The farmers are busy preparing their land for another rice, corn and cotton crop.

Mr. W. W. and J. J. Seerden are attending court this week at Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mr. John Goer of Markham, who has the contract for hauling the lumber for the Lake Austin proposition, came in Tuesday to resume the work.

Mr. Joe Butter paid Bay City a business visit Monday.

Misses Addie Doss, Lenora Conger and Annie Doss were shopping in Wadsworth Tuesday.

Mr. A. H. Yerxa of Buckeye was here Monday and Tuesday on business.

Mr. Harry L. Taylor has recently opened a nice line of dry goods in the building formerly used for dancing.

Contractors Barramore and Gartree have completed the carpenter work on the new residence of Mr. Joe Butter, and are now busy erecting a house for Mr. J. K. Smith in East Wadsworth.

Mr. S. C. Hagan, who has been visiting at his old home in Missouri, for the past three weeks, has returned. He says it is too cold up there for him.

Miss Lenora Conger and Miss Tommie Woolsey spent Saturday in Bay City with home folks, returning Sunday.

Mrs. Parris spent Sunday in Matagorda with relatives, returning on the local Monday morning.

Lieut. W. O. Selkirk went to Galveston last week on a visit to friends and relatives.

Quite a number of our young people drove to Matagorda Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woods had for their guests at dinner Sunday the principal of the B. B. University and her assistant.

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 17, 1912




Mr. and Mrs. Copeland are much elated over the arrival of a fine boy.

Mr. W. R. Orchard threshed eighty acres of his rice which averaged twelve sacks per acre.

Mr. Henry Eidlebach is making twelve sacks of rice per acre. He has sold part of it for $3.83.

Mr. W. H. Horn has received a new Cast thresher which will be used on the Gaines plantation.

Fifteen pleasure seekers bought tickets for the excursion to Matagorda Friday night.

The threshers are busy this week. You can see one every way you look.

The streets are full of wagons now busily loading cars with rice.

There will be an ice cream supper given at the school house next Saturday night, September 7. Everybody is cordially invited to come.

H. C. McIntyre was a north bound passenger Sunday afternoon.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 6, 1912




Mrs. E. F. Goodall who has been ill for the past week was taken to Houston to a hospital today (Wednesday).

Miss Helen Haynes of Bay City was the guest of Miss Mary Gilmore last week.

The ice cream supper given by the Baptist ladies Saturday night was largely attended. The proceeds will be used to purchase an organ.

After regaling on ice cream and cake a large number attended the dance given at the hall.

A horse fell with little Joseph Ottis, son of John H. Ottis, inflicting some painful but not serious injuries last Tuesday.

A. H. Yerxa was a business visitor here Monday.

The work on the two-story Catholic school building is progressing rapidly.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 13, 1912





Paul Winkler left for Blackwell. Okla., Tuesday having sold his farming outfit to J. F. Wilson.

Perry Moore was here Tuesday looking after the interests of the Farmers' Rice Mill and Storage Company.

Rev. Montreuil was here Wednesday.

Miss Howard has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Willie Culver.

Mrs. J. B. Robertson and son were here Sunday looking after Mr. Robertson, who has the contract for the Catholic School building.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell and Mrs. Z. Butter went to see "McFadden Flats" Tuesday night.

Messrs. Adams, Shinn, and Gibson took in the play at Bay City Tuesday night.

Messrs. Martin & White are putting down a deep well for the W. W. Woodworth Company near Lake Austin this week.

H. C. McIntyre was Galveston bound on the Santa Fe Tuesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 20, 1912




The last of the rice crop in this community will soon all be in, if the weather continues favorable.

The masquerade ball the 26th was largely attended. There were quite a number from neighboring towns present.

The "Home Dance" given at the city hall was quite a nice affair. Mr. Hy. Eidlebach was manager-in-chief. See!

Miss Ruby Leggett of Hallettsville is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. F. Goodall.

Mr. W. B. Vance has moved to San Benito, where he will farm rice and cotton.

The schools of this locality are progressing nicely under the excellent management of Misses Conger, Woolsey and Mrs. Mary Paris.

Mr. Bruce Woods is having his residence painted this week by Mr. J. O. Taylor.

If anyone has seen anything of our local freight train, we would like for you to have it come this way once more--we need our freight.

Private William Young paid Houston a visit last week.

A. D. Bowen, the soldier boy duck hunter, was released by Private Scott. Mr. Bowen returned to Ft. Crockett.

Mr. G. M. Sayers, who has been farming for H. L. Taylor, left this week for the North.

Mr. Val Rapstain has recently built an addition to his residence and given the entire building a new coat of paint.

Mr. C. M. Shipman, manager of the Alamo Lumber Company of this place, has lumber on the ground for a new dwelling.

Mr. A. M. Longwell, our congenial barber, has purchased a new self-operating piano from "Piano Bill," who has been in our town for the last three or four days.

Judge John W. Gaines and E. L. Savage were business visitors here yesterday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, November 1, 1912




Mr. W. C. Reling and wife have returned from Kansas where they have been visiting friends and relatives for the past two months.

Mr. J. O. Taylor has accepted a position as clerk for C. E. Gibson.

Mrs. W. W. Doss left last Monday for Leming, Texas, where she was called on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Miss Addie, who is very low with typhoid fever.

Miss William Conger and brother, returned home Sunday after spending the day with their sister, Miss Lenora, who is teaching near Wadsworth.

Mrs. Mary Paris spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Matagorda, returning Monday morning on the local.

The weekly ball, given at the public dance hall, was very weakly attended on account of the cool weather.

The election last Tuesday passed off quietly for one of its kind--it went democratic here.

H. G. Jamison and E. B. Wells were business visitors here Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Savage of Bay City passed through our city Monday.

Mr. J. W. Miller from Bay City, who has the contract for painting the new Catholic school building, returned Monday to continue the good work.

Mr. J. B. Cookenboo and son, Eugene, two knights of the "grip," were doing the merchants of this place last Saturday.

We appreciate the fact that the local freight train was sent our way once more, but we haven't received our freight yet.

Messrs. John Bunk, W. V. Seerden and Frank Butter were in Bay City on business Tuesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, November 8, 1912




The last of the rice crop is now in the warehouse. The farmers have begun turning the soil for another crop.

The new Catholic school building was dedicated last Sunday. Quite a number came from Bay City and other parts of the county.

Hogan Bros. are here with a bunch of nice ponies.

Mrs. John L. Lane and Mrs. C. M. Shipman were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butter were business visitors in Bay City Monday.

C. E. Gibson, who is attending the night school at the "B. B. U." paid Bay City a business visit Tuesday.

Mr. E. H. Daniel visited Houston last week, returning Monday with a new Maxwell car.

Quite a jolly bunch were up from Matagorda to attend the weekly ball last Saturday night.

Bay City was well represented at the ball Saturday night.

Mr. F. M. Copeland, the proprietor of our hotel, is preparing to move to his farm.

The work on the C. M. Shipman dwelling is progressing rapidly.

A. D. Adams, the goose hunter, brought in three nice geese last Monday.

Messrs. John and Will Knowles and Hy. Eidlebach are in Garwood this week, looking at the rice proposition there.

Misses Phebe and Mary Dwyer are at home from Palacios College to spend Thanksgiving.

The Matagorda County Tribune, November 29, 1912


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