Names found in the 1810 Russell County Personal Property Tax List.                                                             

These are in alphabetical order and not in the order enumerated.  You                                                         

will have to consult original or microfilm copies of these lists for more                                                        

information. Spellings are as they appeared.  

(Note: All households have 1 tithable unless otherwise noted.)                                                        

A-F                       G-M                       N-Z                

?, Danuel                Galliher, Peter           Nash, James               
?, George                Garriott, John            Nash, Thomas              
?, Jacob                 Garriott, William - 2     Nash, William
                         George, A free Negro             
?, Solomon               George, Benjamin          Nealy, David - 2             
?, Tom                   George, William           Nease, Henry              
Abet, James              Gibson, Burel (?)         Necesary, William         
Adams, William - 0       Gibson, David - 2         Nelson, Daniel            
Addington, Charles       Gibson, George            Nelson, David             
Addison, Roddin          Gibson, James - 2         Newberry, Robert          
Alexander, John          Gibson, James - 0         Newman, Henry - 2         
Allen, Ebenezer          Gibson, James - 3         Nichols, James            
Allen, Isaac             Gibson, John              Nifong, Martin            
Allen, John              Gibson, John              Noland, James             
Alley, David             Gibson, Martin            Noland, William           
Alley, Hosea - 0         Gibson, Robert            Nonacre, Nicholas         
Alley, James             Gibson, Thomas - 0        O'Daniel, Fielding        
Alley, John              Gibson, Thomas            O'Daniel, Isaac           
Alley, Jonathan          Gibson, Thomas            Olinger, Christopher - 2  
Alley, Peter             Gibson, William           Olinger, Jacob            
Alley, Peter Sr          Gibson, Zachariah         Osborn, David             
Alley, Samuel - 2        Gilbert, Barbary - 0      Osborn, James - 2         
Alley, Thomas - 2        Gillespy, James           Osborn, James             
Alley, Thomas            Gilmore, William          Osborn, James             
Allin, Enock             Gilum, David              Osborn, John              
Anderson, Charles        Gilum, Elizabeth - 0      Osborn, Jonathan          
Anderson, John - 2       Gilum, Joshua             Osborn, Solomon - 0         
Anderson, Thomas         Gilum, Martin             Osborn, Stephen - 0         
Arnet, Joseph            Gilum, William            Osborn, William         
Arton, Samuel            Glen, William             Parks, David - 2            
Arvan, Nancy - 0         Godsey, Clinton - 2       Paschal, William - 0        
Astrip, James            Godsey, John              Patrick, Elias            
Auxer, Abram             Going, Martin             Patrick, Jeremiah         
Babb, Benjamin           Goodman, Henry            Patrick, Jeremiah Jr.     
Back, John               Gose, John                Patrick, William - 2        
Back, Lewis              Gose , George             Patton, William - 2         
Babb, Peter              Gose, Christopher         Pearson, Thomas           
Baker, Edward            Gose, Stephen             Peck, George              
Baker, Loval             Grain, Caleb              Pedigo, William
Ball, George             Grammar, Joseph           Pendleton, James - 2        
Ball, James              Gray, Jesse               Pendleton, John           
Ball, John               Gray, John                Pendleton, Reubin         
Ball, Moses              Green, James              Pendleton, Sarah - 0        
Ballinger, William       Green, John               Penix, Joshua - 2           
Barker, Charles          Grey, James - 2           Penley, Ephesditis        
Barker, John             Grizle, George            Penley, Joshua - 0          
Barnett, James           Grizle, John              Pennington, Charles - 0     
Barnett, Nathaniel       Grub, George              Pennington, John          
Bawn, William            Guttery, Daniel - 0       Pennix, John              
Bay, John                Guttery, Hugh - 0         Percen, Thomas            
Bays, Charles            Guttry, Samuel            Perry, William            
Bays, James              Haberlane, George         Peters, Jacob             
Boys?, Jeremiah - 2      Hackney, John             Philip, John              
Bays, John               Hackney, John  Jr         Phip, James               
Bays, Peter              Hadox, Henly              Pipen, Robert             
Bays, Susannah           Hail, James               Pipen, Robert             
Bays, William            Hail, Stephen             Pipin, William            
Belcher, Jesse           Hain, Isaac               Porter, Duncan T.         
Benner, Catherin         Hainey, James - 2         Porter, James             
Benner, John             Hains, Christopher        Porter, John              
Berry, John              Hall, Alexander           Porter, John              
Bevens, Joseph           Hall, Isam                Porter, Patrick           
Bevin, John              Hall, Isam                Porter, Samuel - 2          
Bevins, James            Hall, John                Powal, Abram              
Bickley, Charles - 3     Hall, Reubin              Power, Jonas              
Biset, David             Hamilton, David           Powers, George            
Bishop, David            Hamilton, James           Powers, George            
Bishop, George - 2       Hammilton, Nathan         Powers, George Jr         
Black, David             Hammon, Abrose            Powers, John              
Bletcher, Ambrose        Hammon, Ambrose           Powers, John              
Bleven, Daniel           Hammon, John - 0          Powers, Oliver            
Bleven, nathan           Hammon, John Jr           Powers, Peter             
Blevin, Levi             Hammon, Joseph - 2        Presley, Hester - 0        
Bloomer, Daniel          Haney, William            Presley, James            
Boldridge, William       Hargass, John - 3         Price, Richard           
Bolen, Jeremiah          Harris, Edward            Price, Angur - 2            
Bolin, Benjamin          Harris, Lewis - 0         Price, Crabtree           
Bollin, William - 3      Hart, Mark                Price, Daniel - 3           
Booth, Joseph            Harvy, Andrew             Price, Drury              
Booth, Stephen - 2       Hatfield, Ephraim         Price, Joseph             
Boyd, Robert             Hatfield, Euricus         Price, Pricilla - 0         
Bradsker, John           Hatfield, Valentine       Price, Rese               
Braodwater, Will         Heburn, Andrew            Price, Richard
                                                   Price, Richard (Little)            
Breeding, John           Hendricks, Aron           Price, Thomas             
Breeding, Spencer - 2    Hendricks, James - 0      Price, William            
Brichey, James           Hendricks, James Jr       Price, William            
Brichey, John - 3        Hendricks, Thomas - 0     Price, William            
Brichey, William         Hendricks, Thomas est.- 0 Prince, John              
Broadwater, John         Hendrickson, John         Prince, John
                                                   Pritchet, William - 0
                                                   Pritchet, John              
Brooksher, Joseph        Henry, John - 2           Prulat, Huriah            
Brown, George            Henry, John               Pucket, George est. - 0         
Brown, James             Henry, Philip             Puckit, John              
Brown, William           Herndon, Larkin - 2       Quillin, James            
Browning, Francis - 4    Herrel, William           Quillin, John             
Browning, Francis Jr     Herril, Jeremiah          Quillin, Teague - 2         
Browning, James          Hicks, Aln (?)            Quillin, Thomas           
Bruce, Thomas            Hicks, Clabourn - 2       Quillin, William          
Brumley, John            Hicks, John - 2           Raimey, Jacob             
Bunday, Thomas           Hicks, John Jr            Raimy, James              
Burch, John              Hicks, Nathaniel          Raimy, James              
Burdine, Ezekial - 0     Hickum, William           Raimy, John               
Burk, Fleming            Hill, Madison             Raimy, Timothy            
Burk, John               Hobb, Isaac               Ramsey, Danuel            
Burk, Luke               Hobb, Robert              Ramsey, Joel - 3            
Burtis, John             Hobb, Solomon             Ramsey, William           
Burton, James            Hobb, Solomon             Rasnack, Jacob - 2          
Burton, John - 2         Hobbs, James              Ray, Benjamin             
Burton, Thomas           Hobbs, Nathan             Ray, John - 0               
Bush, Austin - 2         Hobebrook, John - 3       Ray, John                 
Bush, Drury              Hodges, William           Ray, William              
Campbell, Henry          Hoge, William             Redwine, Fredrick - 2       
Campbell, William est. 0 Holebrook, Robert         Redwine, Joshua           
Candler, John            Holiday, William          Richmond, David           
Carrel, Charles          Holland, John             Richmond, James           
Carrel, James P ?        Honaker, Jacob            Riggs, William            
Carter, Dail - 2         Honaker, James            Ring, Stephen             
Carter, David            Honaker, Martin           Ritchie, Ann - 0            
Carter, Elizabeth - 0    Hooper, John              Ritchie, Samuel - 2       
Carter, Henry            Hooper, William           Ritchmond, Abram          
Carter, Henry            Horn, Pleasante           Ritchmond, Isaac          
Carter, John - 2
Carter, Joseph           Horton, Enoch             Roach, William            
Carter, Margaret - 0     Horton, Jesse - 0         Roaton, Jacob - 2         
Carter, Mary - 0         Horton, John              Robert, William           
Carter, Norris           Horton, John Jr           Roberts, William          
Carter, Peter            Horton, Mary              Robinson, Berry           
Carter, Presley          Horton, Travis - 2        Robinson, Charles         
Carter, Thomas           Horton, William           Robinson, John            
Carter, Williamson       Howart (Howard), Johnson  Robinson, William         
Cartey, David - 2        Howart, Larkin            Robison, Alexander        
Casteal, Samuel          Howerton, William - 3     Robison, George           
Casteal, William         Howun, John               Robison, George Jr        
Castel, Jacob - 3        Hullen, William - 0       Robison, Pricilla - 0     
Castel, Jacob J ?        Hunt, Priscilla - 0       Robison, Samuel           
Castel, Joseph           Hunt, Thomas              Robison, Samuel Jr        
Castel, Zedhiah          Hunt, William - 3         Robison, Solomon          
Castle, Henry            Hunt, Henry - 2           Robison, William
Cater ? , John           Hurst, Harmon             Robison, William
Chaffin, James           Hurst, Joseph             Robison, William Jr       
Chaifen, John            Hurt, Garland - 2         Rogar, Accabud            
Chainey, Granbery        Hurt, Moses               Roman, Richard            
Chanler, John            Huse, Daniel              Roman, Thomas             
Charles, George          Hutcheson, James          Roman, William            
Chase, Ambrose           Hutcheson, John           Romine (?), William       
Childers, Isam           Hutcheson, Peter - 0      Rosnack, Jacob            
Childris, Abraham        Hutcheson, Peter          Rosnack, John             
Childs, Henry            Hynes, Anthony            Runals, Henry             
Childs, Paul             Ingland, Joseph           Ryley, Allen              
Childs, William          Ingle, Henry              Ryley, Daniel             
Clark, Samuel            Ingle, William - 2        Sally, George - 2         
Clendening, William      Isaac, Fielding           Salyars, Isiah            
Clevenger, George        Isaac, Samuel - 0         Salyars, Jonathan         
Clift, John - 0          Jackson, Eli              Salyers, Jeremiah         
Cody, William            Jackson, Gibson           Salyers, John             
Cole, John               Jackson, Levy             Salyers, Samuel           
Collin, James            Jackson, Richard          Salyers, William          
Colly, George            Jackson, Simion - 2       Salyers, Zacheriah - 2    
Colly, John              Jackston, George          Samples, William          
                         Jacob, a Free Negro
Color, John              James, William            Sargant, Elijah           
Color, Thomas            James, William            Sargent, Ephraim - 2      
Color, William           Jarral, Ancel             Sargent, James            
Combs, William           Jeffers, Joseph           Sargent, Stephen - 0      
Comton, David            Jesse, Archer             Sargent, William          
Comton, Jeremiah         Jesse, David - 0          Scott, James              
Comton, Thomas           Jesse, John - 2           Scott, John - 0           
Conley, David            Jesse, John Jr            Sewel, Benjamin           
Conway, John             Jesse, Lee                Sexton, Bartlett          
Cook, George             Jesse, William            Sexton, Charles           
Cook, Joel               Johnson, Benjamin - 2     Sexton, Charles           
Cook, John               Johnson, George           Sexton, Elisha            
Cooksey, Isaac           Johnson, John             Shearman, Thomas          
Cooksey, John            Johnson, John             Shoomaker, Alexander      
Coots, Andrew            Johnson, Susan            Shoomaker, James - 2      
Cornwall, John           Johnson, Thomas - 0       Shoomaker, Joseph         
Corum, Jesse             Johnson, William          Short, Thomas             
Couch, Jeremiah          Johnston, Richard - 2     Sick, Jacob - 2           
Countess, Peter          Johnston, William - 2     Sikes, James              
Counts, George           Jones, Ambrose            Sikes, John               
Counts, John - 2         Jones, Elisha             Sikes, John Jr            
Cowing, Nancy - 4        Jones, Jehue              Skeen, Jonathan           
Cox, David - 2           Jones, John               Smith, Absolom            
Cox, Henry               Jones, John               Smith, Elisha             
Cox, William             Jones, Nathaniel          Smith, Harry              
Crabtree, Soloman        Jones, William - 2        Smith, Henry              
Cragen, Elisha           Jones, William            Smith, James              
Crank, Jacob             Jordan, William           Smith, John               
Crider, James            Keen, Israel - 2          Smith, John               
Crider, John - 2         Keen, John                Smith, Mary - 0           
Crider, William          Keen, William             Smith, Thomas             
Crump, Elizabeth         Keen, Zachariah           Smith, William Jr         
Crumwell, Charles Est 0  Kelly, Edward - 2         Smoot, Edward             
Crumwell, William        Kelly, Michal             Smyth, Edmund             
Culbertson, Tyrey        Kelly, Samuel             Smyth, George             
Culburson, Jeremiah      Kelly, William            Smyth, James              
Cumton, Abraham          Kendrick, George          Smyth, John - 0           
Cunningham, John         Kenner (Keen?), Housen 3  Smyth, John               
Dail, Nathan ?           Kezee, Charles            Smyth, John               
Dair (Darr), George      Kidd, William             Smyth, John               
Daugherty, James         Kilgore, Charles          Smyth, Samuel - 2           
Davenport, John - 2      Kilgore, Hiram            Smyth, William            
Davis, David             Kilgore, Ralph            Sneed, Benjamin - 3       
Davis, Francis           Kilgore, Robert - 2       Sneed, Bolen              
Davis, Jesse             Kilgore, William - 2      Sneed, Micajah            
Davis, John              Kinder, Jacob             Sneed, William
                                                   Solomon, a Free Negro            
Davis, John              King, Meridith            South, Benjamin           
Davis, Philip            Kinsor, Michal            Southard, George          
Davison, Daniel          Kinsor, Nicholas          Southarlane, Henry        
Davison, David           Kinsor, Walter            Southarlane, James        
Davison, Elizabeth       Kirk, Henry - 0           Spradling, James          
Davison, James           Kirk, Samuel - 0          Spradling, Robert         
Davison, John            Kisor, Joseph Jr.         Stacy, George - 2         
Davison, Joseph          Kitchen, James - 2        Stacy, Mashack - 2        
Davison, Robert          Kitchen, James            Stalyard, Rauley - 2      
Dawson, Vincent          Kitchen, William          Stalyard, Samuel          
Day, Ambrose             Kizer, Abednego           Stalyard, Walter          
Day, Hunley              Kizer, John               Stanfield, James          
Day, John                KIzer, Joseph             Stanley, Joseph           
Deen, Elias - 2          Laders, Thomas            Stanley, Richard          
Dickenson, Edmund        Lain, Corbain             Stapleton, John           
Dickenson, George        Lain, William             Stapleton, Joshua         
Dickenson, Griffith      Lambert, Peter            Starnes, George           
Dickenson, Henry         Landers, John             Starnes, Peter - 4        
Dickenson, Henry         Landers, Nathaniel - 3    Step, Moses - 2           
Dickenson, James         Landers, Thomas           Step, Thomas              
Dickenson, Lewis         Large, John               Stephens, Joshua          
Dickinson, James - 2     Large, Thomas             Stewart, Charles - 2      
Dickson, James           Large, William - 2        Stewart, Thomas           
Dingus, Joseph           Lark, Christopher - 2     Stewart, William - 2      
Dinsmore, Samuel         Lark, Michal              Stewart, William          
Dollahide, John          Lawson, William           Stinson, John - 2         
Dorton, Joseph           Lawson, William           Stinson, Robert           
Dorton, William - 3      Lea, Cupe                 Stone, John               
Duff, Samuel             Lee, George               Stone, William            
Duff, Samuel Jr          Lee, james                Strauther, james          
Duncan, David            Leforce, Monsieur         Strong, Samuel            
Duncan, Jesse - 2        Leforce, Samuel           Strong, Thomas            
Duncan, Joseph           Leman, James              Stroud, Mark              
Dunihue, Henry           Leman, John               Stublefield, Rob (?)      
Dunihue, Thomas          Linch, John               Sulcher, Larkin           
Durham, Isac             Little, Sarah             Summers, John             
Dutton, John             Little, William           Sutvin, Christopher       
Duty, Thomas             Litton, Solomon           Sweany, Nathan            
Dyar, James              Locheart, William         Sword, Henry              
Dyar, William            Loid, John                Sword, Michal             
Elkin, Elijah - 2        Long, Andrew              Tate, Alexander           
Ellet, Jesse             Long, Richard - 3         Tate, Isaac               
Ellet, Michael           Louderbach, Daniel - 2    Tate, John - 2            
Ellet, Michail           Loveace, Zebulon          Tate, Joseph              
Ellet, William - 0       Luis, Thomas              Taylor, James             
Ellington, John          Madaus, Oliver - 0        Taylor, Moses             
Ellington, Watham        Madaus, Charles           Taylor, Nimrod - 2        
Elliott, James           Mahon, Pleasant           Taylor, Samuel - 2        
Elliott, John            Marshall, James           Taylor, Samuel Jr         
Ellis, James             Marshall, John            Taylor, William           
Elum, Jeremiah           Marshall, Reubin          Templeton, Mary - 0       
Emmon, Lidia - 0         Martin, Andrew - 2        Thomson, Andrew           
Emmon, Samuel            Martin, David             Thomson, James            
Ervin, James             Martin, George            Thomson, John             
Ervin, John Jr           May, David                Thomson, John Jr          
Ervin, John - 2          May, James - 3            Thomson, Richard
Estep, Joel              McCarrel, Jacob           Thomson, Richard Jr       
Estep, John              McClelan, Andrew - 2      Thomson, William          
Esterling, Thomas - 2    McClelan, George          Thomson, William Jr       
Evin, Littleberry        McCliben (?), William     Thornberry, Walter        
Ewing, Samuel            McCloglan, William        Tod, James                
Faris, Isac              McCloglin, Davis          Tod, Joseph               
Faris, William           McCloud, Catherine        Turner, Mary              
Fannan/Farmer?, David    McCloud, Danuel           Tyrey, Daniel             
Ferrel, Elizabeth - 0    McCloud, William          Upton, Edward             
Ferrel, John             McConnel, George          Vermilion, Oliver         
Ferrel, John             McCormack, Thomas         Vermillion, James         
Ferrel, William          McCoy, Brumfield          Vermillion, Jesse - 3     
Field, Richard Jr        McCoy, George             Vermillion, Thomas        
Field, William           McCoy, James              Vermillion, Wilson - 2    
Fields, Esquire          McCoy, John               Vicar, James              
Fields, Joel             McCoy, Thomas             Vicar, Robert             
Fields, John             McCoy, Thomas             Wadington, Jacob          
Fields, John Jr          McDavid, David            Waggon, John              
Fields, Joseph - 2       McDavid, George           Waldip, James             
Fields, Richard          McDavid, John             Walep, Thomas             
Fields, Richard Sr       McDavid, Patrick          Walker, Benjamin          
Fields, Samuel           McFarlan, Joseph          Wallace, Andrew           
Fields, William          McFarlan, Robert          Wallace, James            
Finnel, George           McFarland, Robert         Wallace, John             
Finnil, Johnson          McFarlane, James - 3      Wallace, John Jr          
Fittsgarrel, James       McGlouglin, Elias         Wallace, William          
Flanary, Isaac           McGlouglin, Jacob         Waller, Jacob             
Flanary, James           McGlouglin, John          Waltrip, James            
Flanary, John            McGraw, John              Wampler, George           
Flanary, Jacob           McKenny, James - 2        Wampler, John             
Flanary, William - 0     McKinney, John            Watson, james             
Fletcher, John           McKinney, Sidney          Watson, John              
Fletcher, William        McKinney, William         Watson, Jonathan          
Flin, George             McKinney, William         Watson, Thomas            
Forgerson, Andrew        McKinster, Elizabeth      Watt, George              
Forgerson, John Est - 0  McNight, Thomas           Wayland, Francis          
Fouch, William           McRaynolds, John          Wayland, Keziah - 0       
Fraley, Reubin           McRaynolds, Joseph        Wayland, Nevil            
Fraly, Chloe             McRaynolds, Robert        Webb, Elijah              
Fraly, Henry             Mead, henry               Webb, Harry               
Fraly, William           Mead, John                Webb, Jacky               
Frances, Tate
Francis, Jesse           Mead, Vivin               Webb, John                
Francis, Thomas - 0      Miers, John               Webb, Joseph              
Francis, Thomas          Miller, Henry             Webb, Mary                
Francis, William         Mintor, Anthony - 2       Webb, Richard             
Francisco, George        Mizer, Thomas             Webb, Will                
Frazur, Aaron            Mohan, James              Webb, William Jr          
Frazur, John - 0         Monk, William - 2         Welch, William            
Frazur, Moses            Montgomery, Alexander     Welcher, John             
Fry, Peter               Montgomery, Alexander     Wells, Richard            
Fugate, Benjamin         Montgomery, John - 3      Wells, William            
Fugate, Cobberd - 3      Montgomery, Sanda (?)     Welsh, William Jr         
Fugate, Francis          Mooney, Charles           West, Jesse               
Fugate, George           Moore, Enoch - 2          Whit, Edmond              
Fugate, John             Moore, Isaac              Whitcher, Mark            
Fugate, Martin           Moore, Joel               White, Abram              
Fugate, Martin           Moore, Sampson            White, Nelson             
Fugate, William          Moore, William - 2        Whiteley, Alexander       
Fugate, Zacheriah        Moreton, Jesse            Whiteley, John            
Fulks, Obediah - 2       Morgan, James             Whiteley, Peggy           
Fulks, Ralph             Morrel, Nealey            Whitlock, John
Fullar, Abraham - 2      Mosley, Benjamin          Wigfield, Benjamin        
Fullar, George - 2       Mosley, Jacob             Wilborn, Nancy            
Fullar, Henry - 2        Moss, James               Willcox, Payton           
Fullar, Jesse - 3        Mullen, John              Williams, Henry - 0       
Fullar, Stephen          Mullens, Thomas           Williams, John            
Fullar, Stephen Jr       Mullet, Nathan            Williams, Mary            
Fullar, Thomas           Mullin, James             Williams, Richard         
Fullin, James            Mullins, William          Williams, Samuel - 3      
                         Mullit, Ellias            Wilson, John - 2          
                         Muncy, David              Wilson, John Jr.          
                         Murphy, Edley             Wilson, Patsy - 0         
                         Murphy, Gabril            Wilson, Richard           
                         Musick, Abraham           Wilson, Thomas            
                         Mutter, Abraham           Wingo, William            
                         Mutter, Addam             Witt, Anthony             
                         Mutter, George - 2        Witt, James               
                                                   Witt, John                
                                                   Wizer, George             
                                                   Wood, Drury               
                                                   Wood, Henry               
                                                   Wood, John                
                                                   Wood, John  Jr            
                                                   Wood, Stephen             
                                                   Woods, Jonathan           
                                                   Wright, Joel              
                                                   Wright, William - 2       

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