Collegeport Day 1984

Collegeport Day Observed May 26

The annual homecoming for the 76th anniversary of the founding of Collegeport will be held May 26 at
12 noon at the MoPac House in Collegeport.

Persons should bring a covered dish for this annual event sponsored by the Woman's Club of Collegeport.

Palacios Beacon, May 16, 1984










Collegeport Day

May 26, 1984

Mary Jenkins, Collegeport

Joe Jenkins, Collegeport

Alex Franzen, Collegeport

G. D. Bullington

Ellen & Billy Bryan, Greenville, Tx

Margaret & Bob Hightower, Okla. City, Okla.

Wendi Williams, Olka. City, Okla.

Alma McKissick, Palacios, Texas

Betty Blackwell, Bay City, Tex.

Fannie Ann Reynolds, Houston

Ida Mae Franzen, Collegeport, Tex.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Meadows, West Columbia

Ethel Williams, Bay City

Hazel King, Bay City

Ruby Brown, Markham, Tex.

Daisy Thompson, Markham, Tex.

Mary Louise & Bill Tanner

Dorothy and Dean Merck, Collegeport

Albert Kuchar, Danbury, Texas

Rodney Kuchar, Angleton

Gerry Griffin, Houston

Margaret Tate, Palacios

Donie Williams

Lisa Anne Harvey, Palacios, Texas

Fern Harvey, Palacios, Tx.

Mamie Pennington, Alvin

Dorothy Bullington, Palacios

Grace I. Smith, Collegeport

Barbara Smith, Cleveland, Tex.

Randy Smith, Cleveland, Tex.

Lee Ann Bowers, Justin, Kristen, Citrus Grove

Frank Gayle, Markham

Tootsie Gayle, Markham

Mike Hunter, Palacios

Jan Romine, Palacios

Margie Heemer Waters, Houston

Leonard Heemer, Houston

Margaret Heemer, Houston

Nick Shrader, Houston

Phillip Richman, Brenham

Marilyn Richman, Brenham

Lillian Richman, Palacios

Myra Brhlik, Palacios

Sonny Brhlik, Palacios

Linda Neisig, Collegeport

Robert Keszler, Point Comfort

Joy Keszler, Point Comfort

Martha Jane Schimek, Bay City

Mrs. Albina Hejtmanek

Jean Wilkinson Richardson, Bay City

Dr. Gordon E. Richardson, Bay City

G. W. Franzen, Collegeport, Texas

Willard Hammontree

Frank Hammontree

Ted Pennington

Christene, Christopher & Ted Pennington

Hilma Huitt

Percy Corporon

Verner Bowers

Elva Bowers

Lydia Odom Schuetz, Bay City

Dennis Schuetz, Bay City

Jackie Bullington, Ingleside

Maylene M______, Sea_______

Lyn Bullington Braudrick, Ingleside

Harry Smith

Mrs. Harry Smith

Edwin Holsworth

John Holsworth

Fay Smith Soli

Hart Soli

Gene & Vades Corporon

Pam & Roy Corporon

Frank & Billie Pfeiffer

Dick [R. L.] Corporon

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lenz

Beryl Law

Russell Law

Fred H. Law

Fred Law, Jr.

Dee Cornelius, Midfield

Harold Bowers, Palacios

Terri Franzen, Collegeport

Bob Penland, Bay City

Wendy Penland, Bay City

Heath Penland, Bay City

Mr. & Mrs. Babe Williams, Collegeport

Mr. & Mrs. Emil Sliva, Jr., Blessing

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Corporon, Collegeport

Mary Jasek, Blessing

Phyllis Derrick, Waco

Lyn Hodge, Houston

Marilyn, Aaron, Karen, Andy, Aimee Penland, Bay City

Edwin Bowers, Palacios, Tex.

Lu Ellen Corporon

Bettye Wells, Palacios, Texas

Allen Neisig, Jr., Collegeport

Allen Neisig, Sr., Collegeport

Gerald Wells, Jr.

Duane Corporon, Citrus Grove

Todd Neisig, Collegeport

Ottmar Schimek, Bay City

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Kacer & Children

Patrick Kacer

Diane Kacer

Tony Kacer

David Kacer

Bryan Berger, Angleton

Frances Harvey, Palacios

Freeman Harvey, Palacios

Pat Ellis, Collegeport

Nalois Gresham, Cleveland

Jay Romine Holsworth, Collegeport

Amy Holsworth, Collegeport

Lee Schuetz, Bay City

Ray Bowers, Palacios

Mike Boeker, Bay City

Marian Slone, Bay City

J. C. Slone, Bay City

Dean Merck, Collegeport

Linette Holsworth, Collegeport

Frank Miska, Bay City

Helen Bowers, Palacios

Bill Boeker, Bay city

Ted Pennington, Arcadia

Ruth Matthes, Bay City

Velma Rock, Houston

Harmon Rock, Houston

Frank Canfield, Collegeport

Melonie Wells, Palacios

Ethel Holsworth, Collegeport

Charles Corporon, Bay City

Judy Corporon, Bay City

Beth Corporon, Bay City

Dorothy Wainner, Markham

George Wainner, Markham

Denton Wainner, Markhan

Phil Canfield, Collegeport

Mark Canfield, Collegeport

Paul Murry, Collegeport

Bryan Berger, Collegeport

David Kacer, Collegeport

John Sliva, Blessing

Brenda Sliva, Blessing

Joe Sliva, Blessing

Brandon Sliva, Blessing

Holly Green, Collegeport

Robert Green, Collegeport


Canfield, Henley, Smith, Wilkinson, Clark, Morris, Hoffman, Fausett, Rodebaugh, Yeamans, Merck, Bowers,
Bryan, Heemer, Watson, Murry, Franzen, Holsworth, Corporon, Griffith, Braden, Derrick, Mowery, Slone, Ellis

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All rights reserved

May 28, 2006
Jun. 26, 2017