First Baptist Church
Sargent, Texas





From a House to a Church


Sargent Area Mission 1974

From a House to a Church

The Sargent Area Mission is an answer to years of prayer for a church in our community. Men came down from the Home Mission Board accompanied by Colorado Association Area Missionary, Orville H. Roberts. After the survey the Home Mission Board appointed two young college students to serve as summer missionaries at Matagorda and at Sargent Beach and communities.

We felt God was answering prayer and opening the door. Robert “Bob” Freeman and David Boyd began their summer ministry by making a door to door survey and inviting people to meet with them on Sunday morning in the former home of Jack and Mary D. Kelley, near the drawbridge on FM 457 at the Intracoastal Canal in Sargent.

Bob Freeman

Dave Boyd

Bob and David continued to visit in both communities and to preach and sing for the Lord. They gave their testimonies in area churches and met young and old people on the beaches where their witness was continued. We began our Wednesday evening prayer meetings in the home of George and Joan Rush. This wonderful Christian couple planned to go to Southwestern Seminary in September where George planned to study for the ministry to which God had called him . Along with Clem and Doris Welsh, Bob and David met and prayed thankfully for answered prayer.

Jack and Mary D. Kelley offered the use of their former home as a permanent meeting place. Cedar Lane loaned us a small organ and Doris became our organist. Some of the keys were dead but our hearts were so filled with joy and praise that we didn’t notice. Clem Welsh, who was in poor health never missed unless he was in the hospital and Trina Fowler, their small granddaughter, came, too. Edith Falber came on Wednesday night and planned to change her membership from Cedar Lane as soon as she could be replaced as teacher of the T. E. L. Class. Mr. Rush taught Sunday School during the summer and the lessons were on “The Beginning Church.” Again we could see the leading of the Holy Spirit. A wonderful teacher, led by the Holy Spirit, was showing us the road to follow.

September 1974 and Bob and David returned to college to finish their studies. Bob to East Texas Baptist College in Marshall and a further study for the ministry and David to Baylor University in Waco for music study and a trip to the far East with a group of students to witness for his Lord. This group were led by Ronnie Hayter and returned to the United States and David to Sargent Mission to tell of the needs he saw in Malaysia and Singapore.

September 15th saw us with a new Sunday School Teacher. Mrs. V. W. Falber came from Cedar Lane to continue the lessons begun by George Rush who had gone to Southwestern Seminary to better serve the Lord. Mrs. Falber set up our Prayer Calendar and Wednesday evenings were spent in prayer of thanksgiving for those who were ill and for each other, but foremost was the sincere prayer for the Holy Spirit to lead us in everything we said or did.

The real test came now. We had no sponsor and we sat that God was at work in First Baptist Church in Bay City. Men of God saw a need and did something about it. First Baptist voted to sponsor our Mission and the Holy Spirit moved in the hearts of Gene Sandusky, James Sowell, Alfred Nelson, Bill Ehlert, Charles Hardin and Andy Anderson. Mr. Sandusky and Mr. Sowell took over the responsibility of securing speakers for Sunday Services. Again we saw the Holy Spirit. Mr. Sandusky received a call at work from a young man who lived in West Columbia. He had heard of the Mission, was studying for the ministry of Evangelism and wanted to be used of God in preaching His Word. We were to be blessed many times by hearing Elwood Caldwell.

There must always be one of God’s saints who will not let anything, even an eighty-third birthday, keep them from preaching the word of God. Earnest Cross, a retired Baptist Minister, who had seen the need for a Baptist witness in Sargent and had been instrumental in bringing the need to the attention of those in authority, came himself each Sunday to preach, teach or help in any way he could. He had tried before to get a mission started in this area. Now we seemed to be on our way.

We heard Bill Ehlert, Jr., Bob Freeman, one of the summer missionaries, Albert Garcia, Al Neel, R. F. Lundy, Alfred A. Nelson, E. P. Cross and many others. We have had prayers answered almost before we utter them. We had the feeling we are walking a path laid out by our Lord and he was just a step ahead.

In November 1974 and we had twelve members. That began the transfer of Mr. and Mrs. Clem C. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Falber and Mrs. Augusta Glaze from Cedar Lane Baptist Church. On November 3, 1974, Mrs. Marie Halliburton transferred her membership from Rosewood Baptist in Houston, Carol Virginal, Frank W. and Phillip Daniel Allan were accepted by statement. Jack Kelley transferred from Cedar Lane Baptist. Mrs. Betty Rose transferred from West End Baptist, Houston, and Don Griffith came by statement.

We gave our first Lottie Moon Foreign Mission Offering of forty dollars through First Baptist Church, Bay City and added two boxes of clothing to their crisis closet.

Mrs. May Augusta Glaze donated an acre of ground in Sargent for a church building. First Baptist Church voted to hold it in trust until we could build. This was in November 1974.

January 5, 1975 – Our first business meeting had been held on September 18, 1974 and Clem C. Welsh had been elected Treasurer, Mrs. V. W. Falber, Clerk and second signer on checks.

We voted to start on our building fund with $1600.00 in gifts.

On February 2, 1975, Brother Gus Prince was called as pastor.

March 5, 1975 a check for $800.00 was paid for the pouring of the building slab. The building committee were: Gene Sandusky, Augusta Glaze, Clem Welsh and Clarence Fothergill.

First service was March 30, 1975.

April 20, 1975 we receive our first printed financial report.

Gene Sandusky, Jarvis D. Wilson, Jack Kelley and Don Griffith met at the new site to put up a fence.

The slab was poured and on Easter morning we had our first Sunrise Service in 30o weather. Members of First Baptist Church in Bay City also participated in the Sunrise Service. They brought a small piano with them and two deacons from Bay City held the music in place during the singing. It was almost impossible to keep the music on the stand and the wind whipped the sound away. In spite of the cold and wind, never have hearts been so filled to overflowing with gratitude, love and concern for this community. Our prayer was to keep this sense of love forever.

July 10, 1975 – The Home Mission Boars offered us a gift of $7933.00 and a loan of $10,000 at 6% interest.

Mr. Van Vincent, from First Church, was our building supervisor. May 17, saw forty men from churches in Colorado Association work side by side with our area missionary, Orville Roberts. The studs were in place and to some they may be just two by fours. To those of us who had prayed so long, they were the beginning of a dream fulfilled.

Mrs. Hazel West became a member from First Church, Eagle Lake, by transfer.

First Baptist Church of Bay Coty, our sponsor, celebrated their 80th anniversary of service to God on May 18, 1975.

The rafters, decking and felt were in place and the work on the partitions was begun. The Jaycees, under their president, Bill Bullard, Jr., came to help.

In August, Bro. Prince announced that Colorado Association would discontinue their four months grant to his salary. He would need $720.00 in salary. Mrs. Falber suggested we all pray and see if we could meet this need. Brother Prince resigned and discussion as the calling Brother Alfred Nelson as the interim pastor. September 7, 1975 saw a unanimous call to Brother Nelson and an humble acceptance.

For a year we met in the former home of Mary D. and Jack Kelley. Thank God for those who love the Lord.

After Brother Nelson was called on the 7th, we met on September 10th to receive the gift of $5933.00 and $200,00 from the Home Mission Board. The $2000.00 to be earmarked for furniture. Also $10, 000 loan at 6%.

Thelma and Clarence presented the church with the Communion Service and we had our first Lord’s Supper in October.

We had two weddings and set our Lottie Moon Offering at $250.00.

First Baptist Church of Palacios offered a 26’ x 90’ wood building for Sunday School classes if we would move it. November 1975 was a growing month.

In December our first Brotherhood was organized.

We considered being organized into a church and the carpet was laid. We paid the last $500.00 on the pews and furniture.

There was more to do, but Brother Nelson announced we would have our first service in the new building on October 5, 1975 and Brother E. P. Cross would preach.

Jarvis Dean Wilson, our photographer, has started a picture album of all members. Mrs. Mary D. Kelley donated this history book, Mrs. Betty Rose donated our guest and “memory” book.

The Baptistry, steeple and cross were installed.

Election of new officers and teachers:
Treasurer: Clem Welsh
Clerk: Edith Falber
Teachers: Clarence Fothergill, Frank Allan, Edith Falber, Augusta Glaze
First WMU Director: Doris Welsh.

The concrete was poured for the front porch and Mrs. Norene Nelson had heart surgery in Houston.

January 1976 the WMU ladies went to First Church in Columbus and the membership doubled. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Youngblood, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Palmer and Mrs. Billie Shaughnessy have been added.

A gift of 25 new hymnals was received from Church Services and Materials Division and Mr. and Mrs. Van Vincent donated 50 more hymnals.

We lost our dear friend, Clem C. Welsh, who was now at home with the Lord.

The sanctuary wasn’t completely finished, but the enrollment was 28 with an average attendance of 25.

Plans were made to dedicate the new building.

Dr. W. D. Baker - First Baptist - Bay City

Rev. Alfred Nelson - Pastor


James Sowell - First Baptist Church - Bay City

After Brother Nelson came to us on September 7, 1976, we began to grow and we made plans to hire our first nursery worker and a Sense of Spring book study was set up.

In early 1977 plans for a Vacation Bible School and Backyard Bible Study were begun.

Brother Alfred announced that First Church of Palacios had offered to give us a wood frame building if we would pay for having it moved. We were definitely in need of new Sunday School space and through the concern of Norene Nelson and our Pastor, God was again providing for our needs. We accepted the gift gratefully. The building was in sound condition with rather colorful paint inside, but for a cost of $4000.00 we will have some more Sunday School rooms.

Brother W. D. Baker, from First Baptist in Bay City, our mother church, will hold our first revival. Brother Curtis Bryan, from Calvary Baptist, Bay City, will be song leader. There was a definite revival in the hearts of members.

Don Herda is our elected Choir Director.

Mr. O. W. Smith has painted and installed a church sign.

February 15, 1978 was a sad day for us. Our dear pastor, Brother Alfred Nelson resigned because of his health.

In March a pastor selection committee was appointed and their recommendation to the church was one of our former summer missionaries, Robert A. Freeman. This recommendation was voted on and Brother Freeman was called unanimously.

We had a clothing drive for the “River Ministry,” and “Kans for Kids.” On April 30th, Edith & Vernon Falber celebrated their 50th anniversary in the educational building.

We have voted to be constituted into a church and on August 27, 1978, we became a church.

The 12” X 18” bronze cornerstone was discussed and September 15, 1978 was the date set for closing the charter and it was closed with 74 names ready to become a full-fledged church.

The new Educational Building was named for Mrs. Norene Nelson, who was so instrumental in securing it for us.

Each year on the Sunday nearest to August 27, we will have a celebration.

The Constitution and By-Laws are taking shape and we noted on the first part.

We again supported “Kans for Kids,” “World Hunger,” and all of our special Missions Offerings.

In 1979 we planned a prayer garden at the end of the Educational Building.

Our choir participated in the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston, Texas.

During hurricane season, our new Educational Building was utilized for flood victims by the Red Cross.

January 1980 a “Missions Committee” was appointed—Doris Welsh, Harriette Butler, Ben Dudley and Don Griffith. After a survey of the Churchill Bridge Community, they reported a need for a mission there. Brother Freeman went there every Tuesday night for a Bible sturdy.

Mrs. Gladys Johnston offered a small house on her property to house our “Summer Missionaries” –Eric Peyton and Rick Johnson, who will hold a Vacation Bible School at Churchill location.

On June 15, 1980, we voted to co-sponsor a mission at Churchill. We donated $500.00 to their building fund and a special offering of $500.00 was taken and sent to “Mission Thrust” for new churches.

Our first “prayer breakfast” was held in August.

We voted to rewire the “Norene Nelson Educational Building” before completing the finish work inside on the paneling. Bro . Freeman asked for and received a return of $500.00 donated for paneling.

October 19, 1980, Brother Freeman resigned to go as pastor to the new Churchill Mission and asked that we withdraw as first sponsor of Churchill Mission as he would feel uncomfortable in bringing converts to us for baptism. We voted to drop the first sponsorship, but continued to pay $50.00 a month for one year on his salary.

The new pastor selection committee presented Brother J. W. Clanton as interim pastor and he accepted.

Bro. J. W. & Bethel Clanton

December 21, 1980 – Christmas Carols were sung by our young people with Velma Smith as narrator. A Christmas Party was held after the evening service in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall.

January 11, 1981 – Julie Bonnano and Keith Tusing were united in marriage today at 3 p. m. at the church. Reception followed at the Caney Creek Fellowship Hall.

July 19, 1981 – Immediately following worship service a “get acquainted and fellowship” covered-dish luncheon was held in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall.

July 19, 1981 – After the evening worship service, an ice cream social was held at the parsonage honoring Harriett and Earnest Butler. They are moving from our area, and we will miss them very much. Bethel and Bro. Clanton hosted this enjoyable evening of fellowship.

August 1, 1981 – A message in song was presented by the Walters Family, who are a dedicated gospel singing group.

August 2, 1981 – A special called business meeting was held after service Sunday evening for the purpose of presenting and voting on calling Bro. Bill Clanton as full-time pastor. Bro. Clanton accepted this call.

September 13, 1981 – A Deacon’s Ordination Service was held at 7:30 p. m., ordaining Bro. William Kelly, Sr., Jack T. Kelley and Robert B. Dudley. This was the first ordination service in our church, and the first deacons to be ordained by our church. After the singing of hymns and prayer, the service continued as follows:

            Recognition of guests and announcements
            Seating of council
            Vote by the church
            Questioning – Bro. Bill Clanton
            Ordination Prayer – Bro. Alfred Nelson
            Laying on of Hands
            Message – Bro. Orville Roberts
            Benediction – Bro. Marion Palmer

A reception was held in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall immediately following the service.

l to r William "Bill" Kelly, Sr., Jack T. Kelley,
Robert B. "Ben" Dudley, Rev. Alfred Nelson

December 20, 1981 – The Children’s Choir presented a program of Christmas carols. A Christmas tree for the children, and refreshments for everyone followed the evening service. A Christmas message was written to the church and is as follows:

Our beloved church family,

            We want to wish all our dear family in Christ a holy Christmas season and a good and blessed new year of 1982. How wonderful it has been to serve you in the Lord’s work this past year, and we are looking forward to many blessings together with Christ our Lord in the days to come.

Love in Christ, Pastor and Wife, Bethel and Bill Clanton

January 17, 1982 – Mr. and Mrs. David Wright were honored with a reception following the Wednesday night service, celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They were married January 27, 1932. Annie Lou McCurry, their daughter, and the Dorcas Class hosted this very important occasion. A “This is Your Life” theme, narrated by Annie Lou, depicted important events in their lives. Gifts were given, delicious refreshments served, and good fellowship was enjoyed by all.

March 13, 1982 – The Richmond State School Choir presented a program at the evening service. A meal was served for the group and their sponsors in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall. A blessing was received by all who attended and an extra special blessing was received by those who helped with the serving of the meal.

April 25, 1982 – Following morning worship, an “Old-Fashioned Dinner on the Grounds” was served climaxing a week-long revival. Bro. Al Slater brought the messages, and Bro. Bill Clanton directed the singing. It was a week of spiritual uplifting.

July 4, 1982 - Patriotic songs were sung at our first Sunday of the month singing and testimony time. Pride in our country, and our civic responsibilities were renewed as we gave thanks for freedom of assembly and freedom of worship.

July fourth, was the forty-fifty wedding anniversary of Hazel and Ben Dudley. We wished them many more to come.

August 10, 1982 – Dinner was served to the workers at Churchill. The women of the church prepared, delivered and served the meal for all the workers. Several men from our church worked on the building this year.

September 12, 1982 – Jeff Sandusky showed slides on mission work in Mexico taken during his summer trip. A group of doctors, technicians and other workers donated their time and talents to this very worthy cause. They did this during their vacation time. They treated their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs.

September 26, 1982 – The church van was in service for the first time for regular pickups. Thos who initiated the church van service were Mike Hoffman, Edward and Emma Blackmon, Rev. Bill Clanton, Walter “Pete” Sanders and Blanche Monlezun.

October 10, 1982 – Ordination of Deacons – Bro. Everet D. Clark and Bro. Walter D. Sanders
Bro. Clark and Bro. Sanders were ordained as deacons at the evening service. The program was as follows:

            Formation of Council
            Church Vote – Church voted to enter into business for the purpose of ordaining Bro. Everet D. Clark and Bro. Walter D. Sanders as deacons of
                                      First Baptist Sargent.
            Prayer – Bro. Ernest P. Cross
            Questioning – Bro. J. W. Clanton
            Ordination Prayer – Bro. Alfred H. Nelson
            Laying on of Hands – Council
            Presentation – Bro. J. W. Clanton
            Sermon – Bro. Orville Roberts
            Closing Prayer – Bro. W. E. Kelly

            Fellowship and refreshments were served in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall.

October 15, 1982 – During the week, the men of the church worked on the completing the construction of a canopy covering the sidewalk tying the church and the educational building together, thus providing protection from the weather. The women served lunch, and good fellowship was enjoyed by all.

October 31, 1982 – Our Halloween party was a great success with a large attendance. Thanks to all who helped and those who furnished cakes, cookies, etc.

December 19, 1982 – The youth and children’s choir presented a program of Christmas poems and carols at the evening service under the direction of Velma Smith.

December 26, 1982 – A Christmas greeting as follows:

Bro. Bill and Bethel, all our deacons and their families, our teachers and officers hope this has been a blessed Christmas for each one of you, and that the new year will bring many more. We wish to thank everyone who had a part in the wonderful Lottie Moon offering and know that God will bless you all richly.

January 9, 1983 – Bro. Bill Clanton started our new year by teaching a Bible study taken from I Peter entitled “Message of Encouragement.”

February 22, 1983 – Evangelism Conference, First Baptist Church, Wharton, 7 p. m.
Guest speakers:
            Bro. John Morgan, Sagemont Baptist, Houston
            Bro. Don Vestal, First Baptist, Midland
            Bro. Rudy Hernandez, Special Music

Those who attended from our church reported an outstanding conference, and each received a special blessing from having attended.

March 13, 1983 – At the evening service, the Richmond State School Choir brought a special program. The evening meal was served to all members and their sponsors. As always, everyone who attended received a blessing. What an inspiration to see them participate and to witness their enthusiasm as the performers are always so appreciative for anything done for them. May our church family continue to remember them in deeds and prayers.

April 10, 1983 – Note burning service, First Baptist Sargent

You are cordially invited to attend our
“note-burning service at
First Baptist Church, Sargent
Sunday, April 10, 1983
Lunch will be served, starting at 1 p. m.
Program to follow at 3 p. m.
We hope you will be able to join us
in this thanksgiving celebration.


Invitations were mailed to the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen
Rev. & Mrs. W. D. Baker
Rev. & Mrs. Hollie Briscoe
Mr. & Mrs. R. N. Brodnex
Rev. & Mrs. Elwood Colwell
Rev. E. P. Cross
Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Garcia
Rev. & Mrs. P. M. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Munn
Mr. & Mrs. Al Neel
Rev. & Mrs. Alfred Nelson

Rev. & Mrs. George Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Sandusky
Rev. & Mrs. R. D. Sjolander
Mr. & Mrs. James Sowell
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Towers
Rev. & Mrs. Truman Turk
Mr. & Mrs. Van Vincent
Churchill Mission
First Baptist Cedar Lane
First Baptist Bay City
First Baptist West Columbia
First Baptist Columbus
Memorial Baptist El Campo

Mrs. Augusta Glaze, donor of the land, performed the note-burning ceremony assisted by Bro. Jack Kelley, Bro. Bill Clanton, Pastor, and Bro. Ben Dudley.

May 1, 1983 – At the evening service, the Northrams, a gospel singing group from Houston, presented a program of gospel songs.

May 8, 1983 – Bro. Clanton brought a Mother’s Day message entitled, “A Mother’s Faith, taken from Matthew 15:21-28. Bro. Everet Clark directed the choir in two special songs, “My Mother’s Prayer,” and “Faith of Our Mothers.”

May 29, 1983 – This was the tenth anniversary of Bro. Orville Roberts as associational director of the Colorado Association, of which our church is a part. Bro. Roberts has done much to help us during these ten years. We appreciate and love him, and we pray God’s blessing on him and his wife as they continue to serve.

June 19, 1983 – Our week-long revival started today with evangelist, Bro. Bob Freeman, and music director, Bro. Don Fortney. Our church has been spiritually blessed this week, and we pray that the spirit of revival will remain with us, making us better witnesses for Christ in our daily lives.

July 16, 1983 – Forty-seven were present for our registration day for Vacation Bible School. Hazel West, VBS Director, reported forty-nine pupils enrolled, and an overall attendance average of seventy-five. Approximately one hundred forty-five were in attendance on Friday night for the program. Culminating a very busy, but enjoyable week. Refreshments were served.

September 4, 1983 – A big thank you to Dodie and Bill Cone for paying for our new hymnals, Favorite Songs and Hymns. Also, thanks to Larry and Marcia Cook (Al and Marcia’s daughter and son-in-law) for the electric broom.

September 23, 1983 – Organization of Churchill First Baptist today at 2:30 p. m. Bro. Robert A. Freeman, pastor. Bro. Bob saw the need for a mission in the Churchill area. It was a dream and a burden on his heart. He brought this to the attention of many individuals and churches, seeking their help. Many responded, both financially as well as physically, helping with the construction of the building. Our church answered the call for help and we are proud to have had the opportunity to further the cause of Christ. Bro. Bob had a dream. Today, a large part of that dream was realized.


Bro. Bob & Sharon Freeman
at right


November 17, 1983 – The offering taken during the morning church service was given to “The World Hunger Program.”

December 18, 1983 – Our youth presented the nativity story under the direction of Velma Smith. After the program refreshments and our Christmas tree were held in the fellowship hall.

January 1, 1984 – Our church started its new year with a “gigantic handicap.” This loss will be felt church-wide for a number of weeks (6 – 8 minimum). Doris Welsh slipped on ice on the steps of the educational building, fell, and broke her right arm. (This arm also being the right arm of the church.) We pray for a speedy recovery.

February 16, 1984 – After the evening service, there was a reception in the fellowship hall honoring Bethel and B ro. Bill Clanton who are leaving this field of service as of February 19th. Their ministry here has been faithful and spiritually dedicated, with much compassion and concern for the illnesses and problems of our church family, as well as the community. We wish them the very best and our prayers go with them as they continue to serve.

March 15, 1984 – Bro. J. B. Perkins will being his ministry as interim pastor today. We welcome Bro. Perkins and wife Hulda to our church. Their home is in Alvin, Texas. Bro. Perkins is a retired minister, having been Theda and Jack McNair’s pastor for twenty-two years in Houston. We appreciate Theda asking him to help our church in our time of need.


Bro. J. B. Perkins
at left

April 8 1984 – We welcome the Pratt family as our guest singing group. Blessing and pleasure to have them come worship with us in song.

May 9, 1984 – Today is the first meeting of our G. A.’s and Acteens, meeting in the fellowship hall at bus time. The church van took them home after the meeting. Hazel West and Doris Welsh lead in that very important work with our young people.

May 28, 1984 – For three nights Rev. Carl Williamson taught a series entitled, “Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.” These sessions were very inspiring, and all who attended received a blessing.

July 8, 1984 – After the evening service, a reception was held in the fellowship hall to wish Bro. Perkins a “Happy Birthday,” and to enjoy cake, ice cream and good fellowship. We wish him many more to come.

Our church purchased a home from Harley and Stella Blue at 1401 Carancahua to be used as a parsonage.

September 12, 1984 – G. A.’s and Acteens met today for the first time after summer vacation. We pray that this ministry will continue to grow.

September 30, 1984 – Immediately following morning service, we were invited, by Bro. Bob Freeman, pastor, Churchill First Baptist, to join with them in observing the first anniversary of their church.

October 14, 1984 – October 12 was the Golden Anniversary of Emma and Marion Palmer. They were honored with a reception in the fellowship hall to help them celebrate this momentous occasion.

October 28, 1984 – The services for this Sunday were cancelled due to the high water in Caney Creek Estates and Downey’s subdivisions.

November 18, 1984 – Today was officially and unanimously declared “Mrs. Augusta Glaze Day.” Everyone joined in wishing her a very happy birthday and in wishing for her many more to come. Her love for our church has been demonstrated in the many hours of work, her support, and her faithfulness throughout the years. We are indebted to her for the donation of the land on which to build, and for so many things too numerous to list.

December 16, 1984 – Our Christmas pageant “One Special Visit” was performed by our youth under the direction of Mrs. Velma Smith. Immediately following the program, refreshments were served in the fellowship hall and our Christmas tree gifts distributed to the children.

January 6, 1985 – Bro. Howard W. Daniel preached in view of a call.

January 13, 1985 – At a special called business meeting, the church voted to call as pastor Bro. Howard W. Daniel.

February 3, 1985 – Today was Bro. Howard Daniel’s first Sunday as pastor. Immediately after evening service, we welcomed Bro. Daniel and wife, Lavonna, in the fellowship hall with refreshments and with an “Old-Fashioned Pounding: to help them set up housekeeping in the parsonage.

May 12, 1985 – In tribute to mothers on this Mother’s Day, Bro. Daniel brought a message entitled, “She Passed on Her Faith,” taken from 2 Timothy 1:5. Corsages honoring the oldest mother, the youngest mother and the mother with the largest number of children attending today’s service.

Baptism by Bro. Howard Daniel

June 23, 1985 – Jeff Adams led the singing today. He is being considered as choir director.

June 23, 1985 – Carol and Frank Allan work with a group of people who go to areas needing assistance in the construction of new churches and other church facilities. This is a much needed program if our churches are to progress and meet the needs of our communities in order to spread the gospel to the lost and to minister to the needs of our church families. Our church knows first-hand just how important volunteer help is when a construction project is undertaken. Below are photos taken during their work trips.

July 23, 1985 – Registration day for Vacation Bible School which began on July 15, continuing through Friday, July 19. Parents night was at 7 p. m. Attendance certificates were given and a good program was presented. Refreshments in the Norene Nelson Fellowship Hall followed.

September 22, 1985 – Our Sunday through Thursday revival was held. Bro. J. B. Perkins, former interim pastor, brought the messages and Bro. Jeff Adams directed the singing.

December 22, 1985 – A Christmas cantata, “Promise of Peace,” under the direction of Jeff Adams, was presented by the adult and children’s choir at the evening service.

March 2, 1986 – After the evening service, a social was held in the fellowship hall for Jeff Adams, music director, who is leaving today. Everyone wished him well in his pursuit of education, and in whatever field of endeavor he chooses in the future.

March 16, 1986 – Our revival started today with Rev. Charles Bernal, evangelist, bringing the messages and Bro. David Mathis directing the music. A church luncheon was served in the fellowship hall immediately following the morning service.

April 27, 1986 – The Richmond State School Choir brought their program for the evening service. As always, it is such a blessing to hear this group. It was inspirational and uplifting just to see their happy faces and to enjoy with them their sense of accomplishment. We appreciate Verna Wilson’s help in coordinating plans with the chaplain and directors of the school. Their evening meal was served after the service.

June 1, 1986 – Immediately following the evening service, a reception was held for Ernest Soukup, who is the only graduate in our church family this year. He was presented a graduation certificate, $25 from the W. M. U. and a “Money Tree.” We wish for Ernest the very best in the years to come and we pray that he will continue to serve the Lord with his talents, and be an inspiration to other young people in our community and to those with whom he comes in contact in his everyday life.

July 21 – 25, 1986 – Vacation Bible School was held. Hazel West was VBS Director. Registration was held Saturday, July 19, and Family Night on Friday night with refreshments in the fellowship hall.

August 14, 1986 – Verna Wilson is moving from our area to Houston, She will be missed by her many friends. She has been a faithful worker in our church and community. She will always be a part of our church family. We wish her the very best in years to come.

July 7, 1986 – Palacios Baptist Encampment Youth Camp. By Rhonda Sanders. Unfortunately we only had a camera on Thursday, so we missed a lot of good shots. Camp was everything and more than we expected. We had a lot of fun, but there was a lot of spiritual growth also.

Bro. Howard W. Daniel and Rhonda Sanders attempting to determine who's in charge, and where the kids need to go during the banana relay.

Some learned the responsibilities and joys of Christianity. They realized that being a Christian is a way of life. Several of the group experienced quiet-time with their Lord for the very first time.

Every day we had quiet-time, group meetings and discipleship classes in the morning. The afternoons were devoted to free time and group games. After supper, the mood became serious again. We met at the tabernacle as a church group. The speaker lectured on heroes all week. He used several examples from the Bible of heroes who failed because of their lack of faith in God. Then he talked about Jesus, and how he never lost faith and always lived for God. It was a topic we all enjoyed and it gave us insight and direction.

The best thing about camp was our church devotional before bed. We would all get together as a church group and talk about the day. Everyone would “open up” and participate and it felt like a family.

Everyone enjoyed camp a lot. It is a memory we will all hold dear forever, and each of you (our church family) are the ones who made it possible. Thank you all very much.

August 1987 - Brother Howard Daniel’s Farewell Party

Ode to Brother Howard

Listen my friends and you will learn,
How folks at Sargent First Baptist, had great concern.

You see, we’d been pastorless for quite a spell
While preachers came weekly, declaring heaven and hell.

But, we all began to wonder—“Lord, how long?”
“Before one comes that we can call our own.”

We bought a house for him to call home,
even his dog had plenty of yard to roam.

So—1985—was a good year in my books
It bought us Bro. Howard and his youthful looks.

“He’s too young!” some members did cry!
Others said – “So what! – “Let’s give him a try!”

Nervously, he proudly introduced LaVonna, his helpmate
A fine nurse she was! – admittedly – she likes to sleep late.

Bro. Howard, our church has been a great stepping stone
although sometimes, it’s made you cry and moan.

Often you’ve knelt to the Lord in prayer
for things gone wrong and you felt despair.

Other times to the mountaintop you’ve let us all
and we felt God’s presence and answered his call.

These experiences, good and bad, helped you to grow,
in ways it may take years for you to know.

In 2 ½ years, we’ve seen you with power come alive,
giving Bible knowledge, we knew to be wise.

With your sweet Christian attitude and steady pace
we’ve learned to love that smile on your face.

So – now—it’s God bless you and fare thee well
To an expectant couple, that we think are swell.

To all who will listen, we’ll tell the news
That our church, missing you, will have the blues.

But when you’re famous – to the world we’ll shout,
Hey! We called that young man when he was just a sprout!

God Bless You Both,     Theda McNair     August 23, 1987

Pastor Clint Lowery


His Story of New Educational Building First Baptist Church of Sargent
Fall 1993 – Fall 1996

New Building Progress
FBC of Sargent

During the latter part of 1993, Mr. Pete Sanders, deacon, invited the other deacons at FBC of Sargent to his deer lease. After several discussions regarding the need for growth at the church, the idea to begin a bus ministry was initiated. A bus fund was started in the early spring, and a small 16 passenger used bus was purchased in April 1994. An appeal was also made for a bus driver and bus captain.

1994 was a busy time for FBC of Sargent. Our pastor, Bro. Danny McDowell, announced early in the year that he felt a “new sense of urgency, and, as a church we needed to be more committed and obedient to the Great Commission.” An outreach program each third Wednesday night was initiated. A thorough spring clean up and paint jobs brought needed physical changes to the buildings. Rev. Glen Monical of Lake Jackson led a spring revival that produced spiritual changes.

April 24 – 27, 1994 – Spring Revival – First Baptist Church of Sargent

Lynn D. Monical – Evangelist
David Miller – Song Director - Sunday Services
Dick Shotwell – Song Director – Monday – Wednesday
Danny McDowell – Pastor, FBC
Ensemble & Solo – Brazosport Christian Church

Beginning Soon! – Mother’s Day Out


Also, a summer youth program was started under the leadership of Ms. Joyce Hagerman. In June of 1994, the newly reconditioned and painted bus was used to transport approximately 15 young people on field trips every other week during the summer. Bro. Danny drove the bus, as no one had yet volunteered as bus driver. Culminating the youth summer program, members of FBC provided the leadership for Vacation Bible School for ages three through junior high.

Additionally, for the first time in many years, Ms. Melissa Warren, Sunday School teacher, accompanied 10 girls, grades six and up to summer youth camp at Palacios. Several professions of faith were made during the week.

Two new members of the church volunteered as driver and served as bus captains in the fall of 1994. They were Randy Young and Vernon Brown. The bus ministry was blessed by the Lord and our children’s Sunday School classes grew from one class to four by the end of 1994. Several rooms, which had been used for storage, were converted and remodeled into Sunday School rooms. A newly remodeled nursery was provided in early 1995.

During 1995 the Lord continued to bless us with many additions to the church, and our Sunday School grew to 95! A new emphasis was placed on our Building Fund which contained approximately $4,000. Two garage sales were held during 1995, one in March and the other in September, bringing in just less than a total of $5,000. Also, pledge cards were signed by church and Sunday School members committing to a one-time gift, weekly, or monthly contributions. To date, over $30,000 was raised for the new building.

In February of 1996, Mr. R. E. “Bud” Hagerman purchased drainage tiles for driveway access off Hwy. 457. In March of 1996, Darryl Heidrich, son of Buddy and Bonny Heidrich, offered to survey the church property and check the windstorm elevation. Things were beginning to come in place for a new building to be built. In April the church voted to build a 4,000 square foot new educational building. Bids were let and Mr. Ken Thomas, independent contractor from Houston, came in with the low bid.

Bro. Danny, Pete Sanders and Bud Hagerman met with Mr. Thomas and Mike Swanke, Rigid Building Systems, in April, signed the papers, and ordered the metal building. After VBS in June, Mr. Buchanan from Buchanan Moving Company, Brazoria, moved the old educational building to the back of the church property to make way for the new building. Mr. Sherman McDowell and Roy Blackstop prepared the building site with fill dirt.

In early August, the Lanmarc Construction Company, from West Columbia poured the foundation at cost. Thanks go to Rick and Marty Carder for saving the church approximately $3,000. The church saved another $1,000 as Tommy Howard, owner of Diamond Steel Buildings from Brazoria, agreed to erect the building at a much lower cost than was customary. The building was dried in the week of September 2, 1996, following many days of rain.

September 8, 1996 was selected as Praise and Celebration Sunday to thank the Lord for giving us our building. One hundred seventy invitations were mailed to members, visitors, former members, former pastors, and pastors of surrounding churches. Dinner was held at the VFW Hall following the morning service, and a special service was conducted at FBC at 2:00 p. m. –Respectfully submitted, Joyce Hagerman