Minden Courier, Thursday, July 18, 1946

An item in the Kearney Hub states that former Principal Paul Morris, Mrs. Morris and son, Alan and Bob, returned from a 4,900 mile automobile trip through eastern states. They were in Washington D.C., New York City and also viewed Niagara Falls.

Marilyn Madsen left Monday of last week for Fort Wayne, Indiana, to be with her sister, Mrs. Ruby Jenkins, who is convalescing from a recent operation.  Marilyn plans to spend three weeks there and will visit a week in Fostoria, Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis before coming home.

Mrs. Wm. Bos, Peggy and Dorothy arrived home Tuesday after a ten day visit in LeMars, Iowa, and in So. Dakota.  At Monroe, So. Dakota they visited Mr. Bos’ parents.  Mrs. Bos visited her sister, Mrs. Helen Koehn at Sioux Falls, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson at Grant and spent some time at Brookings.

S. C. 1/c Virgil Lusk is home on a forty-day leave and is visiting his wife, the former Ruth Daily, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lusk and sister, Mrs. Joe Taylor and family. Virgil came from Boston but is to report to Norfolk, Va., where he has been transferred and will leave Minden July 25th.  Virgil has had twenty-two months of overseas duty.

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Westesen, John Robert and Jeannine, Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Darnell and Mr. and Mrs. J. Doyle Hamilton and children were hosts at a cooperative picnic at the Hamilton home Sunday.  The occasion honored Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Forsberg and Dick of Madison, Wisc., and Miss Beverly Westesen of Denver.

Gerald Smith is in San Diego, Calif., for his ten week basic training, having enlisted in the Navy in June.  Gerald was graduated from the Minden high school last year and attended the Missouri School of Mines at Rolla, Missouri, prior to the Navy service.  His mother, Mrs. Gebhart Smith, said he liked the training so far that he “could take it if it didn’t get any worse.”

Donald Bos left Wednesday of last week for LeMars, Iowa, and Monroe and Brookings, So. Dakota, where he will visit for several weeks.

~Transcribed & submitted by Linda Ziemann, Kearney Co. Coordinator

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