Collegeport Woman's Club Minutes



Jan. 14th 1915

Woman’s Club met Jan. 14th 1915 at reading room. Owing to sickness the president was not present. The meeting was called to order by Sec. and Mrs. Woodhouse was chosen as chairman. A letter of New Year’s Greeting was read from Mrs. Hurd.

Action on insuring books. Voted resulting in leaving the subject with Librarian and her com. to do the best they could and insure books. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. M. A. Travis leader of programme. Subject-Education. Mrs. Kahnt read Ruskin’s definition of education. Current events were interesting. Mrs. Kirkpatrick had an interesting paper on books children should read. Prof. Laslie make a good talk on Recreation.


M. H. Pine

Jan 28th 1915

Woman’s Club met 28th Jan 1915 at reading room. Called to order by president. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Woodhouse presented the names of Mrs. Yerxa, Miss Lucy Yerxa and Miss Edna Hunter for membership. Club voted to accept them. Also voted to reinstate Miss Agnes Spence as Mrs. L. E. Liggett. A letter outlining Sorosis Study Course was read and two subjects were chosen Music and Travel.child study. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Morris & Prof. Laslie for the improvement of floor by oiling. A letter of thanks and greeting from Mrs. Gates was read and members were requested to write her cards.

Subject of program Peace in charge of Mrs. Sholl. An article by Mrs. Clapp gave a good definition of the attitude of this country in regard to peace.

A good paper by Mrs. Sholl urging society and schools to observe May 18th as peace day. Discussion followed by Mesdames Travis, Clapp and others. Closed by Mary Louise Clapp singing Tipperary in a very nice way.


Mabel H. Pine

Feb. 11th 1915

Woman’s Club met reading room. Opened by president. Bill for window shades $8.05. Voted to be paid also bill $5.75 for insuring books allowed. Club voted to pay $6.00 to Mr. Sholl for frames for pictures also voted to present a picture to Miss Edna Hunter’s room. Adjourned to witness basket ball game which Prof. Laslie had arranged for the mothers to witness. Called to order after the game by president after welcoming teachers and pupils. She read a history of library written by Mrs. B. D. Hurd one of the founders of it after which a social hour was enjoyed and a free to all lunch was served by librarian and her committee to 140 persons.


M. H. Pine

Feb. 25th 1915

Met at usual place. Called to order by president. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Bill of 46 ct. expressage on goods sent to Houston allowed. Also bill of $3.90 for glass for pictures was voted to be paid. Discussion of furnishing comforts for a bed in Orphan’s Home – moved by Mrs. Kirkpatrick seconded by Mrs. Clapp that the club take the matter up and make a beginning on Mar 4th meeting. The Advisory board was to take charge of nominating officers.

Program – Music in charge of Mrs. Van Ness. Current events was on music. Music in the Town by Mrs. Sholl was good. Music in the School by Miss Edna Hunter was interesting followed by Music in the Home by Mrs. Yerxa which was very good. Mrs. Clapp read an interesting article on Rhythm. Mrs. Culp’s article on music and the imagination of the child and Mrs. Duckworth subject Filling the Home Music Cabinet were very interesting. Music and Spirituality closed an instructive program enjoyed by all.

M. H. Pine

Mar 4th 1915

Woman’s Club met Mar. 4th for the election of officers. Club voted to pay one dollar [to] help pay Mrs. Van Buren’s expense to the div. meeting at Bryan. Motion by Mrs. M. A. Travis second by Mrs. Clapp to pay one dollar to place Mrs. Cunningham on the honor roll.

Report of Cor. Sec. read and accepted. Motion by Mrs. Roy Nelson seconded by Mrs. Woodhouse that we send our president as delegate to Bryan in April. Motion by Mrs. Morris second by Mrs. Travis that Mrs. Van Ness as alternate. Mrs. Van Ness, Mrs. Morris & Mrs. Kahnt were appointed to draw up resolutions of sympathy and send to the Hurd family because of their recent loss of Mrs. Annie Hurd whom we all loved as an active member. Election of officers resulted in electing Mrs. Sholl Pres., Mrs. Clapp V. P., Mrs. Pine Sec. & Mrs. Judin Treas., Mrs. Liggett Cor. Sec.

Mrs. Pine

Mar 11th 1915

Met at reading room. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Program Civics-Beautify Our Town. A paper from Mrs. Elmer was read by Mrs. Clapp contained many good suggestions. Discussions followed methods of beautifying school grounds. Miss Hunter’s remarks were good and a good plan of planting trees was presented by Mr. Laslie.


M. H. Pine

Mar 25th 1915

Woman’s Club met at library Mar 25th. 26 present. Opened by president. Motion by Mrs. Van Ness second by Mrs. Morris that a voluntary contribution be given by each one to help pay our delegate’s way to Bryan. Program: Subject - Home Economics. A letter of thanks was read from Faith Home at Houston for our box. Current events were good. Favorite recipes were given by nearly every one present and proved a very interesting and profitable time. Mrs. Yerxa’s paper on cheese in the diet was good and helpful followed by remarks by Mrs. Sholl on nuts & cheese being used instead of so much meat in the home. Mrs. Travis outlined the method of cheesemaking which interested all. Mrs. Nelson read a tribute to the cooks present. A demonstration followed consisting of cake, strawberries and whipped cream which was excellent and closed a program thoroughly enjoyed by each one present.

Mrs. Pine

Woman’s Club met [at] the home of Mrs. Theo Smith. Called to order by president. There being no business the program was in charge of Mrs. Culp who opened the program by a talk on the Polish composer a selection from Schuman Trumeri was played by Mrs. Van Ness followed by a reading by Mrs. Boody on the life of Schuman which was very interesting. Slumber Song was played by Mrs. Van Ness and Miss Edith Soekland was good. Poland Her Spirit and Her Music by Mrs. Sholl covered the subject nicely.

The minuet by Patrewski was played by Dorothy Kirkpatrick and was nicely performed. Melody in F from Rubenstein was sung by Mrs. Liggett was fine. Polish composers by Mrs. Kahnt.

Miss Annie Van Ness & mother played a polish dance.

A double number by Miss Leone Yerxa and Mrs. Van Ness was fine.

A sketch of the Life of Chopin and How Rubenstein Played the Piano by Mrs. Kirkpatrick was well rendered. Schuman’s Spring and Thou Art Like a Flower by Mrs. Culp was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Tenny and Mrs. Van Ness played a waltz from Chopin by Mrs. ___ was fine. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Culp for furnishing so good a program also to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for use of home to have the program.

Apr 22nd 1915

Woman’s Club met at reading room Apr 22nd. Opened by president minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Report of Librarian on box social read. net proceeds $9.25. Dis[cussion] of outing.

Program Nature Study in charge of Mrs. Herbage. Paper by Mrs. Liggett on Cultivation was interesting. Birds by Mrs. Nelson was good. Followed by a touching poem by Mrs. Duckworth entitled The Voice of the Voiceless.

A report of convention by Mrs. Sholl was enjoyed by all. Bird Day in Our Public School by Mr. Laslie telling of the harm in killing useful birds.

Closed by remarks by chairman of home school work. Mrs. Van Ness to vote of thanks was given Mr. Laslie for his help and cooperation with us this year.


Mrs. F. M. Pine Rec. Sec

May 1915

Woman’s Club met at reading room. Called to order by president. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Committee on outing reported a boat could be secured. Discussion of outing resulted in leaving the subject with library committee.

Condition of pavilion discussed. Motion by Mrs. Travis sec. by Mrs. Kirkpatrick to buy box of paint and paint over the obscene places.

Program in charge of Mrs. Liggett was Panama and Latin America. Panama by Mrs. Judin. An Article entitled America’s Greatest Gift to the World contributed by Mrs. White read by Mrs. Liggett. Puerto Rico was discussed. Suggested by Mrs. Liggett that we have a special program on this sub.


Mrs. M. H. Pine

June 4, 1915

Business meeting of Club at Library June 4th. Opened by pres. Reading of minutes. Report of Librarian was read and accepted. Motion by Mrs. Kirkpatrick that we have same printed in next week’s papr. Report of Sec. read and accepted also of Treasurer. Dis[cussion] of entertainment for young people, on motion of Mrs. Kirkpatrick the sub[ject] was left to Librarian and com[mittee] to appoint their helper. Constitution and ByLaws read by request of Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Talk by Mrs. B. D. Hurd on Tex. Woman’s Fair to be held at Houston.

Mrs. Pine



Oct 7th 1915

Woman’s Club met at Reading room called to order by Pres. Reading of minutes of last meeting accepted. Moved and sec. that the bid $1.30 for the gal[vanized]? Tin for windows be paid. Carried. The bill of $6.30 for printing year books was voted to be paid. The sub[ject] of sending a del[egate] To state con[vention] was deferred till a later date. It was moved and sec. that Miriam Glasser be appointed school Librarian.

The names of Mrs. Ward Clemens, Mrs. Roberts and Miss Leone Yerxa were presented to the club for membership. After voting on each name separately they were accepted. Program for dis[cussion] was Community Confederation. Leader Mrs. Travis, who gave a splendid paper. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Wright were not present.


Oct 21st 1915

Woman’s Club met usual place. Called to order by Pres. Reading of previous meeting read and accepted. Motion by Mrs. Kirkpatrick sec. by Mrs. Clapp that the better babies contest be held at Fair. Nov 19th-20th. Carried Mrs. Clapp chairman of com. to secure a physician to act. Decided to hold contest according to Woman’s Home Journal score cards. The sending of del[egate] to state con[vention] was dis[cussed]. Result the sub[ject] was dropped. The Program making Farm Life Popular in charge of Mrs. Clapp assisted by several ladies and was a very interesting program.

Meeting adjourned


Nov. 4th 1915

Woman’s Club met usual place. Called to order by pres. Minutes of previous meeting read. Mrs. Clapp reported as chair of Better Babies contest. Mrs. T. C. Morris reported seven dollars proceeds of Halloween social. Meeting turned over to Mrs. Van Ness chairman Educational dept. Home School who made some good suggestions in line with subject.

Prof. Laslie’s subject, Measuring Efficiency in Educational Work was good. Play in Education by Miss Griffits was interesting. Making Music the Child Language by Mrs. Van Ness was very good and closed program.

Mrs. Pine Sec.

Nov 18th 1915

Woman’s Club met at Library. Called to order by Pres. Reading of minutes of last meeting. There was no business so the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Kirkpatrick chairman of Home Economics who opened program by some good suggestions on cooking followed by Mrs. Sholl sub. Is Your Cooking in a Rut? which contained some good thoughts on arranging meals. What Am I Feeding My Family by Mrs. Pine. How I Use Bread Crumbs by Mrs. Clapp was good. Reducing the Dr.’s Bill by Mrs. Liggett was interesting. To Get Rid of the Fly by Mrs. Morris was helpful and closed program.



Dec 16th 1915

Woman’s Club met at the home of Mrs. T. C. Morris. Called to order by Pres. Minutes of previous meeting read. The names of Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Carrick & Mrs. Heck were presented for membership and were unanimously voted in. No further business. Meeting was turned over to Mrs. Van Ness in charge of Musical Program. A piano duet by Mrs. Van Ness and Lizzie Will Morris opened program followed by piano solo by Mrs. Evelyn Logan. Reading Music as Xmas by Mrs. Kahnt. Chorus Glory to God by the choir. Solo, Silent Night by Miss Leone Yerxa. Solo Song of Bethlehem by Mrs. Clemens. Piano duet, Nazareth by Mrs. Van Ness & Miss Miriam Glasser. Solo Angel’s Song by Mrs. Liggett. Reading of some Xmas carols by Mrs. Clapp. Shepherds Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep by choir closed the program which was enjoyed by all present.

Sec. Mabel Pine







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