Jensen Cemetery

updated October 12, 2002


Cemetery location "0.6 m. N, 440 feet E of Valparasio, NE"

Name of Cemetery: Abandoned
N 1/2, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 23 Range 5-E Township 13-N
State: Nebraska, County: Saunders, Township Oak Creek

General Description: Jensen cemetery is located 0.6 m. north of Valparasio NE via SH 79 then 440 feet east on CR C (south side); approx coordinates: West -96.49.48, North 41.05.22]. The cemetery is marked with an "Abandoned Cemetery" road sign and the county appears to be mowing it.

Contributors: Donna Ellis & Marilyn Ramsay (2002)


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