Van Vleck News Items

               1910                 1911                1912               1915

Van Vleck Voice

Mrs. Marsten Johnson spent Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Walter Brown of Ashwood.


Mr. Allen O'Connell and family have moved to Mr. Rainey's place near Van Vleck.


Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Bush of Ashwood were visiting with friends at Gulf Tuesday.


Mrs. Ewing was at Wadsworth Saturday attending the county federation meeting.


Mr. Bickham was at Bay City a few days ago attending a county school board meeting.


The P. T. A. held its monthly meeting last Wednesday afternoon.


One of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bickham's little boys has been on the sick list, but is much better at the present.


Miss Margaret Gibson spent the week-end at the home of Miss Patterson at Matagorda.


Mr. and Mrs. H. Bickham were in Angleton Sunday, visiting with relatives.


Misses Viola Sansing and Thelma Byrd entertained the J. C. Penney clerks with a forty-two party Tuesday night at the Sansing home.


For unavoidable reasons, we have had to change the date of the coming play from December 12 to the 19th.


Our Wednesday morning chapel took a new turn this week. Miss Gibson's room gave us a good exhibition of physical culture stunts.


New pupils are being added to our rolls almost daily. The latest ones are Edith and Raymond Lacey and Ruby Vernon and Wilbur Ellis. There are several others whose names the writer cannot obtain at present.


Mrs. Ewing motored to Wharton Tuesday.

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, December 11, 1930


Van Vleck

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Northcutt of Needville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sansing Saturday.

Misses Jessie Richardson and Louise Coale of Baton Rouge, La. were guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. L. A. Bickham the first of the week, they having come to Houston for the Rice-L. S. U. football game.

Miss Euna Hooper of San Antonio is visiting the family of her brother-in-law, Mr. Bing Rainey.

Mr. Jim Whitten and daughter, Miss Faye Whitten and Mr. Ed Moore of Wharton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marston Johnson.

Mrs. Henry Hibler of El Campo has been the guest of Mrs. T. J. Ewing and also her son, Mr. Hank Hibler.

There will be a rally day program at the church Sunday at 3 o'clock. Rev. Cooke of Bay City will preach at four o'clock. Everyone is urged to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan O'Connell and sons, Dan and Allan Eugene have returned to their home in Pledger.

Mr. and Mrs. Lampton Bickham and son attended the Fort Bend County Fair Friday. Mrs. Bickham and Eugene remained with her parents in Richmond until Sunday.

Miss Thelma Byrd of Houston spent Sunday at the W. A. Thompson home.

Mrs. Melva Stone accompanied Mr. John Horn to the races at Richmond Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sansing Jr., and the new baby son returned to their home in Gulf Tuesday.

Mesdames Baxter, Lyda Moberly and Bedford of Matagorda spent Sunday with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown and family.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. B. O'Connell last Wednesday. Plans were made for an achievement day but were cancelled later owing to the illness of the pantry demonstrator, Mrs. Mike O'Connell. Those present were Mesdames W. C. Sansing, S. P. Johnson, Philip Johnson, P. B Scogin, F. H. Mahon, Henry Lane, Henry Johnson, Collins, Mrs. Mack Brown. A new member, Mrs. L. A. Bickham and Mrs. Hoffman a visitor.

The Home Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at the church instead of Monday owing to the circus. The Sunday school lesson was studied with Mrs. L. L. Bickham, leader. Plans were made for the rally day Sunday. The missionary society meets at the church each Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 4, 1931

Van Vleck

Mrs. McFarren and little daughter and Mr. Jesse Mays of Lolita visited the Rainey family Sunday. They were accompanied home by Miss Ellen Mays who had spent two weeks with friends in Van Vleck.


Mrs. Mary Gibson, Miss Frankie Gibson and Mr. Kenneth Middleton, were visitors to Houston Friday.


Mrs. Frank Carr of Bay City spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with her friend Mrs. Mike O'Connell.


Mr. and Mrs. Carol Cookenboo of Gulf visited Mr. and Mrs. Marston Johnson Saturday evening.


Mrs. Bart Morrow and children of Bay City spent Friday with Mrs. P. B. Scogin.


Miss Barbara Rainey is in Freeport helping care for her little nephew, Rainey Ertel who has been seriously ill with intestinal flu.


Mrs. Nora O'Connell of Houston spent the week-end with her children and grandchildren here.


Mrs. Royder and Miss Thelma Byrd of Houston spent the week-end in the Thomasson home.


Mr. and Mrs. William Sansing and Junior spent the week-end at the home of his parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Houston Bickham and sons of Bay City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rugeley and Thomas and Betty.


Mrs. Cousins and Jack and Betty visited relatives in Van Vleck Saturday.


Mr. Clyde Northcutt of Needville was a caller at the Sansing home on Sunday.


Doctor Storey preached a fine sermon to the Van Vleck congregation Sunday afternoon.


Mrs. W. F. Fondren is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rodney Matthews at Lukefahr.


Mr. Cecil Rainey of West Columbia is visiting relatives here.


Misses Juanita and Gwendolyn Osborn, Nell Ellis and Messrs. Warren Pool and Graham Osborn of Magnet spent Sunday at the Mike O'Connell home.


The Luna family who have been living in the old Thomasson home, have moved to Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Strickland and family have moved into the house vacated by them.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, January 26, 1933


Van Vleck

Mr. Cal Rainey was a visitor to Houston Wednesday.

Mr. Douglas Shiver of Richmond, visited in Van Vleck Thursday. His sister, Mrs. L. L. Bickham and little son returned to Richmond with him. Mr. Bickham went to Richmond after them Sunday afternoon.

Miss Viola Sansing and Mr. Clyde Northcutt were Houston visitors on Saturday. Miss Thelma Byrd returned to Van Vleck with them for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown and two little boys of Bay City spent the day with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. McMahon, Thursday.

Mrs. Jones Slone and Mr. Eugene Price came over from Houston for the week-end at the Ewing home.

Reverend McCary preached an inspiring sermon to the little Van Vleck congregation Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott and James, came down Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were joined here by Mrs. L. A. Bickham and Mr. Herbert Bickham on a trip to Taft and the Rio Grande Valley.

Mr. Alex Kalesnickovjc of West Columbia visited in the Rainey home Thursday evening.

Mrs. Bart Morrow and children of Bay City visited in Van Vleck Wednesday afternoon.

Members of the 4-H Club and several grown-ups spent a pleasant day in Houston Saturday taking in the Fat Stock Show and sightseeing.  Mr. Brown took them over on his school bus. Those enjoying this trip were Prof. A. D. Thompson, Mrs. Daisy Cartwright, Mrs. Cal Rainey, Mr. Walter Brown, Margery Mae and George Robert Brown, Ira Lawrence, Rosa Lee and Billie Gernand, Ruth Rainey, Mildred Walker, Katherine, Sinna, Jane and Johnnie Hansen, Edna Mae and Archie Orsak, Vera Walker, Fisher Smith, Jr., Rosa Lee Reed, Ruby South, Pat Hubbard and Nick Cooke.

Mr. R. F. Faickney and Mr. James Berryhill of Angleton were visitors here Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Sansing and Junior of Gulf spent the week-end at the Sansing home.

Mr. Warren Pool of Magnet visited friends in Van Vleck the past week.

Miss Gwendolyn Osborne of Magnet spent Sunday night and Monday at the Milton O’Connell home.

The Parent Teachers held their March meeting at the schoolhouse on Wednesday at four o’clock. There were eleven members present and much interest was shown in the meeting. A social was planned for Friday night, March 10. Let’s forget the depression and all gather at the schoolhouse Friday night and have a jolly good time. There will be a short program, declamations, songs and rhythm band, games for those who care to take part and don’t forget the “eats.” Coffee, hot chocolate, cake, and pies will be sold the proceeds will be used for the rhythm band. No admission will be charged.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomasson and children visited in the Fondren home Sunday.

Master Kenneth O’Connell entertained a few friends Monday afternoon the occasion being his sixth birthday. After the little folks had played several jolly games they were refreshed with punch, cookies and angel food cake. Those present were Mrs. Philip Johnson and Colleen and Phyllis, Mrs. W. O. Strickland and Dorothy, Jimmy “Cooter,” Bobby and Billie, Carol Jean Stephenson, Mrs. Lee Rugeley and Betty and Thomas, Mrs. B. O’Connell and Dorothy Burt and Ray, Mrs. L. L. Bickham and Eugene, Misses Barbara, Elsie and Ruth Rainey, Billie Rainey, “Buddy” O’Connell, Mrs. Ed O’Connell and the small host.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 9, 1933

Van Vleck

Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Anderson of Houston spent Sunday with the family of Mrs. John Anderson's sister, Mrs. F. H. McMahon.

Mr. Robert Rainey, with the tree army at Oakhurst, spent the weekend with homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomasson and family have moved to Houston. We regret to lose these good people from our midst. Little Miss Mary Ola is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fondren until after county meet.

Messrs. Otis Bickham and Robert Rainey were visitors to Palacios Saturday night.

Mesdames Orie Couvillion and Lampton Bickham spent from Friday until Sunday night in Houston. Little Eugene Bickham stopped over with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shiver in Richmond.

Messrs. Bell Scogin and Pinkie Fondren were visitors to Houston Thursday going to help move the Thomassons.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bickham and children have moved to Bay City.

The canning club met in a called meeting at the home of Mrs. McMahon Tuesday of last week. Many important matters were brought up and the year books partly filled in also budget cards. The next meeting will be with Mrs. S. P. Johnson on Wednesday, March 14. Mrs. Sides will be present.

Palacios Beacon, March 15, 1934

Van Vleck

Mr. Elliott Johnson of Houston visited relatives here Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. S. P. Johnson and Mrs. F. H. McMahon accompanied Mrs. Pat Brown of Newgulf to Houston Tuesday. Mrs. McMahon remained for a week's visit with relatives there.

Mrs. C. L. Varnell of Houston is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Orrie Couvillion this week.

Mr. J. H. Berryhill and Miss Emma Lou of Angleton were brief visitors in Van Vleck Sunday afternoon bringing Mrs. H. L. Bickham and sons who had spent the week-end with them, home.

Mrs. A. W. Raching spent Friday in Houston.

Mrs. Mary Elliott, Mrs. Frank Elliott and Miss Cecile Ray of Glen Flora were brief visitors at the home of Mrs. L. A. Bickham Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. B. O'Connell and children visited old friends in Gulf one night last week.

Mrs. Nora O'Connell, Mrs. Lyle Royder and Miss Thelma Byrd of Houston spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Nora O'Connell accompanied them to Houston for a week's visit.

Mr. Herschel Franks of Freeport, spent the week-end at the Bing Rainey home.

Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Couvillion spent several days in Houston last week.

Mrs. L. L. Bickham and Eugene spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents in Richmond. Mr. Douglas Shivers brought them home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Barbara Rainey is visiting her sister in Freeport.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orrell of Ashwood spent the day in the McMahon home Sunday.

The entertainment given at the schoolhouse Friday night for the benefit of the P. T. A. was a grand success. The auditorium was packed. Over forty dollars was realized in the sale of cake, candy, punch, white elephants and donations. The program consisted of choral singing, rhythm band, declamations, dancing and a mock wedding acted out by the ladies of the P. T. A. and a number of children.

The P. T. A. wishes to thank all who helped to make this affair a success. Especially do we thank the people of Newgulf who brought their talented little girls to dance for us. Their acts were greatly enjoyed by everyone. We also thank all the candidates and others who helped us so generously.

The young folks enjoyed a small dance at the O'Connell home Thursday evening. Music was furnished by a Victrola.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 29, 1934

Van Vleck

Mr. A. W. Bickham of Memphis, Tenn., came in Saturday night for a two weeks visit with homefolks. He came in his car and made the trip in nineteen hours.

Miss Elsie Rainey and Mr. Howard Guest of Freeport spent the weekend at the Rainey home.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Brown of Newgulf spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thompson stopped for a brief visit at the Marston Johnson home Sunday enroute to their home in Francitas from Houston. We are glad Mrs. Thompson is able to return home after spending several months in a convalescent home in Houston. Mrs. Marston Johnson accompanied them home for a two weeks stay.

Mr. and Mrs. B. O'Connell and children, Dorothy, Burt and Ray visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herschap and twin babies in Gulf one evening last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sansing and sons were weekend visitors in the Sansing home.

Mr. A. W. Bickham of Memphis, Tenn., Mr. Herbert Bickham and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orrell left Tuesday morning for Leaky where they will spend several days hunting. They will be guests of Mr. Orrell's parents.

G. A. Beauseau is spending today, Wednesday, in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Houston Bickham and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bickham and children spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. A. Bickham.

Mrs. Nora O'Connell has returned to Houston after a week's visit with relatives here and at Pledger.

Mrs. Mike O'Connell spent several days with Mrs. Frank Carr in Bay City last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Reinhart of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boyd were Van Vleck visitors Sunday.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. W. C Sansing Wednesday. Mrs. Sides was present and gave very instructive demonstrations on making cheese and peanut butter. She also told how to can pecans. The election of officers was postponed until Friday of this week when there will be a called meeting at the home of Mrs. Mack Brown. Those attending were Mesdames S. P. Johnson, F. H. McMahon, E. Harmon, Philip Johnson, B. O'Connell, Mack Brown, Sides and Sansing.

The Home Mission Society met with Mrs. Sansing Tuesday. Clothes were mended for the needy of our community.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 22, 1934



The Girl in the Fur Coat, a home talent play, will be presented at the school auditorium Friday night. Admission ten and twenty-five cents. Everybody come for an evening of good entertainment.


Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Bickham and Ben of Taft spent Friday night with his mother, Mrs. L. A. Bickham. They left early Saturday morning for a visit to relatives in Washington Parish, La. They were accompanied to Louisiana by their sister, Mrs. Frank Elliottt of Glen Flora.


Miss Eloise Fondren has returned home after a lengthy stay in Houston.


Miss Barbara Rainey spent several days in West Columbia with relatives the past week.


Mr. A. W. Bickham left Saturday morning for his home in Memphis, Tenn., after a two week's visit with relatives here. He was accompanied to Hope, Ark. by Mrs. Cassidy.


Mrs. J. W. Spring is visiting her daughters in Houston.


Mr. and Mrs. Nisely and children of Houston spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Allan O'Connell and children of Pledger spent Thanksgiving at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Connell.


Messrs. Weems Bickham of Memphis, Tenn. and Herbert Bickham attended the races at Epsom Downs Wednesday. They were accompanied to Houston by Messrs. A. Crist and Cal Rainey.


Mesdames Crist and Mary Gibson were Palacios visitors Tuesday.


A sumptuous turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed at the Bickham home Thanksgiving by the following: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shiver of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berryhill and Emma Lou of Angleton; Mr. A. W. Bickham of Memphis, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bickham and sons and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bickham and children of Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Connell and sons; Mr. and Mrs. B. O'Connell and children; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham and son, Herbert and Otis Bickham and Mrs. L. A. Bickham. Mrs. Lee Rugeley and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orrel were after dinner guests.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, December 6, 1934


Play At Van Vleck

By popular demand, the home talent play, "The Girl in the Fur Coat" will be presented again at the Van Vleck school auditorium Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Don't miss seeing Nifty Nun, the actress help the Lee family out of a bad situation and keeping the villain from eloping with their daughter. Pete the hired man played by Andy Beauseau will keep you amused all during the play. Cast of characters are Nifty Nun, Eva Smith; Silas Lee, Boyd O'Connell; Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Ewing; Bob Lee, Otis Bickham; Hettie Lee, Frances McMahon; Pete Denny, G. A. Beauseau; Maggie Nails, Melva Stone; Mrs. Nails, Barbara Rainey; Judge Maynard, Pinkie Fondren; Roger Devake, Doc O'Connell; Mrs. Devake, Frankie Gilbert. Admission 10 and 25c

Matagorda County Tribune, December 13, 1934

Van Vleck

Mr. and Mrs. William Sansing and sons of Gulf spent a few days at the Sansing home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fussell and daughter Gerry and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fussell and daughter Loma Lee of Lissie visited their aunt, Mrs. L. A. Bickham and other relatives Sunday afternoon.

Mr. G. A. Beauseau visited in Schulenburg and Houston the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Lyda Moberly, Mrs. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patterson and Ocsar Rucks Moberly all of Matagorda.

Mr. Howard Guest of Freeport spent the week-end at the George Rainey home.

Mr. Buddy Ammann of Schulenburg spent Saturday and Sunday at the Gibson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson and Colleen spent Friday in Houston.

Van Vleck won many honors in county meet in Bay City, They won nine first places among them being spelling IV and V Dorothy O'Connell and Bernice Collins. Spelling VI and VII Geraldine Crist and Eleanor Petrosky. Arithmetic, Willie Orsak and Liddie Gregurek. Picture memory, Rose Collins and Gertrude Jurek. Junior boys declamation, Dewell Richardson. Senior girls declamation, Willie Orsak. Ready writers contest, Willie Orsak. Girls playground ball and choral singing.

Van Vleck also won boys playground gall. Third places 100 yard dash Nick Cook; 440 yard relay Nick Cocke, Bennie Sliva, Bert Head, Woodrow Gernand. Chinning, Bennie Sliva and girls volley ball.

In literary events Van Vleck won a total of 115 points and in arithmetic a total of 30 points making a grand total of 145 points toward county championship in the rural division.

After the regular meeting of the evening club at the McMahon home Wednesday afternoon a miscellaneous shower was given for Miss Eloise Rainey who is to be married to Mr. Howard Guest of Freeport the 30th of March. Many beautiful and useful presents were received by the bride. Dainty refreshments were served to a large group of friends.

Billie Rainey is improving after a long siege of illness.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 21, 1935

Van Vleck

Mr. S. P. Johnson was honored with a delightful birthday dinner by his wife and children last Wednesday. Thirty or more of his relatives and some friends made the day a happy one for him, and all who attended a grand dinner followed by ice cream and cake in the afternoon, with many lovely gifts for the honor guest.

Miss Gladys Sansing went to the Texas Centennial in Dallas last week on the special car from Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Markerel and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Blackshire and mother motored to Palacios Monday evening.

Rev. Mason filled our pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Rev. Deutsch. He brought us a wonderful message from Mark 10th chapter.

Mr. and Mrs. Buster Mays have gone to Houston where Mr. Mays has gone to work.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMahon were visiting in Van Vleck Sunday.

Mr. Douglas Shiver, accompanied by his wife and mother, visited in the home of his sister, Mrs. L. L. Bickham, the week end.

We are mighty glad to see a new roof going up on our Presbyterian Church here. Also some other repairs, including a flue.

We are glad to report that Mrs. M. Johnson, who is in the Newgulf hospital for an operation, is doing well and will soon be home again.

Mrs. S. P. Johnson and Mrs. Mack Brown visited the Pat Browns in Newgulf Monday, also Mrs. Marston Johnson, who is in the hospital there.

Mr. and Mrs. James Berryhill were over from Freeport Sunday, visiting home folks.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 27, 1935

Van Vleck

Mrs. L. L. Bickham and son, Eugene, spent last week in Houston visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Shiver.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Connell and sons spent Sunday in Bay City with her sister, Mrs. Doc O'Connell.

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hood of San Antonio, spent the week end with relatives.

Mrs. Joe Patterson, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. McNabb and Katherine Lawhon of Matagorda, spent Saturday with Mrs. Mack Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. William Sansing and children of Gulf, visited Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. C. Sansing.

Mr. and Mrs. Sol McGee of Newgulf visited Mr. and Mrs. Marston Johnson.

A crowd or relatives of Mrs. McNabb's from Matagorda came to Mrs. Mack Brown's and gave Mrs. McNabb a surprise for her birthday Monday evening, a lovely supper and many beautiful gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams, Mrs. Nora O'Connell and Frances McMahon spent the week end in Van Vleck visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Berryhill and son of Port Sulphur, La., arrived last Thursday to spend some ten days here and in Angleton visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Frankie Gibson, who is attending school in Houston, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Gibson, and grandmother, Mrs. B. Crist.

Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Hammond of Sweeny, are the proud parents of a fine girl, born Saturday night. Mrs. Hammond is well known as Alene Fondren, and they are at present here with her parents. Both mother and baby are doing fine.

Mrs. E. O'Connell and Mrs. Allan O'Connell were hostess to a delightful party last Friday afternoon, honoring their youngest sons on their birthday. Two huge birthday cakes, adorned with tiny candles and dishes of brick ice cream made the afternoon complete.

Mr. Andy Baseau and Mrs. Ammon, of Schulenburg, visited his mother, Mrs. Ben Gibson, Tuesday evening.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 30, 1936

Van Vleck

In a contest through the summer months of our Sunday School, between the reds and blues for the best attendance, the reds won out and the blues entertained them with a delightful picnic at LeTulle Park last Friday afternoon, August 28th.

Some thirty-five or forty of our Sunday School were there to enjoy the delicious sandwiches and cookies galore and the refreshing iced drink. When dark drove us home, all were wishing they might stay longer in that lovely shady, cool park


As Rev. Odis Rainer was busy in a meeting last Sunday at Sweeny, Rev. Engle, of Bay City, filled our pulpit and gave us a fine message on "The Good Samaritan."

Mrs. Admel Ellgey and her mother, Mrs. Prudot, of New Orleans, visited in the home of Mrs. McMahon last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fondren have visiting them this week, their daughters, Eloise, who is nursing in Memorial Hospital in Houston; and Mrs. Aline Hammon and baby, of Sweeny.

Billie Rainey, who is now working in Houston, spent several days with the homefolks this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey have moved back to Van Vleck.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lockwood are visiting in Van Vleck this week; also, their brother, Tom Rainey of Beaumont, was here for a few days.

We are glad to have school open again and see the youngsters stirring out.

Mrs. Mack Brown was very happily surprised Tuesday evening when several car loads of Matagorda folks came to give her a birthday surprise. They enjoyed a jolly good time and brought many lovely gifts.

Don't forget our canning club Achievement Day next Monday, our 4th anniversary.

The pantry at Mrs. W. A. Fondren's; the bedroom at Mrs. Allen O'Connell's and and the new yard at Mrs. L. L. Bickham's.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 10, 1936

Party At Van Vleck

The Van Vleck Home Demonstration Club entertained with a delightful party Thursday night at the hospitable Ewing home, complimenting the cast of the negro minstrel given for the benefit of the club.

An interesting program was carried out during the evening. It consisted of games, a burlesque of a club meeting, songs by the group, a duet by Dorothy and Dan O'Connell, and a solo by Otis Bickham. After a most pleasant evening, refreshments of sandwiches, cakes and orangeade were served to the following: Mesdames Mack Brown, W. C Sansing, Ed O'Connell, Calvin Baker, Lee Rugeley, Leola Cox Sides, Ward, Philip Johnson, William Hetchler, W. A. Skorkowsky and A. Crist.

Misses Gladys Sansing, Elizabeth McMahon, Geraldine Crist and Dorothy O'Connell; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham, Mr. and Mrs. B. O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ewing and Messrs. Bud Osborn, Herbert and Otis Bickham, Pinkie Fondren and Dan O'Connell

Matagorda County Tribune, October 15, 1936

Van Vleck

The cottage of Carrol Cookenboo, who lives in Newgulf, is nearing completion and we expect a new neighbor soon.

Mrs. W. A. Fondren is spending the week in Houston with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Thomasson.

Mrs. L. A. Bickham, Otis Bickham and Mrs. Ed O'Connell and Mrs. Dock O'Connell and children all motored to Houston last Saturday.

Mrs. L. Herman and Mrs. M. Sherrer and Miss Margaret Gibson spent Saturday in Houston.

Those attending the County Federation at Wadsworth from Van Vleck were Mrs. Phillip Johnson, Mrs. F. H. McMahon, Mrs. T. Ewing, Mrs. G. Laurance and Mrs. Calvin Baker and our teachers.

Mrs. B. Mays of Houston, and Mrs. Lytte of Corpus Christi, are visiting their father, Mr. George Rainey, here.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guest and baby daughter visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Morrow, Sunday.

Owen Brown of Mathis, is visiting among friends here.

Miss Gladys Sansing, one of our attractive young girls, surprised her friends last Saturday evening when she and Bud Osburn were quietly married in Bay City with Rev. Odis Rainer officiating. This happy young couple will make their home in Bay City, where Gladys is employed by the Texas Natural Gas Utilities, and Mr. Osborn works in the sulphur plant at Boling. Their many friends join in wishing them much happiness and success in life.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Baker of Pledger, visited in Van Vleck Sunday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 24, 1936

Van Vleck
By Dorothy O'Connell

Mrs. Nora O'Connell and Misses Nora Nell Johnson and Frances McMahon of Houston spent the weekend here with relatives.

Daniel Becker of Ellinger is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudd.

Miss Geraldine Crist is visiting in Georgia with relatives.

Mrs. Lyda Moberley of Matagorda is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mack Brown and family.

There have been several cases of measles of town. Those who have them are: Bobby Brown, Marjorie Guttenberger, and Louise Head. We wish them all a speedy recovery.

A number of the young people enjoyed a weiner roast at the beach Saturday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.. E. Rudd, Misses Nora Nell Johnson, Frances McMahon, Dorothy O'Connell, Dorcile Caraway and Celestine Caraway; Messrs. Otis Bickham, Boyd O'Connell, Daniel Becker and Mack Neal Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham and Eugene went to Cuero last week.

We are very sorry that the Hoppe family has been so ill. We hope they will all soon be well again.

A large number of folks from here have been attending the softball games in Bay City.

Mrs. Maggie Hart is spending awhile with her nephew, Mr. Walter Brown, and family in Ashwood.

Miss Agnes Muriel Cooke visited her pupil Dorothy O'Connell Thursday afternoon.

Mesdames T. L. Rugeley, Ed O'Connell, B. O'Connell and Nancy Sue, L. L. Bickham, Herbert Bickham, Houston Bickham and Bryan Bickham and children, Lane and Lois, attended a party at their sister's house, Mrs. Frank Elliott, in Glen Flora, Friday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Elliott's new daughter-in-law, Mrs. James Elliott, nee Miss Lucile Reed.

The Van Vleck missionary ladies were hostesses the past Wednesday to the Methodist Zone of this district. The school auditorium and home economics department were tastefully decorated for the occasion. A delicious lunch was served to the visitors and a large number of homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown and sons, Mack Neal, Bobby and Wayne, are moving to Rosenberg this week. Mr. Brown works at Orchard. We are sorry to lose the Brown family but with them the best of luck in their new home.

Building is still going on in Van Vleck. Mr. and Mrs. Rudd's new home is coming along fine. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham are adding a sleeping porch to their home and Mr. and Mrs. McMahon have a new roof on their home and a double garage.

Newspaper unknown, June 13, 1940

Van Vleck

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sansing went to Houston Tuesday where he had his regular checkup with his doctor.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas and sons of Port Arthur spent the weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Mary Gibson came home with them after spending some time in Port Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wood of Shreveport, La., Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Evaritt of Eagle Lake and their daughter, Miss Marjorie Evaritt of Houston visited their cousin, Mrs. L. A. Bickham and family Sunday.

Harry Stafford has reenlisted in the Army and is at San Antonio awaiting assignment.

Many from Van Vleck attended graduation exercises in Bay City Thursday night. Mrs. L. A. Bickham and most of the members of her family, also E. Rudd and Dan O'Connell enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bickham after the graduation honoring their twin sons Clifford and Robert who were members of the graduating class.

Bridal Shower

Mrs. Joe Richardson and Mrs. Bouldin O'Connell assisted by Mrs. Herbert Bickham, Mrs. Jim Blair, Mrs. Harry Stafford and others entertained with a lovely tea shower honoring Miss Hazel Richardson whose marriage to Otis Bickham will be an event of Sunday June 2nd. The school auditorium was tastefully decorated with beautiful flowers. About seventy guests were present and honoree received a lovely array of gifts. Many gifts were sent by friends who could not be present. There were gifts of almost every thing, linens, aluminum. Many of the bride's chosen pattern of pieces of silver and china. Delicious refreshments of punch, chicken sandwiches, snacks and cookies were served.

Among the guests from out of town were: Mrs. E. L. Sewell and Mrs. Jack Marshall from Angleton, Mrs. Will Cornelius of Markham and a large number from Bay City.

Daily Tribune, May 30, 1946

Van Vleck News

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson and family had for their guests of the weekend, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones of Huntsville and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jones and little daughter Sandra of Pasadena. Also their daughter of Miss Colleen Johnson of Houston. Mrs. Jones Sr. remained here for a longer visit.

Mrs. August Raching went to Houston Friday for a checkup with her doctor and to visit friends. Arthur Frank and a friend brought her home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Heince Thomas and sons of Port Arthur spent the weekend with homefolks here. They were accompanied to Houston by Mrs. Mary Gibson.

Van Vleck relatives and friend are glad to know Mrs. Wilma Bickham is recovering nicely after undergoing a major operation at the Matagorda Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rice of Houston spent several days here visiting his sister, Mrs. James Rainey and family recently.

Mrs. S. P. Johnson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Marston Johnson to El Campo Friday where she visited relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Boyd O'Connell were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bickham in Bay City Sunday night.

Rev. H. Goodman filled his bi-monthly appointment at the Van Vleck church Sunday with a very good sermon. Dr. Harry Rankin will be present next Sunday.

Herbert and Burt O'Connell and Maurice Bickham attended the football game in Freeport Friday night.

Daily Tribune, September 19, 1946

Van Vleck News

Mrs. Foraee Allen of Dallas and Mrs. Birdie Jones of Houston have returned to their homes after a few days visit with their niece, Mrs. H. R. Bickham and family and Mr. F. H. McMahan. Mr. McMahan spent Sunday in Houston and brought them to Van Vleck.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoppe entertained with a turkey dinner on Sunday Sept. 1st honoring the return of their three sons from the armed forces. Those present to enjoy the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe were Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hoppe from Industry, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoppe and two children from Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoppe and two little sons of Van Vleck.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Middleton and little son of Pasadena spent several days the past week visiting Mrs. Mary Gibson and Mrs. Birdie Crist also the A. J. Crist family. They have recently moved back to Texas from Oklahoma.

Mrs. Paul Laacke and Jack Cousins were down from El Campo Sunday afternoon visiting their grandmother, Mrs. S. P. Johnson and other relatives. Mrs. Laacke was before her marriage last week Miss Betty Lou Cousins.

Rev. Luke Bolin delivered a good sermon to the Van Vleck congregation Sunday afternoon.

The Van Vleck school cafeteria opened Monday. Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. H. Guest and Mrs. Curtis Reed are in charge. Almost a hundred children and teachers are availing themselves of the opportunity of getting a hot lunch for a small charge.

Mrs. Pat Brown of Newgulf spent one day last week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. S. P. Johnson and Mr. Johnson.

Daily Tribune, December 12, 1946

Van Vleck

Mrs. M. C. Sims, Mrs. Nora O'Connell and Mrs. Roscoe Sansing went to Houston Wednesday to meet Mrs. Sims' Mother, Mrs. McCullough of Eufala, Oklahoma. She will spend sometime with Mrs. Sims and family.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudd spent the Easter vacation with his parents in East Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott and little daughter Mary Ellen of Newgulf visited Van Vleck relatives Monday.

Mrs. Roy B. Oakes and little son of Houston spent last week visiting her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Ewing. Mr. Oakes was down for the weekend.

Miss Colleen Johnson of Houston spent the weekend with home folks in Van Vleck.

Mrs. James Berryhill and Roy and Anna Sue of Angleton and Miss Frances McMahon of Houston were Easter guests of their father, Mr. F. H. McMahon and sister, Mrs. Herbert Bickham and family.

Miss Nora Nell Johnson of Houston spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Nora O'Connell.

Miss Ethel McNeil of Houston was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guest.

Mr. and Mrs. Marston Johnson went to Pine Bluff, Arkansas last week to visit relatives.

Mr. Walter H. Jarrell of Louise and Mrs. Irene Pierce of Ganado visited his niece, Mrs. Mary Gibson Sunday.

Miss Margaret Anne Riley of Glenflora was a Van Vleck visitor Sunday.

Mrs. Garland Richardson of Galveston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Coston Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harvey of Bay City visited with relatives here Sunday.

Mrs. Em O'Connell and Mrs. Allen O'Connell went to Pasadena Tuesday afternoon to get Mrs. Claud Johnson and Betty Sue and Mary Ann of San Antonio. They were visiting relatives there and will spend a few days with Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. O'Connell.

Mrs. L. A. Bickham, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham and son Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bickham and Mrs. B. O'Connell and Ray and Nancy Sue attended the barbecue at the Grisham home Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Rachuig of Van Vleck also attended the barbecue.

Rev. Billy Norton who is studying for the ministry at Baylor preached a good sermon to a large audience Sunday afternoon in the Van Vleck Church. He was taking the place of Rev. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Norton and Miss Dickey attended the services.

The Van Vleck basket ball boys were honorees Wednesday night at a banquet given by the school Board and teachers. A delicious menu of fried chicken and the trimmings was served.

School turned out Wednesday noon in Van Vleck for the Easter vacation. Most of the rooms had picnics and egg hunts.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Northcutt and children of Newgulf visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sansing, Easter.

Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. James Reed of Corpus Christi were weekend visitors of his grandparents and other relatives here.

Mrs. T. L. Rugeley and Herbert Bickham were reelected in the school trustee election held here Saturday. Dean O'Brien and Mike Westbrook were defeated

Mrs. Bill Wernley has been in the sick list for several days.

Tribune, April 10, 1947

Van Vleck News

Lane Bickham, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bickham, arrived home last week from Korea. He has received his discharge from the Army and will attend Texas University this fall.

Gary O'Connell recently received his discharge from the army. He spent most of his two years service in Fort Bliss in El Paso. He is a student at Texas University working for his Masters degree.

John Tyrell of the U. S. M. C., stationed at Oceanside, Calif., is spending a leave with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudd. John's parents live in Lima, Peru.

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Rugeley and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bickham and children visited Thomas Rugeley at the Veterans Hospital in Houston Sunday.

Miss Leah Harrington is visiting her aunt in Nacogdoches.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jecmenek and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Monk are in Lubbock for the coaches' school.

Eugene Bickham of McCamey, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham last week.

Mr. and Ray O'Connell left Sunday for a vacation trip to Denver, Colo., and other points of interest.

The young peoples class of the Van Vleck Methodist Church enjoyed a picnic and swim at Matagorda beach Monday night followed by a party at the H. R. Bickham home. Fifteen members and guests were present.

Mrs. E. C. Moore and Mrs. Wyatt Ashcraft complimented the James Rainey family with a house warming party in their new home Friday evening. A large number of friends and relatives were present including Mr. Rainey's sister, Mrs. Buster Mays and Mr. Mays from Bloomington.

The W. S. C. S. of the Van Vleck Methodist Church had a social meeting in the home of Mrs. James Rainey, president, Wednesday night. Eighteen members and guests were present.

Elby Hanna of the U. S. Navy stationed at San Diego, Calif., is visiting his mother Mrs. Ray Norman and all the family.

The Mallard family enjoyed a reunion at the Harry Mallard home Saturday evening. Those present besides the Harry Mallard family were their mother, Mrs. Mulligan from Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mallard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bowman of Bay City, Mrs. Dulcie Christian from Odessa and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cox of Bay City.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 9, 1956

Van Vleck, Sugar Valley, Ashwood News
Mrs. Geo. Walker

The Baptist Church will begin a youth revival Sunday, August 26th, with Brother Dale Pruett doing the preaching each evening. The young people will be in charge during the entire week. Services will begin each evening at 7:30.

Thomas Rugeley has come home from the V. A. hospital for a 10 day stay.

Eugene Bickham from McCamey is spending a few days with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bickham.

Gary Garner is home again. After spending a good part of his summer vacation with his grandparents in Henderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Walker had as house guest during the week Mr. and Mrs. Val Polk of Abilene and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Comfort of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Barber and sons have returned home from their vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vos have moved into their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ballinger and family have returned home after touring much of the United States.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Walker had their son, Charlie, and his family from Houston over the weekend. Their daughter from Lake Charles, La., was down also.

George Henry Walker and David Lee McCullough had visiting with them the past week, their cousin Wilson Beavers.

Bobby and Jimmy Brown have visiting with them their cousin, Alice Ann Woolsey of Lubbock.

Nona Jo Sansing has Diane Fletcher of Houston, visiting her for a few days.

Daily Tribune, August 17, 1956

Van Vleck - Sugar Valley News
By Mrs. Ed O'Connell

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler spent the weekend in Corpus Christi and Mexico.

Mrs. R. L. Massey and daughter Bobbie of Houston spent the weekend with Mrs. Massey's daughter and family, the Allen E. O'Connell's.

Mr. Victor Yeager of Bryan was visiting his sister and husband, the E. Rudds over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jung and children and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Matthews, all of Houston spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Matthews.

Mrs. Nora O'Connell left Sunday to spend a week with relatives in San Antonio.

Our deepest sympathy goes to Jack King in the sudden death of his father, who passed away at his home at Old Ocean Sunday.

Bay City News, April 23, 1958

Van Vleck To Have Faculty Of 36 For 1956-57 School Year

There are 36 members of the faculties of the schools of the Van Vleck Independent School District, including 11 at the Van Vleck High School, and nine at the elementary school. There are 16 instructors at Herman Colored Schools.

School Superintendent in William R. Dendy.

Faculty of Van Vleck High School is

Tom Ellisor, principal
Mrs. Mary Maxted, English
Miss Sue Pruitt, commercial
Mrs. Catherine King, home economics
Mrs. Mary E. Hurst, math
Hayden Ellisor, vocational agriculture
Troy Monk, teacher-coach
Eddie Jecmenek, teacher-coach
Miss Joan Mauras, girl's physical education
J. W. Einkauf, public school music
R. P. Curtis, band

At the Van Vleck Elementary School there are

E. J. Christian, principal
Mrs. Mae Ellisor
Mrs. R. F. Curtis
Mrs. Faye Vos
Mrs. Ruth Gray
Mrs. Sadie Montague
Mrs. Modena Buckley
Mrs. Dorothy Currie
Mack King


There are nine teachers at Herman Colored Elementary School including

Leola Boone
Luella Boone
Maxine Hubert
Erma Jackson
Sophie Sidney
Polly Stratton
Harold Williams
Joel Williams
William Singletary, band


Herman High School

Hal Robbins, Jr., principal
Bettie Booker
Cunnie Brooks
Azee Caldwell
Franklin Caviel
Margaret Giles
Wilhelm Williams

Matagorda County Tribune, August 23, 1956

Van Vleck Doings
By "Milly"

L. L. McDonald of LaPorte, former Van Vleck school principal, was visiting old friends here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mayfield of Austin, visited her sister Mrs. P. B. Scogin, Friday.

Mrs. Nora O'Connell was in Houston Friday for the funeral of S. I. Gawlik was the former Lucile Bamba, an old-time resident of Van Vleck.

A/C Lester Callaway of Harlingen AFB spent part of the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Callaway. A New Years visitor in the Callaway home was Miss Penny Stamps of San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ashcraft of Houston visited Mrs. A. W Rachuig Tuesday.

Mrs. Harry Stafford and three sons left Monday for Biloxi, Miss. after a holiday visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O'Connell. They were accompanied by their grand mother Mrs. Nora O'Connell who will spend sometime with them.

42 Party

Mr. and Mrs. Bickham and Mrs. T. L. Rugeley entertained a few friends and relatives with a progressive 42 party Friday night in the Bickham home. Mrs. Pruett Farris received high score for the ladies and James Rainey for the men. Mrs. Billy Brown and B. L. Bickham were low.

Refreshments of coffee, hot chocolate and cookies were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Finster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudd, Mr. and Mrs. "Gabe" Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. Truett Farris, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brown, Mrs. Ed O'Connell, Mrs. Doc O'Connell, Mrs. Harry Stafford, H. R. Bickham, Otis Bickham, Boyd O'Connell, Thomas Rugeley, Burt O'Connell, Robert Bickham and the host and hostess.

W. S. C. S.

The Van Vleck Methodist W. S. C. S.  met Wednesday at 3:45 at the church.

Mrs. B. L. Bickham was in charge of program.

Mrs. James Rainey, Mrs. Loren Henderson, Mrs. Earl Crawford and Mrs. Harry Pearson each presented an interesting story on the Power of Music in Christian Missionary work.

Misses Linda and Joy Kay Rogers and Lois Bickham sang.

After a short business meeting the group was dismissed with prayer.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 15, 1959

Van Vleck News

Mrs. Jimmy Gartrell of Omaha, Neb. is here for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrington.

Mrs. David Redmond and little daughter Robbin are here from St. Petersburg, Fla. for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyd and son, Howard.

Mrs. J. R. Colly and Natalie Matula of Eagle Lake are the guests of Mrs. Colly's cousins the Bickham families.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis and children, Janet Kim and Steven left last week for their home in Inglewood, near Los Angeles, Calif. after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Lewis' mother Mrs. T. L. Rugeley and Thomas Rugeley.

Elmer Bittner is home for a leave, after completing his basic training in the Army at Ft. Kit Carson, Colorado. His wife and brother, Richard Bittner and Miss Wands Parks of Houston went to Colorado Springs and brought him home.

Mr. and Mrs. W. __ Jordan have their daughter Mrs. Bill Flanagan and two little sons from Huntsville spending a few days with them.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robertson on the birth of a baby son, Gary.

Miss Betty Sue Johnson of San Antonio is spending several weeks in the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Allan O'Connell.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Finster and Nancy and Mike returned last week after a vacation in Louisiana, Frances Finster stayed in Morgan City for a longer visit.

Miss Zana Hanna is visiting her sister and family in California.

Miss Peggy Harvey is visiting relatives in Pasadena.

Miss Lois Bickham has returned...

...a mid-semester visit at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Bickham and baby of Houston also visited in the B. L. Bickham home during the weekend.

The Carol Shaffer Circle of the WSCS met Wednesday night at the home of Sara Farris with 10 members and visitors present.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rudd are visiting relatives in Orange and Winnie.

Miss Bobbie Massey has returned to their home in Houston after several weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Allan E. O'Connell.

Daily Tribune, July 17, 1959


Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Apr. 27, 2007
Sep. 3, 2012