The Minden Courier, September 21, 1922

The Oldest Stove in Kearney Co.

The C. Petersen Hardware Store has just completed a prize contest to discover the oldest stove in Kearney County and it has succeeded in unearthing one which has been in use in this county for 46 years and still actively engaged in browning steaks, frying eggs, baking bread, etc. 

The stove is a Governor No. 8 and was bought by Claus Blasé in 1876, of Mr. Downing at Lowell, Nebr.  It is now being used in the home of Sophus Blasé.  We imagine that if the old stove had the power of speech, it could tell a good many interesting stories which would throw a lot of additional light upon the early history of Kearney county, its joys and sorrows, its ups and downs and final triumph. 


Submitter: Kearney County Coordinator.