Catherine Hoehenberger

Material from a talk given by A E Bodenstein on the 90th anniversary of the Salem United Methodist Church.


Among the names of the Charter Members of Salem you will find those of William and Catherine Hoehenberger. These folks, likewise, came from the old country and settled in the vicinity of Cincinnati. That was in 1831, before the time of the Queen Mary and the China Clipper, and the journey of some 5,000 miles was made in a sailing vessel and required three months. These folks were the grandparents of Mrs. Katie Puff, the great-grandparents of Miss Alma Puff and Mrs. Ruth Bodenstein and the great-great-grandparents of Grace and Paul Bodenstein.

Mrs. Hoehenberger was the last survivor of the 22 Charter Members, having passed to her heavenly home in 1907 at the age of 92 years. Mother Hoehenberger would no doubt be pleased if she could look in our Anniversary Booklet and see the picture of her grandson, Rev. Carl Vogel.

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