Collegeport Articles



The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Anna D. Crane on March 9, at 2:00 o’clock with 18 members and two visitors.

Mrs. Crane, president, called the meeting to order and Mrs. P. V. Corporon, secretary, read the minutes and had roll called. Mrs. Huitt, council delegate, gave council reports.

Mrs. Hale, Home Demonstration agent, gave as her topic, rationed foods. She gave a display of 6 months of food. Each woman told of how she had planned her work so as to not let rationing interfere with her family meals. Every body is planting gardens as never before.

Mrs. Hale showed a feather comfort and two of our members brought their comforts that they had stuffed by hand and one ready to fill. They really are warm.

We adjourned to meet with Mrs. Austin Jenkins, April 13th. The hostess, Mrs. Crane, and Co-hostesses, Mrs. Huitt, R. L. Corporon and Dean Merck served delicious refreshments of jello with whipped cream, cookies and coffee to the following ladies: Mrs. Vern Bowers, R. L. Corporon, P. V. Corporon, Crane, Holsworth, Hale, Huitt, Johnson, F. L. Jenkins, Austin Jenkins, Kelly, Dean Merck, John Merck, Nelson, Pierce, Wm. Slone, M. M. Wells, G. Wells, and two visitors, Mrs. Carrick and Walter.

Reporter, Mrs. Gerald Wells

Daily Tribune, March 18, 1943

Collegeport Club News

The Collegeport Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Crane on Sept. 14, 1943. Twelve members were present.

Meeting opened with recreation led by Mrs. Leah Holloway.

Roll Call.

Minutes of last meeting were read and corrected.

Mrs. Huitt gave council report and talked about bonds. We are to pay 10 cents this year on educational funds. The used mattress needles will be sold by the council. Second hand jars for canning may be obtained at Camp Hulen by seeing Lt. Linquest.

Mrs. Crane talked about strawberry plants. 1100 plants were ordered by members of our club.

Mrs. Hale told us how to plant strawberries, also told us about good garden seed to plant this fall. She demonstrated a cloth purse also chair bottoms woven out of corn shucks, cane and Hongkong grass.

Mrs. Holloway gave a brief report of her trip to Dallas.

Mrs. Nelson told about a letter from a boy in Sicily, and how much our boys in service appreciate the letters they receive.

Mrs. Crane asked that all canning reports be sent to our secretary before Oct. 1st.

Refreshments were served.


L. F. Corporon, Sec’y

Daily Tribune, September 21, 1943


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