Avery Family Cemetery

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Avery Family Cemetery

Transcriptions contributed by: Danny Lamberth


The Avery Family Cemetery is located beside the Old Sandy Ridge Grocery on Highway 832 in Meadesville, Virginia (area map: Google MapsTM). This is in the Nathalie VA 24577 post office area. The Cemetery has several unmarked graves.



Alida Virginia Avery--Daughter of Alfred & Helen C. Avery- Age 2 Years, Months, 26 Days

Samuel August Wright--Son of William D. & Mary J. Wright; Born Jan 14 1860-Died May 30 1860

George Avery--Born April 2 1815-Died April 30 1849


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Updated: Saturday, January 26, 2008, by websitemail[at]moorecrossing[dot]com