Salem United Methodist Church

Material condensed from a talk given by A E Bodenstein on the 90th anniversary of the church, May 1938.

The Newport and Covington Methodist Church was organized May 15, 1848 in Newport and was known then as the Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. Let me call the roll of that group of courageous and faithful Christians who in 1848 set about the establishment of a place of worship in the town in which they lived. Following are the known members of the first mission church.

Joseph Buetler
M Margaret Hacke
William Hoehenberger
Catherine Hoehenberger
Jackobija Karstner
Frederick Knacke
Maria Knacke
Peter Knoop
Caroline Knoop
Henirch Kunz
Maria M Kunz
Jacob Martz
Charlotte Martz
Ira and Sarah Root
John Rosina
John Schuster
John Schuster Jr.
Margaret Schuster
John Stuerman
Anna Stuerman
August Wechselberg
Catherine Wechselberg
Jacob Zimmerman

Not many of these names are familiar to us and only one still remains on our Church membership records.  The topic assigned to me was "A Tribute to the Founders".  However, I am inclined to believe that the committee had in mind not only those who began the task, but also the ones who came after and built so well on that solid foundation that was laid in 1848.  A number of years ago someone made the remark in my presence that "a Church is just as strong as it Laity".  We may not all agree with that statement, for the welfare of any congregation may be greatly advanced or retarded, according to the leadership of the ministry  However the best of Preachers is doomed to failure without the active cooperation of his Church members.

In a few weeks we, as a nation, will observe Memorial Day.  On that occasion we pause and pay our respects not only to the leaders, but primarily to the many thousands who served in the ranks when their country needed their help.  The same is true of our Church. 

World War II Honor Roll

In closing, it seems fitting that we, the present members of Salem, determine that the work started in such a modest way by our forefathers 90 years ago be continued in the same energetic way, looking forward to our 100th celebration.

The Salem Methodist Church merged with the Grace Methodist Church in 1988 and became known as the Grace United Methodist Church.

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