
Bedford Co, VA, Marriage Records


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 1 (1853-1869)


Bedford Co. (VA) Marriage Register, V. 2 (1870-1909)

V.2, p.360, #7606; 13 Nov 1901
Jake ZIMMERMAN, age 25, sngl, b. Bedford Co, res. _____; parents: J. Hughes & Zibbie Zimmerman, occ: farming Maggie E. SPRADLIN, age 19, sngl, b. _____, res. Bedford Co; parents: Alexander & Amelia F. Spradlin
by Wm T. HENDERSON; father of bride present & gave consent
V.2, p.213, #5140; 23 Dec 1891
Robert L. ZIMMERMAN, age 25, sngl, b. Bedford Co, res. _____; parents: John W. & Libbie Zimmerman, occ: farmer Edna E. SPRADLIN, age 18, sngl, b. _____, res. Bedford Co; parents: Alexander & Permelia F. Spradlin
by Rev. J.P. LUCK; witness: Richard ADKINSON to cert. & sworn as to age of husband


Updated March 10, 2010