Highland County, Virginia
VaGenWeb Page

Highland County's Ancestor Counties,
with links to ancestor county pages

Charles River Co (Original Shire)    Chickacoan Indian Reserve
name changed to                                   |
 York Co (1642)                   Northumberland Co (1648)
         |  !_________________________________.___!
         |                                    |
         |                           Lancaster Co (1651)
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    New Kent Co (1654)  Rappahannock Co (1656-1692)
         |                                    |
King and Queen Co (1691)           Essex Co (1692)
         | |_________                         |
         |           |                        |
         |       King William Co (1702)
                      Spotsylvania Co (1721)
                             Orange Co (1734)
                                  Augusta Co (1745)
                                    |  |     |
                                    |  | Botetourt Co (1770)
                                    |  |     |        
        ----no Highland land----    |  |     | no Highland land
        Rockingham Co   Hardy Co    |  |     | Greenbrier Co
             !___________.__!_______!  !_____!___._______!
                         |                       |
                    Pendleton Co (1788)       Bath Co  (1791)
                           Highland Co (1846)

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