THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1914     Number 12.

Read the Bargain Column.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lake, returned Friday from their trip north and east.

Homer Dennis left this morning for Corydon , Iowa , to join his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson ate turkey dinner at W. W. Wilkinsons Thanksgiving Day.

J. W. Millard, of St. Thomas , Ontario , arrived Saturday to look over this country a few days.

F. S. McConnell arrived this evening from Independence , Oklahoma , to spend the winter.

Mr. Goodman came down from Houston the first of the week to take a shoot at the ducks in this locality.

Miss Margaret Holsworth will go to Bay City Friday to take the State examination for teachers’ certificates.

Better take advantage of our magazine club offer at once, as this combination offer expires December 10th.

Effective December 1st all express receipts, and original bills of lading, will require a war tax stamp of one cent.

F. Withey and family, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Illinois for about a month, returned home Friday.

Mr. Charles Hallet, of Chicago , came in Friday to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. G. A. Duckworth, and family.

Owing to the very inclement weather the Bazaar has been postponed to Friday Dec 11th.

____ Langerstram and family of Lyford , Texas , arrived this evening with a car of immigrant goods, and expect to locate in this locality.

One of the heaviest rains of the season fell on Tuesday night and Wednesday. Various reports place the rainfall at from six to nine inches.

Verne Tower went to Bay City Wednesday to meet his wife and mother on their return from the north where they have been visiting for some time.

The Collegeport Pharmacy is displaying an excellent assortment of Holiday goods. Read about them in the advertising columns elsewhere in this issue.

F. Ray Ross now has a nice line of cured meats, and has taken over the stocks of meat from Mr. Clark and Mr. Yerxa, we have now discontinued handling meats.

Our solicitor may call on you this week for your renewal subscription to the NEW ERA. He has an extra big bargain to offer. We advise you in advance to give him your order.

A. M. Weborg has recently added considerable more shelf room in his variety store and has also increased his stock by adding a nice department of holiday goods. See his ad elsewhere in this issue.

Those from here who attended the Spence-Liggett wedding in Buckeye on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and daughters, Mrs. Holsworth and Jack and Miss Margaret, and Mr. Glasser and daughters.

Take advantage of our Magazine Club Offer at once, as this offer will be withdrawn after next week. We will perhaps have other combinations to offer, and will take subscriptions to any paper or magazine published, but we feel sure these clubs are superior to any that we will be able to procure.

F. Ray Ross shipped the last of his rice Saturday to the warehouse at Bay City . Mr. Ross raised a total of 1384 sacks on 130 acres. He also sold 280 sacks of no. 2 rice on Saturday at $3.35 per barrel.

Get the Southern Home Combination for your reading matter. We have made arrangements with the publishers of Holland ’s Magazine and Farm and Ranch, whereby we can furnish both of these excellent papers and the NEW ERA a full year for only $2.50. Better take this offer now.

Clanton Rylander, shipped his farm implements and household goods Saturday morning to Goliad where he will farm the coming season. His hands drove the stock through. Mr. Rylander and family left Saturday evening, going by way of Palacios. We wish them success in their new locality.

At an Ecumenical Council of the Congregational church, held at Fargo, N. Dak., on Tuesday November 24th, John W. Hansel was ordained to the Christian ministry.   

Mr. Hansel was formerly a resident of this locality and will be remembered by nearly all of our people, who will be glad to learn of the conferring of this degree upon him.



Willie Redmon is spending the week with Mr. and Mr. Rogers. He is expecting to attend school at this place the remainder of the term.

Mrs. Luce has spent several days with Mrs. Morris in Collegeport.

If this fine weather continues farm work will soon be in full blast.

Miss Ora Luce has been visiting with Miss Lizzie Morris, of Collegeport, for some days. She also visited the Collegeport school, and reports a pleasant time all around.

Who said the sun could not shine in south Texas ? This week has convinced us that it could.

Mr. Rosen has been sick, but, we are glad to say, is better at the present writing.

Mr. and Mr. Rogers took birthday dinner with Mrs. Rogers’ father in Palacios Saturday and remained over Saturday night.


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 17, 2004
May 10, 2007