
Durham HALL Estate

Advertisement that ran in Williamsburg's Virginia Gazette on April 18, 1751
Transcribed from microfilm, March 24, 2001 by Robert Hall Barton

"All persons who have any Claim against the Estate of Mr. Durham HALL, late of the Borough of Norfolk, deceased, are forthwith desired to send in their Accounts, properly attested to his Executors, Robert Tucker and Christopher Perkins, of the said Borough: and those that are indebted to the said Estate, are desired by them, to make speedy Payment. Attendance will be given, at Williamsburg, during the General Court.

A Tract of Land, about 300 Acres, lying in Lunenburg County, belonging to the said Estate will be sold at public Sale, on Wednesday the 24th Instant, at Ms. Henry Wesberburn's Door, in Williamsburg, where the particular Bounds, (illegible)., of the said Land will then be produced.

Also, to be freighted upon moderate Terms, to any of the West India Islands, or elsewhere, the Sloop Harry, belonging to the said Estate, now lying at Norfolk, ready to proceed upon any Voyage that may offer.

Robert Tucker Christopher Perkins Executors."

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