To ask a Rita Neustifter to look up a transcription from the following cemeteries in Brown County, please e-mail the her at: Transcription-Lookups. Make sure that you include the name of the cemetery in your request along with any pertinent data on the person you are looking for.  

Note:  These are indexed transcriptions of the gravestones, not offical cemetery records.  If the person you are looking for is not found, it may be because they don't have a gravestone or it may have been illegible, or missed.


Greenwood, DePere (as of 1972 and very large)

St. Kilian - Catholic, New Franken (as of 1993)

Holy Martyrs of Gorcum - Catholic, (as of 1997 ... most of the original stones are no longer standing and not on this list)

Holy Trinity, New Denmark (as of 1994)