
Bedford Co, VA, Marriage Records


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 1 (1853-1869)


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 2 (1870-1909)

V.2, p.224, #5390; 1 Feb 1893
Squire READ, age 22, sngl, b. Bedford Co, res. _____; parents: _____ & Mary J. Read, occ: farmer Narcissa Emma BRADLEY, age 32, sngl, b. _____, res. Bedford Co; parents: James H. & Ann P. Bradley
by Jno W. PARRISH; wife's father present, Robert L. READ sworn as to age of husband
V.2, p.121, #2837; 30 Apr 1881
Geo. W REYNOLDS, age 28, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ farmer, parents: Wm & Frances Reynolds Julia OVERSTREET, age 26, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: M.B. & Kelly Overstreet
V.2, p.284, #6389; 19 Jan 1897
Hubert G REYNOLDS, age 20, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ electrician, parents: Wm O & Arabella Reynolds Ollie MITCHELL, age 19, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Reese D & Elizabeth Mitchell
witness: wife's father present
V.2, P.51, #1174; 28 Oct 1875
Spotswood B REYNOLDS, age 24, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, occ farmer, parents: Charles B & Fannie R Reynolds Julia F WITT, age 20, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Mills & Katie Witt
V.1, p.49, #1214; 14 Dec 1865
Geo. B RICHARDS, age 23, sngl, bp Charles Co, MD; res Bedford, parents: Geo S & Susannah RICHARD, occ: shoemaker Mollie C WITT, age 22, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Wm H & Rebecca WITT
by Alex EUBANK
V.2, p.76, #1748; 20 Dec 1877
Bennett B. RIDER, age 23, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: James & Mary Ann RIDER, occ: farmer Eliza Ann OVERSTREET, age 23, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Joshua & Mary OVERSTREET
V.1, p.50, #1243; 27 Jan 1869
Tho's RIDER, age 24, sngl, parents: Jno & Matilda RIDER, occ: farmer Martha MITCHELL, age 25, sngl, parents: Polly A MITCHELL
V.2, p.226, #5438; 12 Apr 1893
Thornton A ROOF, age 24, sngl, bp Montgomery, res Bedford, occ carpentry, parents: Geo W & Amanda L Roof Fannie Bell WITT, age 19, sngl, bp Bedford, res Bedford, parents: Harvey L & Lockey V Witt


Updated March 10, 2010