Simpsonville Postoffice

Bay City, Tex., Oct. 21.--T. F. Dickert of Ashby brings the information that a postoffice has been opened up at Simpsonville, which station is marked by the big warehouse on the Simpson farm, and is now on the Collegeport extension, nine miles from Buckeye and seven from Collegeport.

Galveston Daily News, October 22, 1910


Mr. J. H. Knight took Miss Theresa Mann, Miss Lena Dickert and Mr. F. Kelly for a spin up to Beadle on his motor-car.

Mr. Fred Kelley of two miles below Citrusgrove came up to the Postoffice today.

Miss Lena Dickert came over to Simpsonville today.

Mr. T. F. Dickert went to Bay City on the St. L. B. & M. today to return tomorrow.

Mr. Hill of Col. Simpson's ranch near here, is going to plant quite a patch of peanuts for hog feed.

Colonel Simpson passed through in his auto today en route to Collegeport.

Quite a party of northern people in Hurd's car passed through en route to Collegeport and Citrusgrove last Friday and went back today.

The young people of Ashby and Simpsonville enjoyed a pleasant evening at an entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. H. McKissick last Friday night.

Mr. B. M. Cornor came in from Dallas, where he has been enjoying the honor of being best man at some of his friend's wedding.

Lester Marley was in Simpsonville today.

Some of the farmers are planting corn now.

Mr. West, agent for the Le Gear Stock Food Company spent the night at the Simpsonville hotel, last night.

We have another norther again, seems that our fruit will be damaged yet. 


The Matagorda County Tribune, March 3, 1911




[The paper had some damage over the first two entries one of which was about Joe Nicholson.]

We understand Mr. Hill has ordered a new buggy and as a secret, we will say that we don't think it is for his benefit alone.

Mr. J. E. Millard called today on his way to Citrusgrove.

Mr. Dickert and Hugh McKissick, each received a new corn planter last week and we think Mr. Dickert has all of his corn planted now.

N. K. McSparran and wife passed through Sunday en route to Collegeport.

Tom Gibson who is farming down on the new Hurd canal came over Sunday.

Bert Kelley and Johny Spoor of Citrusgrove came up to the office Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dorsey and little son came up to see Mrs. Dorsey's father, Mr. T. E. Dickert, they reside near Collegeport.

The blackbirds are pulling up the corn which has just come up, until the farmers have to shoot them to save their crops.

Melvin Spoor spent the evening at Simpsonville Sunday.

Miss T. F. Mann went to Citrusgrove today.

Miss Lena Dickert was a caller in the city today.

The young people of Ashby and Simpsonville enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar of Ashby. Refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Beadle of Beadle, were in the city today.

We are unformed that Col. Simpson is going to erect a cotton gin here in the near future.

All of his tenants are putting in some cotton.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 24, 1911


Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Connor of Dallas were visitors in the city today, taking the train for Dallas.

The Brownsville railroad claim agent came down some time ago to settle a claim against the road.

Some eighteen or twenty cars of cattle have been shipped into Ward Bros. in the last few days.

Colonel John Simpson was a visitor in the city today.

Miss Theresa Mann and sister went to Ashby Sunday to Sunday school and church.

F. W. Davis was a visitor in the city today.

Some of the farmers are planting cotton and rice now, for which we are having beautiful weather.

Mr. W. Hill has just got back from Temple, where he went to see his mother, who was very ill. We are glad to hear she is better now.

Miss Theresa Robinson of Wharton has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dixon for a few days.

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 14, 1911


Miss Elizabeth Halbert who has finished her school at Collegeport came up here last week to take charge of the summer term here.

Another train of some 24 cars of cattle were shipped in to Collegeport, passing here in the night.

The heavy rain Sunday night a week ago, did a good deal of damage in the community, ruining nearly everything except people and mules.

Miss Halbert and Miss Mann attended Sunday school at Ashby Sunday.

Fred Kelley and Joe Nicholson were visitors in our city Sunday.

Work is progressing nicely on the gin at this place, Mr. Johnston of El Campo being superintendent.

O. Finger, representing the Chicago Portrait company, registered at the Simpsonville Hotel on Monday.

Mr. G. W. Mann paid a business visit to Palacios last Saturday.

Misses Halbert and Mann drove to the old Pierce ranch house Monday.

Lena Dickert was a visitor in our city yesterday evening.

Irving Glasser and Vern Batchelder of Citrusgrove were visitors Thursday evening.

G. W. Mann went to Blessing Tuesday morning.

Mr. Beadle, manager for the Texas Irrigation company is having some work done on a canal on his farm, which broke rather badly, caused by the last flood.

The Matagorda County Tribune, May 12, 1911



Misses Halbert and Mann were visitors in Collegeport last Wednesday going down to attend the picnic, and dance in the evening.

A social was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie on Saturday evening, Misses Mann and Halbert, and Messrs. Spoor and Spoor, attending from this place, and spending a nice evening.

Leland Moran, who has been visiting his home in Mississippi, has returned to Texas once more, thereby showing the attractions Texas has for an exile.

Work on the gin at this place is progressing nicely but not so fast as it might owing to a shortage of labor. It will be completed within a few days, ready for the machinery to be installed.

Miss Mann paid a business visit to Ashby Monday evening.

Two of our boys went floundering last Saturday evening and came back with over fifty pounds of fish, some of them weighing four and five pounds.

We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. J. E. Millard and hope it is nothing serious.

Mr. F. Robinson went to Collegeport on Monday afternoon.

Col. John M. Simpson was a visitor in our city Sunday afternoon.

L. E. Beadle and son, Bill, were in the city yesterday.

Mrs. R. D. Dixon, was a visitor on Monday afternoon.

We are having beautiful weather and crops are growing and being planted at a great rate now. 


The Matagorda County Tribune, June 2, 1911


On December 3, 1912, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes, the father and mother of Mr. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rhodes, celebrated their golden wedding. A delightful luncheon was served, the table being laid with fourteen covers, and beautifully decorated with roses and ferns. Several useful and valuable presents were received, among which was a beautiful ring for "Grandma" as Mrs. Rhodes is known and called among her friends and relatives.

The old couple are very well and active to be as old as they are. Among those present were Mesdames Ernest Wiley, G. W. Mann and P. D. Wangemann, Messrs. Ernest Wiley, P. D. Wangemann, W. M. Hill, Gus Wangemann and G. W. Mann.

Mr. C. K. McCasland and family of Alvarado, Texas, are recent arrivals in our midst. Mr. McCasland will farm 250 acres of cotton and corn next year.

Joseph Woodsen and Mrs. Madge Porter went to Bay City some few days ago and were married. They will make their home here for the coming year.

Mr. Albert Price returned to his home in Alvarado Tuesday.

Mr. T. J. Dickert was a visitor to the county seat a few days ago.

Col. J. N. Simpson is having a great deal of repair work done on his farm now.

Nearly all of the farmers in this section are plowing now.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 16, 1912


Simpsonville Gin Busy
Has Turned Out Four Hundred and Fifty Bales to Date.

Col. John N. Simpson was in the city today from the Ferris & Simpson plantation at Simpsonville, where he is looking after the gathering of the fine cotton crop of that section. He stated that the gin at Simpsonville had already turned out 450 bales and would probably get as much as 1,000.

The Ferris & Simpson plantation has a good crop and will pay the owner between $25.00 and $40.00 an acre rent this year. Col. Simpson is well pleased with conditions this year in this county and says Matagorda County will have more money per capita this fall when the crop is gathered than any county in the State.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 13, 1918


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