Russell County, Virginia Biography Submission Form

We would love to post biographies and family histories of your Russell County, Virginia ancestors. They need not be extensive. You can include vital information, ancestry, names and vital information of children, occupations, family lore, ... For privacy concerns, please do not submit biographies of living persons without their permission.

Title of Biography:

For example, Smith, John, 1812-1870 or Elkins Family
Your Name:

Your E-mail Address:


If you have Windows or a Mac you may write the biography in a word processor and cut and paste it into the above box. This box will hold several printed pages of text. Please make sure that all the above fields are filled in and then hit the submit button below. Once the form has been accepted, your biography will appear on the 'Newly Submitted Biographies' page. This way they will be available to the public immediately and will be sorted and added to the main library at the next upload of biographies.

Please do not send biographies from copyrighted materials (ie, family histories or county heritage books published after 1921). You are welcome to submit biographies that you have written or ones from copyright-expired sources (pre-1921). If you are sending a biography from an old local history, etc, include the name of the publication, author and date of publication, if possible, at the end of the biography.

Please do not use this form for queries or lists of surnames - (there are other forms for those on the county page). This form is specifically for biographies that you would like to include in the Southwest Virginia Biography Library.


NOTE: After submitting your biography, you will be taken to a screen titled MailMerge Gateway. Use your browser's BACK key to get out of this screen.

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