Wadsworth School Opened.

Special to The News.

Bay City, Tex., Feb. 17.--A new school has been opened up at the new settlement about Wadsworth and the trustees are looking for an experiences lady teacher for this school. The opening of this school shows the rapidity with which this section of the county is developing there being enough scholastics among the newcomers to justify a school.

Galveston Daily News, February 18, 1911

Wadsworth's Big Fire
Destroys Half of the Progressive Town--Heavy Loss and No Insurance--Rebuilding Has Already Begun

Wadsworth was last Friday afternoon visited by a fire which in the space of twenty minutes reduced the larger half of the business part of town to ashes.

L. C. Robertson, who kept a cold drink stand and restaurant, that morning went out to spend the day hunting, leaving Mrs. R. in charge. Soon after the dinner hour fire was discovered in the restaurant, believed to have originated from the gasolene stove.

The restaurant was so quickly enveloped in flames that nothing in the house was saved, not even $150.00 in cash, which, in her excitement, Mrs. Robertson forgot all about until too late. Their loss was about $600 besides, on fixtures, and no insurance.

The fire then spread to the market on the east, the business and fixtures being a total loss to G. G. Savage who recently purchased from Stewart Savage.

First on the west of the restaurant the flames licked up the feed store of G. E. Gibson, and the so quickly spread to the building occupied by the postoffice and grocery store of Mr. Gibson, that but little was saved and that little in a badly damaged condition. Mr. Gibson's loss was about $2000 on merchandise and several hundred dollars on postal supplies and fixtures; besides his loss, Postmaster Gibson lost his keys in the fire and with other inconveniences his business was badly demoralized, but the plucky postmaster went right to work and has brought order out of chaos.

Next on the west was H. L. Taylor's dry goods store, and that too was quickly consumed; but Mr. Taylor having more time to work succeeded in removing most of his goods, but the careless or hurried handling by inexperienced though kindly hands no doubt would have caused Mr. Taylor to wish they had burned--if there had been any insurance.

Mr. Taylor's loss by fire, water and removal must have been near $1,000.

Three of the buildings were the property of Frank Butter and two belonged to John Knowles.

The fire was fiercely hot and for a time threatened the two-story store building of Lorino Bros. on the east, one lot intervening between that and the market. But the bucket brigade did good work in saving this building and the large hotel immediately across the street.

There was no insurance on any of the property, and the loss falls heavily on the individual store owners and is a severe blow to the plucky and growing strong.

Rebuilding has already begun. Frank Butter has had work started on a building for C. E. Gibson and Z. Butter has contracted with E. C. Baker for the construction of a house for Green Savage's market.

The town was growing fast and was getting a good firm position on the map. The News-Farmer earnestly hopes the buildings will be promptly rebuilt and all the unfortunate business men will reopen stronger than ever.

Matagorda News and Midcoast Farmer, October 10, 1913


E. C. Baker is preparing plans for a large new store building for Lorino Brothers in Wadsworth. The building will be 30x100 feet and have plate glass show windows, fine show cases, and all the modern improvements for a first class store building of a live town.


Z. Butter is constructing a building at Wadsworth for the use of his father-in-law as a dwelling.


Druggist Longwell is having erected a building to be used as a tin-shop.


Miss Olen Holley, of Houston, is visiting Miss Winnie Craft this week.


W. S. Craft, manager of the gin here, who had his left arm seriously lacerated in the gin saws several weeks ago, is able to use his arm a little now, the healing being rapid.


Chas. Knox, who suffered a like accident two weeks ago, is also about recovered from the injury.


The attractive new school house looks good, and speaks well for enterprising Wadsworth and Contractor Ed C. Baker. It will soon be seated and equipped for use in January.


Rice farmers are finishing up their harvesting, and the big warehouse is about chuck full (35,000 bags) of rice, besides the quantities which have been shipped.

The Matagorda News and Midcoast Farmer, Matagorda, Texas, December 5, 1913


Wadsworth Items.

(Too late for last issue.)

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Leggett of Hallettsville, Texas, are visiting their daughters Mrs. Elton Goodale and Miss Ruby Leggett this week.

Mrs. J. H. Ellerkamp visited Matagorda Friday and Saturday. Miss Clara Belle Savage came home with her for a day or two.

Quite a number of candidates are in Wadsworth this week.

Mrs. C. M Shipman returned home from a visit to Wharton and Lane City.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams were in Wadsworth one day this week.

Quite a crowd from here attended the picnic at Caney Tuesday and all reported a fine time.

Walter Phillips and Amos Adams made their regular visit to Bay City Sunday.

R. E. Inglehart visited home folks in Matagorda Saturday and Sunday.

Messrs. Bruce and Fred Woods were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Miss Carrie Cartwell was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 1, 1914

Wadsworth Items

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Savage of Matagorda visited Mrs. Jack Ellerkamp Sunday.

Messrs. Bonner and Rayburn are here organizing a Woodman Circle Lodge.

Mrs. Crockett and two children passed through here Monday on their way to Bay City for a few days.

Z. Butter was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Mrs. Jack Ellerkamp returned home Friday from Temple where she attended the K. of P. convention.

Mrs. Lower returned to her home in Placedo after a few days visit with her son W. D. Lower.

Misses Rose Sterne, Margurite Hamilton, and Rugeley Serrill and Stewart Burkhart autoed to Wadsworth Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Seerden entertained the Larkin Club Saturday, everybody reported a grand time.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Middlebrook visited Wadsworth Sunday.

J. O. Taylor of Matagorda was in Wadsworth Friday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 22, 1914

Leera Estelle Winkler
Sad Death of Young Girl

Death is always sorrowful, but the death at Markham last Sunday was more than usually sad because of the youth and beauty of the chosen one.

At the family residence in Markham September 13, 1914, at 4:50 A. M.

Leera Estelle Winkler, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Winkler, died. Deceased was born Nov. 19, 1897, at Bosworth, Missouri, and was 16 years, 9  months and 24 days of age at the time of her death.

Interment in Cedar Vale Cemetery at Bay City, Sunday afternoon, September 13th, 1914.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, September 18, 1914

Tomorrow is Wadsworth Day

Everybody ought to celebrate the Fourth, the natal day of our glorious country. Few people in the world enjoy the liberty and blessings of so free a government. Yet, there are some improvements which can be made, and will be made.

But we'll celebrate the liberties we already enjoy, and tomorrow is a good place and time to begin.

Wadsworth is always cordial in welcoming the stranger within her gates, and the friends, thrice welcome. So Bay City should send a big delegation. Many will go down at night who cannot get off in the day time.

There will be speaking, games, dancing, dinner, and all other essentials to a proper celebration of the Fourth of July, probably watermelons.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 2, 1915

Wadsworth Items

Mrs. E. F. Goodall left Friday for Hallettsville to be present at the wedding of her sister, Miss Ruby Leggett, and to visit parents and friends.

Miss Isabel Stone and Goldia Deringer spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Lane City.

Mr. Calhoun is reported worse. He has been ill about three weeks suffering from a stroke of paralysis.

Hunting is fine, brant and ducks being numerous.

Kelly and Mat Schafer have gone back north, where they will make their future home.

Matagorda County News, November 26, 1915


Miss Lillian Bowers of Mt. Bellvieu was visiting last week at the W. H. Mangum home. A party was given in her honor on Wednesday evening.

J F. Culver and family and Junior and Richie McCaskill, visited Mr. Culver's sister, Mrs. Berthelson in Alvin, Thursday last, and she in company with them motored to Galveston for the afternoon. They report a very enjoyable trip.

Mrs. Pentecost was on the sick list a part of last week.

Misses Leona and  Leedie Brent of Gulf, and their cousin, Miss Smith of Trinity, were callers at the Woods home Thursday evening last.

Little Wesley Mangum was quite sick a part of last week.

A number from here attended a dance at East Bernard last Thursday evening.

Mr. Cozby of Eagle Lake, was a business visitor here one day last week.

Joe Ottis is improving his residence with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Z. Butter doing the work for him.

Garfield Calloway of Bay City, spent Saturday here.

Frank Seerden and wife of Houston were week-end visitors at the home of his parents, H. M Seerden and wife.

Mr. Thomas, Chevrolet salesman, last week moved his family from Bay City to Wadsworth and are domiciled in the Helen Huston house in the east part of town.

Cotton and rice are coming along fine, the early corn is made, but late corn is needing rain.

A ball game here Sunday between the Gulf field team and Wadsworth, resulted in a score of 11 to 3 in favor of Gulf.

Daily Tribune, June 26, 1930


Mrs. Allison of Port Neches, was visiting recently with her brother, Wm. Hillary and wife, and other relatives.


W. L. Lee has returned from the Kerrville sanitarium for an extended stay with his family.


Mrs. M. V. Mangum spent several days in Houston last week.


Henry Bunk spent the Fourth in Old Mexico in company with his cousin, Walter Govender of Gulf.


Mrs. La Count, her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leedette, with their daughter, arrived here Sunday from Chicago for a visit with the G. W. and Robert Fanson families and Grandma Beedy who was so seriously hurt by a fall several weeks ago. Mrs. La Count being a daughter of Mrs. Beedy.


David Culver of Houston, spent the Fourth here with his parents.


Mrs. Walter Watson of Houston, is visiting her parents, H. M. Seerden and wife.


E. F. Goodall is remodeling his home which will be an added improvement and convenience.


Louis Lower of Houston was a caller the first of the week at the Z. Butter home.


Mrs. Joe Ottis is visiting her mother in Victoria.


Some of our people attended the dance at East Bernard the evening of the Fourth.


Doctor Loos of Bay City was a professional caller in town Monday evening.


Our people celebrated the Fourth in various ways and places, some going to Palacios, some enjoying a picnic on the bay at Collegeport, others witnessing the balloon races and airplane stunt flying at Houston, others having family dinners, while still others enjoyed a quiet day at home.


John Neary of Bay City is visiting his friend, Joe Butter.


The light shower of Tuesday was much appreciated as it was the first for several weeks.


The friends of the Fred and B. Patterson families sympathize with them in the loss of the baby of Fred and wife.

The Daily Tribune, Friday, July 11, 1930




Mr. J. F. Culver was a business visitor to Bay City last Friday afternoon.


A young man from Houston was in town one day last week, a representative of the W. & W. Soap Manufacturing Co., of Indiana, giving samples of their soap and washing powder.


Wadsworth P. T. A. met in called session Nov. 13 at the postoffice, the regular meeting of Nov. 17 having been postponed owing to the inclement weather.


Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of El Campo, were in town Friday evening. Miss Longwood, sister of Anderson returning home with them for a week-end visit.


Messr. Seerden and Eric Laird with friends, were over Sunday, guests at the H. M. Seerden home, having motored down from Houston Saturday. Mrs. Laird, who had been a guest of her parents the past week, returned home with them.


Mr. and Mrs. Biernbaum and son, Carl, of Ocean Gate, N. J., arrived here early Sunday morning to spend the winter with their daughter and sister, Mrs. R. R. Fanson.


Reverend Duda of Bay City held church services here Sunday and Monday mornings.


The younger set perpetrated a surprise on Miss Margaret Fanson last Friday evening in honor of her birthday. Sixteen were present and enjoyed games and contests. Refreshments were served.


Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Wharton were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillary, and sister, Mrs. Hudson.


Some of our people attended the Legion carnival in Bay City last week, but the rainy weather prevented many from attending.


The many friends of Mrs. J. H. Ottis are glad she is able to be at home from the Newgulf hospital, where she had been a patient for several weeks.


Mr. George Culver shipped two cars of calves to the Fort Worth market Saturday last.


Mrs. Walter Branstetter has the sympathy of our people in the loss of her only sister, she having passed away in Dodge City, Kans., one day last week.


The Misses Helen Wood, Jean Steele and Beatrice Poole of Bay City, were callers at the Wood's home, Tuesday afternoon.


Mr. J. F. Culver is a patient in the Loos Hospital in Bay City since Monday morning. Friends wish for him a speedy recovery.


Mr. Joe Ottis was a week-end visitor in Victoria. Mrs. Ottis and Charles having been there for several days.


The Hawkins estate shipped two loads of calves from this station to the Fort Worth market Tuesday morning.


Mrs. M. V. Mangum visited relatives in Gulf Tuesday afternoon.


Mr. Benedict of Bay City, was in town Monday last.


Mrs. Hale and Thomas are home from a several weeks stay at the home of her parents in Collegeport.


Mr. H. H. Seerden is remodeling their home, making it much more convenient in several ways.


The M. V. Mangum home is being treated to a coat of paint.


Wadsworth P. T. A.


Wadsworth P. T. A. met Nov. 13 instead of Nov. 11, our regular night on account of inclement weather. We had a fine attendance. Everyone was well pleased with the results of our annual bazaar raising plan. We raised approximately $100 clear.


We are making plans for the County Federation meet to be held here Dec. 6. Different committees have been appointed to make plans for same.


The Daily Tribune, Friday, November 21, 1930



Miss Louise Graham, of Bay City, visited recently with Miss Vera May Lowe.


Mr. Hafer, of Bay City, was here Saturday morning doing some repair work on the piano at the school auditorium.


Mesdames Otto Hudson and M. V. Mangum were Houston visitors Thursday of last week.


Mrs. Joe Ottis, who has been in Victoria for several weeks in the interest of her health, returned home Sunday much improved.


The Cockburn Oil corporation, who has been prospecting for oil at Shepherd's Mott for the past several months, brought in a well last Friday night. Here's hoping it proves to be a good one and a large field may be opened up.


Mesdames George Fanson, W. H. Mangum, E. F. Goodall, J. L. Lowe, and B. H. Wheeler, with their daughters, attended the annual Girl Reserve banquet held in Gulf Saturday evening.


The Misses Dorothy Fay and Blanche Leggett of Goliad were recent visitors with their aunt, Mrs. E. F. Goodall and family.


The Wadsworth P. T. A. bore the expense of building shell walks on the school ground which is a great improvement.


A baby daughter came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright, November 25.


The Wadsworth athletic club played Gulf high school boys at Gulf Tuesday night in a game of basketball.


Mrs. J. L. Lowe and Vera, and Mrs. E. F. Goodall, attended a B. Y. P. U. meeting in Bay City on Friday evening last.


Mr. George Ottis is improving his home with an up to date water system and is installing electric lights.


Mrs. Jesse Ryman was hostess Wednesday evening, Dec. 3, to the members of the Larkin club and their husbands. After several games of forty-two were played, the hostess served refreshments.


The members of the athletic association met the Gulf high school boys in a game of basketball at the gymnasium in Bay City last Friday evening.


The Hawkins estate and Mr. T. J. Poole shipped cattle Saturday to the Fort Worth market.


Mr. and Mrs. Will Mores of Wharton were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millery, parents of Mrs. Mores.


Mr. Elton Leggett and wife of Freeport were Sunday guests of the former's sister, Mrs. E. F. Goodall and family.


An enjoyable and profitable meeting of the county federation was held here Saturday last, being entertained by the local P. T. A.'s. Most of the clubs were represented by a number of delegates. A turkey dinner was served at the noon hour. Reverend Haley of Bay City delightedly entertained the assembly by singing "Home Sweet Home." He was accompanied by Miss Jane Savage at the piano. Wadsworth is honored by having the president and secretary of the federation for the coming two years, Mrs. E. F. Goodall, president and Mrs. J. L. Lowe, secretary.


Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Watson of Houston spent Sunday last at the home of Mrs. Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seerden.


Reverend Duda of Bay City held Monday morning services here.


Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seerden were Bay City visitors Monday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Eric Laird of Houston were week-end visitors with relatives.


The Daily Tribune, Thursday, December 11, 1930



Mr. and Mrs. George Ottis were recent visitors in Houston.

Mrs. Walter Branstetter is on the sick list.

Mrs. Will Mores of Wharton, spent Friday last at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillery. She was accompanied home by little Miss Doris Hudson.

Mr. M. V. Mangum was sick several days last week.

Mr. Harold Day was a business visitor in Houston Wednesday last.

The ladies bridge club was entertained last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Z. Butter. Those in attendance wee Mesdames Minnie Ottis, Elsie Fanson, Nellie Ottis, Josie Mason, Otto Hudson, M. V. Mangum, Ladis Uher and the Misses Anne Ottis, Ida and Fazy Petrucha and the hostess.

Mesdames W. H. Mangum and George Ottis and daughter, Miss Jean, were callers Tuesday afternoon at the Woods home.

Mr. Oscar Mangum who has been working at Corpus Christi, spent Saturday night of last week with home folks and went from here to Henderson.

Wedding bells will be ringing in Wadsworth in the near future.

Mrs. Dunbar of Gulf, was a guest the last of the week at the M. V. Mangum home.

Mrs. Goodall and children and Miss Nellie Butter were shopping in Bay City Saturday evening.

Mrs. Mangum and granddaughter Jean Ottis and Mrs. Hogan of Bay City, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Woods.

Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson of Collegeport, were here Friday evening, Mrs. Dickenson and Miss Longwood entertaining the Larkin cub at the G. W. Fanson home. Progressive forty-two was the entertainment provided for the guests. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Jesse and Fred Ryman, Joe Ottis, J. L. Lowe, O. E. Hudson and Mesdames Z. Butter and R. R. Fanson, Mr. Dickenson, the G. W. Fanson family and the hostess. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake, coffee and cocoa were served.

Saturday morning the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Day discovered their house to be on fire. Fortunately it was discovered in time so the family were able to put it out before much damage was done.

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Goodall visited Mr. Goodall's mother, who is quite ill in the Gulf hospital, last Tuesday evening.

Mr. Hillery was a Wharton visitor Sunday and reports farming operations there not as far advanced as here.

Mr. and Mrs. Goodall and Mrs. Butter and Louise, were calling Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woods.

The sub-freezing weather of Saturday and Sunday nights for some reason was not injurious to the ___ plants.

W. W. P. C.

The Wadsworth Women's Recreation club meeting was held at the club house, March 9, 1931.

The Wadsworth Athletic club showed their appreciation by letting the W. W. R. C. use their club house the second Monday of every month for their meetings.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Robert Fanson, president, with ten members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The club elected the following officers: Miss Ann Ottis, first vice president; Mrs. H. M. Seerden, second vice-president; Mrs. Joe Ottis, treasurer; Joe Mangum, reporter.

The W. W. R. C. adopted the by-laws and constitution drafted by the committee composed of the chairman, Mrs. H M. Seerden, Mrs. T. P. Hale and Miss Alice Longwood.

The members of the club chose a pattern for their suits. Mrs. Geo. Ottis was appointed to have patterns at a called meeting to select the colors. The club challenged the Wadsworth school girls baseball team for a game Thursday, March 12, 1931. The meeting adjourned at 9 o'clock.--Reporter.

Daily Tribune, April 2, 1931


The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Culver was christened John Henry, June 28 by Reverend O’Reilly of Bay City. Mrs. Richie, the grandmother and William Caskill, a cousin, were sponsors.

Mr. Martin and family of Bay City visited the afternoon of the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Branstetter and children.

Mr. J. H. Ottis and son, Fred, were Bay City visitors Saturday evening.

Mrs. J. L. Lowe and daughter, Vera Mae, and son, Laddie, left Sunday morning over the Missouri Pacific from Bay City for a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Lowe’s brother, Mr. Cecil Davis at Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mr. George Ottis and family were in Bay City Sunday evening.

Mr. George Culver returned Friday last from Oklahoma where he had been looking after his cattle, which are being pastured there and where he had been shipping calves to Kansas City.

Mr. Earl Woods visited the middle of last week with Mr. R. C. Poland and family in Falfurrias.

Times are dull there and the Poland family are contemplating moving back here.

Mr. Walter Culver of Houston was a last week-end visitor with relatives here.

Mrs. J. L. Lowe and children, Miss Vera Mae and Master Laddie, were Saturday afternoon visitors in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ottis shopped in Bay City Saturday evening.

In reporting the ball game, the Fourth between Matagorda and Wadsworth the score should have read 7 to 3 in favor of Wadsworth instead of Matagorda.

The Rudin dance at the hall here Saturday night, was well attended by an orderly crowd, the music being furnished by the “Blue Blazers” of El Campo.

Mr. Johnny Rother of Bay City, Mr. Jeff Parker of Gulf, Mrs. Helen Huston and Miss Geneva Hatchett were a fishing party at Linwood Creek Sunday enjoying a picnic supper.

Mr. John Neary of Bay City visited from Saturday until Thursday with Mr. Joe Butter here.

Mr. E. F. Goodall and daughter, Miss Lucile and son, Junior, were shopping in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. J. L. Lowe was a Bay City visitor Sunday evening.

Wadsworth’s second ball team went to Blessing Sunday afternoon, where they played Midfield’s team, the latter winning. We failed to get the score.

Messrs. Fred and Tom Ottis were Bay City visitors Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bunk of Newgulf visited relatives here, going on to Sargent beach for a week’s camping, taking with them Mrs. Bunk’s sisters, Misses Lucile and Pearl Mangum.

Mr. Ernest Moser, who had been visiting his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moser, returned to Wharton one day last week.

Mrs. Minnie Fief was a recent visitor in Danbury; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ottis taking her over for a visit of several days with her son, Eddie Fief.

A dance was held Saturday night at the Joe Waldrop home at Stewart. Some from here were in attendance.

Miss Nellie Butter was a visitor in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harbison and Miss Aileen, spent Monday at the Tom Harris home at Sexton.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butter, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Ryman, daughter, Helen, and son, Harvey motored to Victoria Saturday for a visit with relatives, returning home Sunday.

Several from here are attending the Apostolic Evangelistic meetings in Bay City.

Mr. Z. Butter was a business visitor in Bay City Saturday morning.

Mr. J. J. Harbison and family, Mrs. E. F. Goodall and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dylla and Mr. Chester Kirby, spent Sunday at the B. Y. P. U. Encampment at Palacios enjoying also a picnic dinner and supper.

Mr. Eddie Fief of Danbury, visited recently with his sister, Mrs. Emil Ottis and family, bringing his mother, Mrs. Minnie Fief, who had been visiting there.

Mrs. Ernest Ryman entertained the ladies bridge club Thursday afternoon last. At the conclusion of several games, Mrs. Mabin Laird was found to hold high score. Refreshments of chicken sandwiches, olives, iced lemonade and individual cakes were served to the following: Mrs. Eric Laird, a guest of Houston; Mrs. Mabin Laird, Mrs. Z. Butter, Mrs. Murray Seerden, Miss Anne Ottis, Mrs. Minnie Ottis, Mrs. Emil Ottis and the hostess.

The Union Sunday school had an enjoyable evening at the canal east of town last Friday evening. A picnic supper of sandwiches, pickles, iced tea and ice cream, followed by a swim in the canal closed a most pleasant time for the members and invited guests.

Mr. Joe Ottis and family and Mrs. J. H. Ottis motored to Victoria Saturday evening, being accompanied by Mrs. Stoermer and daughter, Doris, who had been here for some time with Mrs. Stoermer’s daughter, Mrs. Joe Ottis.

Mr. Ottis and family and Mrs. J. H. Ottis returned home Sunday evening. Mr. Julius Stoermer coming with them for a visit.

The Altar Society of the Sacred Heart Church was entertained Tuesday afternoon of last week by Mrs. Emil Ottis. At the conclusion of business, refreshments of jello and cakes were served to the following members: Mrs. F. F. Culver, Mrs. Z. Butter, Mrs. J. H. Ottis, Mrs. Minnie Fief, Mrs. B. H. Wheeler, Mrs. George Ottis, Mrs. Harry Culver, Miss Anne Ottis, Reverend O’Reilly of Bay City and the hostess.

Mr. James Svetlik of Bay City, was a Wadsworth visitor Sunday.

Mr. Claude Lee of Lake Charles, La., visited his parents here last week and held services Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the tent recently erected by the Apostolic people.

Mr. Chester Kirby, an employee on highway No. 60, was a visitor the first of the week at the E. F. Goodall home.

Mr. J. L. Lowe was reported on the sick list the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ryman and son, Merle, were shopping in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 14, 1932

Wadsworth P. T. A.

The Wadsworth P. T. A. met Oct. 11 at the school auditorium with eight members present. It was opened by the singing of America by all, followed by prayer.

The national and state president's messages were read. An interesting program observing fire presentation week was given.

The same room mothers were selected to act another month.

It was voted to get new balls and bats and Mr. Hale was appointed to see about same.

Some function as a means of raising funds was discussed but no action taken. We adjourned till November hoping the members would be well and thereby have a better attendance.--Reporter.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 27, 1932


Mr. Hugh Gilmore of Matagorda was a business caller in Wadsworth and vicinity Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ottis and sons, Matt and Tom have returned from a delightful visit of several weeks with relatives and friends at Okarche, Ok.

Mr. J. F. Culver was transacting business in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were shopping in Bay City Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ottis of Okarche, Okla., arrived one day last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ottis and family and other relatives. They have spent the greater part of the winter here for several years.

A very hard rain visited this section Sunday afternoon and the weather is much cooler than for the past few weeks.

Mr. Bradford made a business trip to Oklahoma City last week, accompanied by Mrs. Bradford.

Mrs. E. F. Goodall returned the first of last week from a few days visit with relatives in Freeport, also spent one day in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rehak and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ryman were recent Houston visitors and spent Sunday last in the Jj. W. Ryman home in Danevang.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 21, 1933



Mrs. Belcher and Mrs. Cates of Bay City were in Wadsworth on business Thursday afternoon.


Miss Margaret Fanson of Newgulf, visited homefolks Thursday and Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gelber and son, Henry were Bay City visitors Monday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Laird returned Tuesday of last week from a several days visit with their children in Houston and Tom Ball.


Mrs. R. F. Fanson, who has been visiting in the S. E. Dickson home in Collegeport, spent Thursday in the C. W. Fanson home.


Mrs. Sides met Friday morning with her 4-H club girls.


Mrs. Dickinson of Collegeport was a Thursday guest of Mrs. G. W. Fanson and family.


Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Laird were business visitors in Bay City Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fanson and their house guest, Mrs. Clara Lea Count, sister of Mrs. Fanson, were week-end guests in the Dickinson home in Collegeport.


Miss Alice Longwood spent the week-end in El Campo with her mother and brother.


Mrs. Leola Sides was a Friday dinner guest in the E. F. Goodall home.


Mrs. G. W. Fanson, R. R. Fanson, and Miss Alice Longwood were shopping in Bay City Monday afternoon.


Messrs. George Culver, George Sargent and the Poole Cattle Company, Tuesday morning, shipped 600 head of cattle from the Wadsworth station to Oklahoma where they will be pastured the coming summer.


Mrs. Leola Sides was a Friday afternoon caller in the Woods home.


Mr. R. R. Fanson, who has been spending some time fishing and boating at Portsmouth and Collegeport, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Fanson, who had been visiting in the Dickinson home, returned with him.


Reverend Houck of Matagorda held Sunday afternoon services in Wadsworth.


Miss June Mangum represented Wadsworth school in the junior girls' declamation contest at the district meet in Victoria Friday and tied for second place. Miss Alice Longwood and Laddie Lowe accompanied her to Victoria Thursday afternoon, returning Friday.


As the Gulf Sulphur Company has changed the daylight saving time, the school bus with the high school pupils leaves an hour earlier and Wadsworth school convenes at 8 o'clock.


Home Demonstration Club


For canned vegetables to be high in quality the right variety of seed should be selected for Matagorda County, according to Mrs. Leola Sides at a demonstration in judging quality products at the home of Mrs. H. W. Laird, Friday, April 13. Several varieties of vegetables were on exhibition, some opened, served and judged. Four visitors and nine members were present at this meeting. Visitors were Mesdames Baylor, Cone, Waldrop and Hehak. Members were Mesdames E. F. Goodall, C. M. Laird, J. L. Lowe, J. R. Laird, Z. Butter, Dan Goodall, Frank Hatchett, H. W. Laird and agent, Mrs. Sides.


As inclement weather prevented the holding of the April 6 meeting, a short time was devoted to "Learning About County Government," which was the theme for that meeting. This was supervised by Mrs. E. F. Goodall and Mrs. J. L. Lowe. A brief history of Matagorda County was given by Mrs. Lowe.


The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. R. Laird, May 4 at 2 p. m. when the second lesson on county government will be conducted by Mrs. Joe Ottis and Mrs. B. H. Toliver.--Reporter.


Parent-Teacher Meeting.


Wadsworth Parent-Teacher Association met in school auditorium Tuesday evening, April 10 with twelve members present. The treasurer reported $35 from the sale of food at the social affair of April 6. Mrs. Joe Ottis was elected delegate to the district conference to be held in Sugarland, April 24 and 25.


Miss Alice Longwood was appointed chairman of Girl Reserve work, which is sponsored by the P. T. A. and $5 was donated toward delegates' expenses to camp at Dallas.


Mrs. O. E. Hudson is authorized to take subscriptions to the Parent-Teacher magazine.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, April 19, 1934



Mr. Julius Gelber and family spent Tuesday evening in the Doyle Coston home.

Little Miss Angela Estlinbaum has been visiting in the home of her grandmother Shoermer in Houston, for the past two weeks.

Mr. Pete Longwood of El Campo, was a guest in the G. W. Fanson home Tuesday and Tuesday night, and was having some car repairing done at the Fanson Garage. He returned home Wednesday.

Miss Daisy Bell of San Antonio is spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bell.

Messrs. R. R. Lyman and Arnold Fanson and Dick Wheeler motored to Galveston Thursday afternoon to witness a ball game.

Mr. Julius Gelber and family spent Sunday in Bay City at the home of Mrs. Hannah Coston and watched the show unload.

Some from here who were visitors in Bay City Saturday were Mrs. Peter Ryman, Mrs. Frank Butter and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. C. M. Laird, Mrs. George Bunk, Mrs. R. Duke, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seerden, Mrs. Lennon Mason, Mrs. J. J. Fondon, Mr. P. Beatty, Mr. Julius Gelber and family, Mr. Rufus Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bunk, Mrs. Della Bradford, Mrs. Harvey Estlinbaum, Miss Daisy Bell, Mrs. J. W. Laird, Joyce Bunk, Mrs. Tom Petrucha and daughters, Mary and Agnes; Miss Theresa Bunk, Mr. and Mrs. Almata and son and Mrs. W. W. Doss and daughters.

Mrs. Ernest Ryman and son, Mrs. Ollie Ryman and baby and Mrs. J. W. Laird returned Thursday from an enjoyable visit with relatives in Mart, Italy, Kosse and Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fanson and their guest, Mrs. Allgood of Chicago and Mr. Pete Longwood of El Campo, were Tuesday afternoon visitors in Bay City.

Evelyn Butter was on the sick list several days last week.

Mrs. E. J. Ottis is entertaining this Tuesday afternoon with a miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Lela Mae Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wheeler, who is soon to become the bride of Mr. Paul Ray of Houston.

Mr. J. R. Laird took three grandsons, children of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Laird, to the show in Bay City Monday afternoon.

Mr. J. F. Culver and family attended the show Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Harvey Estlinbaum went to Houston Sunday morning for a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Shoermer.

Mr. B. J. Patterson of Matagorda, was hunting in this vicinity Monday, and was a dinner guest in the J. R. Laird home.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall and Mrs. E. F. Goodall attended the McCrosky Club Achievement Day Friday afternoon.

The Wadsworth Home Demonstration Club will hold their Achievement day Friday, Oct. 5. Mrs. J R. Laird will show her pantry and Mrs. O. E. Hudson her bedroom. All interested are invited to attend.

School was dismissed at noon Monday to enable those who could to attend the show in Bay City.

Golden Wedding Anniversary

At Thornton, Limestone County, Texas, October 2, 1884, fifty years ago, Mr. J. R. Laird took unto himself a wife, Miss Leontine Richardson. This happy young couple established a home on a farm near Thornton, where they lived for five years, then moved to Montgomery County, living there until December, 1918, when they came to Matagorda County, settling on a farm one and a half miles southeast of Wadsworth. This home was the scene of a merry gathering Saturday and Sunday, as their children had planned the observance of the 50 years of married life of this fine couple. The children who were able to be present were Mrs. Eula Ward and family of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Laird of Houston, Mr. Wayne Laird and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mabin Laird. Other relatives were Mrs. Laird's mother, Mrs. Richardson and brother, C. E. Richardson of Alice, Mr. Stewart Laird, wife and baby, Kenneth Lileux and family, Leon Lileux and wife all of Houston; and B. J. Patterson and wife of Matagorda. At the noon hour Sunday, invited guests besides the relatives, partook of the sumptuous and delicious turkey and chicken dinner with all that goes with it were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seerden, Mr. Murray Seerden and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Webb and family of Cedar Lane, Mr. Fred Patterson of Freeport and Mr. Harvey Estlinbaum. The three tier gold cake, beautifully embossed from Johnny's bakery, in Bay City, occupied he center of the dining table which was covered with a beautiful gold colored linen cloth, a gift to the bride from her mother.

Eleven children were born to this couple, seven of whom are living. Besides the ones mentioned, those who were not able to be here are Mr. Edgar Laird of Tomball, Mrs. Laura Gregson of Tomball and Mr. Barney Laird of Houston. Besides the children there are 23 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Laird number their friends by their acquaintances and all congratulate them on having such an enjoyable observance of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They were presented a number of lovely gifts, by friend a number of lovely gifts, by friends and an elegant suit case by their children and grandchildren with name in gold.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 4, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tolliver, Miss Dorothy and Master Harbert left early Friday morning to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruby that evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gajdosik were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. J. J. Ottis and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fanson and Messrs. Elmer and Arnold Fanson were recent visitors in Victoria.

Mr. J. J. Seerden and daughters, Eugenie and Mrs. Lennon Mason were shopping in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Hudler of Bay City visited a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Gajdosik and family.

Mesdames R. R. Fanson and J. J. Ottis were Bay City visitors Saturday afternoon.

Mr. John Bunk and family were in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. H. M. Seerden was a business visitor in Bay City Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. Earl Woods an employee of the Shell Petroleum Corporation arrived home Wednesday from Raymondville to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woods.

Messrs. C. E. Moser and P. J. Beatty were in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Wayne Laird and family were shopping in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bunk and Joyce and Mrs. John Bunk were recent visitors with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. J. Cusack and family in San Antonio.

Mr. Fred Ottis was in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Earl Woods visited friends in Matagorda Thursday.

Mr. John Gajdosik and Miss Mamie Watson of Needville were Sunday guests of the former's brother, Mr. W. Gajdosik and family.

Mr. Walter Schultz was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. Murray Seerden and Barbara Anun visited last week with relatives in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bunk were in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wiley of the Sharksville vicinity were callers here Sunday morning.

Mrs. Will Gajdosik visited a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Hudler and family in Bay City.

Mr. Bruce Woods and son Earl were business visitors in Bay City Thursday morning.

The Cornelson orchestra furnished the music for the dance Friday night in charge of Doolie Franz of Bay City.

Mrs. W. M. Thompson who spent last week in the Woods home returned Saturday to her home in Markham.

Misses Lydia, Violet and Dorothy Gregurek of Bay City visited Sunday in the home of their uncle, Mr. W. Gajdosik.

Mr. Earl Woods was a tonsillectomy patient in the Livengood clinic in Bay City Sunday morning returning home about one p. m.

Mr. Julius Gelber and family were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mr. Jimmy Harrison and family of Matagorda, Mr. Doyle Coston and family and Mr. Julius Gelber and family spent Wednesday evening in the Woods home. Stringed instruments and piano music and singing was enjoyed. The hostess served chicken salad sandwiches, cookies and grape juice.

Mrs. Fred Ryman was a Saturday visitor in Bay City.

Mr. Bert Carr of Bay City, county tick inspector, was attending to his duties in this vicinity Monday.

The Wadsworth Athletic Association and their families enjoyed a Halloween party at the club house Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bond of Aransas Pass, were Wadsworth visitors Tuesday morning.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 1, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. Cuald Boyer were Monday afternoon visitors in Bay City and callers at the home of Superintendent and Mrs. Hale.

Mr. Ladis Uher and sons were callers at the Woods home Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. J. F. Culver was a Bay City visitor Thursday afternoon.

The cotton meeting held at the school house Friday night was not very well attended.

Mrs. J. P. Gelber and sons spent Friday evening with Mrs. Woods and several games of Somerset being enjoyed.

Mr. E. C. Baker of Matagorda was a caller in town Friday.

Mrs. W. H. Mangum was a dental patient in Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. Dan Goodall, Mrs. O. E. Hudson and Mrs. E. F. Goodall were the club members visiting the Matagorda Home Demonstration Club Friday afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Seerden went as a visitor.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kelly, Misses Carmen and Ida Mae and Carol of Newgulf were Sunday afternoon and supper guests in the G. W. Fanson home.

Miss June Mangum entertained a few of the younger set at her home Saturday evening. Games were enjoyed and refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served.

Mr. E. J. Ottis was a Bay City business visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. G. W. Fanson and son Elmer attended the Battle of the Flowers in San Antonio and visited Miss Alice Longwood at Pleasanton.

Mesdames Dan and E. F. Goodall attended the home demonstration council meeting in Bay City Saturday.

A number of pupils from Wadsworth who attend high school in Gulf had parts in the senior class play in Gulf Friday night. Frances Hatchett and Herbert Tolliver are seniors from here this year.

A large number of Wadsworth attended the play going in the school bus.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Gajdosik and baby and Mr. and Mrs. John Gajdosik were shopping in Bay City Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland attended the Battle of the Flowers in San Antonio, April 26.

Mr. and Mrs. Woods were Tuesday afternoon visitors in Bay City and called on Mrs. Hale whom they found much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Gelber and Henry, were callers Tuesday at the J. Fondon home.

Mr. W. H. Serrill was a Bay City visitor Thursday afternoon.

Mr. C. M. Laird was in Bay City on business Wednesday.

Mrs. G. W. Fanson and daughter, Margaret, son Lyman, Mrs. J. J. Ottis and Miss Minnie Moberly of Matagorda spent Saturday in Houston.

Mr. J. F. Culver transacted business in Bay City Saturday.

Miss Anne Ottis, Messrs. Matt and Tom Ottis left Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Okarche, Ok.

Mr. and Mrs. Gelber were in Bay City Friday.

Messrs. W. H. Sherrill, Floyd Ryman and Dick Wheeler are now employed by the Gulf Sulphur Company working at Newgulf.

The Wadsworth 4-H Club girls entertained a few friends Thursday evening at the home of Miss Marcella Ann Ryman. Games of various kinds were played after which punch and cookies were served.

Wadsworth Home Demonstration Club will meet Friday afternoon, May 10 at the home of Mrs. O. E. Hudson. Members are urged to attend. Visitors are welcome.

The Matagorda County Federation will meet in Van Vleck Saturday, May 18 having been postponed from the 11th.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 2, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ryman were Tuesday business visitors at Bucks Bayou.

Mr. Billy Rogers of Houston was a Wadsworth business visitor several days last week.

Mr. Flournoy and family were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. W. W. Davis, Jr., was transacting business in Bay City Friday afternoon.

Mr. Nolan Ryman was a caller at the Woods home Thursday morning.

Mr. H. M. Seerden was a business visitor in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Goodall spent the day Friday in Freeport, Mrs. Goodall visiting relatives and Mr. Goodall fishing.

Mr. W. W. Wilkinson of Bay City was a business caller in this vicinity Thursday.

School closed Friday afternoon for the holidays and will reopen January 2.

Mrs. Helen Hutson and Thomas were Bay City visitors Saturday morning.

Mrs. Shoermer arrived Monday night from Houston to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Estlinbaum and Mr. Estlinbaum and Angela.

Mr. Nolan Ryman was in Bay City Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woods arrived Monday evening from Baton Rouge to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce Woods.

Mr. Gusman of Bay City was a Monday business visitor in the Wadsworth vicinity.

Mr. Billie Rogers of Houston was a caller Monday in the Woods home.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 26, 1935


Mrs. Will Doss, Jr., and children, visited last week in Dallas with her sister, Mrs. Tom Berthelson and family, and attended the Centennial.

Mrs. E. F. Goodall and Mrs. C. M. Kirby were shopping in Bay City Friday afternoon.

Mrs. A. Fredette, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Fanson, and family.

Mr. Hubert Tolliver was a caller at the Woods home Thursday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Forde Powell and children of Gulf, spent Tuesday evening in the Dan Goodall home.

Mr. Bob Harrison, of Bay City, was a business caller in the Wadsworth vicinity Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Joe Butter, who is in a CCC camp at Madisonville, Texas, visited several days last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Butter.

Miss Miller, of Oklahoma, is a guest of her friend, Mrs. Matt Ottis, and Mr. Ottis.

Mr. G. W. Fanson was a business visitor in Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. Will Mangum was a caller Thursday evening in the Woods home.

Little Miss Angela Estlinbaum visited last week in Houston with her grandmother, Mrs. Shoermer.

Mrs. E. F. Goodall and daughter, Mrs. C. M. Kirby, and son. J. D., were Saturday and Sunday guests of relatives in Goliad.

Mr. J. P. Gelber was a business visitor in Markham Thursday A. M.

Mrs. Taylor, of Sweeny, patronized the beauty parlor of Mrs. Z. Butter, Tuesday.

Mr. W. E. Culver enjoyed a visit last week with his sister, Mrs. Tom Berthelson, in Dallas.

Miss Nell Butter, of Houston, visited a few days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Butter.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Watson and Mrs. W. H. Seerden were Friday afternoon callers in the Murray Seerden home.

Mr. Frank Bruno, of Bay City, was a Tuesday caller in the Wadsworth vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Elliott have returned to Wadsworth after having spent the summer away. Mr. Elliott attended school in San Marcos, and they visited relatives in Dallas and Palacios.

Mr. Burkhart, of the Anderson-Rugeley Auto Co. in Bay City, was a Friday morning caller east of town.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Woods were guests Friday evening in the Z. Butter home.

Mrs. G. W. Fanson and house guest, Mrs. Fredette, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fanson motored to Rosharon and Angleton Wednesday afternoon, and in Angleton were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dickinson.

Mrs. Coke and children, of Matagorda, were barber customers of Mrs. Z. Butter one afternoon last week.

Mr. Harold Ryman, Miss Russell, Mr. Wilburn Toy and Miss June Spoor of Port Arthur were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryman.

Mrs. R. Duke was quite ill Friday being a sufferer from food poisoning.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall and Justine Powell were callers in the Woods home Wednesday forenoon.

School opened here Monday morning with the same teachers as last year. Mr. R. A. Elliott principal, Mrs. Daisy Newton, intermediate, and Miss Ivy Savage primary.

Some who were Bay City visitors Saturday were Mr. G. W. Fanson, Mr. Alex Govender, Mr. and Mrs. R. Duke, Mrs. E. J. Ottis and Bobby Roy, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gelber and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryman, Mr. J. J Seerden, Mr. Doyle Coston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Flournoy and Gladys, Mrs. Harvey Estlinbaum, Mr. Joe Govender, Mrs. J. H. Ottis, Miss Eugenie Seerden, and Mrs. Clyde Estlinbaum.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Duke visited relatives in Houston from Tuesday to Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Thomas, of Mattoon, Ill., visited last week in the home of his sister, Mrs. Z. Butter.

Last week was a busy one for rice and cotton farmers. The rain of Sunday and Sunday night delayed work for a few days.

Mr. Frank Harrison, of Bay City, was buying hogs in the Wadsworth vicinity Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 10, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ottis had as their guests last week, Mrs. Ottis' aunt, Miss Florence Schmidt, and cousin, Miss Doris Orth, of New Orleans.

Rev. Duff of Ganado held Baptist church services here Sunday.

Mrs. Harvey Estlinbaum and daughter, Angela, Barbara Ann Seerden, and Mrs. Will Mangum spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Woods.

The Wadsworth  gin, up to date, has only ginned 134 bales of cotton, 138 short of last year at this time.

Miss Alice Longwood of El Campo was a week end guest of the G. W. Fanson family.

Mrs. R. A. Elliott and baby son returned home Friday evening from the hospital in Bay City.

Mrs. G. W. Fanson, Mrs. J. J. Ottis, Mrs. E. F. Goodall, Mrs. Will Mangum and Miss Alice Longwood were in attendance at the county federation meeting in Palacios Saturday.

W. D. Lee, Sr. was confined to his home by illness the greater part of last week.

R. R. Fanson of Rosharon spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fanson.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fanson, who reside in Matagorda, are staying in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fanson, during the high water in Matagorda.

Louis Svetlik was a Bay City visitor Monday morning, taking his brother, Frank, who spent the week end with home folks.


Friday, September 25, 1936, at 6:30 p. m. Miss Florence Elizabeth Lee, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lee, became the bride of Mr. Floyd Bell of Matagorda, the ceremony being conducted by Judge Oscar Barber at his home in Bay City.

The bride was becomingly gowned in navy blue crepe, with matching accessories. The young couple was accompanied by Mrs. Lee, mother of the bride, and Mrs. Bell, mother of the groom.

Mrs. Bell was born and grew to young womanhood in Wadsworth, attended Wadsworth School and is a graduate of Gulf High School, as is also Mr. Bell. She is of exemplary character, loved and esteemed by all. Mr. Bell is an employee of the Gulf Sulphur Company and acquaintances consider him of sterling worth, worthy of the young lady of his choice. After the ceremony they left for a wedding trip to points in Texas, and will make their home in Newgulf. Friends wish for them the fullest measure of happiness and prosperity as they journey life's pathway together.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 1, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Claud Boyer spent Sunday afternoon in the R. Duke home.

Mrs. C. M. Laird and little son were visiting relatives in Houston over the week end.

Mr. Bob Harrison, of Bay City, was a Wadsworth business visitor Saturday.

Mr. Harold Ryman, an employee of the Texas company, at Port Arthur, was a Saturday and Sunday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryman.

Wadsworth W. M. U. observed "Week of Prayer" having an instructive program each evening. Friday, Rev. Duff arrived from his home in Ganado, and preached Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sunday.

Mrs. Will Gajdosik and children and Mrs. John Gajdosik and baby were callers Sunday afternoon in the Ed Lamke and R. Duke homes.

Deputy sheriff Sailor, of Bay City, was a caller in Wadsworth Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Henry Bunk has accepted a position in Bay City at the Rosenzwieg's store.

Mr. Forde Powell and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Powell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall.

The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Culver, returned from Dallas, and Saturday moved to Houston, where they will make their home. Mr. Culver has received employment there. The best wishes of the people of this community are with them.

Mr. Miller, of the Miller Dairy, of Bay City, was a business visitor in Wadsworth Saturday morning.

Mrs. Ed Lamke and children were week end guests of relatives in Rosenberg.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Woods called at the R. Duke home Sunday afternoon.

J. P. Gelber and family spent Sunday afternoon with the Doyle Coston family.

This Tuesday afternoon, a "shower" is being given Mrs. Floyd Bell, nee Florence Lee, a recent bride at the home of Mrs. Will Mangum.

Mrs. Henry Bunk was a Saturday morning caller in the Woods home.

Those who were in Bay City Saturday included Mr. and Mrs. R. Duke, Mr. Ed Ryman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Laird, Mr. Ed Lamke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryman, Marcell and Roger Ryman, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gelber, Mr. Tom Ryman, Mrs. John Almetta, Miss Doris Seerden, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seerden, Mr. Travis Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ryman and son, Merle; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fondon, Mrs. Tom Petrucha, Miss Eugenie Seerden, Margie Ryman, Arthur Ryman and family, Miss Mary Petrucha, Mr. and Mrs. B. Woods, Tom Petrucha, Jr., W. D. Lee, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Elliott and baby, and George and Henry Gelber.

Birthday Party

Mr. J. H. Ottis enjoyed the observance of his birthday, Tuesday evening, October 6, when his children, with their families, and a few other invited guests, gathered at his home. Various games were played, and at a late hour refreshments were served. When leaving, all wished for Mr. Ottis many happy birthdays to come.

Birthday Dinner and Dance

Friday evening, October 9, Mrs. Clyde Estlinbaum entertained with a chicken dinner at the Etie Cafe in Bay City, honoring her husband, Mr. Clyde Estlinbaum, and her friend, Miss Hattie Klein, of Bay City. Mr. Frank Bunk was also a guest. Dancing at the "Y" followed the dinner.

Home Demonstration Meeting

As most club members now know how to can, "quality" canning will be stressed the coming year, Mrs. Leola Sides, home demonstration agent said in a talk given of the Wadsworth Home Demonstration Club meeting Friday afternoon, October 9, at the home of Mrs. Will Mangum.

To have a quality product, vegetables must be canned when young and tender, and canned as soon as possible after gathering. Members present were Mesdames George Bunk, Wayne Laird, Will Mangum, E. F. Goodall, B. H. Wheeler, Murray Seerden, Amzy Canson and B. Woods. Visitors were Mrs. Travis Thompson and O. E. Hudson. The latter becoming a member again. After adjournment, the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss June, served chicken salad sandwiches and coffee.

The next regular meeting will be Friday, October 23, at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Murray Seerden.

Matagorda County Tribune, October, 1936


Mr. Burkhart, of Bay City, was a business caller in the Wadsworth vicinity Tuesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gelber were Bay City visitors Wednesday.

Rev. Duff, of Ganado, preached for the Baptist congregation Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. J. J. Ottis was a hospital patient in Gulf Wednesday, and is confined to her home by illness.

Wadsworth Parent-Teacher Association held their regular meeting Tuesday evening.

The W. M. U. held an all day session recently at the church, having a covered dish luncheon at the noon hour.

Miss Opal Hatchett is a sufferer with mumps.

Mr. Svetlik and son, Louie, were Bay City visitors Wednesday.

Guy Pentecost was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. J. L. Stall of Blessing, is visiting her nephew, Bruce Woods and Mrs. Woods.

Miss Dorothy Tolliver attended  a party Friday evening in Bay City at the home of Miss Mary Elizabeth at the home of Miss Mary Elizabeth Cash, with whom she spent the night.

Mrs. Elliott of Palacios, attended the County Federation meeting in Wadsworth Saturday.

The Wadsworth Parent-Teacher Association is sponsoring a Xmas tree and program for Xmas eve, at the school house.

Mrs. E. L. Stoner and daughter, Mrs. Ira Dwyer, and her daughter, Mary Ann, all of Houston, attended the County Federation here Saturday. Mrs. Tannheiser, also of Houston, accompanied them.

W. D. Lee and son, Edward, were business callers east of town Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fanson, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fanson and daughter, Margaret, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fanson in El Campo.

Mrs. P. H. Longwood and Mrs. J. E. Fanson, of El Campo, attended the Federation here Saturday.

Mrs. Elliott of Palacios, visited here Saturday with her son and family, and attended the Federation meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ottis and baby and Fred Ottis left Wednesday morning for Okarche, Oklahoma.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 17, 1936


Mrs. Calvin Baker, who has taught the primary grades in Wadsworth school for several years, has resigned, owing to failing health. A teacher from Van Vleck has been employed, but failed to learn her name. Mrs. Baker's friends hope she may soon regain normal health.

Mrs. Ben Eates and Mrs. J. L. Leggett, of Freeport, were guests of Mrs. Goodall one day recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Laird of Houston, were Thanksgiving guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Laird, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seerden.

Several farmers from here attended a soil conservation meeting in Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Goodall had as her guests Thanksgiving day, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall, and Mr. Chester Kirby joined his family, as Mrs. Kirby has been assisting in the store and post office.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ottis observed their 46th wedding anniversary recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryman returned Sunday from a few days visit in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Tolliver spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Tolliver's sister, Mrs. C. R. Grobe and Mr. Grobe, in Columbus.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long, of Lane City, were visitors in Wadsworth Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ottis had as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Franz, parents and sister of Mrs. Ottis.

Mrs. B. H. Tolliver was called to Wharton Wednesday, for the services of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Davidson, who had died at her home in Harlingen.

Masters Clinton White Jr., of Newgulf, and Allan Franz Jr. of Bay City, visited last week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Matt Ottis.

Mr. E. F. Goodall Jr., spent Thursday night and Friday in Houston. Mrs. Goodall returned home with him Friday evening, remaining until Sunday afternoon, when she returned by train to Houston to resume work, she being employed by the Humble Company.

Mr. Frank Seerden and Mr. Ed. Beadruex of Houston, spent Saturday here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seerden, and incidentally doing some goose hunting.

Father Kennedy of Houston, and a priest from San Antonio, held mass in Sacred Heart Church Thanksgiving morning and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ottis.

Mr. Clyde Ryman, and his friend, Mr. Crofoot of Houston, were hunting at Lake Austin Thanksgiving forenoon.

Wadsworth Parent-Teacher Association will be hostess to the County Federation December 12. A covered dish luncheon will be served at the noon hour, each Federation member to bring a dish. The hostess club will furnish dessert and drinks, and will be in charge of the program. A Christmas tree with exchange of gifts will be a feature of the program.

Mrs. Chester Kirby, who had been here for several weeks assisting Mrs. Goodall in the store and post office returned Sunday to her home in Newgulf, her two small sons with her.

Mr. and Mrs. Woods were callers Sunday afternoon in the Flournoy and Lampe homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ryman, of Houston, were guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. Ryman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ryman. Miss Helen Ryman accompanied them to Houston for a visit returning Sunday evening by bus.

Mr. Ed Lampe was called to Alvin Thursday by the death of a little nephew. He returned home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Daughtry of Kingsville, visited in the home of Mrs. Daughtry's uncle, Ed. Lampe, several days last week.

Visitors in Bay City Saturday included Mrs. George Sutherland, Lawrence Culver, Mrs. Will Doss, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Laird, Mrs. Armatta, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ryman, Mr. C. E. Moser, Mary Ann Harald, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 3, 1942


School started Monday. All the students seemed glad to be back again. Lunches will be served at the school kitchen at 15 cents a meal or 75 cents each week. The lady in charge of the kitchen has asked the children to bring the whole amount Mondays of each week.

The new teachers are Miss Smith of Lovelady, Tex. and Mrs. Sterling of Bay City.

Wayne Laird Jr. was home for the week-end and is enthusiastic over his work at A. and M College. He has enrolled in the School of Veterinary.

Last Monday Miss Lorraine Bunk went to Houston to enroll in the school of nursing in the St. Joseph Hospital and Marjorie and Merle Ryman went to Brownwood to enroll in Howard Payne College.

Rev. Dan Smith of Llano was a guest of the J. M. Rymans last Wednesday night.

Beryl Lovelace of Albuquerque, N. M. was visiting Beryle Ryman last Week, Merle, Marjorie, Roger, Sara, Blanche Ryman and Weyman Bussell took Mr. Lovelace crabbing and for a swim in the gulf.

LaVerne Ryman has been working at the dairy in Bay City.

Little C. P. Otis and Katty Ray have just returned home after spending a vacation in Louisiana.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatchett of Gulf are spending their vacation in the home that they have here. Byron and family and Mrs. Jeff Parker and family are staying with them part of the time.

Mrs. Henry Seerden is in Houston visiting her son Lawrence and family.

Ford Powell Jr., recently discharged from the U. S. Navy was visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodall.

Miss Marjorie Ryman attended the swimming party for the young people of the Methodist church in Bay City and afterward went to the social hour in the Wesleyan Hall last Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pentecost and little Dora Jean and their son, Phillip, recently of the U. S. Marines, are visiting their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Pentecost and also their sisters and families, Mrs. Jesse and Fred Ryman.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelley and children of Boling were weekend guests of Arnold Fanson and family.

Mrs. George Hall visited her mother in Markham several days last week.

Messrs. Mabin Laird, Jim Darius, Jesse and Merle Ryman, Robert Ryman went with Mr. Pascal Odem to Markham to the barbecue dinner at the home of Mr. Luther Robertson. The occasion was the meeting of the district Baptist Brotherhood.

Daily Tribune, September 12, 1946


Mr. and Mrs. Cleatis Ryman and Mr. and Mrs. James Hollis of Houston weekended with Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Ryman and family.

Mrs. Wayne Laird spent a few days in Houston last week and attended the Shriners parade.

Mrs. Morgan White and Mrs. S Harvey Estlinbaum entertained with a party as a surprise to Mrs. Lucille on her birthday.

The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Katzem was in the hospital quite ill several days last week but is home again.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lundin spent a few days in Galveston on pleasure last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ryman of Houston were business visitors in our country last Saturday and a caller on relatives while here.

Clyde Ryman Jr., of Houston was visiting his parents and other relatives last weekend and said he enrolled in the University of Houston and is giving full time to his studies.

Miss Lorraine Bunk was home for the weekend and brought a friend another student nurse, with her.

Mrs. Mabin Laird told us that the Council Home Demonstration has brought a vacuum cleaner to fill feather comforters and it is available to club members.

Mrs. Hale told us the AAA and the Veterans Administration have worked a plan whereby a veteran who wishes to b a farmer may use the "On-the-job" plan the same as other occupations. Veterans who are interested see Mr. Turner in Bay City.

Mrs. Stella Ryman, who works with the Girl Scouts, will begin her fall program of activities on Thursday Sept. 10 at four o'clock at the Scout Cabin.

The children of Mrs. John H. Ottis surprised her last Friday night with a party, that being her birthday. All of her children, seven sons and three daughters with their families were present. Cake and coffee were served during the evening. Some guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ottis brought a projector and showed South Sea pictures as one source of amusement for the evening. Most of the evening was spent in rejoicing to be all together with their mother at the home of their childhood. All of our community join the Ottis many more years of useful happy living among us.

Mrs. Beulah Goodall and son, E. F. with Miss Marium McConnell and little Wilton Cohen weekended with the Chester Kirby family.

The Men of the Brotherhood Organization had a happy profitable meeting in the Sunday School annex of the church house last Friday night.

There was no service at the Church last Sunday. The Baptist pastor, Rev. C. L. Boone of Weimar resigned and the congregation failed to get someone to fill the pulpit but someone will be obtained and church services will continue as formerly.

Daily Tribune, September 19, 1946


School began again after the holidays on January 6. We are sorry that Miss Sammie Smith our primary teacher was absent. She fell on the ice at Lovelady, where she was spending her vacation, and sprained an ankle. She will be absent a week or more. Mrs. Arnold Fanson is substitute teacher.

Mrs. Felix Calk has been transferred to the John Sealy Hospital for building up treatments, preliminary to skin grafting on the burns that failed to heal.

Mrs. Chester Kirby took little Brent to the Matagorda General Hospital last Thursday for an operation to remove a cyst on the back of his leg. He is home now but will be in bed for sometime. Mrs. E. F. Goodall of Houston is helping nurse him.

Navy Lieutenant Robert Anderson of Charleston, S. C., with his wife and small sons of New Orleans, La., spent a part of the holiday season with his sisters Mesdames Ollie Ryman, Arthur Ryman and Eddie Ryman.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Morgan of Port Arthur spent their New Year vacation with her folks, the J. J. Seerden family.

Mrs. Rena Ponder of Galveston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ryman over the New Year.

We are happy to report that other than a few minor colds and upset stomachs there was no sickness in our community as a result of the recent blizzard.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 9, 1947


Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Morgan and son of Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Listen Smith and three children of Austin spent last week-end with the ladies parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Seerden and Capn Seerden.

Miss Marjorie Ryman and Merle Ryman of Brownwood were home for the spring holidays.

Dr. John Partain was guest of Mr. Chester Kirby this weekend but went to Cedar Lane for a funeral service in the afternoon and didn't preach the regular Sunday night sermon.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ryman with their four small children and their son Robert and family also Mrs. Gertrude Walker and Carol Anne of Bay City were all in church and Sunday School Sunday morning.

Thirty eight of our pupils were absent from school because of sickness Monday.

Thursday afternoon the room mothers of all of the rooms at school gave a little party for each. The two rooms of smaller children had an egg hunt and games and refreshment afterward. The other rooms had just a party.

The election for the district trustee was held Saturday at the school house. Mesdames Matt Ottis Harvey Estlinbaum and Arnold Fanson held the election. Mr. Clyde Estlinbaum was the only candidate.

Mr. Lloyd Ryman and family of Houston were home over the weekend.

Mr. Chester Kirby and sons went to Houston Friday to attend the wedding of her brother E. F. Goodall to Miss Marian McConnelly.

The Tribune, April 10, 1947


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