Russell County, VA Law order Book #10, Page 174, 07 Oct 1834

State of Virginia - County of Russell - On the 7th day of October 1834, personally appeared in open court, before the County Court of Russell County aforesaid now sitting, Samuel Fields, a resident of said county of Russell and State of Virginia, aged seventy seven years on the 10th of August last past, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 - That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated

First, on or about the first of March 1778 he entered the service as a private in Captain Lewis' company in Washington County, State of Virginia and marched to the long islands of Holston where they joined the army commanded by General Shelby from whence he proceded with the army to where the Tennessee River breaks through the Cumberland Mountain, at which place the Indian towns were situate. At this place he was engaged in two skirmishes with the Indians, in the first of which five Indians were killed and in the second two only. The Indians having abandoned their huts or wigwams on the approach of the army, no general engagement took place. After the army had taken or destroyed all the Indian property which could be found they were marched to Abingdon, Virginia and discharged in the month of July, having been in the service something more than four months. That he having been so unfortunate as to have his home and all his property within it consumed by fire, his discharge was also destroyed.

The next two years he was enrolled for service and continued during the summer of each year at Harrison's Fort in Washington County, alternately in the performance of garrison duty and scouting or spying, each year four months as nearly as he now recollects.

That he is not nor ever has been enrolled on any pension list of any state or of the United States; and he hereby relinquishes all title or right to any pension except the present.

Samuel X Fields

visitor since December 18, 2001
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