School-Girl Days
A Memory Book of Nellie Mae Pasal
Palacios High School
1922 - 1925

The Box Supper

The box supper given at the High school auditorium Monday and sponsored by the Athletic Association, was all that had been hoped for. Many and beautiful were the boxes brought by the best looking and best behaved girls in any country, and the eagerness of the swains attested they were fully appreciated. The auctioneers, J. E. Robinson, Oscar Robinson and C. F. Conner, did their part in making the affair a financial success, over $70 being the result of the sale.

Paper and date unknown.

Style Show By H. E. Girls A Decided Success

The Style Show put on Friday night by the Home Economics girls under the direction of their capable teacher, Miss Jennings, was an event that will live long in the memories of those who attended. The girls and Miss Jennings have worked hard, not only in class, but overtime to make this occasion the decided success it was. The school colors, red and green, were used in the decorations, the long leaves of the date palm, much in evidence, supplied the green and red crepe paper the other color. The light globes were shrouded in the red paper and cast a warm cheerful glow over the scene.

The girls, thirty in number--lovely in face and form and manner, coquettishly, or simply with dignity, as come most naturally to them, were living models, displaying the dresses they had made in class, and as they marched across the stage and down the steps, a glow of pride permeated the audience. We marveled that our young girls, yesterday infants, had such practical judgment in the selection of colors and style and had had the patience and perseverance to complete such well-fitting, perfectly finished garments. This training of minds and fingers is of inestimable value to the girls and great is the rejoicing that the H. E. course is an established part of the school curriculum.

While the Style Show centered around the H. E. girls and their dresses of gingham and linen, incidentally there were several other numbers that added variety and were much enjoyed. The vocal solos by the Misses Nora Hayes and Esther Allen, the violin solo by John Richards, saxophone solo by Wilbur Pearson and the reading by Miss Louise Partain were all par excellence. The orchestra gave several selections which made the "waits" seem very short. Much of the success of the evening is due Miss Claire Partain, who untiringly played for all the marches and the orchestra.

Mirth provoking were the contrasts in the Good and Bad Taste for School by Cora Anna Hendricks and Jewel Smith; Good and Bad Taste of Color, Faye Greene and Margaret Nester; and Table Manners, illustrated by Eula Antony and Ruth Berger.

At the close of the program candy, several different kinds of cake, pie, hot chocolate and coffee, all delicious, were served by the girls in the basement, which demonstrated they were being trained in the culinary art, too, and all these things learned now will go along way toward making our girls more efficient in home making or any other station in life they may fill.

Paper and date unknown


Classroom Anecdotes

Mr. Smith
(in Geometry class)

I wish I knew words awful enough to express my contempt for pupils who don't pay attention in class.

John Boner - Let me teach you some words Mr. Smith.


Miss Frazier - Does any one know how to stick a pin in a pattern?

Beryle - 'I do.' Stick the point in first.


Miss Linnie (In English class) - Does any one know what a pastoral poem is.

Wanda Gray - It must be a poem about a pastor.


Mr. Lewis (assigning Physics lessons) - Tomorrow start with lightning and go to thunder.


Mr. Smith (Trying to explain a problem in geometry class)

(Mervin and Raymond talking)

Every body that has horns butt in.


Mrs. Cowger (was to keep the second year Spanish class)

"I won't hear the lesson, I'll just sit in here and [make sure] that you don't take up the room and run away with it."


P. H. S. Freshman English Class

Mrs. Cowger - Define trickle.

A Fish - To run slowly.

Mrs. Cowger - Define anecdote.

A Fish - A short funny tale.

Mrs. Cowger - Now use both in a sentence.

A Fish - The dog trickled down the street with a can tied to his anecdote.


John - You ought to be good at Geometry.

Howard - Why?

John - Because your head is both plain and solid.


The first foot ball game of the season was to be held at El Campo.

Miss Linnie - "Truitt why is it that you do not have your English lesson prepared?"

Truitt - "Why I thought we were going to El Campo before English class."

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Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs   All rights reserved

Dec. 27, 2007
Dec. 28, 2007