Collegeport Woman's Club Minutes

1919 - 1921



Jan meetings not held owing to inclement weather.

Report of Woman’s Club for year ending June 1919

The year just closed of the Collegeport Woman’s Club marks an epoch in the history of the organization.

Depart from our usual custom of resting during the summer months from club activities, the advisory board recommended that we continue our meetings throughout the summer months, doing Red Cross work, and the entire club membership was unanimous in accepting the recommendation as made by the board.

The club programs which have been a great feature of our meetings since the beginning were laid aside for the summer and every woman devoted the afternoon to R C work and while it was not regular club work, it has been greater for we have spent the time helping to alleviate the suffering of our brave boys at the front and the same spirit has characterized all clubs throughout our state.

Nor has it proven disastrous to our club spirit for while engaged very actively with Red Cross work, our members have attended the County Federation meetings whenever possible.

And now that our year is at its close, also the war ended, we find our women ready to assume club work with greater zeal than ever.

The experiences of the last year have brot women together in a new way and future club work will be one which cement all womankind into one great body to help uplift humanity in all its achievements for righteousness and improvement.

Mrs. M. A. Travis  Sec.

Aug 14 Minutes

An advisory Board meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Library room on the afternoon on Aug. [14] 1919.  6 members present

The meeting was called to order by the President.

The coming meeting of the Count Federation of Woman’s Clubs.

Moved by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Clapp that the club further the plans to entertain the Federation, the motion already having been given. Carried.

Moved by Mrs. Heisey, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that the dinner be served for 50 cents a plate. Motion was lost.

It was finally decided that the dinner be furnished by the Club members who would not be required to pay. Others required to pay 50 cents.

Meeting adjourned.  Mrs. Clapp  Sec pro tem

Sept. 25, 1919

The first regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the Library room Sept. 25.  11 members present.

Meeting called to order by president. In absence of Secretary the chairman appointed Mrs. Clapp Sec pro tem.

No minutes of last regular meeting was read, but that of Advisory board meeting was read. Amount of bill presented showing expenditure for Federation meeting.

Treas. report read.

The Library was the sub. of discussion and it was moved by Mrs. Pine, seconded by Mrs. Roberts that the Library be opened on the regular days without further work on the books carried.

Mrs. Corse made a motion that Mrs. Pine be chairman of Library Committee with power to appoint her own committee. Carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Pine, that another key be obtained for Library door. Carried.

Moved by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Pine that the books used by the school be taken out by Miss Margaret Holsworth and replaced by her personally. Carried.

The Federation meeting report was given by Mrs. Nelson, also remarks by Mrs. Corse & Mrs. Liggett.

Moved by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Pine, that the Woman’s Club file a complaint against the owners of the stock that is running at large on the Collegeport streets. Carried.

Mrs. Corse made a motion that the club propose the name of Mrs. Merck as a member of the school board to be elected on Sept. 23. Seconded by Mrs. Moore. Carried.

Moved by Mrs. Pine, seconded by Mrs. Clapp that the Club subscribe for the Federation magazine for 1 year, price 1.00.

The program for afternoon was in charge of Mrs. Travis who suggested the two great waves of progress which had swept our country since the previous club year namely Woman’s Suffrage and Prohibition.

Mrs. Pine spoke briefly concerning these movements.

Meeting adjourned till the 2nd meeting in October.  Mrs. Clapp  Sec pro tem

Oct meeting not recorded

November 13 Minutes

Woman’s Club met Nov 13 in club room – six members present.

Meeting called to order by President. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Owing to so many activities in the community, it was thot best to postpone meetings in Dec.

Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Moore that we meet in the homes of club members was thoroughly discussed and resulted in favor of meeting in homes.

Opening the library was brot before club and it was decided to open it more promptly.

Mrs. Travis  Sec pro tem

Minutes of Club - Dec. 11

Meeting of Collegeport Woman’s Club was held in club room Dec. 11. – six members present.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

A communication from J. H. Barber advising us of the Federated meeting at Markham was read urging an attendance from this club.

Discussion followed as to who would present the club as delegate.

Motion made by Mrs. M. A. Travis that Mrs. Heemer be delegate, was seconded by Mrs. Wright.

Mrs. Heemer declined the honor and Mrs. Roy Nelson was appointed by the Pres. to represent the club as delegate.

Meeting adjourned. Mrs. Laurena Travis  Sec pro tem


Minutes of the Club meeting Apr. 8th 1920

The meeting called to order by the Pres. Mrs. Liggett. 8 members present. There was no minutes of the previous meeting.

The Pres. appointed the following ladies to serve on the nominating committee: Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Weborg, Mrs. Nelson.

A letter was read from Mrs. L. M. Duglass asking that this club keep affiliated with the 4th district.

Moved by Mrs. Moore and seconded by Mrs. Heisey that we send $1.00 for our dies to the 4th District. Carried.

A short discussion in misusing the books followed, and the Pres. instructed the Sec’y to find out about the old policy. Mrs. Travis had the program for the afternoon. She read an article from the Club magazine. Subject – Community Singing by Mrs. W. D. Steele. Mrs. Travis spoke very highly of the magazine and wished everyone might read it. Mrs. Pine & Bonnett was appointed by the Pres. to have program for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned to meet May 13th.  Minnie L. Corse  Sec’y

May 13th

As only 4 members came, not having a quorum, no meeting was held.

Minnie L. Corse   Sec’y

June 10, 1920

The Woman’s Club met in regular session at the Library, Mrs. Liggett presiding. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The sec’y report for the year of 1919 was read, also the treas. report was approved. Cash on hand $18.00.

The motion was made by Mrs. Nelson, sec by Mrs. Weborg, that these reports be accepted. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Corse, sec. by Mrs. Bonnett, that the books all be called in next wk Friday, the library then to be closed for the summer. Motion carried.

Mrs. Holsworth made the motion that the Club procure a key to the school house, also that hooks be put on transoms over doors. Mrs. Weborg seconded this motion which was carried. The Sec’y asked Mr. Clark to get the hooks & put them in, and he did so.

The nominating committee made following report.
Pres. - Mrs. Liggett
Vice Pres. – Mrs. Pine
Sec’y & Corresponding Sec’y – Mrs. Corse
Treas. – Mrs. Holsworth
Committee: Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Weborg & Mrs. Moore

Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Bonnett, the vote be made by acclamation. Motion carried and the ladies were elected.

Mrs. Corse was appointed delegate to attend the County Federation meeting to be held at Palacios the last Sat in the month. The Pres. appointed Mrs. Nelson, Bonnett & Wright on the advisory board.

Mrs. Liggett had charge of a short program.
Who is responsible for the high cost of living, an article in the Federation mag., read by Mrs. Liggett.
Mrs. Corse read from same mag. An article by a mere man. How the banks can help. A general discussion followed, as there was no further business, meeting was adjourned to meet the second Thurs. in Sept.  8 members present.

Minnie L. Corse  Sec’y

The advisory meeting was called in July by the Pres., 5 members present, which is a quorum for an advisory meeting. The members of the advisory board consisted of Mrs. Liggett, Pres; Mrs. Pine, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Corse, Sec’y; Mrs. Holsworth and 3 appointed members, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Wright, Mrs., Bonnett.

The motion was made, sec. by Mrs. Holsworth that Mrs. Wright be chairman of library committee. Carried.

Motion made by Mrs. Holsworth, sec. by Mrs. Pine, Mrs. Liggett be chairman of program committee. Carried.

It was decided to hold open house at first meeting.

Membership Committee – Mrs. Weborg, chairman, Mrs. Bonnett, Mrs. Moore

Aug. 10, 1920

The second advisory board meeting was held at Mrs. Haisley's Aug. 10. The Pres., Vice Pres. Sec’y, Treas. and Mrs. Wright – 5 present which was a quorum. This meeting was held to decide about holding a reception at first meeting, as the library was not in condition to hold any kind of meeting, as the committee was cataloguing books it was decided best not to have it until later, and not to have the regular meeting until Oct. 14th on the same account.

Oct. 7th

The members of the advisory board decided best not to try and have a reception this year.

Minnie L. Corse  Sec’y

Oct 14

Meeting called to order by Pres.

The minutes of last meeting read & approved, also the minutes of the Advisory Board meeting were read. Mrs. Wright chairman of the library appointed her committee: Mrs. Pine, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Corse.

Mrs. Corse gave a report from the county Fed. meeting held in Palacios in June.

Mrs. Nagle Pres. of the 4th district gave a very fine address. Subject: Service. The matter was brought up the war pledge of the 4th district, it lacked about $40.00 of being raised. The sum was $2000, but was raised, but the $40.00 which we were all asked to contribute towards raising the money was raised to send nurses over seas in Texas War Camps. As 7 members were there, we pledged $5.00. It has been paid out of club funds. The Club all voted to do so.

Respt. Submitted.  Minnie L. Corse  Sec’y


Mar. 23, 1921

A called meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the home of the Pres. in connection with the meetings of the King Daughters and Woman’s Union. The meeting was called to order by the Pres.

In the absence of the Sec’y Mrs. Clapp was appointed Sec’y Pro Tem.

The Pres. then explained the purpose of the meeting. A call to arms – giving them an extremely interesting account of the Federation meeting which was held at Gulf in March. The question of helping the Federation scholarship was then explained.

It was moved by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, the club help with the home school in a substantial way, also help on the Federation fund for scholarship. Motion carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Weborg, sec. by Mrs. Clapp, that the club give the sum of $50.00 to the trustees of the Collegeport School to aid them in carrying on the school. Motion carried.

The Pres. then gave information in detail as to the duties of the County Red Cross nurse.

Bills for Valentine party presented and not given in full. It was moved by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Bonnett that the Treas. pay them. Carried.

The Pres. appointed a committee of Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Pierce and Duckworth to arrange for entertainments to raise money to pay the Club school money obligation.

Motion to adjourn.  Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec’y pro tem

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held at the home of Mrs. Brassfield on the afternoon of April 20th, 21.  10 present.

Meeting was called to order by Pres. Minutes of the last meeting omitted.

A letter from Mrs. Gustafson in regard to the Red Cross work was read. Report of the chairman of entrainments to raise money for the school for the school fund. The first entertainment is to be held at the home of Mrs. Brasfield on the evening of April 23rd at which time candy and popcorn will be sold.

It was decided to have a chicken pie supper Apr. 30th and plans for other entertainments were fully made.

Meeting adjourned until next date of King’s Daughters meeting at the home of Mrs. Bacon, the third Wed. in May.  Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec’y Pro tem

The regular meeting of the Collegeport Woman’s Club was held on the afternoon of May 18 at the home of Mrs. Bacon.  18 present.

Meeting called to order by the Pres. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

Treas. report read and was accepted.

Motion made by Mrs. Nelson, sec. by Mrs. Weborg,  that the Sec’y ascertain the amount of Mrs. Brassfields bill for gasoline used for lights at the Entertainment of April 23rd and pay the amount.

An interesting report of the Federation meeting held at Gulf written by the Cor. Sec’y, Mrs. Fisher, was read.

The Pres. appointed Mrs. Holsworth delegate to the Federation meeting to be held at Blessing on Jun. 11

Chairmen of various committees were appointed:
Home Economics – Mrs. Heisey
Civic – Mrs. Pine
Legislation – Mrs. Clapp
Educational – Mrs. Clark

The question of the school scholarship was then presented and it was moved by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that the club pay the $17.00 to the Federation.

A second and third vote was taken to ensure a complete understanding. It was carried unanimously. An article on the work on the Red Cross nurse in the county was read by the Sec’y.

Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Nelson on the third Wed. in June.  Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec’y pro tem.

The regular meeting of the Woman’s Club was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson on the afternoon of June 15.  23 present

Meeting called to order by the Pres. The minutes of the last meeting was read. That portion referring to paying the gasoline bill to Mrs. Brassfield was brought up by Mrs. Brassfield who announced that she had denoted that amount to the Club. Therefore it was moved by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Braden, that it be struck from the minutes. Carried. The minutes were then accepted.

Discussion in regard to entertaining the County Federation followed.

It was moved by Mrs. Braden, seconded by Mrs. Weborg, that an invitation be extended asking them to meet in Collegeport in Sept. Carried.

New members proposed.
Mrs. Dickerson
Mrs. McCroskey
Miss Ruth Braden
Mrs. McNeil
Miss Hattie Haisley
Miss Elva Merck

Moved by Mrs. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth that these names be accepted. Carried.

Moved by Mrs. Holsworth, seconded by Mrs. Braden, that the dues be lowered from $1.00 to 50 cents per year.

Moved by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth that the above motion be laid on the table for the time required by the constitution before becoming a law. Carried.

No further business meeting adjourned by meet with Mrs. Holsworth the evening of July 20th. Mrs. H. A. Clapp  Sec’y pro tem

The Woman’s Club met at the home of Mrs. Holsworth in the evening of July 20th.

The meeting was called to order by the Pres. without form.

The Pres. stated that she had a letter from Mrs. A. B. Pierce, the Sec’y of the County Federation in which she asked that the Club history be written up and sent to her as soon as possible. The County Federation is to publish the book containing the history of all the clubs of the county, also asked for a picture to put in the book, one of our club room or any place of interest.

Mrs. Liggett appointed Mrs. Corse and Mrs. Clapp to prepare the history.

The Pres. also stated that the County Federation was not to do anything about a scholarship as it was late for this year. Perhaps by next year they might.

They think the expense will be around $17.00 to $20.00 if all the clubs go in on it, otherwise it will be more.

Mrs. Liggett announced that she would soon call a business meeting for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business. The meeting to be held at the library.

The motion was made by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Holsworth, the matter of dues be left until that meeting. Carried.

Mrs. Liggett asked Mrs. Corse to see about getting a picture of the library made to put in the history book.

There were 11 members present. Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Braden Aug 17th.  Mrs. S. W. Corse  Sec’y

The Collegeport Woman’s Club met in regular session at the Library Aug. 11th

Called to order by the Pres. Sec’y report of the two previous meetings, read and approved.

The Treas. being absent, there was no report.

Mrs. Liggett made a few remarks in regard to the scholarship.

Mrs. Clapp made the motion to hold the Elsa Art Exhibit. After a few remarks were made, she withdrew the motion.

The motion was made that the Dues be lowered from $1.00 per year to $50 cents. Carried.

The question was then brought up in regard to holding the club meetings with the King’s Daughters. The Pres. asked each member present to express her views on subject.
Mrs. Clapp was in favor
Mrs. Heisey was undecided
Mrs. Clark was in for our holding meeting separate as always have
Mrs. Corse in favor of meeting alone.
Mrs. Wright no difference to her.
Mrs. Liggett for King’s Daughters
The Pres. was in favor of holding with King’s Daughters unless member attended the meetings better, also said it saved one afternoon.

Motion made by Mrs. Clapp, seconded by Mrs. Corse, that we omit the Sept. meeting and have the next one here at the Library Oct. 13th. Carried.

The Pres. appointed the following nominating committee of officers to serve in the coming year. Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Heisey

Mrs. Corse submitted the following motion in writing to be laid upon the table until the next meeting.

Art. V.  Sec. III of the Constitution reads that person seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2 made the motion that it shall be amended to read five members shall constitute a quorum.

We had with us as guest the Rev. Father Dow, who was to preach at the Episcopal mission this evening.

Motion made to adjourn.  Minnie L. Corse  Sec’y

Nov. 11, 1921

The Woman’s Club met in regular session at the Library.

The Pres. presiding. There were 10 present.

Owing to the absence of Mrs. Clapp, the new secy, the minutes of the last meeting had to be omitted.

The constitution and by-laws was read. The motion was made by Mrs. Corse, sec. by Mrs. Heisey, that question of amending the by-laws be taken up and considered as some of them conflict with the conditions of the present time. Carried. Mrs. Corse spoke a few words in regard to the history of the club.

The following bill was presented by Mrs. Corse: Film & printing of 4 prints of the Library – two pictures to be used in the history. 4 films and developing – 64 cents.

Mrs. Braden made the motion that the treas. be ordered to pay the bill. Carried.

Mrs. Corse spoke about rebuilding the _____ asking that when a meeting, as called by the committee, that all the women try to be there.

The program was each member to tell or read some current events. Nearly every one had something of interest. Mrs. Braden told that Geo. Washington died on the last day of the week, the last day of the month, the last month in the year, and the last year in the century.

That closed the program which was very interesting.

Mrs. Corse was elected delegate to attend the Federation meeting at Bay City on Dec. 3. There was 50 cents taken in for dues.

The meeting then adjourned until the 2nd Thurs. in December.  Mrs. S. W. Corse  Secy Pro Tem

On account of a cold Norther there was no meeting held on the 2nd Thurs. in Dec.






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