Chesterfield County, Virginia

Transcribed Will of Victoria C. Clayton

Will Book # 31 Chesterfield County, Virginia Page 130

The last Will and Testament of Victoria C. Clayton of Chesterfield County Va.

I Victoria C. Clayton do make this my last Will and Testament revoking all others.

1st I give to my daughter Mattie Clayton Partin her natural life ( at this point the will was cut off from the top of next page, have to go back to library and see what it said)

2nd I give and beqeth to one daughter Mary Rebekah Clayton the remaining portion of my house place, containing thirty acers more or less after cutting off the eastern portion. To my son William B. Clayton as described by deed made to him. My daughter shall have andure as she she may see fit her portion of place.

I also give to my daughter Mary Rebekah Clayton all my personal estate of every kind that I may own at my death to have and to do whatever she may see fit during her natural life. At her death, to the heir of her body should there be any. If she leaves no heir so her body the above named property shall belong to my Oldest Grandson James Fleming Clayton in (?) (?) .

3rd I (?) that Mary Rebekah Clayton make her father J.T. Clayton Comfotable as she posably can during his single life.

4th I (?) hard sufficency of my estate be used in giving me a dear church burila and I hereby resever the burying ground with a sufficency of land to bury all my family that might wish to be buryed there and I want to be buried by my mother.

5th I (?) that our hundred dollars be put in the bank carrying interest for (?) Lewis Clayton and when he is twenty one (?) him have it with interest.

I have given my son E. H. Clayton our lot containig 18 acers more or less on Church Road.

Given under my hand and seal this 21st of March 1910.

Victoria C. Clayton (seal)

J.R. (?)

R. E. Wilron Witness

I now direct that my husband James T. Clayton shall have a house here at my homestead as long as he remains single and wants to stay here, and I further direct that he shall be provided for and make comfortable so long as he lives here.

This document writen by his wife Victoria C. Clayton

Transcribed By Lucy Partin

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