Spanish Fork City Cemetery

Address: 420 South 400 East
Spanish Fork, UT 84660 Travel Directions: The Spanish Fork Cemetery is located at 420 S. 400 E. Take the UT-156 exit, Exit 257, toward Spanish Fork. Turn left onto N Main Street/UT-156. Turn left onto UT-147/S State Road. Turn left onto N 400 East.
Contact: Spanish Fork City
Phone: 801-798-5020
Owner: Spanish Fork City
Burial Plots: 25500
Number of Burials: 13700
Size: 31 Acres
Year Established: 1868
Year of First Burial: 1868
Comments: The Spanish Fork City Cemetery was established in 1868 and is the largest cemetery in southern Utah County. Many notable early LDS Church leaders and other pioneers are buried there.
Find a Grave Search: Search Spanish Fork City Cemetery