Minden Courier, Thursday, June 13, 1946


Chaplain Clarence Jensen will move to Fredericksburg church July 6. Army rules prevented an earlier move.  Rev. Hofgaard will preach the next three Sundays.

Lester Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred I. Johnson, had an emergency operation last Monday at Brewster hospital and is recovering fine, will be home soon.

Jas. Casey and Emma Nielsen came from Lincoln Tuesday evening.  Mr. Casey returned Wednesday to Lincoln.  Miss Nielsen will stay at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nielsen, for some time.  At present she is taking care of her niece, Jeanne Jensen, who had her tonsils taken out Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Christensen and family attended the graduation of Miss Norma Jensen at Hastings Friday even.  Miss Jensen and also Mrs. Betty Goosman Porter have finished their three year nurse course.

The Damgaard families from Upland, Wilcox and Twin Falls, Idaho had a picnic dinner at Minden Park, Sunday.

Jeanette Christensen spent Saturday and Sunday with Myrtle Pedersen who had the week end off from her nurse training at Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hansen entertained the Paulsen families Friday evening in honor of their sister, Mrs. Gertrude Nelson’s birthday.

Fifty relatives and friends helped W. C. C. Nielson celebrate his birthday Thursday evening.

Mrs. Oswald Christensen has been on the sick list this past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ejner Christensen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milford Swedelund at Trumbull last Sunday.

Mrs. Alfred O. Johnson entertained the Fredericksburg Lutheran Ladies Aid Thursday afternoon.  Financial report from Memorial Day showed a larger profit from lunch and fancy goods auction.

~Transcribed & submitted by Linda Ziemann, Kearney Co. Coordinator

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