Notes From Wadsworth


The rice fields east of Wadsworth surely look good.

The road east of Wadsworth has been much improved. It has been graded and quite a number of culverts and small bridges have been put in.

Fred Elchols has been on the sick list for a few days.

Peter N. Pauls has been helping Peter Engbrecht for the last three weeks.

Peter Engbrecht is going to build a big barn, 26 by 42, and 12 feet high. It will be constructed entirely of oak lumber.

Robert Elchols has had bad luck with his horses, one died last week and another is not well at the time of this writing.

Bernhard Kroeber is going to build a four-room square house. Work has already begun on it.

The German settlers have planted each a little cotton patch. They also planted some rice on sod ground.

Lumber has been hauled on to the new settlement by the canal company, to put a bridge across the canal, and by so doing will connect the new canal (which has been dug early this spring) with the old canal, and then the new settlers are going to water their rice fields to make the rice come up.

The piece of road along where Brandsetter and Orchid line has been improved by grading and putting in drainage ditches. This piece of road was an ugly one during the wet spell.

Bernhard Kroeber is going to Bay City Monday to get some more lumber for his home.

Mr. Tom Poole brought two milch cows over to Peter Engbrecht, and if the cows are satisfactory to Mr. Engbrecht, he will buy them from Mr. Poole.

Bernhard Kroeber bought two milk cows with calves from Tom Bell, paying $70 for all.

Next week the Colonial Land Company is expecting a lot of homeseekers from the North and East and will show these people what can be raised in Texas, and last, but not least, will try to sell them as much land as possible.

Tom Bell has been pumping water out of the canal with a steam engine to water a piece of rice which could not be watered very conveniently from the canal.

The German settlers are glad that Mr. Tom Poole has put a strong protection fence around the whole settlement for now they are not bothered any more by the hundreds of cattle that run at large. The fence embraces about 1200 acres. Mr. Poole has leased the lands adjoining the settlement from the Colonial Land Company for grazing purposes.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engbrecht went to Bay City on Friday. Mr. Engbrecht bought a mowing machine and hay rake which he had shipped to Wadsworth.

A carload of household goods arrived in Wadsworth last week, which belong to a doctor who is going to locate here.

T. J. Clark's new grocery store is quite an improvement to Wadsworth, especially his low prices. Mr. Clark handles some feed.

While working for Peter Engbrecht Pete Pauls saw something in the grass, and on closer examination found to be a young alligator about 3 1-2 feet long. He said it was the first one he had ever seen, and that if he had only possessed a wrench he would have examined its teeth.

The Matagorda County Tribune, June 16, 1911



Wadsworth, Texas, July 6, 1911.--The good rain we were looking for came just at the right time.

Wadsworth continues to improve. The new drug store building was completed last week.

Contractors McLemore and Reed are making good headway on the seven-room dwelling of Dr. Curtis.

Our regular mid-week ball was pulled off last night.

Several from Bay City took in the ball here Wednesday night. Come again boys we are glad to have you.

Fullingim have been attending the ball games in Bay City this week.

Mr. Ross Wharton paid Palacios a visit this week.

Mr. Z. Butter was a business visitor to the "Queen City" this week.

Dr. Scott passed through town today en route to T. J. Poole's ranch.

Mr. Hubert Smith and family took in the ball here last week.

If you want to take a day off just come to Wadsworth on Sunday, we have ball games, pony races and every other kind of amusement you can mention.

Mr. Joe Waldrop and Mr. Alex Schulte furnished the music to the clatter of the merry shoe soles on the floor last night.


The Matagorda County Tribune, July 17, 1911

Notes From East Wadsworth


We had a fine rain here week before last.

Peter Pauls, Jr., went to Kansas to work in the harvest field and stay over winter.

Next spring he intends to be here again, and go to work on his land.

Miss Katie Engbrecht left from Bay City to go to Sterling, Kansas, to visit her two brothers there, and probably come back next fall by a different name.

Mr. Peter Engbrecht got the car of oak lumber for his new barn, and has commenced hauling it.

Grading of the new road along the canal from Sweeney's place to P. P. Engbrecht's was started on last week.

P. J. Brandstotter and family have moved into their new house; they lived in a house close to their land and had rented it until they could build their own house.

J. J. Rose's little dog (a rat terrier) has stayed away and he would be very glad to find its whereabouts. Color: body white, ears brown.

We had a good soaking rain on the glorious Fourth and we surely felt like celebrating.

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 17, 1911



We pulled on a regular mid-week ball last night.

Quite a number of the Bay City boys attended the ball last night, the following were the most conspicuous: Mr. Elmo Haralson, Mr. Grover C. McDonald, Mr. Robt. Sweeney and Mr. Bruce Harper. Culver and Coston furnished the music.

Mr. "Rice" was cut just below the knees by Messrs. Mangum and Broughton last Wednesday. Mr. J. J. LeTulle will be the next to "swat Capt. Rice."

Mr. S. S. Straghan and Mr. Douglas Serrill had business in Matagorda last Sunday.

The following took advantage of the excursion last Tuesday night: Messrs. Taylor, Straghan, Rhodes, Foster and Lee.

The writer didn’t go on the excursion Tuesday evening for some cause better known to himself.

It is better not to say anything when you have nothing worth saying, therefore, or for this reason.

Dr. Curtis' dwelling is nearing completion.

Yours Truly,


The Matagorda County Tribune, August 4, 1911

East Wadsworth


O. W. Occlid went to Bay City Wednesday and brought home with him a second hand binder.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow from Oklahoma City, Okla., were visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhart Kroeber.

The two newcomers are Gerhard Wall from Medford, Okla., and August Kranenberg from Minnesota. The former has 110 acres north from Mr. P. H. Pauls and the latter has recently purchased 20 acres in the same location.

Mr. Kranenberg told us that there would be more people in from the North this fall to settle down here.

Mr. Gerhard Wall is putting up a house on his land.

The Matagorda County Tribune, August 4, 1911




The harvest is truly great and the reapers are many. Woe unto rice this week; for great is the fall thereof.

Mr. W. A. Arnold has again opened a meat market at this place.

Mr. A. H. Yerxa passed through our city Monday en route to Buckeye, his home.

Mr. J. O. Taylor is spending a few days with friends and relatives at Brenham and Austin.

Mr. Johnnie Bowman, representing the American Tobacco Co., made us a business call this week.

Messrs. Mangum & Broughton will begin threshing rice Thursday.

Contractor O. J. Howard, is building a loading platform for the Farmer's Storage Co., on the G. C. & S. F. at this place.

Gee; but this is a hot day--102 in the shade.

J. C. Gibson was in the city yesterday on business.

The weather is absolutely perfect for the man who has rice to harvest.

The Matagorda County Tribune, August 11, 1911




Quite a number of threshers have been running for the last week, and several cars of rice have been shipped within the last three or four days.

Anyone wanting a first class engineer, especially qualified for running pumping stations would act prudently by applying to W. H. Broughton, Wadsworth, Texas.

Messrs. Tew, Willis and Cloar, traveling salesmen, made the merchants of this place a business visit this week.

Mr. Arthur Rhodes went to Matagorda via the excursion last night.

Mr. Theo. Schaedel is the warehouseman for the Farmer's Storage Co. at this place.

There were several of the Bay City boys in attendance at the ball last night.

A Mr. Frank and family from the North arrived by way of the Santa Fe Tuesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, August 18, 1911



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