NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 30
Morris Co. Up



THIS township was taken from the western part of Roxbury, March 22nd 1871. Its east line begins at Chester township near Levi Harvey's farm, and takes a northerly course to the Musconetcong at the gates of the reservoir near Stanhope, two and a half miles from Lake Hopatcong. The spur of the Schooley's Mountain range on which the churches are located was called Mount Olive for thirty years before it became the center of the township to which it gave its name. Previously it was called Rattletown. Benjamin Olive, who located land near the churches, really gave name to the neighborhood.

The population of Mount Olive in 1875 was 1,760, and in 1880 1,982. Other statistics were furnished by the assessors in 1881, as follows: Area of the township, 18,317 acres; valuation of real estate, $756,200; personal property, $237,504; debt, $137,025; polls, 428; State school tax, $2,176.71; county tax, $2,036.18; road tax, $1,500; poor tax, $200.

The surface of Mount Olive is even more hilly than that of Roxbury, as it contains more of Schooley's Mountain. A large portion is capable of cultivation, and other parts afford good pasturage. Wood and timber are grown in some localities, thirty years being about the average time.

This township has the honor of being crossed by that ancient line dividing East and West Jersey; it extends from its extreme northern border through the center to its southern border near Bartleyville.

In the center of this township is a beautiful sheet of water, called by the Indians Kankankianning or Little Pond, but known to summer tourists as Budd's Lake. It is about three miles in circumference and is easily approached on all sides. There is a gradual descent toward the lake for about half a mile all around it, but in no instance does the land rise more than 150 feet. The sources of its supply of water it is not easy to determine. There are no considerable streams running into it, no large springs near its border, no extent of marshy ground near it, and yet there is a continuous outflow of water to the south branch of the Raritan near Bartleyville.

The Musconetcong flows from Lake Hopatcong on the northern border of Mount Olive. The South Branch enters this township near Flanders, where there is a beautiful valley nearly a mile and a half in width. The scenery of this valley from the hills westward and toward the Mount Olive churches is rarely equaled.

At Flanders and Bartleyville there are several mills grinding feed, large quantities of which are sent by teams to Dover and Mine Hill and the surrounding iron mining regions. One is located on a small stream coming from the hills northwest of Flanders, and can be used only a part of the time. Two others and a sawmill are located on the South Branch in Flanders, and two on a stream which is the outlet of Budd's Lake and enters the South Branch at Bartleyville. One of these is a mile up the ravine and is known as the Richard Stevens property.

May 15th 1713 Peter Garbut and Francis Breck located 2,500 acres of land, a part of which is now in Mount Olive township. Next John Reading located 250 acres, which includes the northern half of Budd's Lake. In 1752 Ebenezer Large located 1,725 acres north of Budd's Lake. It extended from what is called the Mary Norris tract westward toward Hackettstown. This is now nearly all owned by Archer Stevens's heirs. On land owned by J. S. Wills stands a white oak bearing the initials M. N. I. P. It marks the corner of lands belonging to Mary Norris and Israel Pemberton. In 1714 John Budd located 1,000 acres of land on which Flanders now stands. In 1757 Martin Ryerson located 218 acres, lying north of Budd's Lake, and south of and adjoining the Large tract.


Samuel Heaton and three brothers came to Mount Olive previous to 1753 from Wrentham, Mass., to set up iron works. How extensively he operated is not known, nor how successfully; but this mountain range is rich in iron and has been worked at intervals ever since. In 1846 the Crane Iron Company opened mines on land belonging to Aaron and Charles Salmon. Several thousand tons of ore were raised entirely free from sulphur. When sulphur was found in the ore the mine was abandoned, the process of burning it out not yet being in use. In 1848 A. A. Drake and Jacob Yager opened a mine on the property of Aaron Salmon jr., which is now worked by the Mount Olive Iron Company. The surface or red ore was very rich and free from sulphur. The deeper ore, containing sulphur, was less valuable and the mine was abandoned. At this time the lease was held by the Musconetcong Iron Company, of Stanhope. In 1864 the Lehigh Crane Iron Company leased the mine and raised over 1,000 tons, when it abandoned the undertaking. In 1869 A. A. Drake leased it and raised about 5,000 tons. In 1873 the National Iron Company leased the mine, raised about 1,000 tons, and failed. A. L. Salmon acted as superintendent for this company, and opened in this mine the largest vein ever discovered on this hill. The widest opening was 20 feet. The lease was assigned to A. L. Salmon to secure him against loss. In 1873 Peter Uhler, of Glendon, Pa., purchased of Mr. Salmon a half interest in the mine, and about 5,000 tons of ore were raised in two years, the ore being used by Uhler at his furnaces in Glendon, Pa. The mine was idle four years. In 1879 William George and B. K. and G. W. Stickle, the present Mount Olive Iron Company, leased the mine, which is now yielding large quantities of ore. The same company is also working the John Drake and Jacob Yager mines, which lie near by on the west. The heirs of Charles Salmon own a mine lying east, which is now worked by Henry G. Miller. On the adjoining farm Peter Salmon's heirs have a mine, opened by A. A. Drake in 1861, leased by the Crane Iron Company and worked till 1865. In 1870 this mine was leased by the Musconetcong Iron Company. It is not now worked. In 1847 A. A. Drake discovered the Osborn mine. The ore contains sulphur and has not been worked for ten years.

On the outlet of Budd's Lake are the ruins of two bloom forges for the manufacture of charcoal iron, which were among the earliest in this township and Roxbury. At Bartleyville proper is an iron foundry and machine shop for the manufacture of mill castings, machinery and plows, meeting the ordinary wants of the farming and mining community. This foundry is owned and worked by William Bartley. In years past these hills furnished large quantities of charcoal, but the demand at present is more for railroad ties and timber.


Flanders in its beautiful valley is the largest settlement in the township. About fifty houses lie within a mile of the churches. The first school-house was of logs, and was built in the last century. It was located where the store of D. A. Nicholas now stands. The deed of the present school-house lot was given August 10th 1805, the buyers paying four dollars for one-fourth of an acre. It is near the High Bridge Railroad. The house now in use is the second on the site, and is well adapted to educational purposes. The post-office was established July 27th 1822. The first postmaster was Henry Halsey; the present one is D. A. Nicholas.

Mount Olive has two churches, a school-house and four dwellings within a quarter of a mile. Its post-office was established in 1872. R. H. Stevens has been the only postmaster. Miss E. H. Stevens is assistant postmaster.

At Budd's Lake about twenty houses cluster near Sharp's large boarding-house. The capacity of this house is 150, and its location upon the lake is exceedingly beautiful. The post-office was established in 1857 and the first postmaster was Jesse M. Sharp. The present postmaster is James Mills.

South Stanhope has the railroad depot, a school-house and the Roman Catholic church. The employes of the Stanhope furnaces have built here a pretty village.

Bartleyville is a cluster of six houses and a school-house. The iron foundry gives employment to about fifteen men. The post-office was established January 9th 1874. The first postmaster, William Bartley, is the present incumbent.


Mount Olive Presbyterian Church.--In 1752 Rev. James Harcourt, pastor of the Roxbury church at Chester, for years known as the Pleasant Hill church, began preaching at Mount Olive in the log church. The date of this building is not known. This was an out-station of the Roxbury church, and it is believed Mr. Harcourt had regular appointments here once a month for about eleven years. In 1768 Rev. William Woodhull became pastor at Chester, and he continued to preach at Mount Olive nearly fifteen years. In 1768 James Heaton gave an acre of land for church, burial and school purposes. The trustees to whom the deed was given were Jacob Cossett, Richard Stevens and Job Cossett. The log church is believed to have been already built, as the church was to be for the use of the Baptist, Congregational and Presbyterian denominations and the Church of England. It was chiefly used by the Baptists and Presbyterians.

In 1785 Rev. Lemuel Fordham, pastor at Chester, commenced preaching at Mount Olive, and he continued till 1815. During his ministry, in 1809, a new church was begun by the two denominations. It was in process of building nine years, and was completed in 1818. When Mr. Fordham preached his farewell sermon in 1815 his pulpit was a work bench in the church, and his sermon was three hours in length. Rev. John Cassner began labor here in 1815, and continued three years. In 1818 Rev. John Earnest Miller, who came from the Reformed church at Albany, began preaching. Very soon the church building was completed, and that great innovation "a stove for the house of the Lord" was introduced. In 1823 Rev. Abraham Williamson began labor here.

On the 8th of September 1834 the church of Mount Olive was organized. All the period from 1752, when preaching was begun by Mr. Harcourt, till this time the church organization had been at Roxbury church, Chester; the pastors lived there. This place was an outstation five miles away, and many of the members lived two or three miles further. Service was held not oftener than once in two weeks, and part of this time only once in four weeks. In 1762 three families named Stevens, Salmon and Budd settled near Mount Olive, and a large portion of the families on this mountain to this day are their worthy descendants.

At the organization in 1834 48 members of the church at Chester received their certificates of membership and were organized as the Mount Olive Presbyterian Church. Of these only six remain. Rev. A. Williamson continued their pastor. The elders chosen were John Van Dyke, William Stevens, Augustus Wolfe, Archer Stevens, Aaron Salmon, John S. Salmon and Abraham Budd.

Several interesting revivals had come to this church in previous years, and the increase of membership had made a separate church organization desirable. In 1849 the Rev. J. McConnell was called to the pastorate, and he remained four years. The union house of worship had so far supplied the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. September 30th 1852 the corner stone was laid for a new house of worship for the Presbyterian church. The building, 35 by 60 feet, with basement, was completed December 28th 1854, and on the 29th was dedicated.

July 15th 1854 Rev. David M. James was called to the pastorate, which he held till April 1869. At that time Rev. Robert S. Feagles was engaged as supply for one year. He was followed for a short time by Rev. William Belden. Then Rev. Dr. J. S. Evans was the supply for more than a year.

During 1870 and 1871 the church was thoroughly repaired. The basement on the right side was made serviceable for Sunday-school and prayer meetings. The pulpit was enlarged by a recess, the ceiling of the auditorium frescoed, the roof renewed, and the building painted, at a cost of about $1,500.

October 2nd 1872 Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman was installed pastor. He was released in April 1875. In the following month Rev. Oliver H. P. Deyo became the supply of the church, and he so continues.

The elders of the church are Richard P. Stevens, William Salmon, Amzi C. Stevens, Robert D. Caskey, Ira B. Stevens and A. Lynden Salmon. The present membership of the church is 95, and that of the Sunday-school 75. The latter was organized sixty years ago. The superintendent is A. L. Salmon. The value of the church is $5,000; of the parsonage, $2,000.

In 1870 a union chapel at Budd's Lake, two miles from Mount Olive, was built, at a cost of about $3,500. It has a debt of $1,000. It is occupied by the Baptist, Episcopal and Presbyterian denominations.

The Baptist Church of Mount Olive, the second organized in the township, is designated "The Schooley's Mountain Baptist Church." It was constituted a church in 1753, with about 12 members. One of these was Samuel Heaton, who came from Wrentham, Mass., to set up iron works. The first house of worship was commonly known as the log meeting-house, and was probably built before the date of the deed. The second was built in 1810. It was 32 by 40 feet, seated with square pews, and was owned by the four denominations. In 1842 the Baptists and Presbyterians, being the only ones interested in and occupying the church, repaired and newly seated it. They were joint owners but were both outgrowing the church. In the autumn of 1854, the Presbyterians having built and occupied a new house of worship, a meeting was called and an agreement made to sell the old house at public sale, dividing the proceeds between the two denominations, and have it removed from the ground by the following April--all of which was done. The present house, of stone, was built upon the old foundation, with a gallery over the entrance, a spire, and a bell weighing over 600 pounds. It was dedicated February 27th 1856. It was repaired in 1870, a pulpit recess being added and the church newly roofed, frescoed and furnished, at a cost of $1,300. The present value of the house is $3,500. In 1874 a new parsonage was built, costing $3,000. There is no debt upon the church.

From the first gathering, in 1753, till September 27th 1786, this church was a branch of the church in Morristown. Twenty-five members were added at Schooley's Mountain during this year, and the branch was dismissed in September and reorganized November 18th 1786, as the Schooley's Mountain Baptist Church. The ministers attending at the constitution of the church were Revs. Reune Runyon, Abner Sutton and David Jayne. Twenty members were enrolled at that time. There is no record of the ministers who supplied this church till May 7th 1790. It was doubtless served by the minister at Morristown, as in May 1790 the Rev. Mr. Vaughn was requested to continue preaching the ensuing year, one Sabbath in four. In 1794 Elder Isaac Price was requested to preach every other Sabbath, and he continued to do so in 1797. From this year till June 30th 1832 there is no record of the pastors or of the membership; and yet it is known that there was occasional if not stated Baptist preaching. Samuel Cazad spoke and expounded the Word, but he was not ordained. Elders Jayne, Sydam, Ball and others preached occasionally and administered the ordinances. In June 1832 Elder Michael Quinn was appointed missionary for this field by the New Jersey Baptist State Convention, and on June 30th it was recorded that the church had been reorganized and a covenant adopted by 13 persons, of whom Samuel Cazad is first recorded. Elder Quinn occupied this field two years, and baptized 22 persons, one of whom, Joseph Perry, became the esteemed pastor of the Mariners' Church at Philadelphia, Pa.

In November 1833 Elder John Teasdale, of Lafayette, and Elder Timothy Jackson, of Wantage, left an appointment to preach on their return from the annual convention. So great was the interest awakened that a protracted meeting was held, day and evening, for several weeks, and many professed faith in Christ and were baptized. Thus a new impulse was given to the church. In February 1834 Rev. John Teasdale took charge of this church for one year, preaching once in four weeks. He baptized 32 persons. Elias Frost, a licentiate of the New Jersey Baptist Association, labored with him. January 1st 1835 Rev. C. C. Park took pastoral charge here. He remained two years, laboring half of the time in other fields. The New Jersey Baptist Convention helped in his support. His influence in the temperance cause was of marked benefit to the community. John M. Carpenter, a licentiate from Mount Salem church, took charge of this church, and was ordained September 2nd 1837. He continued two years, and baptized eight persons. Rev. T. C. Teasdale, of Newton, preached once a month during 1839. He baptized ten. Rev. Thomas Ritchey took charge April 1st 1840, and remained two years. He baptized four converts. During his pastorate Samuel Cazad died. He had been a member over sixty years, and believed in planting and maintaining the Schooley's Mountain Baptist Church. He left by his will a farm of eighty acres, with a good house and other buildings, for a parsonage. Besides this he left another farm, one-third of the proceeds to be appropriated to the American and Foreign Bible Society, the remaining two-thirds to the support of the ministry of this church. He then provided that if this church should become extinct the property should go to the New Jersey Baptist State Convention, to enable that body to continue a missionary in this field till another church of like faith should be organized, and the property then should return to the church; it should never be sold. Samuel Cazad has thus helped to preach the gospel in the Baptist church of Mount Olive for more than a hundred years. In June 1842 John Teasdale entered again upon the pastorate, in which he continued over nine years and baptized 86 persons, one of these being Rev. Asahel Bronson, who became his successor. The latter remained a year and a half, and baptized one convert.

The house of worship was still the joint property of the Baptists and Presbyterians. The successors of Mr. Teasdale illustrated anew the fact that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. A house of worship half the time is not enough for a growing church. The result was that the Presbyterian body resolved to build a church for themselves, and an honorable spirit was manifested by the Baptist body, who at a joint meeting in the fall of 1854 agreed to the sale and removal of the old house of worship, and a division of the proceeds between the two denominations. It required twelve years to bring about this amicable settlement, and it cannot be said they were all amicable years.

In July 1853 Rev. T. F. Clancy was chosen pastor, and he remained nine years. He baptized 53 persons. During his pastorate the death of his wife brought great loss to his household and the community.

The society soon began the erection of a new house of worship, of stone, 32 by 45 feet, which was completed and dedicated February 27th 1856, value $3,500. Mr. Clancy resigned in March 1863, and removed to Elk Lake, Pa. May 1st 1863 Rev. H. B. Shermer began to supply the church, and in the fall of the same year he accepted the pastorate. He served the church nearly six years, and died March 22nd 1869. He baptized 12, and 15 others were baptized by Rev. H. C. Putnam, who supplied the church a short time. He was a faithful pastor and a kind-hearted Christian gentleman. In his pastorate the parsonage farm was rented, and another parsonage, with a lot of two acres, was purchased; it was half a mile from the church and was used ten years. In October 1869 Rev. George F. Hendrickson was called to the pastorate. He remained three years and six months, and baptized 29 persons. In the spring of 1871 he was greatly afflicted in the sudden death of his wife. His church sympathized with him so tenderly as to become thereby much endeared to him, and the kindly feeling remains. He resigned April 1st 1873, and removed to Fairview, N. J. October 1st 1873 Rev. J. G. Entreken was called to the pastorate. He remained one year and added 17 members to the church by baptism.

During 1874 a new parsonage was built, one-eighth of a mile from the church, costing $3,000. There is no debt upon it. The church this year dismissed 28 members to organize a new church at Drakeville. January 1st 1875 Rev. Samuel Spoul was called to the pastorate, and he remained till his death. He baptized 11 converts. A man of ability and kindness, he was much beloved by the church and community. He died July 25th 1880, aged 68 years. April 1st 1881 the church called Rev. M. M. Fogg to the pastorate.

The number of scholars in the Sunday-school is 56. The library has 400 volumes. The superintendent is John Sandy.

The officers of the church in September 1881 were: Rev. M. M. Fogg, pastor; deacons, John B. Stevens, George L. Salmon, D. H. Wolfe; trustees, John B. Stevens, William Wolfe, Calvin Conklin; church clerk, J. B. Stevens. The church membership is 110.

Flanders M. E. Church.--The third church in date of organization is the Flanders Methodist Episcopal church. The first known resident Methodist was Mrs. Mary Bell. She was born in New York city, October 25th 1753, and there united with the Methodists. During the Revolution she suffered many hardships, was robbed of her property, and for personal safety fled from the city and sought refuge in the quiet valley of Flanders. This was about 1783. Here she resided nearly forty years, and earnestly labored to establish the church of her choice. She removed to Easton, Pa., where she died August 19th 1836.

Another important character in the history of this church was David Moore, who was born in Morristown, November 25th 1749. At the age of 19 he united with the Presbyterian church, and he continued in this relation about fifteen years. He resided in Flanders when Methodist ministers first visited the place. He opened his doors for preaching, and they continued the service there once in two weeks for several years. A class was formed, with which he united. He was appointed leader of the class and filled this position about fifteen years.

The date of this organization is not definitely known. In 1783 Rev. Samuel Rowe was appointed preacher in East Jersey. In 1786 the Flanders circuit is named, and Flanders is supposed to have a chapel. Rev. John Tunnell was the presiding elder. It is quite well known that Mr. Moore assisted in building the church. It was for years without walls or doors, and the floor was only partly laid; yet it was occupied as a place of worship once in two weeks. So strict was Mr. Moore in attending meetings that for seven years together he was not absent from the house of prayer, though he had removed six miles.

Miss Jemima Baxter was born in 1765, and became the wife of Judge William Monroe (who died April 27th 1854, aged 90 years) and the mother-in-law of Rev. Manning Force. She was one of the earliest and most devoted members of this church, and for fifty years the house of Judge Monroe furnished a comfortable lodging place for traveling Methodist preachers. His house was near the church; seeing the preacher's horse tied with no shelter and no food, he was sorry for the exposure of the animal, and while the service was going on he removed the horse to his barn and fed it, and sent word to the preacher where it could be found. His further thought was that for this once he would invite the preacher to his table. This was probably in 1794, during the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Bostwick, and it was the beginning of a kindly course on the part of Judge Monroe toward the Methodist organization, though his wife had been for several years a member. He afterward became an efficient worker in the Flanders church Mrs. Monroe died December 28th 1832, aged 67.

The first church building remained unimproved till the pastorate of Rev. Elijah Woolsey, and continued in use till 1857. The old church was then removed. It sheltered this cluster of God's people nearly four-score years; as a barn it may shelter some of God's creatures one or two scores of years more. In 1857 a new church was erected through the zealous efforts of Rev. J. B. Heward and Rev. M. Force. A parsonage worth $1,000 was secured in 1858 for the Flanders church, which now has joined with it Drakestown--quite the western part of Mount Olive township.

When Flanders circuit was formed it included a very large territory and lay partly in Sussex and Warren counties, N. J., and partly in Orange county, N. Y. East Jersey in 1792 included New Germantown and Flanders.

The pastors of the Flanders circuit, so far as known, have been as follows:

Revs. Simon Pile and Cornelius Cook, 1787; Jesse Lee, 1788; Aaron Hutchinson, 1788, 1789; John Lee, 1788, 1789; Daniel Combs, 1789; Richard Swaim, 1790, 1791; Samuel Fowler, 1791; Jethro Johnson, 1792; Robert McCoy; 1792, 1800; John Clark and Daniel Dennis, 1793; Samuel Coate and Shadrach Bostwick, 1794; John Fountain and Robert Dillon, 1795; Thomas Woolsey, 1796; Samuel Thomas, 1796, 1797; Thomas Everard, 1797; James Campbell and David Bartine, 1798; Aaron Owens and Thomas Smith, 1799; Daniel W. Dickerson, 1800; Elijah Woolsey, 1801, 1802; Benjamin Iliff, 1801; Gamiel Bailey, 1802; Johnson Dunham and John Walker, 1803; William Mills, 1804, 1805; Henry Clark, 1804; George Woolley, 1805; Joseph Chattle, 1836, 1839, 1840 (from 1805 to 1836 Flanders was supplied by the Asbury circuit); W. C. Nelson, 1836, 1861, 1862; Crooks S. Vancleve, 1836, 1838; Edward Sanders, 1838; Edmund Hance, 1840; George Winsor, 1843; Benjamin Kelly, 1844, 1845; Abraham Owen, 1846; Josiah F. Canfield, 1847, 1848; T. T. Campfield, 1849, 1850; C. A. Lippencott, 1851; Swaim Thackaray, 1851; John S. Coit, 1854, 1855 (Flanders supplied by the presiding elder in 1852 and 1853); Jonathan B. Heward, 1856, 1857; E. W. Adams, 1858, 1859; George T. Jackson, 1860; John L. Hays, 1863, 1864; Richard Thomas, 1865, 1866; H. Trumbower, 1867, 1868; S. P. Lacey, 1869; T. Rawlings, 1870-72; J. W. Hartpence, 1873; S. K. Doolittle, 1874-76; G. F. Apgar, 1877-79; D. E. Frambes, 1880, 1881.

In 1789 the pastors on the circuit reported great prosperity in their work. It was during the labors of Rev. Samuel Coate and Rev. Shadrach Bostwick that Judge Monroe came to "first endure, then pity, then embrace" Methodism in his neighborhood. Eleven members were added to the society in 1797 and 20 in 1800, while a decrease of 18 was reported in 1799 and of 15 in 1801; 149 were gained in 1802 and 175 in 1803, but 38 were lost in 1804. In 1805 the name Flanders for the circuit gave way to "Asbury," which was the title for many years; Flanders charge reappears, however, in 1842. The membership is given as 228 in 1846, 163 in 1847, 150 in 1849, 170 in 1850, and 233 in 1851. In 1857 Rev. Manning Force, who had done so much for this society, took a supernumerary relation. He removed in 1861 to Sussex county, and died February 22nd 1862. There were 144 members in 1859 and 90 in 1880. At the latter date the officers of the society were as follows:

Pastor, Rev. D. E. Frambes; stewards, W. K. Miller, James Abel, John Chip, B. Cristin, W. S. Fisher; trustees, W. K. Miller, B. A. Howell, W. R. McDougall, W. S. Huff, John Chip.

The superintendent of the Sunday-school was G. W. Wentworth, M. D. There were 75 scholars enrolled, and 350 volumes in the library.

In 1786 John Tunnell was presiding elder of the district which included Flanders, and which in fact covered the entire State. At this date mention is first made of a chapel at Flanders. In 1792 Staten Island and New York city were also included. All of New Jersey remained in one presiding elder's district till the close of the last century, and it belonged to the Philadelphia Conference till 1836. The New Jersey Conference appears in 1836, with the Newark district covering the Flanders charge. Since 1857 Flanders has been in the Newark Conference, and in the Rahway, Morristown, Newton and Paterson districts. Presiding elders so far as we can learn have taken charge as follows:

Rev. John Tunnell, 1786; Rev. James O. Cromwell, 1788; Rev. John Merrick, 1791; Rev. Jacob Brush, 1793; Rev. Thomas Ware, 1794, 1803; Rev. John McClaskey, 1796; Rev. Freeborn Garretson, 1799; Rev. Solomon Sharp, 1800; Rev. Manning Force, 1836; Rev. John S. Porter, 1842; Rev. Daniel Parish, 1845; Rev. Thomas Sovereign, 1848; Rev. C. A. Lippencott, 1852; Rev. J. Winner, 1856; Rev. J. M. Tuttle, 1857; Rev. C. S. Vancleve, 1860, 1865; Rev. A. L. Bruce, 1862; Rev. Charles Larew, 1866; Rev. M. E. Ellison, 1870; Rev. Thomas H. Smith, 1874; Rev. J. N. Fitzgerald, 1878; Rev. C. S. Coit, 1880.

Flanders Presbyterian Church was organized February 18th 1852 by the Presbytery of Elizabeth. Rev. Dr. Ogden, of Chatham, preached in the Methodist Episcopal church, and the organization was completed with 27 members. The elders chosen were Samuel White, William Bartley and D. A. Nicholas. The members and families composing this church were also from the Roxbury church, of Chester, and the preaching during the first year was mainly by the minister of that church. June 30th 1853 Rev. John N. Husted was installed pastor. He was released April 18th 1855. Rev. David M. James was installed June 10th 1856 and released October 2nd 1867. Rev. Martin F. Hollister supplied the church part of the year 1868. Rev. Mr. Denton and Rev. Myron Barrett, of Newton, also supplied the church for a time. Rev. Daniel W. Fox, the present pastor, was installed June 15th 1870.

The church, built in 1853, 30 by 50 feet, with pulpit recess, cost $3,500. It has been repaired and improved, at a cost of $800. The parsonage was built in 1875 and cost $3,300.

The officers of the church in 1881 were: Rev. D. W. Fox, pastor; D. A. Nicholas, William Bartley, Hezekiah R. Hopkins, J. C. Green and M. B. Howell, elders. The church membership is 74. The Sunday-school superintendent is D. A. Nicholas. The scholars number 50. The library contains 225 volumes. The Union Sunday-school at Bartleyville has for its superintendent William Bartley. There are 75 scholars.


The schools of Mount Olive are among the oldest of the old township, and men of 85 years do not recall the time when the school near the churches was established. A deed of one acre of land for school and church purposes was given in 1768 by James Heaton. Thomas H. Briggs, who taught this school nearly sixty years ago, died at Succasunna in 1876. Teaching was his profession and his pride. He said that he obtained a copy of every grammar and mastered what was new in each; and he believed he had a larger number of books on the English language than any other teacher in New Jersey. A misfortune that lost him a leg made another profession impracticable, and he loved this so well that he never desired any other. He was honored with a State certificate for life.

Samuel White of Flanders taught more than forty years, and, excepting four years, his teaching was in Roxbury and Mount Olive. His last service was in the Pleasant Hill district, near Flanders. Sickness attacked him while in school, and he died after a brief illness, in March 1880. There are school-houses at Mount Olive, Draketown, Flanders, South Stanhope, Cross Roads and Bartleyville. The stone school-house at Bartleyville was built in 1848. This as well as other school buildings shows what changes have come with the years. The early school-house was made of logs, an opening was left for a window, and a sheep skin was used for glass. When the building was framed, the chimney, built from the ceiling up with large sticks covered with mud, gave the principal light. The time was regulated by an hour glass, and the pupils drank from a cup made of a cow's horn or a gourd shell. In their recitations they were required to toe a chalk line or a crack in the floor; but they were taught obedience, trained in habits of study, and encouraged in the practice of virtues worthy of imitation by the present generation.

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