Florida Ancestry 


Clay County


a Proud part of USGenWeb


The Tedder Family of America

Updated September 6, 2000

Several branches of the Tedder family are to be listed on this website. You will find the email address for the person who submitted each family tree. If you have any questions, additions, or corrections for a particular tree, please contact that person for assistance. It is our goal to eventually connect all of the branches together. If you have any information that would assist us in our goal, please contact us so that we can add your information to our various family trees.

This website was created by the many individuals whose names appear on this page. This work involved many, many hours of painstaking research. Any information you "take" from this website should be credited to our website and specifically to the individuals who agreed to submit their information on this page. We appreciate that everyone needs help connecting their tree and in that spirit have placed these trees here. We appreciate receiving information from all individuals and would ask that everyone respect the rights of those who have already contributed to this project and ask that you source your tree appropriately.

Edith M. Tedder and Rosemary Allen Thomas are compiling a book on the Tedder Surname, tracking families from their earliest American origin through present generations. The purpose of this book is to compile as much family history as possible for the use and benefit of all Tedder descendants.

The source materials consist of census records, wills, land records, court minutes, marriage, death, birth, cemetery, and bible records. We have been able to establish many branches of the Tedder Tree. However, we would like to include all branches of the Tedder family. In order to include you and your Tedder ancestors, we need your help!

We are looking for any Family Bibles,your stories, pictures, and family history, whatever you would like to share with future generations. If you or a family member would like to contribute any information or items, we can be reached at the following:

Edith M. Tedder,Quitman,TX, EMAIL: tedder@ballistic.com
Rosemary Allen Thomas, Big Sandy,TX, EMAIL:atpritt@swbell.net
Due to the number of contributors and size of each of these two trees in particular, we have put together this list to aid individuals searching this site. Please contact the researcher directly regarding questions and information pertaining to their own branches of these trees.

These individuals have contributed to the tree for BENJAMIN TEDDER b. 1736:

Rosemary Allen Thomas, email: atpritt@swbell.net
JAMES W.TEDDER (child of Benjamin)

Ronald Eatman, email: Ronald.Eatman-1@kmail.ksc.nasa.gov
SOLOMON TEDDER - see specfically: Benjamin b. 1838; s/o Henry b.1805; s/o Solomon

Joy Adams, email: Kadams@duo-country.com
HARMON TEDDER b. 6/12/1762

Barron T. Smith, email: rebbaron@surfari.net
450 Avenida De Socios Unit #9
Nipomo, CA 93401-9143
JAMES S. TEDDER b. 1825 (s/o Henry b. 1805; s/o Solomon)

Frances Foster, email: ffosterl@gte.net
SAMUEL FARRINGTON TEDDER, s/o Farrington Tedder, s/o Hinton Tedder, s/o James W. Tedder, s/o Benjamin

These individuals have contributed to the tree for WILLIAM TEDDER b. 1735 - d. 1834

Elaine Nagel, email: ElaineNagel@prodigy.com
NANCY TEDDER (Child of William)

DeAnn Monroe Steely, email: kzsteel@lcc.net
NANCY TEDDER (Child of William)

M.K. Tedder, email: Mktedder@aol.com
BENJAMIN TEDDER (Child of William)

J. Cooper, email: JLBCooper@aol.com
LITTLETON TEDDER (Child of William)

M. K. Tedder

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Contact Us

If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:

Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinator: Denise Wells

Asst. State Coordinators: Jeff Kemp

Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.


Florida Ancestry