Conner Family Cemetery on Coles Ferry Road

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Samuel A. Conner Family Cemetery

Transcriptions/Photographs contributed by: Danny Lamberth


The Samuel Allen Conner family cemetery is located on the family farm at 6101 Coles Ferry Road (area map: Google MapsTM). This is in the Nathalie VA 24577 post office area.



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JULY 17, 1837
DEC. 14, 1906

(Husband of Martha Pugh Conner)



Martha Frances Pugh “Grann” Conner
October 4 1847
March 6 1932

Wife of Samuel Allen Conner


Helen Myrtle Conner Johnson
July 19 1885
August 30 1921

Wife of Richard Alonza Johnson


William Thorton “Will” Foster
December 28, 1866
May 02, 1932

Husband of Bettie Conner Foster


Bettie Ann Conner Foster
December 05, 1869
July 29, 1925

Wife Of Will Foster


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Updated: Saturday, January 26, 2008, by websitemail[at]moorecrossing[dot]com