County Graduations



1911 County Graduation

The regular graduation exercises for the seventh grades of the various rural schools of Matagorda County were held Friday night, May 7, at the Methodist Church in Bay City. Because recent heavy rains had rendered many of the country roads practically impassable, just half of the number of graduates were able to attend. The Harmony Club of Bay City in their observance of musical week having arranged a musical program for Friday evening co-operated with the county department of education by combining the two programs and so made a varied program and an interesting evening. The first and second grade pupils of Bay City rendered a cantata, "Spring," interspersed with solos and recitative numbers.

The graduation class then marched in formal manner to the platform and sang the class song, "America, the Beautiful." Mr. Wm. Cash, president of the county board, in a few well chosen words, commended the boys and girls who had "held on" and so nobly attained the goal for which they had striven, the county diploma.

The coveted diplomas, tied with the gold ribbons (the county color), were delivered to the following students:


Bay View Consolidated School (Collegeport)--Mamie Murray, Bessie Jenkins, Eloise Frasier, Julian Jenkins, Mae Dickinson

Van Vleck--Mamie Chambless, Ruby Luna, Elsie Rainey, Eva Smith, Horace McCree, Melva Ewing

Clemville--Annie Posey, Lucille Wynn, Doyle Kilpatrick, Ruth Gates, Clyde Hickey, Selma Hiltpold

Wadsworth--Lillian Bowers, Dorothy Moser, Tom Petrucha, Oscar Mangum, Susie Coleman, Leona Waits, Zaddie Waits


Great Northern--Amy Ulland, Jim Kuchar


Pupils from the following named schools were absent but their diplomas will be mailed to them:

Citrus Grove--Dayton Lee Parker

Hasima--Lurline Reeves

Bernard--Ruby Keith, Roy Waldrep

Cedar Lane--Patty Burford, Frances Stevens, Edna Worths, Imogene Worthy

Pledger--Pearl Malone, Lucille Hobbins

Midfields--Willis Micha, Irene Melbourn, Bob Trull


We feel much gratified over the records made by the pupils in the graduating class for the term 1935-26. Perhaps in no preceding year have the papers evidenced as nearly the same standard of work on the part of pupils and of teachers as have those of the term just closing. We fell that we are beginning to realize the ideal before the department of education when the plan for county examination and country graduation was launched four years ago.

The first honor student of the class, judged by the one examination grade, is little Miss Pearl Malone of Pledger. Pearl won first place in the county meet this year in junior girl rural declamation, also won first in the district meet at Houston. Miss Melva Ewing of Van Vleck won second donors, having made one point lower than Pearl. Melva is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ewing and by the record she has made during the entire year, richly merits the honors she has earned.

We hope to organize our plans for next year's graduation in such a way as to show more distinction to the honor students than we have in the past.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 14, 1926


County Graduation Exercises

Graduation for the fifth county 7th grade graduation class was held Saturday, May 12 at the BayTex Hotel.

At 2 p. m. the exercises were over and the seventh grade class of 1927-28 went its way feeling grateful for the courtesy extended them and the interest manifested in their work by the Matagorda County Development Association.

The following pupils composed the graduating class:

Bay View – William Goff, Ruth Mowery
Bernard – J. M. Findley, Shirley Keith
Cedar Lane – Mabel Hughes, Frances Bowie, Howard Gould, Ethel Exie Ratliff, Ruby Ruth Ratliff
Citrus Grove – Minnie Ola Bullington, Lula Mae Hill, Ileen Woods
Clemville – Claude Hickey, Albert Townsend, Mamie Lee Sherrer
Hasima – Idell Kay, Hixie Ida Sewell, Therrill Reeves
Midfield – Robie Cornelius, Gladys Harbison, Theodore Lange, Willie Roberts
Pledger – Gladys Hobbins, Georgia Pearson
Prairie Center – Enneva Brown, Emilee Kopecky, Fern Powers
Sargent – Velma Socha
Turtle Bay – C. D Henderson
Van Vleck – Cecil Harrison, Eloise Fondren, Helen Smith
Wadsworth – Tasie Petrucha, Leona Seerden, Pat Moran, Aletha Laird, Elsie Fondon, Dadie Brown, Myrtle Waldrop, Benjamin Wheeler
Wadsworth Ranch – James Fondon

Daily Tribune
, May 15, 1928



"Let today embrace the past with remembrance, the future with longing."

The County Graduation Class is composed of those members of the seventh grade from every school in the county who have completed the work of the grammar grades and are, by virtue of having made an average of 75 in all studies and no grade less than 50 per cent, entitled to the County diploma. This certificate or diploma of graduation entitles the holder to entrance into any affiliated high school in the County without examination.


The County Graduation plan was originated by Supt. W. T. Pollard in 1923 and was adopted by the County Teachers Association.


About 500 children have graduated form the seventh grades of the County since that time, many of whom have completed their High School work and some have attended college who would not have done so lacking the inspiration and the opportunity afforded by the County graduation and the consequent affiliation with the High School of the County.



Wadsworth Ranch

Claude Fondon

Vera Lowe

Nevelle Wheeler

Florence Lee

Marguerite Hennigan

Frances Hatchett

Ethel Doss

Willie May Ellison


Barbara McKissick

Hilda Boston

Emma Kuchar

Georgia Hejtmanek

Louise Nicholson

Velma Miller


Van Vleck


Rose Ellen Hanson

Gladys Pool

Alene Fondren

Robbie Crisp




Willis Fitzgerald

Ralph Akin

Herbert Hiltpold

Della Sallas


Beatrice Pearson

Bonnie Hobbins

Beulah Faye Wilson

Louise Harvath

Turtle Bay


Lorene Beard

Dorothy Little

Norman Miller

Margaret Ressler


Ruby Smith

Morris Richardson

Citrus Grove


Billie Crabill




Oreula Socha

Ennis Clements

Ewing Martin


Laura Larsen

Thelma Williams

Leonard McGinnis

Lavada Whitley


Cedar Lane


Clara Froberg

Phillip Bowie

Melvin Eastman

Lettis Eastman

Frank Weathers



Beth Eisel

Ermine Harbison

Norman Carrick

Arthur Liggett

C. W. Boeker

Matagorda County School Annual, Vol. 2, 1930-31, October, 1930
Compliments of Superintendent Claire F. Pollard




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