Russell County Declarations of Intentions

Lying loose on top of the file cabinets in the Russell Coounty records room are a few small books with Declarations of Intentions of persons wishing to become citizens of the United States. The books aren't in very good shape. Some of the writing is a little difficult to make out. Rather than writing each one out completely, a blank form has been used to save space. The book from 1937 - 1941 has only 9 entries, however, some of the other books have 100 entries each. One book has some records where they were approved for citizenship and has a picture of them in it. Most of the people listed are immigrants that came to Dante, VA to work in the coal mines, however, some were merchants. Each book will be loaded up as it is completed. Thanks to Judy Dye Ring for her submission of these files.
Russell County Declarations, 1911 - 1921
Russell County Declarations, 1921 - 1928
Russell County Declarations, 1937 - 1941

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