School-Girl Days
A Memory Book of Nellie Mae Pasal
Palacios High School
1922 - 1925


Baccalaureate Services Held Sunday Night


The baccalaureate services for the high school class of '25 were held in the high school auditorium Sunday night. Palacios citizens are noted for the community interest in all that pertains to things educational and as usual at commencement week activities, there were no vacant chairs in the big auditorium.

There was an expectant hush and a quickening of the pulse as the manly boys and lovely girls, 23 in all, marched to their places. The spirited congregational singing and well rendered anthems were a fitting prelude to the sincere and impressive sermon by the Rev. G. F. Gillespie, who used for his text, "Friend, go up higher." He spoke of the enduring friendship he has for the boys and girls of the class and his great desire is that they may "Go up higher." To attain this priceless gift he counseled them to strive for vision, excellence and love.

The program of the evening's service was as follows:

Processional - Miss Partain

Hymn, "Come Thou Almighty King" - Congregation

Invocation - Reverend Doak

Anthem, "Now the Day is Over"

Scripture Reading - Reverend Doak

Anthem, "Hark, Hark My Soul"

Sermon - Reverend Gillespie

Hymn - "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Congregation

Benediction - Reverend Doak

Paper and date unknown

Index names: Fraser, Sisson, Gray, Wolf, Hagler, Price

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Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs   All rights reserved

Dec. 27, 2007
Dec. 28, 2007