Burton D. Hurd Land Company Sales Schedules


Undated List

Lot 24

Lot 6       Not Sold

Lot 25

Lots 4-5-6-7 Not Sold

Lot 27

1-2-7-W.˝ 8-9-10 Not sold

3 and 4 Mrs. Hurd

Lot 40

1-2 Not sold

S. ˝ Lot 5 Gaumer had contract but surrendered it.

9-10 not sold

Lot 41

1-2-3-4-5 Not Sold

Lot 42

Lot 1   A. E. Sockland, No payment has been made on this lot but a charge of $50 appears against him on the books of the New Company, but there is not that much now owing to him by that Company.

Lot 2   Arthur Morris, $50 was charged in some settlement among Edwards, T. C. Morris and A. E. Morris and Arthur has credit for $50 as a payment on this lot.

Lot 3   T. C. Morris, The records do not show payment of any kind on this lot.

Lots 4-5-6-7 Not sold.

Lot 8   E. A. Kaufman contracted for on Mar. 20, ‘09 on which there is an endorsement as follows: “Charge of $25 for March salary for contract payment”.  The contract provides for the payment of the full price $500 at rate of $25 per month. The usual note is attached to the contract, dated Mar. 20th, 1909 for $475, due 19 months after date.  There is nothing on the records to show that Kaufman has made any payment other than the first $25 just specified, paid out of March salary.

Lot 9   Not sold

Lot 10  Mrs. T. J. Rogers paid $50 this lot Feb. 22, nothing further has been paid.  Mr. Rogers and Mr. Wilkinson have advised that balance $450 is to be paid out of Wilkinson’s commissions.  Records show Wilkinson has coming to him a balance of $134 on commissions of which we are informed he has been paid $100 in the last few days.  We wrote him, Wilkinson last week advising that this was his balance but have heard nothing from him since that.

Lot 43

Lot 3   J. H. Adams, nothing has been paid on this lot but there is a charge on books against Adams as earnest money payment.

Lot 5   J. E. Fowler, nothing has been paid on this lot but there is a charge on books against Fowler as earnest money payment.

Lot 6   J. V. Brasfield, books show a payment $500 on this tract and on his 10A tract near Collegeport.  It does not show whether he wishes it all paid on this lot paying it out in full or all paid on the other lot paying that out in full or one-half of the amount on each.

Lot 7   J. E. Hartenbower, the records show a payment of $50 on this lot made by charging that amount against commissions.

Lot 8   Henry Hartenbower, the records show a payment of $50 on this lot made by charging that amount against J. E. Hartenbower's commissions.

Lot 9   L. H. Corse has paid $50 earnest money on this lot nothing further paid.

Lot 11  Not sold

Lot 13  Set aside for G. M. Magill

Lot 14   Set aside for J. W. Magill nothing paid, resold J. H. Sparks

Lot 15  Set aside for F. H. Jones, resold F. L. Meeker.

Lot 16  Set aside for B. D. Hurd, sold by him to H. A. Raepple.

Lot 44

Lot 7   Not sold


Copyright 2005 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Apr. 14, 2005
Apr. 14, 2005