hall. The show is open to everybody who cares to display pot plants or flower arrangements. Three accredited judges will be present from El Campo. Ladies will sell pie and coffee.

Mrs. Virgil Farley was dismissed Sunday from Bay View Hospital having been there several days with the flu.

Rev. and Mrs. Rayford Harris, Mrs. V. Metcalf, Mrs. Fannie Teague, Mrs. Calvin Huddleston, Mrs. Marvin Kastrop, all of Palacios, and Mrs. Duke Glen and Mrs. A. Smith, president of the Baptist WMU of Blessing, attended the Colorado Baptist Association quarterly meeting in Columbus on Monday morning. The guest speaker was Miss Edith Chaney, medical missionary from Nigeria, Africa, who spoke of her work and the progress among the people of Nigeria.

Mrs. Glen, leader of the YWA, spoke on the phases of work of ...

Matagorda County Tribune, April 18, 1957

Palacios News
By Lorraine Basford

Voters of the Palacios Independent School District went to the polls Saturday for the election of three school trustees. The three elected were Verner Bowers of Collegeport, S. W. Wilson and George Stubblefield of Palacios. The returns for the Palacios Box only were: V. Bowers 369; S. Wilson 344; G. Stubblefield 322; E. Sturenburg 187; and J. Tanner 116.

Petitions are being circulated in Palacios as well as the rest of Matagorda County, requesting the Commissioner's Court to call an election for the issuance of bonds to secure rights of ways for a new four lane highway from Bay City through Palacios to the Jackson County line. The State Highway Department has three million dollars in highway improvement funds set aside for Matagorda County, but the citizens must provide the necessary rights of way. The Bond Issue for this purpose is $400,000. This is much less than the original estimate of over a million made a few weeks ago.

The Rev. J. Elroy Weikel, brother-in-law of Miss Thelma Batchelder, and well known in Palacios, will become pastor of St. Marks Presbyterian Church in Houston on June 1. Rev. Meikel is now Pastor of Robbins Memorial Presbyterian Church in Beaumont. He has been pastor of this church for eight and one half years. While there he was instrumental in setting up the Presbyterian Student Center at Lamar State.

Mrs. J. J. Harbison was presented a life membership certificate and a pen, honoring her for her faithful work in the Women's Society of Christian Service, and all church activities of the First Methodist Church in Palacios. The presentation was made at a meeting of the W. S C. S. recently.

The Annual Vacation Church School Institute for this District was held in El Campo on Tuesday. This Institute has been prepared by the Christian Education Committee of Brazos Presbytery. Its purpose is to help train teachers of the local vacation church schools. It is with this in mind that the Presbytery's Committee has selected the best available leadership.

Mrs. Rex Cooper of Palacios has been appointed the Director of the 1957 Vacation Church School by the Sessions Committee on Christian Education. From all reports, the planning for the school is well advanced at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sprott are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hood, and daughters Donna, and Susan of Calgary, Alberta, Canada for several days. Mr. Mabel Mellis of Rifbey Canada, has been a visitor in the Sprott home for several weeks. Mrs. Mellis was a substitute teacher in the Palacios elementary school for one week. Last week end, she and Mrs. Sprott motored to Kingsville where Mr. Sprott is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Sprott and Mrs. Mellis motored to Matamoros, Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Hood are anxious to get in some fishing, and to enjoy seafood meals while in Palacios. Mrs. Mellis will return to Canada with the Hood family.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ivy of Nixon were honored on their 53rd wedding anniversary, and to celebrate their respective birthdays, when 157 relatives for a family reunion at their homes in Nixon on Sunday, April 7. Mrs. Ivy celebrated her 75th birthday, and Mr. Ivy was 79 years this month. The grand children and relatives attending from Palacios were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flewellyn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooper, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Collins Jr., and son Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johs of Deutschburg.

Sgt. Donald Jordan, of the Houston Air Defense Filter Center, charged with the responsibility of organizing, training and maintaining the liaison with Ground Observers Post in Matagorda, Colorado, Lavaca and Wharton counties, is in Palacios to discuss the erection of the new observation tower, with Supervisor George Hunter. Mr. Hunter obtained a deed for bay frontage from the city of Palacios for the purpose of erecting the tower in the city and not at the Airport as was first suggested. The Matagorda County Commissioners' Court has granted the sum of $500 toward the tower. Palacios business men are generously donating to this fund also. Sgt. Jordan's home is in Austin, but he expects to move his family to one of the cities in his sector, while working here. He and Mrs. Jordan, and five year old daughter, Barbara, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher for several days.

The Knights of St. Anthony's Parish entertained forty-four of the Senior Class and their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kahlich at a banquet in the Parish Hall, Tuesday, April 9. C. S. Row then gave an informal talk, and music was furnished by Babe Garcia's orchestra. Baked chicken, salad, cranberries, peas, hot rolls, pie a'la mode, ice tea and after dinner mints were served. The tables covered with white damask cloths had a variety of colorful spring flower bouquets.

John F. Barnett celebrated his 74th birthday this past week when his family and friends honored him with a dinner party in the Barnett home. Mr. Barnett has been a resident of Palacios for fifty years, and active in all phases of civic life. He managed the J. F. Barnett Lumber Co. until his retirement last year.

Congratulations also to Mrs. Martha Strickland, who was 91, and to Sam Miller, 87, who also celebrated their birthdays this month.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack LeCompte, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Highberg, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson, attended the funeral of Mrs. J. M. LeCompte of Matagorda, last Sunday. Mrs. LeCompte was the step-mother of Jack LeCompte, and sister-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. Highberg. Burial was in the Matagorda Cemetery.

Dr. John W. Hart as elected President of the Palacios Independent School board; Sam Seale, vice president and Joe Ressler secretary, at the board meeting Monday night.

The new directors for the General Telephone Company are ready for distribution. New numbers beginning with the figure 8 will be in the Carancahua area.

Mrs. Sunshine Edwards was honored with a surprise birthday party Tuesday evening, when 11 officers of the O. E. S. gathered at her home. The officers were Mollie Lee Hope, Vassa Lee Adams, Lillie Waters, Johnnie M. Lothridge, Mabel Haynes, Polly White, Mildred Barr, Louise Crawford, Jessie M. Harris, Mabel Butler, and Anita Rickaway. Coffee and cakes were served.

The Ladies Auxiliary to Lt. Lloyd Queen VFW Post 2467 had election of officers for the coming year, at their meeting Monday night. The officers elected were, President, Tenna Johnson; Sr. Vice president, Mary King; Jr. Vice president, Ethel McDonough; Treasurer, Opal Carter; Chaplain, Ruth Blackburn; Conductress, Henrietta Jeffers; Guard Hortense Wyatt; Trustee for three years, Edna Hamlin; Two years, Johanna Rowton; Delegates Hortense Wyatt and Edna Hamlin; Alternate Ethel McDonough and Henrietta Jeffers. The installation of these officers will take place April 22 with Henrietta Jeffers as Installing Officer.

Gary Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Orsak was welcomed by his little brother Larry Edward, when he arrived at the El Campo hospital on April 5. Gary's grandparents for Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Carter of Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Orsak of Francitas.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers were given a surprise housewarming in their new home on Tuesday evening. Gifts of an attractive table lamp four chairs and a picture were presented to the couple, by the fifty five guests. Sandwiches, cookies, cakes and coffee were enjoyed.

A pie and cake sale for the benefit of the Methodist Youth Fellowship will be held April 13, at Partain's Food Market, starting at 10 a. m. The group plan to rent a religious film to be shown to the Methodist members and others who are interested.

Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday, April 10, at the Palacios Funeral Home for James J. Hebel, who passed away April 8. Rev. T. W Goines officiated. Mr. Hebel was born in Austria Hungary, June 28, 1860. He is survived by five daughters and three sons. Burial was in Ashby Cemetery.

The Palacios Assembly of Rainbow Girls, and their advisors attended the Baptist Church in Blessing for the morning service last Sunday.

Russell Rowe of Wharton wins recognition in photography for his portrait "Bernadette" in the International Photographic Exposition held in Washington DC in March. Mr. Rowe is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Richards of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alzner and family of Houston visited the Ellis Jensen's on Sunday. Mrs. Ellis Jensen, Mrs. Grady Doyle and children were in Houston on business Tuesday.

Paul Geissler was called to Oklahoma City, Tuesday morning, due to the death of his mother, Mrs. Vitula Andres. Mrs. Andres would have been 77 the 19th of April. She suffered a stroke last October. Burial will be in Oklahoma City, Okla.

Mr. and Mrs. George Edward of Angleton visited many friends here during the past few weeks. Mrs. Edward was formerly from Palacios.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 18, 1957

Palacios News
Lorraine Basford

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hill of Waco spent a few days at their summer home on Bayshore drive this week. Mr. Hill remarked that it was necessary to detour by way of Temple, due to flooded areas on the way to Palacios.

Mrs. Nels Highberg celebrated her 73rd birthday Saturday. Many of her family and friends visited during the day to wish her a happy birthday.

Forty sixth grade students of the Wharton Training School came to Palacios by bus, for a day of sightseeing and fishing. They arrived in Palacios at 6 a.m., toured the boat basin, saw shrimp boats for the first time, and spent the time until 2:30 p.m. fishing and picnicing at Grassy Point Bait Camp. Their teachers, Mrs. E. L. Roberts, Mrs. Mattie Speakey and Rev. S. M. White accompanied the group.

Sunday, May 12, men of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church were busy with spades and shovels removing and transplanting carpet grass to clear the location for the new ultramodern church, for which will be under construction in a month or so. Sunday, May 19, the new members of the Lutheran Church were presented medals by Pastor Eric Reinhold. The medals bear on one side an artistically made Head of Christ on the background of a cross. On the other side are the words "I am a Lutheran."

James Kruse left Monday, May 20, to serve in the armed forces.

Mrs. W. Tate of Texarkana, was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jaynes. Mrs. Tate remarked "one is never too old to try something different." She went for her first outboard boat, and had her first try at salt water fishing on Sunday. The fishing party caught 13 and one-half pounds of trout at Beacon.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Barber entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Buckalew of Huntsville on Thursday and Friday at White Swan Courts. Mr. and Mrs. Buckalew were on their wedding trip.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Weakley had Mr. Tom Sills and son, Mike of Houston as guests over this week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hayes of Boling spent the past week visiting their son, Jimmy Hayes and family and many friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Brooking are on an extended trip to Fort Myers and Naples, Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Claybourn entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Pagne of Lake Charles, La., and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Heybuck of Fort Worth at Glendale Courts this week.

Thirty-five pupils of Mrs. Stella Pierce will present their annual piano recital at the First Baptist Church on May 23 at 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited. There is no admission charge.

The new officers of the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce assumed their new duties at Tuesday's meeting at the Green Lantern Inn.

Mrs. Bryan W. King, president, has the following officers to serve with her. Mrs. Pat Raples, out-going president will serve as vice-president; Miss Claire Hansen will be the new secretary and treasurer. The women are planning to continue their work in having all of the residences numbered in order to have city postal delivery.

Wednesday evening, the Barr Outboard Clinic put on a boat show at the East Bay Pier, which was largely attended by all who are interesting in boating.

The Palacios Lions Club will have boat races of stock and fishing boats of Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D-1 and Class D-2 at their annual carnival on July 4. The entry fee will be $2.00. All who care to enter may contact any member of the Palacios Lions Club. Prizes will be first, $15.00; second, $10; third, $5, or 12 cans outboard oil; fourth prize, 6 cans of outboard oil.

Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Diffenderfer of El Campo and Mrs. Grace Bucker of Pittsburgh, Penn., spent Wednesday and Thursday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Diffenderfer lived in Palacios when Camp Hulen was active and Mr. Diffenderfer was employed at the camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Sullivan of Corpus Christi spent Saturday and Sunday at the Joe Friedman home. Mr. and Mrs. Friedman are recuperating from flu and virus illness.

William Bell had his father, Mr. Bryan Bell and Mr. T. J. Stambough of Austin as guests on Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Wratislaw have received word from their son Roy E. Wratislaw, stationed with the U. S. Forces in Japan, that he has promoted to First Lieutenant. He is housing officer in Service Battery of the 1st Cavalry Division's 82nd Field Artillery Battalion. He has been in service since November 1955. His wife, Edna, is with him in Japan.

Thomas R. Brandon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Brandon, has been chosen as Valedictorian for the graduating class of 1957, and Norma [daughter of Mr.] and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier, will be Salutatorian.

The voting assembly of members of Our Redeemer Lutheran church will meet May 26 at 1:00 p. m. at the church. All new members who meet the requirements to vote are urged to be present to sign the constitution and to be voted in by the assembly as voting members.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon N. Arilla entertained former employees of the Shell Coffee Shop from Houston Saturday and Sunday. Their house guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Bostic, Mrs. J. M. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Locke, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle and daughters, Barbara and Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dannenbaum and Mrs. Hilda Murphy all of Houston.

C. P. Tucker, who has been ill at his home for the past month, is able to be up and around. He is still not able to resume his cab driving duties.

Daily Tribune, May 22, 1957

Palacios News
By Mrs. John Basford

Funeral services were held Sunday held Sunday for Frank Gillespie, 80, prominent retired cotton farmer, at the First Methodist Church with Rev. John Fluth officiating. Mr. Gillespie was a resident of Palacios for 30 years. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Stewart, and Mrs. Alice Beard of Palacios; one son, Roy Gillespie of Robstown; 14 grand-children and 14 great-grandchildren. Burial was in the Palacios cemetery.

Dr. Norman Runyon, director of District Eleven of the Texas Chiropractors Association, and Dr. D. A. Einkauf of Bay City, member of the board of Directors of the Association are in Austin to attend the annual District Officers Conference of the Texas State Chiropractors Association. The purpose of the conference is to lay plans for the years' program of the state association and to acquaint the officers of the various districts with the program.

Miss Elizabeth Scott has returned from attending a Choir's Director School in San Antonio. Miss Scott has been Choir Director at the First Methodist Church for many years.

The Bingo parties formerly held on Friday night on the grounds of St. Anthony Parish will be held on Monday nights due to Football season. These parties have been for the benefit of the church building fund. The next party will be Monday, September 8 at 8 p. m.

Mike Seaquist, spring graduate of Palacios High School having received a NROTC scholarship last Tuesday for Columbus, S. C. where he will attend the University of South Carolina.

Palacios Beacon, September 18, 1958

Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives

Palacios News
By John Basford

There will be a pack meeting of Cub Scouts, January 27 in Weimar Hall. All scouts are urged to attend. At the last pack meeting James Carl Dismukes and Joe Dana Huffman received their Weblo badges.

Special plans are being made for the week of dedication which is combined with the week of evangelism February 8 to 14 in the First Methodist Church. Race relations Sunday is February 8. A new book in the Methodist library, "Segregation and the Bible" by Everett Tilson is of interest to all.

Mrs. Leon Arlla was hostess to the Prairie Center Home Demonstration Club January 16. Seventeen members, one new member, Mrs. Ethel McDonough and one visitor, Mrs. Nels P. Highberg were present.

Mrs. Neils Carlson gave the council report, and the members voted to send six dollars to the March of Dimes.

Mrs. Glen Hutson led the recreation periods and Mrs. N. Carlson won a pretty apron as prize.

Mrs. Joe Edge will be hostess at the next meeting which will be at the Clubhouse.

The Baptist Circles will meet January 29 and a Mission book will be taught. The Lovegren Circle will meet Thursday with Mrs. Chester Wallace, the Hudson with Mrs. J. F. Lothridge and the Mary Elder with Mrs. Pat Richman.

Twenty-four girls from the Palacios Assembly 263 were among the 200 girls from this area who attended a school of instruction at El Campo Saturday Jan. 17. Thirteen of the girls participated by holding offices during this time. The school was conducted by Martha Marie Whitfield, supreme instructor, Order of Rainbow in Texas.

Three grand officers were presented including Sandra Wyatt, grand worthy advisor of Texas.

Palacios officers participating were Marion Wilson, Carol Raasch, Linda Erekson, Lula Belle Maddox, Carolyn Maddox, Sue Brotemarkle, Dolly Leadford, June Whitley, Georgene Stubblefield, Susan Countryman, Juanita Cornelius, Mary Louise Friery, and Judy Neal.

Other members attending were Nancy Barnett, Ann Cooper, Carla Barnett, Carol Goff, Linda Hunt, Kay Koerber, Judy Lothridge, Cheryl Milam, Janice Oglesby and Ginger Shearer.

A tea honoring Miss Wyatt was given Sunday, January 18 at the home of Mrs. A. J. Proebstle in Brazoria. Eight Palacios girls and three adults were among the guests.

The Palacios assembly was hostess at a dinner honoring Miss Wyatt, Monday evening. Miss Lula Belle Maddox, Worthy Advisor, presided at the dinner. She presented corsages to Miss Wyatt and Mrs. Mary Proebstle grand visitor. Dinner music was provided by Ann Cooper, Judy Lothridge and Marion Wilson. There were 58 guests present, among who were representatives from assemblies in this area.

A regular meeting of the Palacios Assembly followed the dinner.

The Harmonie Club plans its annual Sweetheart Dance February 7 at the Palacios Pavilion. Plans are not fully completed, however Sweetheart candidates chosen to date are Marion Wilson, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce; June Whitley by Athena Club; Lula Belle Maddox by Band Boosters Club; Betty Ramsey by Youth Club and Betty Ann Friery by the Lions.

One hundred forty-two persons attended the annual football banquet sponsored by the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce held Monday night in the high school cafeteria.

Dan Rather, sportscaster of Radio Station KTRH, Houston, was the guest speaker. He spoke on the subject of life and football.

The present football players were introduced, and then the old timers. The oldest football star present was Carroll Cairnes, next Beeler Lindamood. Other old timers were Bernard Jensen, LeRoy Hogg, Merle Ramsey, Ward Cook and George L. Harrison. the youngest "old timer" was Ted Bates, a football star who graduated last May. Irvin Petersen was presented as having been manager of the football teams from his freshman to senior years.

The Rev. James M. Dawson, Arl Hunt, Lee Mize and A. V. Miller represented the Trinity Baptist Church in Louise Monday all workers meeting at the First Baptist Church in Louise Monday night, January 19.

Members of the Trinity Baptist Church are holding cottage prayer meetings this week. There were 14 present at the home of Bill Hunt in Foley Village Monday night. The S. R. Flewellyn's were hosts Tuesday night. Wednesday the group met at the church, Thursday at the home of Bruce Flewellyn, Friday the meeting will be at the Arl Hunt home, and Saturday the meeting will be at the church at 8 p. m.

The boys' and girls' quartette of Howard Payne College of Brownwood, will be guests on the Sunday night program of the First Baptist Church at 7:30 p. m.

Jim Woodle, accompanist for the quartette will also be the guest speaker. Woodle has received several honors as a composer and pianist.

On Monday, Jan. the 26, they will present the program of songs for the annual senior banquet sponsored by the First Baptist Church for the Palacios senior class.

Mrs. W. M. Dillard, chairman of the Deutschburg March of Dimes committee, reported that the MOD Seafood supper January 17 in the Deutschburg school house, was attended by approximately 250 persons. Men of the community were the "Fry Chefs" in charge of frying the fish, oysters and shrimp. Ladies of the community served the food cafeteria style. Proceeds of annual supper are donated to Matagorda and Jackson Counties March of Dimes.

Rev. Rayford Harris, Dr. Norman E. Runyon, Arthur Sheeran, James Carson, John Garado, Clyde Hammond and E. N. Faulk will attend the Baptist brotherhood convention in Houston January 23.

Dr. Carl Bates, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Amarillo, and president of Baptist General Convention of Texas will be the principal speaker at the meeting which will be held at the Second Baptist Church in Houston.

There will be a special feature entitled "The Value of a Boy," under the under the leadership of Bill McDaniel, District Royal Ambassador leader. About 300 to 500 Royal Ambassadors are expected.

From 800 to 1,000 brotherhood men are expected to attend. The men of the Baptist Churches of Palacios, Blessing, Collegeport and others will be a part of this convention.

There will be reports from eight associational presidents, district missions secretaries state brotherhood secretaries. Committees will present a new district constitution and a Royal Ambassador work program.

Grand opening of the Curtis Rainbow Supermarket will be this week end, Jan. 22 to 24.

Daily Tribune, January 23, 1959

Palacios News
Mrs. John Basford

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Kathryn Tolleson, 92, were held Saturday, January 17, from the Palacios Funeral Home, with Rev. Clinton Harris of the Methodist Church conducting the final rites.

She was born in Jackson, Miss. January 28, 1867, the daughter of Millie Catherine and Bateman Fisk. When she was three years old, her parents moved to Hallettsville, traveling overland by ox cart.

January 8, 1890, she became the bride of Argyle Tolleson. Four children, all of whom survive, were born of this union. The family moved to Palacios in October, 1905, joining the few pioneer families then living here.

Mr. Tolleson preceded his wife in death June 15, 1923. She made her home with her son, T. A. Tolleson and family, where she passed away January 15 following a lingering illness.

Survivors are her children Mrs. Albert Hausendufel of Victoria; William A. Tolleson of Owings Mills, Md.; Mrs. B. M. Flynn of Dallas, and T. A. Tolleson of Palacios; one sister Mrs. U. A. Wheeler of Abilene, nine grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren.

Pallbearers were her grandsons, Michael Flynn, Billy Tolleson, Sammy Tolleson, Tommie Tolleson and Magnus Mertz. Burial was in the Palacios Cemetery.

W. B. Jaynes, who underwent major surgery at the Memorial Hospital in Houston two weeks ago, is now home and doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Friedman have returned to their home on Bayshore Drive after spending the last two months visiting relatives in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martino and family have returned home, after an extended visit over the holidays with relatives in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christiansen have her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wickham of Grayville, Ill., as house guests for the winter.

The annual March of Dimes supper sponsored by the men and women of the Carancahua community will be held at the community center Thursday, Jan. 22, with servings to start at 6:00 p. m.

Tuesday, Jan. 27, at 3:00 p. m., Mrs. George Hunter will present the program for the Tres-Palacios Garden Study Club, with Mrs. J. H. Huffman as hostess.

Announcement is made of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Eva Marie Martin to William Wallis Green, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Martin of El Campo. Mr. Green is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Green of Palacios.

The wedding will be solemnized in the First Christian Church of El Campo January 31 at eight o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roach Sr. and family are entertaining their son Walter Jr., and family of Portland, Ore., for an extended visit.

The Palacios Rotary Club has offered a prize of $50 in cash to the person naming the new county hospital which is to be built in Palacios. All residents of Matagorda County, except members of the hospital board, the Palacios Rotary and immediate members of their families are eligible. Three entries per person may be submitted. Entries must be postmarked not later than midnight February 6, and mailed to Rotary Secretary, Post Office Box 41, Palacios. In case of duplicated names, the one with the earliest postmark will be considered.

The city council approved a resolution, presented by Ed Barrett who represented commercial fisherman, to oppose the closing of the bays to net fishermen.

The city council also voted to advertise for bids on repairing and brick veneering FFA building located at the Palacios airport.

Everyone likes to see progress taking place in their home town, and when a merchant builds a new building or remodels an old one, there are always interested spectators on hand to watch the daily progress of construction.

The most recent construction work is that of remodeling the Petersen Cafe on Main Street. The new coffee shop will be 26 by 38 feet in front of the present structure, which will be remodeled into two private dining rooms and two new rest rooms will be added. The kitchen will be completely remodeled, and the building will be air conditioned. Construction is under the supervision of Abel Pierce, Jr. Miss Ann Lee Petersen and Irvin Petersen are the owners of this restaurant.

Army Pfc. Donald Shimek is a member of the 3rd Armored Rifle Battalion which recently received superior rating in combat efficiency training conducted by the 50th Infantry in Wildflecken, Germany. Shimek is a radio repairman in Infantry Co. D and has been in the service since 1957, and in Germany since September of 1957. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Shimek, Star Route, Palacios. He graduated from Palacios High School in 1952. His wife is with him in Germany.

Mrs. John L. Heard presided at the regular meeting of the Busy Bee League Jan. 21. Ten adult instructors and 31 children were present. The junior girls have been working on various articles of wearing apparel, their instructors, Mrs. James Williams, Mrs. Monroe Mulkey, Mrs. Anthony Hall and Thelma Luddington commended them on their progress and workmanship. The beginners and intermediate boys group have started number art work under the direction of Mrs. Earline Haynes and Mary Lee Johnson. The beginners will use crayons, while the other boys will work with water colors. The junior boys have begun work in leather handicraft and are also making waffle net table sets. Refreshments were served after which the meeting adjourned to meet on February 4 at the Christian Church.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 29, 1959

Palacios News
Mrs. John Basford

Stanley Kubela, well known rancher of Palacios, has been appointed as official ambassador to represent Palacios in the Tenth San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo beginning February 13, according to E. W. Bickett, stock show president. Kubela will serve in a liaison capacity between Palacios and the San Antonio Livestock Exposition and Rodeo, which will be February 12 through 22nd. Official ambassadors are kept informed on all developments of the show, and have literature and ticket order blanks for the world's championship rodeo.

Funeral services for Mrs. Lizzie Primm were held at the Palacios Funeral Home, Tuesday, January 27, 1959 . The Rev. Rayford Harris of the First Baptist Church conducted the final rites. Burial was in the Collegeport Cemetery. She was born on September 3, 1882 in Tennessee , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hill. She was stricken with a heart attack while shopping in one of the Palacios stores, and passed away at Bay View Hospital, January 26. Her husband, Samuel Primm preceded her in death in 1939. Survivors are her three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Taylor of Palacios, Texas; Mrs. Erskin (Julie) Adams of Nashville, Tennessee, and Mrs. Annie Galbraith of Dallas, Texas .

Funeral services for Hubert Lee Chambless were held Thursday at 3 p. m. from the Palacios Funeral Home, with Rev. L. W. Crouch conducting the services. Burial was in the Palacios Cemetery. He was born April 7, 1910, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher Chamblee. He passed away in Freeport, January 27, after suffering a heart attack. His wife, Ruth, and three children , Neal, Gary and Judy, all of Freeport, surviving. Also, two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Johnson, Mrs. Rubye Edge of Palacios; two brothers, Clarence Chamblee of El Campo and Bill of Palacios.

Tommy Branden and Oren Hamlin have returned to Baylor University after spending the mid-term vacation with their parents.

It's a small world; Miss Becky Brandon, teenage daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brandon, recently received a letter from a pen friend in Sunderland, Co., Durham, England, addressed simply: Miss B. Brandon, Box 65, Palacios U. S. A.

News of the First Baptist Church: There will be an executive meeting of the Women's Missionary Union after the Wednesday night prayer service. The W. M. U. will have visitation and covered dish lunch, Thursday, February 5, with visitation to start at 9:30 a. m., lunch at noon, and a business meeting at 1 p. m. Thursday morning at 9:30 a. m. the preschool Sunbeams will meet at the church. Mrs. Marvin Kastrop will be hostess to the Mary Elder Circle Thursday night at 7:30 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Budaus of El Campo were visitors in Palacios Saturday and Sunday.

The Rev. Dave Hughes, pastor of the Church of God of Prophecy, wishes to express his thanks and appreciation to the nurses and staff of Bay View Hospital, and all who visited him, prayed for him and sent him cards during his six weeks in the hospital. The ladies mission band of the Church of God have started making their delicious fried pies and donuts, which they sell to raise funds for their mission work. They bake these every Wednesday morning at the parsonage, and orders may be ordered in advance. All orders are delivered to your home.

For daily delivery Monday through Friday of the Bay City Tribune in Palacios, 'phone Mrs. Robert Flethcer, 6514.

Sorry--Credit line for Paxton Studio was omitted from the photos of the eight Palacios girls in the valentine queen contest in Friday's issue.

Church of the Nazarene News: Youth Week, Jan. 26-30 at the church was a time of revival, with well attended special services each night, the Rev. J. O. Steele was pastor. Mid-year preachers convention will be held at the Port Arthur Grace Church of the Nazarene February 1 to 4. General Supt. G. B. Williamson will be the guest speaker. Alabaster boxes will be opened February 15 at the close of the morning worship service. Funds from the alabaster boxes benefit the building of foreign missions of the church. The Nazarene Foreign Missionary Society will hold a study hour February 18 at 7:30 p. m. at the church. Chapter 8 of the study will be given.

Fifty Palacios mothers, sponsored by the Athena and Alapha Clubs, took part in the Mothers March for Polio Thursday night. Mrs. D. Heard, Mrs. C. Ripke and Mrs. J. Perez were on the committee for west Palacios. The mothers met at 6:30 o'clock at the office of Mrs. Pat Raplee, and at the sound of the fire siren they began their march. One hour later they reported, with a total of $334.00 collected. There were small donations continuing to arrive by mail or from persons who were not at home Thursday night.

Marshall Claybourn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn will receive his master of science degree at Mississippi State University at Starkville, Miss., February 4. Claybourn is married and has one son. His family resides in Starkville. His wife, Betty Claybourn, received her P. H. T. (Putting Hubby Through) degree at commencement exercises for the Dames Club at the university January 15. The degree was conferred by Marie Banes on all working wives who were assisting in helping to further their husbands education. Mrs. Claybourn did secretarial work for a creamery and their son attended kindergarten while their parents worked and attended school.

First Methodist News week of dedication and week of evangelism will be observed February 8-15. The intensive program of evangelism begins Sunday, February 8 and continues through the 12. To close the week there will be a special program Friday evening, February 13. The WSCS presented Mrs.. Blanch Claybourn and Mrs. Martha Stewart with life membership pins for their outstanding work in the church. The WSCS will be hostess to the Presbyterian ladies February 19, when they will meet at the church for an all-day meeting and study of the Middle East. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. Mrs.. Martha Jenne Dyer will present the program at the meeting of WSCS on February 12. She will talk on Hawaii. The Crusade Class elected the following officers for this year: Teacher, Mrs. G. G. Hope; president, Mrs. John Pennington; secretary, Mrs. F. M. Jackson; and flower chairman, Mrs. Ted Bates.

Phillip Richman was among the 18 members of the Texas A&M College student chapter of the American Society of Agronomy leaving on Jan. 25 for the annual field trip for junior and senior agronomy students. Under the supervision of Dr. H. E. Hampton and J. F. Mills, faculty sponsors, the group will tour the Rio Grande Valley and the border area of Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Orsak of Foley Addition announce the birth of their third son, Tommy Wayne, at Nightingale Hospital in El Campo. He weighed seven pounds, ten ounces. He was also welcomed by his brothers Gary and Larry.


A special meeting of the Baitmen's Association was held Thursday, January 29 at the Palacios Chamber of Commerce. Purpose was to discuss the introduction of a new bill in the Texas Legislature that will protect the bait dealers and help insure sports fishermen a supply of live bait at all times.

The bill would regulate taking of shrimp, size of net and closed season. It would provide for a closed season on shrimp in inside coastal waters, January 1 to August 15, and during the month of December of each year, and a closed season on the outside coastal waters from June 1 to July 15. The Game and Fish Commission would have authority to establish a 45-day closed season not to exceed fifteen days earlier.

This measure provides for a shrimp count of not more than 65, a mesh size of not less than 1 1/8 inches square or 2 1/2 inches stretched.

Dr. J. E. Bauer, President of the Copano Conservation Club at Refugio was the guest speaker at this meeting. Dr. Bauer is a devoted sportsman and has done a great deal of work in his area for the improvement of hunting and fishing. At the present time he is working to introduce this new bill in the interest of bait dealers and sportsmen.

Present at the meeting were bait dealers from Corpus Christi, Aransas Pass, Rockport, Port O'Connor, Port Lavaca and Palacios. Attending from Palacios were Searcy Stondley, Bob Loff, Clarence Shicke, Charles Faktor, Jack Basford and E. Gillette.

Charles Faktor will represent the Palacios bait dealers at a meeting in Aransas Pass Monday night.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 5, 1959

Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives

Palacios News

Dan D. Paulk celebrated his 74th birthday last Saturday, when nine of his 10 children, their families, grandchildren and many friends were present.

The city council awarded Gene Harvey, local contractor, the contract for repair and brick veneering of the FAA building at the Palacios airport. His bid was $3,325, lowest of two other bids.

The junior and senior high school choirs will present the Follies of '59 Friday, Feb. 27. The show will feature acts by students from all grades, first through twelfth. There will also be a chorus line.

The Rev. and Mrs. James M. Dawson announce the revival of their son Joel Mark, Feb. 2, at Bay View Hospital. Joel weighed seven pounds, six ounces. He was welcomed by his sister, Anne, of Palacios; brothers, Jimmy of Houston, and Jerry, who is in the Air Force at Wichita Falls. The Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fain of Vernon, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Dawson of Bells.

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Harrison welcomed their sixth child, a son, John Lindsay, who arrived Feb. 4,  weighing seven pounds three ounces, at the Bay View Hospital. Also welcoming little John are his four sisters, Sandra Holly, Shelly and Janet, and one brother, Slone. Maternal grandmother, Mrs. G. A. Harrison, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slone are of Palacios.

Ash Wednesday Mass will be said at 7 p. m. with blessing and distribution of ashes before Mass at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock during the holy season of Lent.

Choir practice for Easter music will begin Wednesday after prayer service at the First Baptist Church, and will continue each Wednesday night through March 25.

Thursday there will be Royal Service for the Baptist Circles. The Lovegren Circle will meet in the home of Mrs. Marvin Kastrop at 9:30 a. m. and the Hudson Circle with Mrs. I. E. Ramsey at 2:30 p. m.

Jimmy Shearer secretary of the Palacios Rotary Club, has announced that approximately 245 entries were received for the Name the Hospital contest, which closed last Friday night. The judges are members of the County Hospital Board and the winner will be announced in a few days.

The Prairie Center Home Demonstration Club met Feb. 9 at the home of Mrs. Joe Edge. Thirteen members were present.

Mrs. Joe Tanner gave the council report stating there would be a food workshop held at the Prairie Center clubhouse on Feb. 24 and 27, starting at 9:30 a. m. Anyone interested may attend.

Plants will be exchanged by members at the next meeting.

Mrs. Edge and Mrs. John Jenson were in charge of the program, and demonstrated how to make an extension cord. Mrs. Glen Hutson led the recreation with Mrs. R. L, Henry winning the prize.

Refreshments were enjoyed by Frank Stallard, Leon Aalla, Cleddie Harvey, Niels Carlson, John Jensen, Roland Florip, Glen Hutson, E. B. Hogg, R. L. Harvey, Joe Tanner, W. B. Jaynes, T. W. Morton and the hostess, Mrs. Edge.

A special meeting of the Bait Dealers Assn. was held in the Palacios Chamber of Commerce Jan. 29, with members from Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Rockport, Port O'Connor, Port Lavaca and Palacios present.

Dr. J. A. Bauer, president of the Copano Sportsmen's Club was principal speaker.

Directors from each area were appointed...the association at a meeting in Aransas Pass Feb. 4, and also in Austin Feb. 9, when the Game and Fish Commission met to discuss new bills to be introduced before the legislature. Charles Faktor was appointed as director to represent Palacios. Bill Hasley and Ivar Hansen accompanied Faktor to Austin Monday.

The Busy Bee League met Feb. 4 at the Pilgrim Baptist Church, with the junior officers, Mae Kathryn Luddington, president, and Joyce Stenson, secretary, presiding. Thirty-three children, nine adults and instructors, and Mrs. T. C. Edwards, sponsor, answered roll call with an educational quotation.

Mrs.. Anthony Hall, former treasure, has moved to Bay City with her family, and Mrs. Monroe Mulkey was elected to fill this office.

During the education period, Mrs. G. H. Sanford gave a pre-Valentine presentation, and Mrs. Sidney Pernetter offered an informative reading on works for elevation and support.

Mrs. T. C. Edwards had an interesting display of ceramics. During the work period, Mrs. Pernetter stared a class in ceramics with the intermediate boys. Mrs. Morgan Boone instructed the junior girls in handwork on scarves and doilies.

Refreshments were served, after which the meeting adjourned until Feb. 18.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 12, 1959

Palacios, Texas
By Mrs. John Basford

The Busy Bee League met Feb. 18 in the Pilgrim Rose Baptist Church at 4:30 p. m. Thirty-three children and eight adult instructors were there. Two new members, Mrs. Evelyn Washington and Mrs. Mary Gable, were welcomed.

After the formal opening, Mrs. Carita Sanford played a march for the children to go to their respective work groups. Progress of all groups was reported by the instructors.

Refreshments were served and the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday, March 4 at 4:30 p. m.

The terms of three aldermen, Ed Feather, Charlie Johnson and Marvin Curtis, have expired. All candidates seeking election must file with the city secretary 30 days prior to the election which will be held April 7. Mrs. Garrett Hope will be the election judge. Mr. Feather has stated he will not run for re-election; Mr. Johnson and Mr. Curtis have not stated their decision.

Joe Ruth recently sold his electrical business and supplies to Oris Dyer. Mr. Ruth has retired. The Dyer Electric Service is located at 207 Henderson Avenue.

The Discussion Club will meet Thursday at 8 p. m. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spaeth.

The Knights of Columbus will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 8 p. m. at St. Peter's Hall in Blessing.

There will be a parish bingo party Friday evening after the Stations of the Cross.

The quarterly meeting of the El Campo Deanery Council of Catholic Women will be held at the Palacios Parish Sunday, March 8.

The Young Peoples Mission will have a study and supper Feb. 24 from 3:30 to 7:30 p. m.

The Sunbeam Conference will be held in Bay City at 9:30 a. m. Feb. 2, with Mrs. Gill, state leader, as instructor.

The Rev. Carl A. Heckerman, Texas district stewardship counselor, will be present at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Monday, March 2, for a special address to the stewardship committee, and the other officers of the church. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p. m. Visitors are welcome. A discussion period will follow the main meeting.

Bernice Stewart, chairman of the Heart Fund for Palacios, reports the sum of $85.15 collected by the volunteers on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stewart was assisted by Lois Dismukes, Mary Griffin, Blanche Claybourn, Bob Stewart and Harry Hulen. The boys of Troop 220 and Troop 47 took part in the drive.

Mrs. J. Salsbury will be the hostess for the Thursday morning meeting of the Susannah Wesley Circle at 9 a. m.

Mrs. F. M. Jackson will entertain the Dorcus Circle on Thursday at 3 p. m. Visitors are welcome.

Mrs. T. E. Starnes of 312 Morton Ave. is the new reporter for the monthly Methodist News. If you have any Methodist church news report to Mrs. Starnes.

The WMU meeting on Thursday are: Lovegren meets with Mrs. Ward Cook at 9:30 a. m. Hudson with Mrs. Hardy Ross at 2:30 p. m. and the Enlistment Circle meets with Mrs. Leonard Kunefke.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 26, 1959

W. E. Denker Is New Owner Of Furniture Mart, Name Changed

A change in ownership of the Palacios Furniture Mart was effective March 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Denker of Navasota becoming the new owners. The firm's name has been changed to Denker Furniture and Appliances.

Mr. and Mrs. Denker are making their home in the E. E. Smith home at the corner of 4th and Morton. They have three children, Robert, a student at Southwestern University at Georgetown; Paula Jane, a sophomore in high school here, and Bill, a first grader. They are members of the Methodist Church and he belongs to the Masonic Order.

Mr. Denker operated a funeral home before coming to Palacios

Palacios Beacon, March 11, 1959

Palacios News

The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Masters were in Austin Monday through Wednesday of this week.

The Rev. Masters, Vicar of St. John's Episcopal Church in Palacios, announces the hours for Sunday services as follows: St. John's Palacios, Sunday School at 9:15 a. m.; morning prayer at 10 a. m.

Services at Christ Church, Matagorda, will be Sunday School at 10 a. m. and evening prayer at 7 p. m.

Miss Lucille Duffy and Mrs. Mamie Aoughsten are in charge of altar duty during April at St. John's Church

The Rev. Richard Stone and his family from Elgin were honored by the members of the Presbyterian Church Sunday, April 5, with a covered-dish luncheon held after the services. The Rev. Mr. Stone was guest minister and he conducted communion services for the congregation.

There will be a congregational meeting April 12 at the First Presbyterian Church for the purpose of hearing the report of the pulpit committee

Mr. and Mrs. G. Lachlan Ralston have returned to their home in Lancaster after spending several weeks at their summer home on Bayshore Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corporon are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Donna Lynn, born April 2, weighing eight pounds 11 ounces, at the Matagorda General Hospital in Bay City. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Highberg of Palacios; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon of Collegeport. Also welcoming Donna Lynn as her 42nd great-grandchild is Mrs. Olinda Highberg of Palacios.

First Methodist Church News

Starting Sunday, April 5, the evening worship will begin at 7:30.

Mr. Glen Dale Claybourn is overall chairman of the every member canvas which will be held April 5 through 12. Captains for the every member canvas are, Raymond Hart, Bobby Partain, Elsie Luther, Guy Claybourn and F. M. Jackson.

Mrs. Ida Dorsey and Mrs. Peggy Thomas were welcomed as new members into the Susannah Wesley Circle at the March meeting. Mrs. Belle Anderson will be hostess for the April meeting of the circle April 30 at 3 p. m.

Mrs. W. W. Scott will have the April meeting of the WSCS April 23 at 3 p. m.

The WSCS elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President, Mrs. A. E. Duffy; vice president, Mrs. C. L. Batchelder; recording secretary, Mrs. Charles McDonough; treasurer, Mrs. D. M. Nelson, secretary of promotion, Mrs. F. M. Jackson; secretary of education and service, Miss Elizabeth Gilbert; secretary of local church activities, Mrs. Charles Luther; secretary of Christian social relations, Mrs. Guy Claybourn.

Secretary of student work, Mrs. Oris Dyer; secretary of youth work, Mrs. Clinton Harris; secretary of children's work, Mrs. R. D. Laurence; publications, Mrs. D. H. Stewart; secretary of supply work, Mrs. R. H. Neely; secretary, status of women, Mrs. G. A. Salisbury and nominating committee for 1960, Mrs. Walter Milam, Mrs. Oris Dyer and Mrs. Charles McDonough.

The fourth quarterly conference will convene in the sanctuary on April 24 at 7:30 p. m. Every Methodist is urged to attend.

The observation laboratory school for kindergarten instruction will be held April 12 to 15. The first session for adults will be Sunday afternoon on the 12th from 3 to 5 p. m. Monday through Wednesday morning sessions will be held from 9 to 10 a.  m. with kindergarten children, and from 10 to 11 a. m. for adults evaluation period. There will be nursery for the morning sessions.

The MVF will have a panel discussion on "Parent Teen-age Relations" on April 12 with Mrs. Clinton Harris as moderator.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Trull and Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hart have made a flying trip to New York in Mr. Trull's plane. They plan to return April 13. Mr. Trull and Dr. Hart are pilots.

There was a family gathering at the J. F. Barnett home at Easter time. Those present were Dr. Thomas Ferguson and family from Bryan, Price M. Barnett and family of Palacios, Mrs. Sunshine Barnett Edwards and two children from Lolita, Mrs. Barnett's brother, G. E. Menefee Sr., and two sons, Garrett and G. E. Jr. and their families from Edna, Mrs. Charles Hansen and Miss Claire Hansen of Palacios. There were 20 grandchildren of the Barnett's and Mr. Menefee's, all 16-years-old and younger. The guests enjoyed a dinner of barbecued turkey, baked ham, fried chicken, potato and chopped vegetable salads, peas, cranberry sauce, relishes, rolls, cherry and apple pie a la mode.

Glendale Claybourn received a 13-year driver's safety award from the Houston Natural Gas Co., and a check awarded by the insurance company, and Bob Neeley received a seven-year passenger car safety driver award from the company. The awards were presented at the last Rotary meeting by Mr. Phil Ambretch, of Houston, safety director of the company. Mr. Ambretch was also the guest speaker on the program.

The Busy Bee League met April 1 at the regular time, 4:30 p. m., with 36 children and seven adult leaders, Mrs. T. C. Edwards, sponsor, and Mrs. Mary Coleman and Mrs. Andy Martinez as guests, answered the roll call. After the formal opening, Mrs. G. H. Sanford presented the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the preamble was given by the beginners group. The junior group, under the direction of Mrs. Sydney Pernetter gave the following selection: "The Self Master," a reading by Obsy Stratton and James Davis. The next meeting will take place April 15 at the regular meeting place.

First Baptist Church News The Rev. Rayford Harris, Pastor

On Wednesday, April 8, there will be a church conference prior to the Wednesday evening prayer meeting.

Thursday April 9, the Preschool Sunbeams will meet at the church at 9:30 a. m.

The Lovegren Circle meets with Mrs. J. B. Gillett at 9:30 a. m.

Mrs. Maureen Cox will be hostess for the Ross Circle at 9:30 in the morning and the Hudson Circle meets at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. L. H. Walker.

Saturday night, April 11 at the First Baptist Church in El Campo, four athletes, members of the "Jackets for Christ" from Howard Payne College, and the Angleton First Baptist Youth Choir will be guests on the fourth fellowship program. All young people of the church are invited to attend.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 9, 1959

Family Gathering Celebrates Birthday Of Mrs. S. R. Byers

Mrs. S. R. (Granny) Byers, who has eight children, 41 grandchildren, 90 great grandchildren and 40 great great grandchildren, celebrated her 87th birthday Sunday, April 12 with a family gathering at her home. Eighty relatives and friends were present to help her make the day one long to be remembered.

Those attending were three daughters,
Mrs. A. A. Devore and husband of LaMarque
Mrs. Sam Hughes and husband of Palacios
Mrs. Frank Brown of Yoakum.

Three of her sons and their wives,
Mr. and Mrs. William Byers of Muleshoe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byers of Port O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Odis Byers of Houston

and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Louis Byers of Port Lavaca attended.

Also present were two grandsons and their wives
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Byers of Lubbock and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown of Houston

granddaughters and their husbands
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Branaman of Van Horn
Mrs. Estell Caamano, Mrs. F. M. Chimene, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown and Miss Juanita Byers of Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Thornton of La Marque
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Martin of Texas City
Miss Dolores Brown of Yoakum
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ham and Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Williamson of Lubbock.

Great grandchildren attending were:
Toni Lynn, Coleen and Susan Carol Chimene, Vicky Byers, Montez, Gail and Dennis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hall of Houston;
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Walker, Frank Wilkinson, Robert, Ruth and Homer Martin of Texas City.

Great great grandchildren present were:
Bennie, Sherri, Debbie and Bob Walker of Texas City;
Dwight, Kay, Buddy, Delvin Lee and Donna Ham and Sandy Williamson of Lubbock;
Lynn Wilkerson of LaMarque; and
Curtis Hall of Houston;

two nieces and their husbands:
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roberson of Freeport.

Friends present were Rev. and Mrs. David Hughes and Yvette, Mrs. Mary Duty, Mrs. Fannie Collins, Mrs. Mollie Leadford, Mrs. Mary Eddie, Mrs. Percy Reed and Alice Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell, T. D. Dannels and Delbert and Mrs. Mae Paxton of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams of Port Lavaca.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1959

Karl Allan Wickham Surprises Dad With Birthday Party Sunday

Master Karl Allen Wickham entertained with an indoor picnic Sunday, April 12, in honor of his father's birthday. It was quite an affair for a six year old to give.

The guests were intimate friends and relatives. Other guests called in the afternoon.

A fishing trip had been planned but the weather was too cold.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1959

Art Group To Display Works At Flower Show

The Palacios Art Group will have an art exhibit in conjunction with the Flower Show on Saturday, April 25.

All members planning to enter paintings in the exhibit are to have canvases framed. Watch next week's issue of the Beacon for more information.

Those attending the April 8 art class were Kitty Waring, Ernette Sanford, Kathrine Ressler, Mrs. D. O. Dodd, the Rev. R. L. Masters, Margaret Barnes, Estelle Tanner, Jimmy Claybourn, Vera Poston, Lillian Green, Glenda Shaver, Juliet Halfen, Mary Mosier and Herman Auzston.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1959

Celebrates Birthday

Mrs. R. C. Florip was honor guest at a surprise luncheon Sunday, given by her neighbors and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Burke in celebration of her birthday.

The birthday cake was beautifully decorated with real pink sweetheart rosebuds and ivy. Before the cake was served each guest was given a rosebud to pin on.

A delicious dinner consisting of barbecued chicken, spareribs and sausage, ranch style beans, macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, congealed salad, pickled pears, hot rolls, crackling cornbread, tea and coffee was served.

Those attending the luncheon other than the honor guest were Mr. Florip, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leonard,  Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Arlla, Mr. and Mrs.. Abel Pierce, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tresselt and daughter, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Burke and daughter, Mary Ann, and Rev. Anthony Constantino.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1959

Palacios News

The Prairie Center Home Demonstration Club met on April 17 at the clubhouse with Mrs. W. B. Jaynes as hostess. There were 11 members and two visitors, Mrs. A. B. Hurta and Mrs. E. Franzen present at the meeting.

Mrs. Hurta gave a report on her trip as a delegate to the district THDA meeting at Orange April 11.

Mrs. Neils Carlson gave the council report and Mrs. Joe Edge reported on "Tang, the new breakfast drink," taken from Consumer magazine.

On April 14, Mrs. Joe Edge, Mrs. Frank Stallard, Mrs. Cleddie Harvey and Mrs. Abel Pierce Sr. were among members from the Matagorda County Home Demonstration clubs who made a trip to New Braunfels and went on an educational tour of the Mission Valley Mills.

On April 16 there was a first aid course held at the Prairie Center Club house with Mrs. Van J. Simmons and Mrs. W. J. Klingman of Bay City as instructors. This was a very interesting course and all members present considered their time well spent.

Recreation was led by Mrs. Glen Hutson with Mrs. Cleddie Harvey winning the prize.

The meeting adjourned to meet on May 1 at the home of Mrs. Cleddie Harvey at 2 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Sorenson are spending several months in Lakeland, Fla., both on business and visiting relatives and friends, as Lakeland was their former home before coming to Palacios.

The women of First Presbyterian Church celebrate their annual birthday party on Thursday at Fellowship Hall at a 12:30 Brazilian lunch. The offering taken will go to founding a training school for lay workers in Brazil.

Mr. Alan D. Farguhar of Austin filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, April 19. He chose as his subject, "Standing before God."

Mrs. Cleo Burke was guest of honor Sunday when the Neighbors Birthday Club entertained with a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arlla in Foley Village.

The delicious luncheon consisted of a Swedish meat dish, fried chicken, meat loaf, barbecue, baked beans, potato salad, vegetable salads, relishes, rolls, dewberry cobbler, the birthday cake, iced tea and coffee.

The neighbors present beside the honoree were her husband, Cleo, and daughter, Mary Ann Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tresselt and daughter, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Abel Pierce Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Florip, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edge, Mrs. Dorothy Spruiel, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leonard and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Arlla.

A large audience at the Church of the Nazarene Monday, April 20, heard the program presented by the Rev. Harry Flinner, Nazarene Missionary to Peru.

The Rev. Mr. Flinner presented a graphic description of his work with the natives and the country, where he has been working for the past five years. All missionaries serve five years at their station before receiving a furlough to return to the states.

During the past two years, the Rev. Mr. Flinner has been director of the Nazarene Bible Training School at Chichalayo, Peru. On his return to the field in December 1959, he and his wife and four children will be establishing a new mission under the Church of the Nazarene deep in the jungles of the Amazon Basin among the head-hunting Aguaruna Indians.

The Rev. Mr. Flinner illustrated his presentation with color slides of Peru, together with various curios brought back from the mountains and jungles of that country. Among the articles he had on display were Indian blow guns, poison darts and a genuine shrunken head of an Aguaruna Indian.

He is a graduate of Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky., and Nyack Missionary Training Institute of New York. The family are making their home during this year on furlough at Dunbar, W. Va.

The monthly meeting of St. Isidor Council, Knights of Columbus, was held Wednesday evening at __ p. m. in St. Peter's Hall in Blessing.

There will be a deanery meeting of the El Campo Deanery Council of Catholic Men Friday evening, April 24 at 8 p. m. at St. Robert's parish in El Campo.

The picnic scheduled for Sunday April 19, for Knights of Columbus, District 38, at Hugh Mitchell's Ranch was cancelled because of weather. A later date will be announced.

Corporate communion for the Altar Society will be Sunday morning at the 7 o'clock mass.

Business Women's Circle of the First Presbyterian Church is making an appeal for clothing to relieve the need for garments of all kinds, bedding, blankets and any articles in good condition that will be of some help to the needy overseas.

Clothing may be left in the recreation hall of the church or the following will make arrangements to pick up items: Mrs. A. E. Lauderbeck, phone 3732; Mrs. G. H. Faubion, 6581; Miss Claire Hansen, 6611.

Miss Norma Rampmeier and George Herbert Lowry of Palacios were among five all-A students for the first nine weeks of the spring semester at Wharton County Junior College.

Bobby Bradshaw, Joe Rodriguez, John Edward Pennington, Arthur Alamia and John Edward Glowka were the Palacios students on the B honor roll of WCJC.

Palacios High School cheerleaders for next fall will be Becky Brandon and Sue Harvey, seniors; Gail Glowka and Judy Hunt, juniors, and Nona Christy, sophomore.

Robert Christianson has returned from Oklahoma City where he attended the eight-week ILS - VOR course at the FFA Aeronautical Center.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wickham have returned to Grayville, Ill., on a business trip.

Louie R. Smith has purchased the Barracuda cottage of Bayshore Drive for a permanent residence.

Mrs. Ruth Boling plans to write a biography of the late Dr. J. R. Wagner. She will appreciate receiving any information friends and former patients of the well-loved doctor may aid her in making this a full biography of his life.

R. V. Wratislaw has returned home after being in the Veterans Hospital in Houston for several weeks.

Mann schedule for St. Anthony's parish will change on the first Sunday of May. Sunday masses will be at 6 and 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. Weekday masses will be at 6: 30 a. m. except Wednesday, when it will be at 7 p. m.

The state boat "Blenny," of Palacios, was one of the six Game and Fish Commission boats that took part in the boat parade on San Jacinto Day at the San Jacinto battlegrounds in Houston.

Warden Raymond C. Nichols of Palacios and Warden Andrew Henderson of Wharton were on the boat. It was skippered by Deputy T. A. Tolleson of Palacios.

An in-service school for approximately 200 Texas game wardens was held April 22 to 26 at the Bastrop State Park, 30 miles southeast of Austin. Warden Raymond Nichols of Palacios attended the school Monday and Tuesday.

Curtis Jenkins of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, and Warden Andrew Henderson of Wharton, Wharton County, attended Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Callie Cox enjoyed a visit Sunday with her grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, Dayle and Cheri of Temple, who came to help her celebrate her 91st birthday, May 1. Dinner was served at the home of another grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Cox.

Daily Tribune, Mail Box Edition, April 29, 1959

Palacios News
By Mrs. John Basford

Mrs. Anna Sartwelle, the Rev. Anthony Constantino, Miss Rose Aparicio, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Burke and daughter Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Moralez attended the 25th silver jubilee Mass of Archbishop Lucey in San Antonio April 29. Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York read the Pope's telegram and papal blessing to the 10,000 persons attending this special Mass at the municipal auditorium in San Antonio.

First Baptist Church will honor the youngest mother, oldest mother, the mother with the youngest baby, the mother with the largest family and all mothers over 80 that are present at the morning service Sunday.

Church of God of Prophecy will honor the youngest, oldest and mother with the largest family present at the 11 o'clock worship service Sunday.

The Rev. Clinton Harris, pastor of the First Methodist Church, has chosen for his subject for May 10 "What Mothers Are Made Of." The evening topic will be "Tightening the Net."

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown have been in Beaumont this past month attending the training school for Bankers Life and Casualty Insurance Co.

Daily Tribune, Mail Box Edition, May 7, 1959


The Rev. J. O. Steele, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, has chosen "Behold Thy Mother" for the morning sermon at 11 o'clock Sunday. A potted plant will be given to the oldest, youngest and the mother with the largest family present. Mother's Day will be observed with a special mass at 8 a. m. for all deceased and living mothers at St. Anthony's Catholic Church.

First Methodist vacation church school will be June 1-5 from 8:30-11 o'clock each morning. Open house will be Friday, June 5, at 7:30 p. m. Children will be given a registration blank Sunday, May 24, to be returned May 31.

Directing for this year will be Mrs. Lowell Johnson, Mrs. Edwin Simons, Mrs. Homer McClary; registrar, Jessie Lucille White; teachers for three-and four-year-olds; Mrs. Stanley Perkins, Mrs. Robert Fletcher and Miss Nona Christy; kindergarten, Mrs. Homer McClary, Mrs. V. J. Kahlich, Mrs. Ann Cox and Mrs. W. L. Corporon.

Primary teachers: Mrs. Bob Laurence, Mrs. Eugene Kilgore and Miss Kathryn Weimar; juniors, Mrs. M. M. Brooking, Mrs. Raymond Hart, Mrs. J. D. Greenawalt and Miss Marion Wilson; intermediate, Mrs. G. C. Hope, Mrs. Edwin Simons.

Mrs. Clinton Harris will provide refreshments each day.

Those who attended the vacation church school in Victoria were Mrs. M. M. Brooking, Mrs. Bob Laurence, Mrs. W. R. Stewart, Mrs. Edwin Simons and Mrs. Homer McClary.

There will be a meeting of all vacation school teachers and helpers May 21 at 7:30 p. m.

Annual conference of the First Methodist Church convenes May 25-29 in San Antonio. The lay member representing the Palacios church at the conference will be J. J. Harbison.

Mrs. Amos Duffy invites all WSCS members to an open house honoring all new members at her home Thursday, May 21, from 3-...

...tended  the Blessing reunion Sunday.

The Prairie Center Home Demonstration Club held its regular meeting May 1 at the home of Mrs. Cleddie Harvey. There were 15 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Ellen Franzen, Mrs. Paul Cooper and the CHDA agent, Mrs. Dawn Duncan, were guests. Mrs. Frank Stallard, president, presided. Plans were discussed for the rally day to be held at LeTulle Park May 12. Plans were also made for the chicken spaghetti supper to be held at the Prairie Center clubhouse June 2. Mrs. Duncan gave an interesting demonstration on bathrooms and repairing plumbing fixtures. Recreation was led by Mrs. Glen Hutson with Mrs. F. J. Jackson winning the prize. The next meeting will be May 15 at the home of Mrs. R. L. Henry at 2 p. m. The demonstration will be on cake decorating.

In observance of national family week a family dinner was held at Weimar Hall May 6. The dinner honored the following new members of the First Methodist Church: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carr Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Denker and Paula Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Kubecka and children, Mrs. Ada Brubaker, Robert D. Laurence, John Hiltpold, Russell Thompson, Linda Waring, Barbara Schuelke, Brenda Stewart and Ginger White.

This was the final church supper of the year.

Cub Scouts training course has been set for May 28-29 at Weimar Hall, starting at 7 p. m. The course consists of two three-hour session. Persons interested in serving as a den mother or pack committee-man should try to be present at the training course. A Weblo's den will be started provided enough fathers are interested in taking the course. There will be a Cub planning meeting May 12 and a Cub Pack meeting May 26 at Weimar Hall.

A birthday party honoring members of the Mary Elder Sunday...

Daily Tribune, May 8, 1959

Palacios News
By Mrs. John Basford

Mrs. Gerald Sheffield and son, Rocky Dale, of Houston, are spending the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Basford.

Mrs. Esther Smith is spending her vacation in Long Beach and San Francisco, Calif. where she is visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sky Eagle of Houston were weekend guests at the A. R. Koening home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ressler have moved to Hazelhurst, Miss. where they will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Florip, who spent the summer in Roger City, Mich., visiting relatives, have returned home.

Daily Tribune, November 16, 1959

Family Reunion Held Sunday At Home Of Mrs. A. Schneider, Sr.

A family gathering was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alfred Schneider, Sr.

Those attending were Mrs. Otto Marek and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyd and Leslie of Port Lavaca; Mrs. Rudy Kusak, Barbara and Jeannette of Damon; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider and children of Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schneider and son of Hobbs, New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schneider and sons of Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schneider and children of Point Comfort, Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Schneider and Terri of Olivia.

Attending from Palacios were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rice and children, Mr. and Mrs. James Milam and Ricky, Louis, Butch, Roger and Teddy Schneider.

Weldon Schneider of Houston arrived later. Those unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schneider and girls of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schneider and Charlette of Liberty.

Palacios Beacon, August 31, 1962





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