Collegeport Woman's Club Minutes




January 5th 1911 at 3:00 P. M. the Collegeport Woman's Club held it's first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. Hurd. After the reading & approval of the minutes, the Reports of several Departments and Standing Committees were read. These all showed progress and denoted good work accomplished in our first year. Following these reports the club discussed the advisability of discontinuing the Church Dept. from the Constitution. After several minutes spent in discussion Mrs. Knight made a motion that "The Constitution be amended by discontinuing the Church Dept." This was seconded by Mrs. Evans and the motion was unanimously carried.


The names of Mrs. Holsworth and Mrs. T. C. Morris were then proposed for membership. Both names were unanimously accepted.


Several moments were then devoted to the paying of dues after which Mrs. Hansel was elected chairman of the afternoon for the election of officers. In an informal and characteristic little speech she expressed the thought that it was the wish of the club that old officers be retained. This was then moved, seconded & carried.


The President then took the chair and appointed on the Advisory Board -- Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Regnier, Mrs. M. A. Travis.


The Secr'y was then instructed to write a letter of sympathy to Mrs. Pfeiffer. This was done on January 5. Club then adjourned till next meeting.

G. T. S., Secr'y


The Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Hurd's, January 19, 1911.


Meeting called to order by Pres. In absence of Sec'y Mrs. Herbage acted as Sec'y, Protem.


Minutes were read and approved. Report of Advisory Board read and approved.


On motion of Mrs. Knight, and supported by Mrs. Travis it was decided to have year book printed.


On motion of Mrs. Van Ness, it was decided to hold business meeting once in two months leaving 18 meetings for social and educational work.


On motion by Mrs. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Hansel it was decided that the Club entertain alphabetically.


On motion of Mrs. Knight, it was decided we adopt plan of work as suggested by Advisory Board for coming year taking for our work literature, music and art and Domestic Service. Mesdames House, Van Ness and Evans were elected to assist the advisory board to form plans for year book.


The following named persons were elected as members of the several committees.

Membership: Mrs. Logan, Jr., Mrs. Judin and Mrs Kone.

School Com: Mesdames Price, Holsworth and Herbage.

Health and Hygiene: Mesdmaes Elmer, Cobb and Pfeiffer.

Improvement Com: Mesdames Aucutt, Knight and Rice.


On motion of Mrs. Van Ness, seconded by Mrs. Elmer it was decided that Mrs. Hansel and Mrs. Clapp be retained in their work with the children.


The names of Mrs. Corse, Mrs. Robinson and Miss Corse were presented by Mrs. Kone for membership in Woman's Club and accepted.

On motion of Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Pierson's name was presented for membership and accepted.


Also decided that Advisory Board meet at the home of Mrs. Hurd on Tuesday, January 24th, 1911.


Club adjourned to meet Feb. 2nd, 1911.

Emma Herbage, Sec'y protem


Jan. 24, 1911

Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Woman's Club including several guests were most royally entertained by the 1st division of hostesses as outlined by the Club's yearbook. Mrs. S. G. Anderson in whose house on the Bayshore the ladies were entertained, was assisted by her daughter Miss Anderson and Mrs. Aucutt, the latter having charge of the program. "Character Sketches"


The meeting was opened by Mrs. Burton D. Hurd, president, with a few well chosen words of compliment to the ladies of Collegeport for the interest they have taken in the work the Club is doing, and in their prompt attendance. Mrs. Hurd gave a talk on character building in Collegeport--which greatly appealed to the hearts of all present.


The papers on "Character Sketches" were exceptionally clever by the following ladies:

Julia Ward Howe - Mrs. S. W. House

Burleson - Mrs. W. S. Elmer

McCutcheon - Mrs. N. P. Knight

Henry Van Dyke - Mrs. J. W. Hansel

Milton - Mrs. J. L. Logan, Jr.

James Russell Lowell - Mrs. W. H. Travis

Henry Drummond - Mrs. M. A. Travis


Mrs. Cromier, of Aurora, Ill., a guest of the club paid a tribute to Frances E. Willard, whose memory everyone loves.


Miss Anderson, of Chicago, another guest, gave an excellent paper on Co-educational work in a great city.


Business for the afternoon was principally that of the year book--how many to order. A motion was made and 2nd that 200 books be ordered. Carried.


Mrs. Walter Culp's name was proposed as a member and accepted.


Mrs. House paid 25 cts for dues as did Mrs. Knight (25 cts.)



Myrtle Morris, Cor. Sec'y.


The Woman's Club met at the Hotel Cport Feb. 16, 1911. The hostesses being Mrs. Buchen, Mrs. Cary & Mrs. Clapp. The subjects for the program as outlined in year book was Ancient Music & Origin of Art.


Mrs. Van Ness read a very interesting paper on ancient music. An address by Mrs. Hurd on the origin of art was interesting as well as instructive.


After the program a short business session was held. On motion of Mrs. House the Treasurer was instructed by the club to pay to Mrs. Clapp $4.50 for year books.


On motion of Mrs. Van Ness the club elected Mrs. Knight to act in the capacity of editress. A special invitation was sent to the club to be present at the School Meeting Feb. 20. Subject of major means for prolonging session of public school was discussed after which club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Cobb Mar. 2nd, 1911.


Myrtle Morris, Cor. Sec'y


The Woman's Club met Mar. 2nd at the First Church of Collegeport. Mrs. Cobb & Mrs. Clark being hostesses.


The meeting was opened with reading of the minutes, the approval of which was followed by a Song by Mrs. Elmer, Mrs. Logan & Miss Morris & Miss Leach. This number on Home Sweet Home most applicably fitted the topic of the day taken from the Year Book. Following this Mrs. Pfeiffer gave a short & interesting talk on Thrift in Buying. Mrs. Turner read an admirable paper on the same subject giving excellent advice & experience.


Mrs. Corse then read an instructive and amusing paper on Preparation of Bread. Mrs. House gave a very instructive discourse on Meats & their preparation and Mrs. Knight very wittily spoke on the Left Overs.


Mrs. Kone read a very scholarly essay on Thrift and Mrs. House and Mrs. Herbage each gave their ideas as to the furnishings of a model kitchen. Business session then being in order it was reported that Mrs. Anderson of Red Oak, Iowa had left $1.00 for the treasury of the club.


Mrs. Josephine Spurrier, Mrs. A. R. Livers, Mrs. Mary Schofield, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick were each elected to membership of the club.


In regard to Federating with the State Federation Mrs. Hansel made a motion that we join the federation. Following this motion the matter of deferring decision for awhile was discussed. Mrs. Hansel later withdrew her motion. The visitor of the day were Mrs. F. A. Jones, Mrs. Toman?, Mrs. Talcott. Motion to adjourn was made & seconded & club adjourned at 5:00 P. M.

Grace Smith, Secr'y.


Collegeport Woman's Club met at the Church March 16th the guests of Mrs. Corse, Miss Corse and Mrs. Evans. After the reading and approval of the minutes of last meeting Miss Smith played to Overture to William Tell following which Mrs. Price read an interesting paper on Early Inventions.


Mrs. Culp then read a very instructive paper on Inventions of the 19th Century after which Mrs. Hansel very charmingly sang ______'s Absent. Miss Morris then read a very interesting paper on Electricity and Mrs. Halbert gave a good discourse on Automobiles. Miss Corse & Miss Pearl Corse then entertained us with a mandolin & piano duet.


The meeting was then put in the hands of the Pres. for business session. The bill of Mrs. Knight for 50 postage fees was allowed. Visitor of the day was Mrs. Ross from Red Oak, Iowa. Motion to adjourn was made at 4:30 o'clock.


Grace Smith, Secr'y


Collegeport Woman's Club met March 31st at the First Church Bldg Mrs. Elmer, Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Haisley being hostesses. The church was beautifully decorated with wild flowers & greens giving an inspiring environment for the subject of the day. Ancient Sculpture and Romantic Music.


The opening no. on the program was given by Mrs. Culp who rendered a beautiful solo. This was followed by the rendition of Chopin's Third Ballade by Miss Smith. Mrs. Elmer then gave a most instructive paper on Ancient Sculpture.


Miss Elizabeth Gable from Larned, Kansas sang a beautiful and much appreciated solo.


Mrs. Van Ness then gave a very able talk on Romantic Music showing the difference with types and schools of music.


The Club then guessed the names of songs as swatches of old familiar pieces were played. Following this Mrs. Hurd talked for a few minutes on Ancient Sculpture.


The Business Session was then in order, which was begun with reading of the minutes of last meeting. Mrs. Hansel's resignation as Chairman of Children's Dept. was read & accepted following which a rising vote of thumbs was tendered Mrs. Hansel for her extreme interest shown & benefit given the children. Meeting adjourned at 5 p. m.


Grace Smith Secry


April 13, 1911


The regular business meeting of the Collegeport Woman's Club was held at the house of the Pres. Mrs. Hurd, on Thurs. afternoon April 13, 1911.


The meeting was formally opened by the Pres. The Secry being absent Mrs. Kone was elected Secry Pro Tem.


Minutes of preceding meeting read & approved. Standing Committees reported as follows:


Membership committee report read by Mrs. Kone accepted. The names of Mrs. E. L. Cling and Mrs. E. L. Ford were presented as applicants, and unanimously adopted as members of the club. Attention was called to the fact that a few of the members seem to be dropping out and it was suggested that the Membership Com. inquire into the cause.


Report of the Health & Hygiene Com. made by Mrs. Elmer accepted.


The report from the Educational Com. made, but an interesting talk ensued which voiced the need of a Kindergarten and it was agreed that the individual members of the Club bring to bear the influence upon the school board to secure one.


A motion was made by Mrs. House that the School Board be asked to have the school out buildings white washed and the sanitary condition improved.


This motion was approved and Mrs. Hurd kindly volunteered to communicate with them to this purpose. Motion was made by Mrs. Evans that the Secry be instructed to write a request to the School Board that before adopting plans for the new school Bldg. they confer with a Com. chosen from the Woman's Club. This was carried unanimously & the following Com. was elected.


The Advisory Board, The Education Com., Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. House, Mrs. Travis & Mrs. Kone.


Mrs. Clapp of the Children's Dept. made an interesting report of the work of the Jenny Wren Club. Membership about 28, average attendance 15. The little girls were being taught to sew, with an occasional lesson in other depts. of Domestic Science. 15 min. each session is devoted to Physical Culture.


Appreciation for Miss Anderson's help was expressed and Mrs. Clapp's report accepted with thanks for her noble work. This completed the reports of Coms.  The next matter presented for consideration was the Reception to be held May 11th. Mrs. Hurd kindly tendered her house for the occasion which was accepted upon motion of Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Hurd was requested to appoint her own Com. to assist her.


E. J. Kone, Secry pro tem


The subject of Food Chemistry was discussed at the meeting of the Collegeport Woman's Club held April 27th with Mrs. Hansel. Mrs. Herbage & Mrs. Huffhines as hostesses.


Mrs. Hurd first gave an especially instructive talk on American School of Home Economics. Following this Mrs. Travis read a splendid paper on the Chemistry of Cereals. The Chemistry of Meats was the subject of [a] very interesting paper given by Mrs. Herbage & Mrs. Holsworth after which Mrs. Robinson read a splendid paper on Chemistry of Fruit.


Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Van Ness & Mrs. Culp composed a remarkable trio which demonstrated their ability both in the art of comedy & vocal ability.


Two new members, Mrs. Jesse Davis & Miss Eula Glasser were admitted to the club.


It was then voted to provide Ices & Cakes for the Reception from the club treasury.


The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved following which meeting adjourned at 4:30 P. M.


G. T. S. Secry


On the Evening of May 11, 1911 at the home of Mrs. Hurd occurred the first evening reception of the Woman's Club. After being greeted by the receiving Com. (the various officers) the guests viewed the improvised art Galleries composed of photos of the club members as they were some years ago. There being several contestants who successful[ly] guessed the entire gallery, the prize of a huge bunch of American Beauties was divided among the winners. Ices, cake & punch were served and after a social hour the various guests took their departure thus concluding a very successful and pleasant evening, the first one devoted to the entertainment of the guests of the Collegeport Woman's Club.


Grace Smith, Secry


June 1st at 3 o'clock the members of the Woman's Club assembled at the home of Mrs S. W. House with Mrs. Holsworth and Mrs. House as hostesses. The topic of the day was Travel. Mrs. Culp sang a charming solo in usual sweet and pleasing manner and Mrs. Clapp red a splendidly interesting and vividly descriptive paper on her trip to the Holy Land.


This was followed by an instructive talk by Mrs. Trego on her experiences during various travels.


Mrs. Culp then sang another solo, O Dry Those Tears, which was thoroughly enjoyable.


Mrs. Hurd read a few chapters from 54-40 or Fight illustrating the immigration and pioneer experiences in the Great Northwest. The Business Meeting was then called to order and the minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The Bill for expense for cream & ices at the Reception for 13.20 was allowed & paid. The Resignation of Mrs. Cobb from the Hygiene Com. was accepted. Mrs. Kahnt was elected to assist Mrs. Clapp in the Jenny Wren work. Club adjourned to meet June 8, 1911.


Grace T. Smith Secry


On June 8th 1911 the Cport Woman's Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Smith by Mrs. Judin and Mrs. Knight the subject of the day being Modern Music & Decorative Art. The following program was given & very much enjoyed.

Piano Solo - To Spring - Grieg - Miss Smith

Whistling Solo - Mrs. Clapp

Paper - Modern Music - Miss Dvis

Paper - Growth & Development of Modern Music - Miss Smith

Vocal Solo - Mrs. Culp

Paper - Decorative Art - Mrs. Logan & Mrs. Herbage

Paper - Exterior Decoration - Mrs. Kone

Piano Solo - To a Water Lily - McDowell & Morning - Grieg - Miss Smith

Symposium - The City Beautiful - Mrs. Van Ness, Mrs. House, Mrs. Hansel, Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Clapp

Piano Solo - Norwegian Wedding Procession - Grieg - Miss Smith


The Renditon of the program was followed by the business session. After the reading & approval of the minutes of last meeting it was voted that Mrs. Kahnt assist in the Jenny Wren work. The Pres. asked that the Membership Com. investigate the membership roll and bring it up to date. Mrs. Morris was elected to fill the place on the Hygiene Com. left vacant by Mrs. Cobb's resignation.


Grace T. Smith Secry


June 22nd the Woman's Club assembled at the Collegeport Hotel the guests of Mesdames O. B Kone, O. S. Leach & J. L. Logan, Jr. The subject of the day was Sanitation, Ventilation, Light, Water, Household "Pests." The program was given as follows.


After the rendition of the Program the club adjourned on account of the threatening storm to meet two weeks later at Pavillion the guests of Mrs. Culp & Mrs. Kirkpatrick.


G. T. S. Secry


On July 20, 1911, the program of that date was combined with that of July 6th which could not be given on acct. of rainy weather. Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Culp & Mrs. Maples were the hostesses for the program relating to the history of Japan, Old Mexico and Alaska and Miss Morris, Mrs. Morris & Mrs. Merck were the hostesses for the Oratorio & Dramatic Art program. No business meeting was held, the afternoon being given over to the following program.


History of Japan - Mrs. S. W. House

P___ Portraits - Miss Smith

History [of] Old Mexico - Mrs. Ford

Vocal Solo - Miss Gable

History [of] Alaska - Mrs. Clark

Extracts from letters from Alaska - Mrs. Maples

Extracts from Letters - Mrs. Hurd

Vocal Solo - Miss Gable

Paper - Oratorio - Miss Smith

Paper - Dramatic Art - Mrs. Knight

Solo - Mrs. Culp

Piano Solo - Miss O'Leary?


The regular business meeting of the Cport Woman's Club was held on Aug. 3 at the home of Mrs. Hurd. 20 members present. As no business had been transacted at the 3 previous meetings, the Secr'y Reports of these meetings were read and approved. The Treas. Report for the period from the beginning of the year was read by Mrs. Herbage. On motion it was accepted. Mrs. Knight explained the bill for stamps which was for notices sent to the News and Post. On motion duly made Mrs. Knight was instructed to continue sending Club reports to these papers and the Club are in hopes they may be printed from now on. The Report of the Membership Com. by Mrs. Kone was given and accepted. Mrs. F. H. Jones & Mrs. Powers were admitted to membership. A new member was appointed to serve on this Com. in place of Mrs. Logan resigned.  Mrs. Kirkpatrick was chosen to fill this vacancy.


The Report from the Hygiene Com. was read by Mrs. Elmer and a number of suggestions were given which should be carried out. After the report was accepted, a discussion of hygiene conditions followed and an active crusade will be undertaken by the club. A motion was made & seconded that a com. be appointed to properly renovate, within 10 days, the outhouses of the school. Mrs. Knight is to furnish the oil and lamp black and Mrs. Hurd will see that the work is done.


The Educational Com. failed to give a report. The Report of the Improvement Com. was given by Mrs. Knight, suggesting that the fence for our cemetery might be a worthy move.


The Jenny Wren Club was reported by Mrs. Clapp.


Plans for the club Recep. on Aug. 31 were commenced, an invitation having been read from Mrs. Smith tendering the use of Hurd house for the occasion asking that it be postponed one week from the date specified.


Mrs. Ross asked for assistance with program. Miss Glasser & Mrs. Ford were appointed for this purpose.


Before adjourning, two songs, sung by Mrs. Culp were heartily enjoyed by the club.


As there was no further business, it was moved & sec. that the club adjourn to meet next with Mrs. Pierson & Mrs. Nelson at the home of Mrs. Pierson Aug. 17.


Mrs. Clapp Secr'y Pro Tem


Aug. 17, 1911 the Cport Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Pierson, in whose absence Mrs. Evans occupied the position of hostess. The subject for the day being Domestic Science as Taught in Schools & Colleges. Mrs. House read the first paper on Domestic Science as Applied to Institutions. Mrs. Herbage then followed with The Pros & Cons of Domestic Science in Public Schools. Mrs. Corse also gave a graphic description of the Science as taught today in Modern Schools. Mrs. Hansel described the YWCA equipments for this Science and Mrs. Hurd spoke on the American School of Home Economics, having several of the volumes of this great course of study with her. These were distributed and selections were read by various members of the club.


Following the rendition of the program the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion was made, seconded & carried that the Club Reception be given on Sept. 14, 1911. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was appointed to see Mrs. Pfeiffer with reference to having the Sept. 14 meeting given on Aug. 31 at her home. The Resignation of Mrs. Kone was read and a Com. appointed to wait on Mrs. Kone and ask her to reconsider said Resignation. Motion to adjourn was made & seconded. Same carried.


Grace T. Smith Secr'y


August 31 the Collegeport Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Pfeiffer, discussing religion as the topic of the day. Miss Glasser read a paper on Oriental Religion and the article written by Mrs. Herbage Travis? on Modern Religions of the Day was also much enjoyed. A few numbers on the gramophone were given following the papers & just previous to the business part of the program. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Secry was then instructed to write letters of condolence to Mrs. Kahnt and Mrs. House. The Resignation of Mrs. Clapp from the Jenny Wren leadership was then given and accepted with a unanimous vote of thanks being given Mrs. Clapp for her generous work in the direction. A Committee consisting of Mesdames Kirkpatrick, Culp & Van Ness was appointed to investigate the matter of placing the Jenny Wren work and its development in the school.


The report of Mrs. Evans in regard to the Reception arranged for Sept. 14 was accepted and Com. discharged. This completed the business meeting for the day, a motion to adjourn was made and carried.


Grace Smith, Secry


Sept. 24 the Collegeport Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Ross. The subject of "home making" was the topic of the day. Under the heading, Interior Decoration was ably discoursed upon by Mrs. Kirkpatrick.


Mrs. Travis then read an instructive paper on Health. Following this, Mrs. Hurd gave an exceptional talk on Harmony. The Business part of the meeting was then called to order. The minutes of the last meeting were first read and approved. Following this was the report of the Com. appointed to interview the School Board with reference to placing the Jenny Wren work and its further development in the schools. Report was made by Mrs. Kirkpatrick that interview has not been as yet secured. Discussion ensued with reference to substituting music for the Jenny Wren work. This resulted in the Club instructing the Com. to carry out the first instructions & interview Board as planned. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was appointed chairperson of Membership Com. in place left vacant by Mrs. Kone's resignation.


A letter from Mrs. Duller of Blessing, Tex. was read. Said letter, asking for exhibits to be sent to the Blessing Fair in Nov.


Mesdames Pine & Duckworth, Miss Crabill, Mesdames Dierlam, Halbert & Kern were unanimously elected members of the Club.


Mrs. Smith's bill for 12.85, Reception Expense, was allowed and Secry instructed to draw order on Treas. for amount to be paid as fast as funds are turned in.


Motion made & carried that Club be adjourned.


Grace Smith, Secry


Club Reception given at the home of Mrs. Theo Smith on the eve. of Sept. 14, 1911


Oct. 12th the Club met at the home of Grace Smith. Subject for the day being Modern Paintings and Grand Opera. The program was given as follows.

Origin and Development of Opera - Grace Smith

Life & Works of Wagner - Grace Smith

Lohengrin - It's Detail & Entity - Grace Smith

Piano Selections From Lohengrin  - Bridal Chorus & Swan Song - Grace Smith

Synopsis of Faust - Grace Smith

Vocal - Flower Song from Faust - Mrs. Culp


Following the program the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


Mrs. Smith then announced to the Club the desire of herself & Mrs. Travis to have a Lecture given on the date of the next meeting at which time they were to be the hostesses. The Club voted they be made a Com. to perfect arrangements for having Dr. Sloane of Bay City deliver the lecture on said date - a silver offering to be taken to defray expenses.


Motion to adjourn made & carried.


Grace Smith, Secry


Oct. 26, 1911, Lecture by Dr. Sloane on 20th Century Writers delivered at First Church of Collegeport. No business transacted. Lecture held in the evening and a good crowd present.


Grace Smith Secry


Business meeting was held Nov. 9, 1911 at the home of Mrs. Hurd. Report of the Secr'y was given after the reading and approval of the minutes of preceding meeting. Following this Mrs. Kirkpatrick reported on matter of Jenny Wren work being placed before School Board. An Interview with the Board had been given, & the matter placed before the teachers who desired an outline of the work for the boys to be given before matter was made a part of school work. It was, after some discussion, moved & seconded that the matter of Manual Science being installed in School work be dropped for this year. Treasurer's Report from Aug. 3 to Nov. 23, '11 showing fund exhausted, was then given by Mrs. Herbage. The Report was accepted.


The Report on Membership Committee by Mrs. Kirkpatrick who presented the name of Miss Irene Jacobs for membership to club. She was unanimously elected. It was suggested that Membership Com. revise the list of members and ascertain whether or not they desire to continue their membership. Motion made by Mrs. House to that effect. Same seconded & carried. Report of Hygiene Com. by Mrs. Elmer, was given, showing visits & work among the sick. Report accepted. Educational com. gave no report. Meeting adjourned on motion being made to that effect.


Grace T. Smith Secr'y

There were no minutes for a December meeting, however, the minutes of January 4, 1912 included the following statement: "Minutes of meeting at College Chapel read and approved."




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