Collegeport Articles


Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holsworth are the proud parents of a baby boy, John Thomas, who was born Oct. 14.

Mrs. B. B. Bryan spent Tuesday night with Alex Franzen and visited other members of her family. Alex Franzen accompanied his sister to her home in Houston and later on in the week went to Lone Oak to visit his brother, Clifford.

Gerald Merck of San Antonio and John Merck Jr. of El Campo visited  in the Dean Merck home Tuesday.

Mr. Fred Law was honored with a birthday dinner at his home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred King have been spending most of their time in Bay City with Mrs. Frank (Rhoda) King who is seriously ill in Matagorda House.

Mrs. Ernest Lenz, Jr. has been acting as post-master while Mrs. L. C. Smith is on vacation.

Mrs. L. C. Smith, Mrs. Earl Hill and Mrs. Delton Tate are visiting relatives in Virginia and Alabama.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck went to League City to have a fish supper with their son and family the Dean F. Mercks. Mr. Merck wanted his grandsons to eat some of the big fish he caught Saturday.

Mrs. Clyde Dowdle and Alan Fitzpatrick were weekend guests in the Gerald Wells’ home.

Have you been wondering who mowed the Post Office Road and trimmed all the trees along the right-a-way? The community appreciated all the labor of love given by Joe Frank Jenkins.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells have been enjoying their camping experience at Lake Sommerville.

Palacios Beacon, October 24, 1974

Collegeport News

Gerald Wells, Sr. is in Room 524, Diagnostic Center Hospital, 6447 Main St. Houston. Members of his family are in Houston with him.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck were in Houston Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen and G. W. were there Sunday to visit Mr. Wells. They also visited Mrs. Merck’s and Mr. Franzen’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bryan.

Mrs. John Merck is home after a visit with her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Crayden Dennard in Houston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis have returned from Winner, S. Dak. where they attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Brent (Aunt Attrice) Kimport.

A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. M. A. Ellis who is a patient in Matagorda General Hospital, Bay City.

Mrs. L. C. Smith attended an Eastern Star meeting in Houston last week.

Palacios Beacon, November 7, 1974

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr., came home for the weekend. Mr. Wells is an outpatient in Houston. They returned to Houston with her sister, Mrs. B. B. Bryan, Sunday afternoon. Sunday at noon, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck hosted a turkey dinner for the Gerald Wells family and Mrs. Bryan.

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar of Palacios, also Alfred Kopecky of El Maton visited Mr. and Mrs. Wells while they were at home.

Mrs. C. J. Williams is visiting in Houston with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Angelo.

Mrs. John Merck spent several days in Bay City with her grandson, John Milam Merck, who underwent knee surgery in Matagorda General Hospital last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred King are spending a great deal of time in Bay City with his mother, Mrs. Frank King, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr. and daughter, Meloni, have moved into their new home in Palacios. Saturday night they entertained Gerald’s family with a shrimp supper. Enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle, Mrs. Buddy Lenz and sons, and Alex Franzen.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells recently visited their daughter and family, the Dean F. Mercks, in League City.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen and family visited in Deutschburg with Mrs. C. H. Wilson, Wilford and Helen. Heard Gus and Derril were the first deer hunters to bring home game Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Corporon have been visiting relatives and friends in our area. Larry was recently discharged from the Navy.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis.

Mrs. Russell Corporon, Kim and Todd spent some time in Bay City with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ottmar Schimek, while Russell went deer hunting.

Mrs. Grace Scarborough of Kenedy and Mrs. Blanche Claybourn of Palacios visited friends in Collegeport Saturday. During their visit they were shown the Woman’s Club’s “History of the Collegeport Women’s Club,” Mrs. Burton D. Hurd’s “History of Collegeport” and Rev. M. A. Travis’ autobiography chapter on his experiences as dean of the Gulf Coast University, editor of the Collegeport Chronicle and as pastor of First Federated Church of Collegeport, a federation of 14 denominations. They enjoyed these very much, also looking at a Collegeport directory.

Mrs. D. N. Tate returned to Rockport with her house guest, Mrs. Frank Russell.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. A. A. Penland.

Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1974


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