Collegeport Columns


, Texas, March 6.—A new wharf nearly 2000 feet long has just been completed at Collegeport, two miles from Palacios. Theodore Smith & son has just completed arrangements to locate a large lumber yard and hardware and farm implement house here.

PALACIOS, Texas, March 6.—The contract has been let for a $10,000 hotel to be built at Collegeport, two miles from Palacios, across the bay. It will be a modern up-to-date structure and additions will be made to the same as fast as ___sity requires.

Houston Post, March 7, 1909


Three-Story Structure to Be Built at a Cost of $15,000.

Special to The News

Palacios, Tex., March 7.—The new town across the bay from the Palacios College and called Collegeport, which is being developed by Burton & Hurd Land Company, is to have a $15,000 seaside hotel.  The contract has been let by J. L. Woodward of Barnesville, Ohio, to O. A. Rittenhouse & Co., contractors, of this city, and work will commence as soon as the material can be put on the ground.  Architect Lodge of Bay City drew the plans, which call for a three-story building with a frontage of 120x120, two wings running east and west each being 32x120.  Along the south and west fronts a 16-foot veranda extends the full distance of 240 feet.  There will be twenty-seven sleeping rooms.  Dining room 32x48.  It will be modern in every particular and it is said is to be the best this side of Houston when completed. 

Lumber yards and other enterprises will be put in with all possible haste which will make our sister city one of the best in the coast country of the state.

Galveston Daily News, March 9, 1909

, Texas, March 19—Carpenters are busy at Collegeport across the bay, three miles from this city, building new docks for the new lumber yards hardware store and implement depots and for other uses.

Houston Post, March 21, 1909


Mesdames C. H. Judin and W. H. Whittemore visited Palacios Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Kone will soon become residents of Collegeport. Mr. Kone will be the manager of the new $10,000 hotel in course of construction in this seaside city to be.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clapp entertained a party from Palacios last Sunday, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith and daughter, Mrs. Grace Theodora Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Farwell, Major and Mrs. E. T. Milligan, Colonel J. J. Jackman, Captain Wright and Miss Eleanor Wildman. Delicious refreshments were served.

Houston Post, April 25, 1909


Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith and their daughter, Mrs. Grace T. Brown, who have been here for several months, have gone to Collegeport to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith and their daughter, Mrs. Grace Theodora Brown, accompanied by Mrs. Fannie Morrill and Mrs. E. T. Milligan, went over to Collegeport Tuesday in Mr. Smith’s auto. It was twenty-nine miles the way they had to go and they made the run over the bad roads, in an hour and a few minutes.

Houston Post, May 9, 1909

The Southern Pacific will run excursions from Houston, San Antonio and other points on the mail line and Victoria divisions of that line to Palacios for the opening of the new Hotel Collegeport Tuesday night.

Houston Post, May 23, 1909

Anderson at Collegeport
General Passenger Agent Goes to Opening of Hotel

T. J. Anderson, general passenger agent of the Sunset-Central lines, who is on a tour of inspection over the Victoria division of that line, attended the opening of the handsome new hotel at Collegeport, a new place on Trespalacios bay in Matagorda county, just across the bay from Palacios. The hotel is a handsome structure and is opened in the hope that it will become one of the important summer resorts for people from different sections of the country.

The town of Collegeport is said to be an important detail is a perfectly planned scheme of development, comprising thirty miles of territory, and over 60,000 acres of the most fertile land in the coast country. Colonel Anderson will visit Bay City, Palacios and other towns in that section of the coast country before returning to Houston.

Houston Post, May 25, 1909

“Matagorda county, and especially that portion lying along the picturesque Tres Palacios river, is the garden spot of Texas,” said W. L. Tree of Collegeport, who was in Houston on business Wednesday. The fact that it is farther south than Southern California renders it fine for the cultivation of citrus fruits, and this industry is coming along very nicely.”

Mr. Tree states that he was unable to stay for the grand opening of the Collegeport hotel on Tuesday night, as much as he should have liked to, but that the new town has a great future as a summer resort and a fine general all round place of residence.

Houston Post, May 27, 1909

The opening of the new hotel at Collegeport was a fine success, according to T. J. Anderson, general passenger agent of the Sunset-Central lines, who has returned from that place. The Sunset handled large crowds from all points on the Victoria division.

Houston Post, May 30, 1909


Mrs. O. B. Kone, wife of the manager of the Hotel Collegeport, has arrived from Brownsville.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp visited in Palacios on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kobb of Western Kansas are new arrivals at Collegeport.

Mesdames Knight, Smith, Brown, Kone, Curry and the little folks took a pleasure trip up the Palacios river on Monday afternoon.

Houston Post, June 13, 1909

Visitors From Palacios
Four Boatloads of People Went to Port Lavaca

PALACIOS, Texas, June 20.—Four boatloads of excursionists went to Port Lavaca today to witness and take part in the Woodmen of the World unveiling, which occurred at that place this afternoon. This is one of the largest excursions that ever left Palacios by boat.

The Grace of Collegeport is the latest boat to be launched to Palacios. It was built to order for Theodore Smith of Collegeport, three miles from Palacios, and named in honor of his daughter, Mrs. Grace Theodore Brown.

Another large crowd of Northern homeseekers were here yesterday. They all announced themselves more than pleased with the Palacios country, and the most of them assured your reporter that they fully intended returning at a later date to make a home here.

Houston Post, June 21, 1909


Mrs. Gary has been quite ill at the Hotel Collegeport, but is better.

A large crowd of homeseekers visited Collegeport the first of the week.

The Grace of Collegeport, Mr. Theodore Smith’s new motor boat, has been received and launched. It is a beautiful launch, named in honor of his only daughter, Mrs. Grace Theodora Brown.

Houston Post, June 27, 1909

New Bath Houses For Collegeport

Collegeport, Texas, August 1.—Ground was broken yesterday for the new State bank block which is to be of brick and ready for occupancy by September 1.

The new millinery store is about completed.

The stakes have been set for the new bath houses and wharves which were washed away in the recent storms.

Many new residences are in course of construction.

Houston Post, August 2, 1909


Mrs. Theodore Smith has gone to Kansas on a brief visit.

Mrs. Grace T. Brown was a visitor to Palacios Wednesday.

Messrs. O. B. Kone and W. E. Nott were visitors to Palacios Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith are now at home in their new bungalow.

Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sholl will soon be “at home” to their many friends in their new residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams are new arrivals here. They are from Michigan.

Houston Post, August 8, 1909

Collegeport Building Notes

Collegeport, Texas, August 8.—Theodore Smith & Son are building a new telephone line for Collegeport.

Work is being pushed forward rapidly on the new State bank block.

The bath houses, wharves and pavilion are rebuilt altogether this time, which makes it much better.

Dr. N. P. Knight is building himself a fine residence on his tract adjoining town.

Theodore Smith has completed and moved into his new bungalow.

The new millinery store has been completed. It is now ready for business.

H. N. Sholl has just completed a fine residence and moved into the same.

Houston Post, August 9, 1909

Buying At Collegeport
$50,000 in Property Taken Up by Northern Parties

Collegeport, Texas, August 25.—The past few days have been red letter days in the history of Collegeport. One of the largest and most enthusiastic crowds of homeseekers that ever visited this section has been here, and they were liberal buyers, both in the city and country properties. About $50,000 worth of property was purchased here and in this vicinity by these homeseekers, mostly from the Northern States.

Work is progressing rapidly on the new State bank building, which will be ready for business about September 1.

All the carpenters and builders that can be obtained are at work on the new buildings or the docks.

Houston Post, August 27, 1909

Collegeport State bank of Collegeport, Matagorda county; capital stock $10,000. Incorporators: A. B. Pierce, Howard N. Sholl, G. M. Magill

Houston Post, September 10, 1909


Invitations are out for a grand “housewarming” at the new residence of Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Sholl, the even to occur on September 16.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Duller will occupy the Pybus cottage just being completed. Mr. Duller is the cashier of the Collegeport State bank.

Houston Post, September 12, 1909


Mrs. Burton D. Hurd of Bay City, accompanied by her son, spent several days in Collegeport during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry will leave Collegeport soon for Brownsville, where they intend taking charge of a hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Van Ness have moved into their new home.

The housewarming at the new residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sholl Thursday night was a success. The visitors were numerous and from many out of town points.

Houston Post, September 19, 1909

Red Oak Express, Red Oak, Iowa, September 24, 2909

Reserve Agents Approved.

Austin, Texas, September 24.—The department of banking approved the following reserve agents today:

First National bank, Bay City
Importers and Traders National bank, New York, for Collegeport State bank.

Houston Post, September 25, 1909


Mrs. H. N. Sholl was a Palacios visitor Wednesday.

Theodore Smith, wife and daughter were guests of Captain Wright and mother on a trip to the gulf Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duller have moved into their new residence.

A dance was given at the Hotel Collegeport Thursday night by the Stump orchestra of Palacios.

Houston Post, September 26, 1909


Mesdames Ben Cary, Charles E. Duller and W. E. Mott, also Misses A. Brown and H. Kendricks, were Palacios visitors Thursday.

Colonel and Mrs. D. L. Stump and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stump of Palacios were visitors in Collegeport this week.

Mayor Duncan Ruthven of Palacios attended the college opening exercises here this week and delivered an interesting address.

Mr. J. A. Olson has gone to Red Oak, Ia., after his family. They will be valuable additions to Collegeport society.

Rev. Mr. Miller and wife of Palacios were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sholl this week.

Houston Post, October 3, 1909

Collegeport, Texas
, October 8.—Steps have been taken for the organization of a band, and the young men will have a basket supper at the hotel Saturday evening for the purpose of raising money to buy instruments.

Houston Post, October 9, 1909


Mrs. W. B. Gaumer of Palacios visited her sister, Mrs. David Sarchet, this week.

Judge and Mrs. F. J. Jones of Bay City spent Saturday and Sunday with Collegeport friends.

Miss Myrtle Morris arrived on Monday and will make her home here with her aunt, Mrs. Burton D. Hurd.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Bay City are spending a few days at Hotel Collegeport.

Mrs. Earl Woolpert arrived from Mexico this week to join her husband here.

Houston Post, October 24, 1909


W. Wilcox and family of Bay City spent several days in town this week.

Captain and Mrs. Theodore Smith treated her friends to a most enjoyable boating party one day last week. A most appetizing supper was prepared on board the Grace of Collegeport and the party returned home by moonlight. Those participating were Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mesdames Brown, H. A. Clapp, C. E. Duller, W. Wilcox, Messrs. Wilcox and C. E. Duller.

An informal dance at Hotel Collegeport was a feature of the entertainment Saturday night during the stay of the Hurd Land company’s party.

L. W. Brown of Bay City was a visitor Thursday.

Mrs. Grace T. Brinn visited Bay City Tuesday.

About seventy-five people enjoyed the Sunday outing of Portsmouth, making the trip on the Dena H.

Mrs. Charles E. Duller spent a few days in Bay City visiting friends this week.

Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hurd are in Houston for a few days.

Houston Post, October 31, 1909

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Olson left Tuesday for their new home near Collegeport, Texas

Red Oak Express, Red Oak, Iowa, November 5, 1909

Experienced chambermaid (white) at Collegeport Hotel, Collegeport, Texas; also a good laundry woman (white); Collegeport is a new town, situated on Palacios bay, four miles from the town of Palacios, Matagorda County.

Houston Post, November 14, 1909


Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Trey [Trego?] and Miss N. Clark were calling on their many Collegeport friends Monday.

Mrs. C. E. Dunbar very pleasantly entertained some of the young people on Monday night. Light refreshments of cake and punch were served. Among those present were Misses Hazel Kendrick, Myrtle Morris, Mesdames B. D. Hurd, Fred Rice, Grace T. Brown, J. H. Kone of Denison, Arthur Morris, Sweet? Rice and Eldon Travis.

Houston Post, November 21, 1909

Red Oak Express, Red Oak, Iowa, November 2, 1909

Motorboat Blown Ashore
The Dena H. Was Rescued by the Grace of Collegeport

Palacios, Texas, December 7.—The Dena H., Burton D. Hurd company’s motor boat, was blown ashore at Portsmouth Sunday about noon and remained there until yesterday afternoon, when the Grace of Collegeport went to her relief and towed her back to Collegeport last night.

Mr. and Mrs. Fagerstom of Beloit, Wis., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Denver C. Keeney of this city for some time, left for their home yesterday. Mr. Fagerstrom is cashier for the Chicago and Northwestern railway at Beloit, and he was recently married and they were here on their bridal tour. They were so well pleased with the Texas coast country that they will return here for their yearly vacation.

Chris Bruns, a well known capitalist of El Campo, was here yesterday attending a meeting of the directors of the Palacios State bank.

Houston Post, December 8, 1909

State Charters Filed

Austin, Texas, December 13.—New corporations in Texas today filed articles of incorporation in the state department as follows:

Collegeport Canal company, Collegeport, Matagorda county; capital stock $10,000. Incorporators: B. D. Hurd, C. M. Magill and F. H. Jones.

Houston Post, December 14, 1909

Collegeport Notes

Collegeport, Texas, December 25.—Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp is spending the week in Houston.

James S. Kone of Denton will arrive Friday to spend the holidays with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Napier of Houston will be holiday guests of O. B. Kone.

Mr. and Mrs. Fay and the Misses Fay of Waterloo, Iowa, are visiting in Collegeport.

Mrs. Charles E. Duller opened the Christmas festivities Thursday night with a four-course dinner. Those present were Misses Myrtle Morris, Hazel Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Logan, Mrs. J. S. Kone and Arthur Morris.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morrison left Thursday for Louise, Texas, to spend Christmas with the lady’s parents.

Miss Hazel Kendrick left this week for Waco to visit during Christmas.

Houston Post, December 27, 1909


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