Highland County, Virginia
VaGenWeb Page

Householders in 1848,
as located on the map of the County Surveyor

Brushy Fork: H. Smith, Abel Stone

Shaw's Fork: T. Killingsworth, Kate McCray, William Hodge, James Morton, Hannah Jones, John Devericks, --Johns, William Vint, William Johns, Thomas Brown

South Fork: J. Botkin, widow Hoover, --Rexrode, widow Siron, John Siron, Samuel Jones, Thomas Jones

Cowpasture: A. J. Jones, Decatur H. Jones, William Morton, Thomas Morton, William Ervine, William Botkin, J. D. Ervine (at pike), -- Ervine, R. S. Steuart, Sinclair Steuart: (below mouth of Shaw's Fork), Robert Gwin, William K. Gwin, Moses Gwin, John Gwin, H. Benson, Peter Thompson, David Kincaid, Abel Kincaid, J. D. Kincaid, --Douglas, William R. Steuart, Widow Miller, A. H. Byrd

Bullpasture: (East side above McDowell) R. T. Gray, widow Hicklin, Edward Curry, C. Malcomb: (Below McDowell) John Steuart, W. Vance, Jesse Pullin, George Carlile: (West side above McDowell) Henry McCoy, widow Armstrong, O. M. Wilson, William Curry, Henry Ruleman, Robert Malcomb, widow Malcomb, J. B. Steuart: (Below McDowell) R. Sitlington, C. Steuart, Joseph Davis, James Davis, John M. Pullin, George Hicklin, Henry Pullin, John Carlile, William McClung, Edward Steuart, D. Kyle, Thomas Graham, John Graham, Jane Bradshaw, widow Hamilton, Robert Lockridge, Jr., Robert Lockridge, Sr.

Crab Run: R. Botkin

South Branch: Andrew Fleisher, G. Fleisher, --Kinkead, F. K. Hull, Jacob Hull, Jacob Hevener.

Straight Creek: Peter Halterman, George Vandevender, A. Halterman, --Whitecotton, -- Rymer, Jacob Seybert, James Trimble, B. Fleisher, George White, Daniel Varner.

Jackson's River (above Vanderpool): S. Bird, A. Campbell, I. Campbell, S. Lightner, J. B. Campbell, S. Croushorn, A. H. Campbell, A. Stephenson, B. B. Campbell, J. Woods, J. Hull, R. Slaven: (Below Vanderpool, west side), C. Mustoe, William Hicks, John Hiner, John Wiley, William Wilson, David Kinkead, Michael Wise, David Gwin, W. Stephenson, Adam Stephenson, Jr: (East side), S. Gibson, James Gum, Michael Doyle, John McGlaughlin, Robert Wiley, D. Stephenson.

Laurel Fork (at head): Elias Wilfong, David Wilfong

Back Creek: William Townsend, Leonard Gwin, Matthew Gwin, John Steuart, D. H. Bird, A. Dever, A. Gilmor, S. Ruckman, Benjamin Ervine, Edward Ervine, widow Ervine, E. Townsend, John Wade, A. Lightner, I. H. Rider, J. H. Bird, W. Campbell, William Ervine, J. Campbell.

Listings of actual on-line records of Highland County

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