Bolton, Nathaniel

Born:  25 July 1803 Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio
Died:    26 November 1858 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana
Buried:  Crown Hill Cemetery  

Reference has been made to Mr. Bolton's connection with the Indianapolis "Gazette," in the preceding sketch [bio of George Smith].  He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, and came to this place with his step-father and partner, George Smith, in December, 1821, when quite a young man.  After Mr. Smith had retired from the "Gazette," Mr. Bolton continued the paper alone, and then with different partners for some time.  In the meantime he was married to Miss Sarah T. Barrett, of Madison, now well known as one of Indiana's most gifted daughters.  Although a very talented lady, she lost nothing in that way  by her connection with Mr. B., but had a great deal to gain.  For several of the first years of Mr. Bolton's residence in this place he was very much afflicted, so much so, that he was scarcely expected to live from one day to another; but for some years before his death his health had improved.  He was a ready writer, and wrote most of the articles for the "Gazette," over fictitious signatures, beside writing the leading editorials.  Several of the eary articles I shall copy in this work, to show the style of writing in those days as well as the subject matter.

About the second year of the administration of President Pierce he was appointed "Consul" to Geneva, and remained there until President Buchanan's administration, he was compelled on account of his health to resign and return home.  He arrived at home in May, and died the next November.  In his social relations he was thought a great deal of.  He possessed fine conversational powers and was ever entertaining to his auditors.  He was a warm partisan, and expressed his views upon all and every occasion without stint or reserve, which may have made him some political enemies, but he had none personal.  He left but two children, a son and daughter; his daughter, the wife of Mr. Frank Smith, of this city, has since deceased.  She possessed in addition to a large share of the native talent of her father and mother, fine accomplishments, and was one of the finest musicians that abounds with talent of that particular kind.

Nowland, John H. B., “Early Reminiscences of Indianapolis, with Short Biographical Sketches of Its Early Citizens, and of a Few of the Prominent Business Men of the Present Day,” 1870, pp. 93-94.